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Re: The Lion's Share. [Valentin]

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 6:50 pm
by Eitan Angevin
For her part, Delia was unperturbed by the reading of the will. She knew that she and her daughter's futures were secure as Dornkirks, and she would still receive monies from her dear departed father. She was more pleased that, as difficult as their father had been, he had eventually relented and shown Eitan a modicum of respect. He was too meticulous for this to have been a mistake. Her mother and grandmother would be kept, and she would not have to act as an intermediary if her brother decided to use those funds for the advancement of Zaichaer.

Captain Angevin recovered his aplomb as Herr Valentin continued. He nodded slowly.

Were he listening to anyone other than an expert in financial matters, he might have scoffed at the idea of bandits. Any airship he flew would be nigh invulnerable with the wardings he placed upon it.

"No, that amount of gold would merely weigh our islands down. It would remain more liquid in the hands of the Guild so long as we are able to utilize it. The goal isn't to drain the treasury, but to make smart, aggressive investments." The oligarchy would, perforce, propagate itself. House Angevin had been royal historically; now it was just an old family whose roots were steeped in political and economic power. They would remain so.

"These are unusual times," he reminded the factor with a small smile. "And I suppose we are unusual people. Do you have any recommendations, Herr Valentin?" It was likely he would hire some Zaichaeri whose talents were better suited for this sort of thing than anything they could do in Zaichaer proper, but a Gelerian or Haqsian counterpart could partner well with them.

Re: The Lion's Share. [Valentin]

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:19 pm
by Valentin

"Investments I leave to minds more able than my own." lied Valentin, "But I wonder- have you considered creating your own vehicle to attract such investment? With the Eclipse, I know that people have been wary of speculation, but there is a great patriotic desire to contribute to the welfare of our dispossessed cousins. Doubtless you would see people of property in the Duchy, at least, interested in an opportunity to help."

They would be vultures, of course, seeking only an opportunity to strip whatever healthy meat was left on Zaichaer's carcass; but that was not really Valentin's concern. And there were many ways for a savvy fund to turn around and cut the throats of the very investors hoping to make the killing.

Felix's face, already unreadable, was now alien to the expressions of man. Plainly he wasn't sure if Valentin was suggesting this on behalf of the Palace- it wouldn't do to counsel against the Emperor's own wishes, but it was equally dangerous to endorse such a venture without knowing how the court felt about it.

"But perhaps I can be of some small service." the lawyer moved on, letting his notion of a corporate fund fade, "Now, I understand that your government did not sanction the use of Traversion; understandable, it is a dangerous power even with proper oversight, and a veritable gift to subversives. Still, it is fundamentally very helpful in certain difficult matters of logistics. For that reason, the Imperium keeps a small cohort of functionaries trained in the art. If you were interested in establishing some manner of financial relationship with our government, I am quite sure I could convince them to transport such Guild personnel and documents as are necessary to create a seamless line of communication and credit."

Obviously there were easier ways to establish lines of communication, but they really weren't any substitute for having close access to various and sundry officers and officials. In Valentin's experience, you could apply a lot more pressure when you could knock on someone's door that day than if they could plausibly claim they hadn't seen your letters.

"Well, enough of that out of me, I think. I wouldn't like to seem to pressure you- it merely frustrates me that as disaster wracks the East, so many of the wealthy here seem content to sit idle."

Re: The Lion's Share. [Valentin]

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 3:53 am
by Eitan Angevin
While Mrs. Dornkirk made her subtle show of deferring to her brother, she paid close attention to Felix. She knew Eitan wouldn't make any stupid snap decisions, so they would be conferring about this later and she wanted to have some unique observations to share rather than just her own opinions on how they should precede. She was grateful that she and her half-brother worked better together than she ever had with her full sisters, patriots to the end though they might have been.

"We would certainly entertain proposed offers of help," Angevin replied smoothly. Valentin had the advantage of surprise in some ways; Angevin had never imagined his father would have made this decision except in dead boyish fantasies. This was an eventuality he hadn't planned for, but he had learned strategy at the knee of a fabled admiral and was now a player in the negotiations between various factions seeking to be the power players in the future of Zaichaer. When he returned to Zaichaer, he was going to have to bypass home in order to meet with Vonnegut and Reichart and hope he could play them into his hand and against certain other powers that were making their allies and making their plays.

"Traversion falls under the purview of the Order of Reconciliation in Zaichaer. I am certain arrangements can be made for ease of travel between the High City and the Imperial capital." Certainly that would be better than the Imperial "aid" already flying through their airspace. Perhaps he ought to have brought a certain member of the Order along with him on this personal business, a Mesmer and a Sembler of some power, who could help him suss out exactly how everyone was trying to take advantage of them while they were divided, the better to help him strategize his defense.

Re: The Lion's Share. [Valentin]

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:09 pm
by Valentin

"Well, then, I think our business is concluded."

Valentin offered the couple a smile--genuine, though all of the man's expressions looked a little bit like artifice--and rose smoothly to his feet, inclining his head to each of his guests in turn. Despite Felix's guarded demeanor, he knew the idea would fester in the Guildsman's mind. The acolytes of Avenna stood in a position the average man could only dream of, making assured and endless profit, but they were nonetheless some of the hungriest men and women Valentin knew. Those assured of their own victories sought endlessly to make them greater, the dreams of even more totalizing profit swamping the subtle whispers of cautious minds.

The lawyer gathered his file with practiced motions, sweeping the papers together and sifting them into a neat stack with a single, two-part motion, then folding them away into a manilla folder. Valentin reached down and hooked his glass of wine, draining the dregs in a single pull before setting it back on the table.

"Please, do not feel rushed- when you are ready, I shall escort the two of you back to the main hall. The secretary there will have all the papers you'll need, including my address in the unlikely event that you should need to contact me as a witness. Do not hesitate to contact me if there is any need; after all, I am His Majesty's servant. Felix, as always, a pleasure."

The friendly dismissal broke the Guildsman out of his thought, and the man mumbled pleasantries as he escaped back out the door. Probably he would have to write some kind of memo, to whomever within Avenna's faithful he stood accountable. Servants to greater masters both of them, he supposed, though he wondered if the other man even saw the chains.

Divines, he wished he could inspect the Guild's books. The irregularities would tell tales grander than any of the old legends, he was certain. A hand grasping the world entire, a priesthood in banker's attire. What sort of excesses and scandals did they carry in secret? He wasn't one of the lunatics who held that they truly ruled the world, of course; he knew well enough from mediating between the Guild and the functionaries of the Palace of Spires that no such power existed. Still, no taxman could help but want to audit the bank itself.

The uncomfortable thought occurred to him that perhaps he should not even be thinking about such things while standing inside the Guild's building. Who could say what would be carried to Avenna as a prayer? He refocused his attention on the visiting Zaicheri.

"Have you any further questions?"

Re: The Lion's Share. [Valentin]

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:07 pm
by Eitan Angevin
Both the Zaichaeri left the littlest of sips in their glasses, a perfunctory show of the virtue of moderation. Angevin stood and offered his sister his hand; Mrs. Dornkirk took it and rose as well.

"No, I think we have taken up enough of your time, sir," he said. They thanked the Guildsman and kept pace with Valentin as he showed them out. They made pleasant small talk en route to the main hall, collected paperwork as well as Valentin's contact information.

Once outside in the blustery air, Angevin spoke more plainly. Perhaps he too was leery of the prying eyes of a demigoddess.

"Sir," he began, "our gratitude is sincere, but on a parting note... as you may be aware, we of Zaichaer do not worship the gods, but prefer to work toward progress and the evolution of our race under our own steam. While we recognize that treating with the Guild of Coin is a necessary evil, we would prefer to conduct as much of our business without them as possible. Render unto the Emperor what is his, of course." He made a gesture in the direction of the Palace of Spires. "But we would prefer that people benefit from our investments - our own, as well as our friends abroad. I do hope you will be one of the latter."

His smile was sincere as he put out his hand to shake. Angevin would much rather have the admiration of a man like Valentin than an entire guild of lickspittles.

Re: The Lion's Share. [Valentin]

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:33 pm
by Valentin

"Fairly said, good Captain."

Valentin took Eitan's hand, but did not immediately release it.

"I hope you will forgive me one last word; the powers that rule in Karnor watch your city now with ravenous eyes. It is not clear--auf keinen Fall!--to many of them yet what Zaichaer is now or can become, but once they have decided whether you are partner or victim, they will surely begin to move. I do not envy you the road ahead, nor do I presume to tell you what is best for the people... but it will not be long before His Imperial Majesty's less scrupulous servants begin trying to convince the court that there is more to gain in your city's misfortune than its success."

The lawyer let Eitan's hand go, stepping back and adjusting his coat and frock.

"Of course, his Majesty is a wise and generous man, so I do not say he would be swayed by such things! Still, it is better, you know, to get out ahead of such villainy than to wait for the whisperers to grow bold. Best of luck to you, Captain, Frau Dornkirk. I do hope we will meet again- and in better circumstances, too." The man offered the lady a polite smile and inclined his head, then hastened out the door, on whatever other work of the Imperium's internal affairs was occupying him.

When the two exited the Guildhall, the late morning air had begun to warm, but it was still unseasonably brisk; the effects of the seemingly endless Great Eclipse. An airship trundled across the sky towards Dardoun, doubtless intent on ferrying some vital shipment back from the breadbasket of the Empire, and Kathar were visible on the flanks of the important buildings of administration and commerce. Lacquer-black cars rolled slowly through the streets, drivers shouting to get pedestrians out of their noble occupants' way.

The bustling street was, for a moment, like a reflection of Zaichaer of old. And it seemed just as impossible that it would all end in moments.

Re: The Lion's Share. [Valentin]

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 5:51 pm
by Finn

Experience: 10 xp, usable for magic (Valentin).

Injuries: n/a

Loot: +1 inheritance for Eitan and Delia (not actual coin; going to use for RP purposes in Zaichaer under Rune's auspices)
+1 contact in Gel'Grandal/Zaichaer

Note: Rimblade makes lawyers fun to play with. I do not understand this magic, but I appreciate it.