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Re: A Different Kind of Practice [Æros]

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:25 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"We're not boring," Hilana was cheerful. "We just have interests in subjects others find boring. But if we didn't study them, or those who came before us didn't, life would be pretty dull and tasteless," she was thoughtful. "Not to mention short and dangerous. Variety is the spice of life... but knowledge we can feast on. But why does Elementalism not interest them as much? I thought it was one of the most popular Runes. Is that why?" Her head tilted. Most contact that she had with the Saelyans was with Æros and Palaemon, and she did know that Palaemon's dedication to his craft was almost singularly-focused, what with Summoning to accompany it.

It really did lend strength to the suggestion that she needed to acquire that Rune too, if only because that adorable little elemental that was Palaemon's Aidolon had made itself so small while hiding what all it was capable of. That was fascinating. Plus, she remembered how it had waved at her, and as a result, Hilana had always taken to greeting it when they came across one another. It would not do to offend the spirits, after all.

At Æros' interjection of an explanation, considering he'd been content to let her and Palaemon babble at each other for a while while he was recuperating from his efforts, her attention returned to him as she felt Fiya moving down from her bun to her shoulders, and from her shoulders down towards her hands. The smaller female was a little more active than Tiaz was, and Hilana did not mind. The little grey snake had a curiosity to her that she normally anticipated from more slender snakes, but every snake had their own personality. Where Tiaz was content to laze and bask, and occasionally visit with people he approved of, Fiya generally stayed with her Mama so far. But she was young, it was acceptable.

"That does make sense," Hilana was thoughtful. "I'll have to have a look in my books tonight for more information on that. I've mostly looked at Wood... but I want to visit them all, and attune to all of them. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing thoroughly. And who knows, maybe I'll meet a fun little spirit like Dominus Palaemon's to make friends with," she beamed at the little water elemental. That might indeed be fun. She already enjoyed hearing the whispers of those four elements that she did so far have access to... but she was a friendly girl, and she was all too happy to make the acquaintance of others. "How are you feeling, by the by, Dominus?" She was curious to know if her creation had helped, and what he was feeling now.

Re: A Different Kind of Practice [Æros]

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:01 am
by Aeros
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“You’re right that without the expertise of people like us, many facets of society would suffer or simply never have been developed,” Palæmon began his response with a short laugh.

The second question had pulled a more thoughtful expression to the surface, however.

“I’m…not really sure. I suppose it’s because, maybe, when one compares Elementalism to Masquerade, Masquerade has always been more useful to the artists of my kin given that it is more creatively versatile and, for example, illusory fire cannot cause harm to spectators the way elemental fire can. Mesmer is always a crowd pleaser for performers of all sorts, even orators of a more political lean, and Semblance is infinitely useful to everyone– so I suppose when compared to the top three the rest of my family have it just…falls short for their purposes? And many are not willing to risk more than two initiations.” he paused for a moment.

“My brother has it, as does one of Æros’ sisters– though he was drawn to earth and uses it now mostly for sculptural purposes while she was drawn to wind.” There were others, but not many, and these two were the ones with whom he was most familiar.

Whilst it was that Palæmon mused about the subject, his Aidolon wound itself around his limbs idly, as if making a game of the action to entertain itself. If Hilana looked closely at it, at points, she might see the approximation of a face smiling back at her– something more akin to a child’s drawing than anything one might see on a living creature, but still, it was the thought that counted, no? And if it ever caught little Fiya’s attention, it would move around in a bid to entertain the little serpent, too.

“I’ll give him something more substantial to read on the subject as well,” Palæmon responded with a laugh. “Aether is one of the more esoteric attunements, but at least with the wealth of mages we have here, we’ve no shortage of literature on the rune as a whole.”

“Wood is infinitely useful for anyone that deals much with plantlife in any form or fashion, to be frank,” he’d add moments later.

The little anthropomorphic face reappeared upon the part of the spirit Hilana was looking at, and its smile turned to a grin– clearly appeased at the thought.

Æros almost rolled his eyes given how close this skirted the concept of homework, but if he were honest with himself, he would benefit from actually reading more on what Elementalists could do with elemental aether.

But to Hilana’s question, “Better, thank you for asking– I’ve certainly felt worse, at least. Overuse of fire really makes the blood feel like it’s boiling, though…so I’ll have to remember that, as it’s particularly unpleasant.”
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Re: A Different Kind of Practice [Æros]

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:50 am
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana listened to Palaemon's explanation. That did track with what she knew of House Saelyan. Their choice of aesthetics over actually-produced elements for the appearances of entertaining did make sense. The use of earth for sculptural purposes also made sense to her; that was a lesson Hilana had spent some time teaching herself. Understanding form was helpful to understanding the shapes that she was producing with her Elementalism, and the more you practiced, the better-tuned your abilities became.

Palaemon's Aidolon was constantly catching her eye with those funny expressions it was making, and that pleased and delighted her to no end. She was certainly capable to multitasking in a conversation, and while her gaze was primarily on the Moonborn paedagogus, she was watching for the faces that the playful water spirit was making, and though it was childish, she might have crossed her eyes at it a few times encouragingly. Fiya remained in her hair, though the snake's tongue was flickering as she scented the air. Doubtless the young python was keen to investigate and possibly hunt, but then again, most young snakes were ready for a meal at any hour of the day or night.

"That will be interesting, though, to see. Aether. I wonder what that Plane is like," she was thoughtful. Tiaz chose that moment to shift over Hilana's shoulders and move his head enough to change his position and hide it under one of his coils. When Æros commented about the aftereffects, she nodded. "I had someone come in a week ago with black spots on their hands from deep frostbite from using too much air. I'd never seen anything like it, but Vasilei said they were lucky they didn't shred that arm to ribbons." The steel-grey juvenile snake left Hilana's hair, and started to make her descent down over her face while the Vastiana had to pause in what she was saying to allow the noodle the opportunity to work her way down and work her way through Tiaz's coils to get down to Hilana's hands. "I cleaned him up and we had to called in a necromancer to restore the flesh faster since he wasn't willing to wait for the alchemical potions to work. I think I've been fortunate in that I tend to stop when I start feeling the warning signs."

She wouldn't always have that opportunity, though, and she knew she had to make her peace with that.

Re: A Different Kind of Practice [Æros]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:11 pm
by Aeros
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Because of his overexertion, Æros was more keen to listen than to speak. Uncharacteristic, perhaps, but fair for the circumstance. The story of the unfortunate mage's frostbite was an interesting one; Hilana must see a lot of patients that serve as cautionary tales, what with how prevalent magic was and how…cavalier with it some folks could be.

Palæmon's Aidolon was responsive to Hilana's interactions with it, though the spirit's attentions were split between her and her little serpent friend. It adored and admired the living overall but was softer on animals, for they lacked many of man's follies. And while it could not form language on its own, it could convey its emotions, as well as ideas in abstraction, to its partner, who, at this point, was adept at interpreting these often eldritch communications.

Palæmon giggled; “My Aidolon– Ssaravesh– has taken a real shine to you, Hilana; no wonder, really, given your natural ease with the elements.”

His countenance then quickly evened out. “But it doesn't surprise me that somebody's recklessness with air bore a result of that nature. Heat is a finicky thing and it's all too easy to pull far too much of it out of the air.”

He looked to Æros, “...I know you're adept with magic, but Elementalism is…different from what you're used to wielding. Mesmer, Masquerade, Semblance are all…incorporeal, cerebral things.”

His concern was palpable and his point was made, leading him to not elaborate much further. The older elf wasn't trying to scold the younger, he was just all too aware of Æros’ penchant for reckless behavior. And with the very corporeal damage Elementalism could cause, it wasn't as if he could just wipe away his mistakes with Mesmer.

“My curiosity to explore the Aether realm is what drives me to be a bit more…haphazard, though I understand the risks. It's just that I can't even begin that journey until I've honed my skills quite a bit more,” Æros commented with a sigh.

Palæmon cast him a look, eyes slightly narrowed. “And I am more than happy to help you toe the line of balance, Æros; injuring yourself would only slow your journey.”

“Point taken,” Æros knew the other was right, here. “That being said, I ought to rest, then, so that I may resume my training sooner, no?”

He began to stand, though he wasn't the most stable. Palæmon moved, ready to potentially assist him if necessary.

“Sorry to rush you out Hilana, but he's right; it was good to see you, though,” Palæmon added with his gaze cast back onto her.
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Re: A Different Kind of Practice [Æros]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:14 pm
by Hector


Points: 3 Semblance, 7 mundane
Loot: None


Points: 10 Elementalism
Loot: None

Notes: Sorry to end such a cute thread abruptly, but I would like to close out as much of Æros' older content as possible to better focus on the present. I'm happy to start something new if you'd like.