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Re: Common Ground and Common Bonds [Closed]

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:29 pm
by Raithen
The Avialae nodded as he fed himself, trying to remain perfectly polite despite how his insides were ravenous now that they were being fed. The Divine Hunger that had come with his service to Divine Avaerys was not something to be trifled with.

At the mention of the Void-Demon his expression turned from enjoyment and contentment to something much harder, much darker, but he pushed the thoughts of vengeance away and schooled his features back to something pleasant. He would have what had been promised him, and he could be patient. None of those gathered here had done anything to earn his wrath, and all of them seemed to have done what they could to protect and care for those he cared for, they did not deserve any harm.

It was easy to be pulled back into the tale, particularly when Hilana said her sister's name, for he had heard her speak of her elder before. His brows rose until they were hiding in his unruly hair at the knowledge that the woman sitting at the table with them was a version of Athalia from an alternate timeline. Time manipulation was not unknown among the elite of his extended family, but it wasn't something he'd ever attempted to wrap his own mind around.

Pausing his eating to take a long drink from his glass he didn't stare at the creation of void and will, but it was an effort.

"I doubt I will run into any members of your family, but you can trust I won't be telling anyone regardless." As if he could even begin to explain to anyone. Gods taking people's memories, their power, even their lives was something much closer to home, and normal in his life, so it was far easier to take in. Glass still in hand he raised it in respect to Lykos,

"I owe you a debt, it seems. Your actions saved something precious to me, at great cost to yourself. If I am ever able to aid you in earning back what was lost, I will do so."

Saying so he took a small sip from the cup before offering it to the other man, if he took it, and drank also, it was an acceptance of the debt between them. Perhaps Lykos would not know this, but the gesture was not subtle, and if he accepted only to realize later that he did not want Raithen's pledge, the Avialae would relent without a fuss.

When Lia spoke he gave her a smile that was just a hair outside entirely appropriate, answering,

"Only one, and he isn't nearly so long."

Re: Common Ground and Common Bonds [Closed]

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:27 am
by Rickter
Lykos could only grin when Hilana mentioned the time at which they started at cooking it. "I can say I know specifically when, because once my nose caught a whiff of it, I knew you were prepping a hefty meal before I got out of bed." He mused with a quieter chuckle on his part, admittedly enjoying more of the flavor that accompanied the chewy texture of the meat. It was such a tenderness that he could only dream about in all his other meals, though, with Lana that almost remained an unnecessity due to her excellence in cooking.

He nodded appreciatively in regards to the compliment she fed in return, having only played small parts in helping set up parts of the meal. Setting the table and lending a hand here and there was nothing, at least, not in comparison to the way the younger woman orchestrated meal time in the way she did. Admittedly when it came to the point where Lana broached the subject, the wolf still listened intently to the way she described the way events were portrayed. No matter how many times it might come up, Lykos never wanted to overlook any details he might've missed on his part.

Since having only awoken with no memory felt like a handicap to him, any source of detail to gleam over felt important to consider for Lykos. From what he gathered she'd explained the event to Raithen before, which didn't surprise him since she had to inform Phocion anyway. Whether it was the more people knew, or less the better, Lykos simply looked at it as a sign of trust between him and his packmates. Lana had a way of approaching situations as he'd noticed, therefore, felt no discomfort or anxiousness at the thought of others knowing his circumstance.

Raithen's assurances came with a promise unexpected to the wolf, and this led Lykos to eye the glass with curiosity towards the gesture. In a way, he understood the levity of the offer the Avialae made, and with greater regard, he smiled to Raithen in turn once he accepted the drink. "I hold you to no obligation, but I also humbly accept your generosity." The wolf admitted with a sip from the cup, before returning it to the rightful bearer once more. The chance to regain anything akin to what he'd lost would've been something he marveled at, however, Lykos did not wish others to go through any other extremes on his behalf.

Not when it clearly accosted him more than what others would ever dare. Besides, there was no doubt or argument as to the sentimentality Hilana created, if she were precious even before he knew her, then it was no small wonder the wolf gave himself to protect her in the end. Lia's inquiries on the python led the wolf to observe a moment, as he noticed the subtitles that mingled between the pair. Lana may not have had anything to say outright, but the pheromones she gave off suggested playfulness to Lykos.

Raithen's response of course left him to only wonder, speculate even, the euphemism that resided in the answer. Evidently, there was a subtle change in the way the Avialae smelled, suggesting a similar level of playfulness to what Hilana possessed. There came a knowing if not minor grin to Lykos' expression, as he could only chuckle a bit before chewing on more of the roasted pig on his plate.

Re: Common Ground and Common Bonds [Closed]

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:38 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Both sisters saw that little look in the Avialae's eyes, but Hilana understood what Athalia didn't as to part of the root cause of it. One might have assumed it was out of care and concern for the Vastiana that was his regular bedmate, but there was another part to it. That was something Hilana would have to explain to her some day, when Æros was busy with another host somewhere else. "Boldly spoken," Lia Laughed at Raithen's reply, and Tiaz's tongue flickered as he scented daddy's loaded plate. "But she has always been something of an animal charmer, by little sister," she smiled at Hilana across the table.

Both of them were happy to see the beginning threads of friendship being woven between the two. Food and Hilana were common grounds for them, and hopefully, they would be the start of common bonds as well. To Hilana, food was a universal experience, and a meal shared was a meal well-seasoned. Both Lykos and Raithen had a bit more in common, she thought, but this was a great start. Her mate's offer to Lykos touched her, and she smiled at both of them, her big brown eyes a bit soft. Between the group of them, they would figure it out. It would take some time, but they would find a way.

"You know, Lykos is a Reaver and a seasoned warrior with a number of pact weapons," she offered. "Raithen served in the Royal Guard, and then as a mercenary. He's one of the greatest fighters I've ever seen. He could definitely give you a better workout than Lia and I can in that regard. I think that the two of you might be well-matched in terms of combat."

"My soror's training has been neglected in that regard, is what Hilana is delicately saying," Lia teased her, and Hilana crossed her eyes at her, which made Lia chuckle into her glass. "But there is only so much one can do as an Elementalist against another Master who has other Runes hidden that he can draw on."

"Says the woman who favours magic over mundane," the younger sister answered her in jest. "You know how father is." That, Lia had to concede the point to. Much of what she had learned about how Hilana had made her life out here would have made their sire have a heart attack. He'd warded away her original racing saddles, true, but what she had been up to since then? At least the Founders approved of what she was doing.

Somewhat, anyway. But that was at least a start.

Re: Common Ground and Common Bonds [Closed]

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:28 pm
by Raithen
When Lykos couldn't help but grin a little at Raithen's answer to Lia's question the Avialea failed to continue to hold his composure and a matching grin bloomed on his face even as he too turned his attention back to the meal.

Where he was able to fit as much food as he did in his slim frame even he himself did not know. Lykos' form seemed made to layer on muscle and would require a good deal of fuel to keep, so his appetite was no surprise. Avialae did burn hot, and required more food than perhaps their human counter parts, but Raithen now seemed to be a literal bottomless pit. On the seafolk islands food wasn't scarce, but it wasn't abundant either and controlling his consumption seemed the only moral way to continue among them. Thank the twins he had somewhere to go where such was not the case.

A brow raised with his head at Lia's final comment in their teasing exchange, it was a little too bold for a Vastiana to compare a prince of the blood to an animal, even in jest. But this was Hilana's home, and her table, and Raithen would let much pass that he otherwise might not have to be welcome there. When the conversation moved on to other topics he let it, in fact perking up at the idea that the other man was a man of arms. It made sense, even looking at him one could see what his body was trained to do.

Forgetting his food, at last, for a moment he met Lykos' eyes again,

"Indeed? I have been unable to practice for longer than I would like and would very much appreciate the chance, if you are of a mind."

Study and personal experience had shown him that an Elementalist could devastate a battle field with as much efficiency and brutality as any of the other battle runes, but he had no interest in debating over something that couldn't matter less in the moment. Continuing to Lykos he added,

"Kinetics and Traversion are mine." It was only polite to explain his own abilities if they were going to be sparring together, particularly after Hilana had told him at least one of his potential opponent's.

Re: Common Ground and Common Bonds [Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:19 am
by Rickter
At the acknowledgment of Hilana being an animal charmer, the lupine demigod nearly snorted in an attempt to quell a chuff. He knew not why that had amused him so, only that somehow he agreed with the sentiment given the circumstances. If only to humor the bestial nature he sometimes possessed. He merely swallowed his roasted meat down a bit harder as a result, but at least the wolf played it off with an amused smirk to the older sister. Lykos could tell that she and her younger sister were happy, and enjoying themselves with the solitude they shared in tonight's dinner.

He could tell because it hadn't been lost on him, how frantic things had gotten upon his arrival here. In Tertium he hadn't the capacity to see it at the time, but having spent long enough here at the citadel, he'd found plenty of opportunity to reflect on it when he wasn't busy. Altogether he was pleased with how calm and happy things seemed, as he could only imagine how his presence here altered their daily lives. Regardless of how many times he pondered it, he felt compelled to reflect on their continued support after settling in.

Sure Lana led a busy life in between her life outside the citadel and within, but the dedication she and her older sister possessed was never lost on the lupine demigod. When she mentioned the fact he was a Reaver, he was yet again reminded of a part of him lingering from his old life prior. "Really now?" He inquired curiously as his eyes went from Hilana to Raithen, after he'd heard her express the background Raithen possessed. So, combat was a common ground they foundationally shared. For him, it was only odd to think about, since he only thought of it as a means to an end. He might've pondered the significance of it from his prior life, but such habits had started to grow lost on him lately.

"If it aids you, then I'd certainly be willing to explore the notion." He expressed in response to the Avialae's inquiry on the matter. "Admittedly, it could prove inspirational for us both." Given he only grasped some extent of his latent power, and that was with the sisters trying to pose a challenge to him. Not that they haven't tested his stamina both physically and spiritually, after he'd grown a bit more attuned with his combat senses. The eyebrows of the wolf rose a bit in place of being told the Runes that Raithen possessed, which resulted in him softly grinning before he responded kindly in turn.

"Just those two? An incredible combination." He admitted heartedly as he could only imagine the possibilities at hand, having been able to see the shifting currents of the Flux recently. Kinetics offered so much to the ones who observed the world around them, enabling them ingenuity to do and perform so many different things if considered thoughtfully. And Traversion? The extent of what that entailed with portals was fathomable enough, which led him to quickly assess Raithen as a Avialae with careful measure. Part of him merely felt the depth of that power in his reach, though, the familiarity that played at the edges of his mind remained ever elusive to the thought.

"The ladies here helped me identify all of mine. Six. Though I feel it wouldn't be fair to rely on all of them." He admitted with a warm smile to his winged friend. "Reaving, as you know. Elementalism, Kinetics." Lykos had to raise a hand with a couple of fingers and his thumb pointed up to count. "Negation, and Semblance. Nyx too." He nearly forgot as he looked down at the forearm of the hand he'd used to count, before he twisted the limb to glance at the Emblem found on the other side.

"Your choice, Raithen. Since you only bear two Runes, I'll limit myself to the same amount, relying only on Reaving and whatever other Rune you choose." He sounded genuine when he made the offer, humbled by the idea that the Avialae would like to spar with him.

Re: Common Ground and Common Bonds [Closed]

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:44 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana had figured that this would be a topic for both of them to enjoy, and it seemed that she was not wrong. She wasn't anywhere near a match for either of them; even if she put all of her tricks of Elementalism into the fray. Both of them were masters in their own right, and she could at least watch both of them have a go and see what she could learn from watching the two of them. And hopefully not get soaked in the process, but, well...

That might be a tall order.

But it would definitely give them both some options and a good workout. And considering how much food they were both able to pack away - Hilana was wondering who might manage to eat more, but had no bets on this one - they'd probably be eating more once they did spar, and if that was the way it went, she was going to have to somehow get her hands on a water bison, spend a day butchering it, and even longer cooking it. And there might be enough for leftovers another day. But as she listened to the two of them, she had a feeling this might just be the start of a solid friendship.

Lia seemed to be thinking the same as she glanced at Hilana, her own brown eyes meeting her sister's, and she was wondering if they were going to get up and leave the table in order to go and test each other. They might, and if they did, Hilana wasn't going to protest. Eat, drink, enjoy the food, burn some of it off, and come back for more. As it was, she refreshed everyone's drinks, all the while considering Lykos' offer to the Avialae.

She did wonder which of the Runes that the Rathari possessed that her lover might pick, and she glanced over at Raithen. "Before you decide his magics, Lux, you should know that Lykos is also a demigod, by the by. Of Winter." Hilana had faith in her mate's ability, regardless of Lykos' own strength and powers. She trusted him to keep that quiet and not spread it, but he may as well know when he was going to consider his options for this little match-up. But this also made a bit more sense about why Lykos was remanded here under his elder brother's custody of the Custodes Deorum.

Re: Common Ground and Common Bonds [Closed]

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:10 pm
by Raithen
Now that his belly was, for the moment, sated, he was able to give his attention fully to the conversation and the interesting new potential companion and spar mate that Hilana had presented.

"Indeed," He replied to the question, "It is odd for one such as I to have so few and one of my family to possess only physically oriented runes, isn't it? I think my mother wanted me to be allowed to choose for myself, a rare privileged. I wasn't trained to them as a child either, I only got them after reaching my majority."

Sixteen wasn't really outside of childhood, but it was the legal age for it, and Raithen was unlikely to question that.

"I have been training with my other natural advantage for a lot longer though." He glanced briefly back and rustled his folded wings so everyone would understand what he was referring to. "I don't mind keeping myself earthbound for a spar though, the point is to work up a sweat and learn from each other and we won't get much of that if we're never within arms reach."

Surprise showed as easily as any other emotion on his face when Lykos claimed six Cardinal runes and he glanced quickly to Hilana for confirmation before turning back. It wasn't that he didn't believe the newcomer, it was the look of a friend who, hearing something unexpected turns to their closest companion for confirmation that they heard correctly. Fascinated he listened to the listed abilities with growing respect and interest. When it was complete he leaned back and little, whistling low,

"Divine Twins but you must be formidable on the field. That's one of the classic general's mixes." He eyed the human with a playful reevaluation. There were several variation, substituting Mesmer for inspiring troops was the most common variant but it was still, undeniably, a battle orient combination. The idea of being allowed to choose was flattering and he toyed with it briefly before shaking his head,

"Your offer is generous and I accept the honor of it, but I'd rather face you at your best. Losing and learning is better than using my strengths against your weaker attributes and gaining nothing. You don't even have to tell me before we start, one never knows what one is going to face and this is my home territory, so I've advantages of my own, let surprise be yours."

If the game went well, if they were suited to it and Lykos' pride wouldn't get in the way, they might make a regular thing of it, with the human choosing his runes each time and surprising Raithen. The idea of such a challenge was exciting enough that he stopped eating altogether.

It was only after he'd returned the offer that Hilana's quiet words fully registered. Thoughtlessly he reached out with his mind, with his soul, to Holy Avaerys, his patron, as a child might reach out to a trusted parent when an unknown adult enters the scene. Feeling his connection to the God he settled a little, the instant tension that had gripped his body easing but not entirely leaving it. There was a long, tense, pregnant pause before he said, more cautiously,

"I suppose that means you come with your own advantages." His tone couldn't quite manage humor, but it was edging towards it, trying for the jovial mood that they had been enjoying a moment before. Lykos' was a guest in The Citadel, which meant that The Twins knew of his presence and allowed it. It meant that Phocion and their mother knew and allowed it. More of the tension bled from him and he carefully lifted his glass and drank off half of it before speaking again.

"At the risk of being sacrilegious, I think I'd still like to try."

Re: Common Ground and Common Bonds [Closed]

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:20 pm
by Rune


Points: 10 each, may be used for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: New connections, perhaps

Notes: This was fun, we should do another, current thread =)

Mod XP: None