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Re: Multifaceted III

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 11:50 am
by Aeros
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Æros listened as the others spoke, his emotions ebbing and flowing as his mind flickered between the present, his death, and the past. The relative safety and stability of the present situation was oddly jarring in comparison to what had happened earlier that day and while he was doing his best to relax, it was taking a moment for him.

“Possession…” he interjected after a bit of silence. “I suppose it shouldn’t be that hard for me to figure that out.”

After a small pause, “...and depending on how my kin react, finding a host, even if…even if I’ll need to be passed between different people shouldn’t be hard.” He certainly hoped this would be the case.

Lia’s optimism was not dissimilar to Hilana’s, and the perspective that he might get the chance to ‘choose’ a new body with boundless energy and, perhaps, other traits that suit him gave him some degree of hope– even if the thought itself is slightly macabre.

“You do have a point, Lia; incorporeality does give some a certain type of freedom I’d otherwise never have.”

For a moment, the apparition’s gaze would linger on Lia, thinking about something, then his sight shifted to Lykos. “Are you sure? About…scent. Lia, I don’t think that she’s quite the same as that which tricked me; I think that creature was more like whatever it was that mocked Hilana by taking her face. Do you think they’d have the same sort of scent signature to Lia? Or would they be too different? I don’t even know if what got to me was a twisted reflection of Khyan or a monster wearing his face…” Æros trailed off, his voice forlorn but his ghostly visage empty.

“I’ve half a mind to think that such a thing was a creation of those elves within the obelisk, but that can’t be it, can it? With the destruction of those elves, would constructs of theirs not perish in turn? So…I don’t know. Maybe it lingers because they were all bound to a greater master, maybe it was an opportunistic critter that read me like a book, I…can’t say, and I hate that…so much,” he was frustrating himself; not having the answers, not being able to reach a conclusion, not knowing the nature of that which had caused his demise– these things bore down with a crushing sort of anguish.

Æros was a man wont to drive himself mad all on his own; it’s why he spiraled at the cusp of adulthood; it’s why he turned to drink, to drugs. The most unfortunate part is that what had saved him was his magic; his uncle had taught him to weave his Mesmer such that when he felt himself spiraling, he could grant himself stability with a flex of aether. And while he still had to deal with the physical withdrawals of his vices, such a technique had allowed him to sever his mental dependencies. He’d worked diligently to master doing this in preparation to take over his house’s seat in the senate and it’d worked out quite well! …the problem was that now, well, his coveted coping mechanism was well beyond his reach. None of his runes responded to him in this state, which only served to frustrate him more.

“...but what then if we even manage to find anything…? I’m a husk of myself. I doubt I’d even be able to do anything…” Cut from his magic, Æros felt worthless, and apparently, his attempts to calm himself had failed.
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Multifaceted III

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:51 pm
by Rickter
Multifaceted III
Glade 60th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.
Lykos could only gently nod in response to Lia's sudden inquiry, quick to conclude that such a subtlety would be problematic down the road. The conversation overall had been daunting to mull over, if only because the lupine demigod still felt overwhelmed by everything. It had been a rather turbulent day for him already, and while the food had comforted him with the respite he needed, it became glaringly obvious how much he was out of his element here.

"Well, whoever or whatever we're seeking out, I can say there is a distinct odor to it." His somber eyebrows rose briefly when he realized the implication, before his gaze rested on Lia personally as a result of the statement. "Not to say you have an odor personally... It's... tricky to explain." Given his disposition as a sharp-nosed demigod, there remained a lot which he could pick up on with his nose. Not that it mattered at the moment, since they were all discussing the important cliffnotes of their predicament.

Aeros had questions related to the possibility of finding whatever entity was responsible for their situation. Be it servant or master it mattered little, Lykos felt solely inclined to corner it like the rat it was, and put it to an end for all the machinations that were in play. Whatever role or part it served, he'd see it undone in whatever manner he could. "I think we're better off focusing on recuperating. As it stands, we're all beaten and weary from whatever transpired under that tree. Certainly in no condition to consider pursuing these avenues as of now."

The remark was followed by more of the servants bringing out cooked meats, and while the wolf's gaze followed them to the table where the platters were provided, he also found a loosely confident smile resting at the corners of his lips. These were people that were helping him recover in both body and hopefully mind, something that he would never forget should he ever reclaim what he'd sacrificed. As much as he yearned for it and for answers, the exhaustion was enough to lead him to settle, and in turn, accept where he currently was now.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: Multifaceted III

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:42 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"There's many structures that are made to last after the death of the creator," Hilana pointed out. "So they may very well have made it, or were set to guard it... We can't possibly know." She had a long drink from the cup, closing her eyes. She was exhausted. She hated to admit it, but having her Elementalism Rune ripped out and then going through the initiation again at Master Level, the way her body had churned into the elements themselves... was kind of terrifying. It was debilitating, even if she wanted to keep a brave face and a sturdy one, because she had to - she was the only one alive and familiar with what was going on. Lia had come from the Void. Lykos had come from abroad. While Æros had had friends in high places... she couldn't know if he had ever been involved with any level of Sentinel plans, aside from the time he had been questioned after coming face to face with the Bride of Bridles. And he was dead, clearly traumatized and spiraling, and she needed to try to keep him calm and on some measure of level. She didn't know how this tether between them worked, but she tried to press calm feelings towards him. He needed to try to rest. He was dead, certainly, but trying to calm down and be rational was going to be key.

Even if what had happened to them was beyond all imagining.

But getting excited and frantic wouldn't be of any help whatever.

"Lykos is right. Let's just slow down for a little bit. We've done an awful lot today, and I think we do need to try to calm down and just rest. We'll make some notes, figure out what we know and what we don't know as much as we can while it's fresh, and then we can come back to it later. Æros needs to practice materialization, Lykos definitely needs to rest, and so does Lia." Hilana pointed out.

"And you as well," Athalia told her quietly. "You might be able to fool everyone else, but you need to rest, too. All of that energy won't help you if you are too exhausted to be able to use it right. Your Rune was ripped off of your very soul, and forced back into it, Hilana. By all rights you should be unconscious after that re-initiation. You could have died. You need to rest. Eat, recover, and rest."

Hilana just smiled at her. "Eat," she agreed. "Focus on making part of yourself visible and present," the younger sister advised Æros. She had no idea if that was how a ghost could manage, but she imagined that was how one would have to start. Think about what you wanted, and then make it so. Manifest it.

Re: Multifaceted III

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:46 pm
by Talisman

Name: Æros

XP: 10 Points, may be used for Materialization
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Name: Lykos

XP: 10 Points, no Magic
Injuries/Ailments: Tiredness, but will be gone in a few days. Absolutely starving.
Loot: None

Name: Hilana

XP: 10 Points, no Magic
Injuries/Ailments: Exhaustion, start of a migraine.
Loot: None

Notes: And so concludes Multifaceted. Many angles, many paths to take forward... for all of them.