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Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:52 am
by Kala Leukos
Kala nodded.

"The Sentinels are thorough." She said it as a compliment. "And I suppose their scouring of the citizens is wise; 'tis easier to mitigate the risks of initiation if the environment is controlled and performed by experts." Craftfallen was a new term for her, but she could see its applicability. "Kalzasi welcomes magic, but we don't have... hmm, a cohesive system as Solunarium does. There is the Circle of Spells... a guild of magi. Noble families tend to educate their kin in magical as well as mundane skills. There is power there." She smiled. "And we do love to keep our families on high."

She murmured thanks for the tea. Of course, she could only agree with Hilana's assessment. The ubiquity of magic - specifically, powerful magic - lessened the edge. Whereas here she felt compelled to keep her aura inverted against intrusion, in Kalzasi, she was less careful - always on alert for intrusion, but not constantly shielded against it less someone more skilled than her sneak past her defenses. In Kalzasi, she didn't know of anyone more powerful than her with regard to Semblance or the elements.

"Delicious," she declared of the tea, though the conversation didn't cease, and so she would have to let the flavors settle in her mouth before she could give a more loquacious response to it. Considering the question, though, she considered how much to share with the woman. She seemed trustworthy, but then Solunarium kept many things hidden.

"My brother Kaus and I are twins. We have an elder brother, the heir, Aquilios. We are the children of Lady Akshara of House Leukos and the late Lord Vatar of House Qoros." She paused, then set her cup down, and stood. With little in the way of flourish, she removed her glamoured cloak and laid it carefully over her arm. White wings with a golden sheen were revealed. Kala was an oddity for an Avialae, not only in that she was a winged woman, but that her wings were not identifiable. Kaus' were those of a sparrowhawk, for example. These were just hers.

"Bearing Avialae children is taxing on a woman, more taxing than most. Aquilios is... as most Synnekar, quite large, larger than the average human. Kaus and I are more... well, normal for human, but not for Synnekar. Even though we were smaller, our mother never quite recovered from her three children. Her health has been fragile since." She felt rather naked with her wings exposed to a relative stranger. "Those who know of my wings hope that... Avialae hardiness will make childbirth easier on my body, but I am young yet, and have no wish to be a brood mare for my race. But I believe that my children, whatever their sex, will be born with wings. That is why I keep them hidden. If the Gelerian Imperium were to become aware of me, they would want me to strengthen their Kathar Legion. I, on the other hand, will endeavor to free my Kathar brothers from bondage."

Finally, she sat once more, and laid her cloak over her lap. Now that Hilana knew, and they were only likely to be seen by Sentinels of the Custodes Deorum, she was only too happy to let them breathe. It took Hilana a moment to take all that in, of course, and so she spoke to the other matter.

"I did not know Master Finn nor the crown prince ere my first visit to the palace mere days ago, though I had seen both of them perform in Kalzasi. One day, I too would like to visit each plane. But Fire chose me, and not the other way around." She smiled. "I had hoped for Air, by whom Kaus was chosen, but I think that was more a desire for wings. Now I have them, and I suppose Fire is more appropriate for me."

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:16 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"That is not unlike here. Families will pass along Runes regularly. Occasionally an outsider or a friend might, but they can be gotten at many of the academies if you tested out right... or are willing to pay for private tutoring and conferral." Her maternal tribe would have given her whatever rune she had wanted, testing that had never been done at the time be damned, if Hilana would just take one. But the girl was stubborn. Perhaps too stubborn for her own good.

"It is really good, isn't it? The hibiscus has such a nice flavour, I use it often in tea or making syrups so it can go on shaved ice, or in desserts. You can make lovely scones or cakes with it, or jams and jellies, or even more savoury foods where you want some tartness." The vegetables that the girl was steadily mowing through were moved from the cutting board into bowls, and when she was reaching for fresh herbs from a number of pots along the windows, Kala unveiled her wings. For the moment, the herbs were forgotten, and the Vastiana's eyes all but popped. "Oh, glories," she murmured with awe and admiration. "Your wings are beautiful." Those were different. Maybe some sort of swan? She didn't know the northern animals beyond reptiles as well ass he would have liked to, but the Avialae woman's wings were utterly resplendent. She might have wanted to touch, but Hilana had had many lessons recently about keeping her hands to herself. And it would be rude and utterly inappropriate to even ask to touch her wings. It was different with her mate, obviously, but Kala she had only just met and...

All of her lessons on anatomy, all of the books she had read so that no female Avialae had wings. They were essentially a male-dominated race. Female children were hardly counted due to the fact that there were no wings. And Kala of House Leukos was here in front of her with some of the most beautiful wings that Hilana had ever seen. "That does sound about right," Hilana was sympathetic to what Kala said of her mother being a bit more fragile. "Even a normal child can take a lot out of you, much less one with wings. My mother passed with my younger brother in the birthing tent." She did manage to pluck the herbs that she wanted, bringing them back to the cutting board and picking up the knife again before getting them into their own bowl. "But if you have wings, then I hope that your children do, too. If you believe that they will, then I'm sure that it is possible. How did you get yours? Were you born with them? None of my anatomy books said it was possible." She well understood how Kala did not want to be relegated to broodmare. Her father had desired that, in more flowery imagery, for her like he had the rest of his daughters. Hilana wanted children, but in time with whom she chose. Not because it was demanded of her.

A bulb of garlic was next, and she turned the knife sideways before bringing her palm down hard to start the process of loosening the papery skins before sweeping them into the same bowl that held the bits that she didn't intend to use for their meal. "Your secret is safe with me," the girl offered a smile. "Will it be hard to free them?" she was curious. "If they've always known that life, and they are used to it? Forgive my boldness, but why would they leave what they know to come with you?"

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:26 pm
by Kala Leukos
"Kalzasi is too cold in the warmest of years for such flowers, but perhaps I might bring a seedling home for the greenhouse..." she mused.

Pale cheeks colored slightly at the praise. House Leukos was as secretive as Great House Briathos, and perhaps that was why she was so secretive about her wings, let alone her nascent divinity. Kala was more comfortable behind the scenes, wearing a social mask when necessary in public. Only in Starfall could she be herself; although, here in the care of the Custodes Deorum, she was allowed to be somewhat more herself, at least in some ways.

"Thank you." After a pause, "Avialae men tend to be much larger than normal, and that is true even as newborns, so pregnancy is even more fraught than normally. I..." She paused again. "I found the progenitor of our race, a necromancer of legendary skill. He... recreated me... or, rather, brought out the latent things in my blood. And with the wings came the resistance to cold, added strength, and, I hope, a more resilient womb. The musculature of my back has changed to accommodate them, but they remain... well, magical. If you strip an Avialae of their wings, much of the racial traits disappear. I think our flying somewhat defies physics and anatomy."

As for the Kathar, "Ah, yes. Mother Naori gave me the task, and I have met one Kathar who I was able to show another way. This was before I had my own wings, though. And he went back to the Imperium. My hope is to find those who bridle against the Obelisk and free them. It will be a long process, I am certain."

The Solunarians had slavery, so she didn't rail against the practice. But the Kathar had no means of manumission, and that seemed to be the worst of it - they could never achieve their freedom within the legal structure of the Imperium.

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 5:20 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"Well, hibiscus can actually manage fairly well in colder climates," Hilana offered. "You'll want to wrap them up with burlap in the winter, or you could use some negation or lodestones to prevent the worst and coldest of the months... but so long as they get some light and they're not completely abandoned to the elements, they should actually do fairly well, especially once they're established and they've gotten deeper roots." The girl was always very happy to talk plants, it seemed, and one might possibly guess what was in glowing, featherlight satchel that was peeking out of her rucksack.

She listened, fascinated, by Kala's words. The Peregrine Lady clearly managed to get around well herself, and she seemed to have quite the adventurous spirit, too. They had that in common, at least, though if the Vastiana's eyes got any bigger, they might well pop right out of their sockets. The demigoddess' words only sparked more and more questions, and Hilana restrained herself - barely - rather than flood her with them lest she irritate her enough to stop sharing. "Was that a difficult experience?" she asked, then, her head tilting to one side as she got a large pan on the stovetop. "Are you fond of spice? I understand from Daemon and Aoren that the people of Kalzasi enjoy it and are familiar, but what is your personal preference?" But she could understand that the wings of an Avialae were quite special, and they were, as they weren't like any avian physiology... but that most of their racial traits would disappear if one removed their wings, well... that was interesting from a biological standpoint.

The fire ignited on the stove top, and she opened the oven to check on the pitas, testing one with a finger to investigate its temperature. Oil went in, then the peppers and onions, and she gave those a quick stir to get them coated and let them cook down before the next additions went in. "You have met Naori? Did the Kathar go back to be a hidden agent for you? What is the obelisk? Does it control them?" She wondered in that moment if the obelisk was akin to those she had found when she had investigated the Crystal Tree and the Platinum Tower, but she wasn't entirely sure. Surely it predated those monoliths... She was woefully ignorant of much of the world beyond her own, but she was clearly willing to learn.

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:11 pm
by Kala Leukos
"If you visit Kalzasi, I hope you will bring me seeds or seedlings, then," she said with a smile. Although, she might be able to acquire some herself before she returned. It was rare she had time to put her hands in the earth, but there were glass greenhouses in the gardens of the Cintamani Pavilion, and in Starfall, as well. She wasn't certain Hilana quite understood the climate of Karnor, but given the particulars of the Atraxian Expanse, that was understandable. Kala was only now understanding physically what she had known intellectually of Solunarium.

"I think the difficulty lies in great changes being worked upon me, and coming to terms with them - growing into them." Naori had taken her soul someplace else while Garel worked his magic. When she returned, she had wings, she was changed into a Firstborn. Everything was explained to her in words, but words were often insufficient to the task of explanation.

But Kala understood duty, and she had a quest to perform. She was still trying to figure out how much of a long game she would have to play, though.

"I enjoy spices," she said. "Hot and flavorful." She smiled.

"I have met Naori, although I don't know that I can explain Her any better for the experience than any priest or layman. She is unknowable. The Kathar went back to... figure himself out, I suppose. I hope for the best, but I fear he was too changed to survive reintegration. I don't know whether the fault lies with me or with him. The Obelisk is a great artefact in the center of Gel'Grandal. Avialae were created with the ability to perform deep bonds to protect them from the Hellmaw; the Obelisk takes advantage of that and helps enslave them."

But even having seen it up close, she couldn't explain the intricacies of its workings. She would need a great deal of time to pick it apart, and she wouldn't survive long in the center of Gel'Grandal now.

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:29 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"I can bring you back a plant tonight, if you'd like," Hilana offered, beaming. "We have plenty in the greenhouses where I work, and I'll be going in in a little while. I have a host of collections to prepare from my ride this morning," she nodded at the rucksack and the satchel. "Do you have a favourite colour? We've got all kinds. Maybe with a Sentinel escort I could bring you around and you could see them for yourself." It stood to reason that Lady Kala could visit with the right protections, but she was not about to press her luck. Inasmuch as she adored the subject, she had to remind herself that not everyone else did.

Hilana considered Kala's words. "That does make sense," she agreed. Great changes, be they physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, could take a lot of time to accept and adapt to. But Lady Kala was surely the equal of the task. Of that, the Vastiana had no doubt. She had been chosen for apotheosis. The Founders allowed her here; and if They did, then there was no questioning Their judgment. The gods have them tasks to see what they could do, just as she had her holy quest for His Divine Radiance and Her Argent Luminescence.

At her preference for more spice, the girl grinned and nodded. Extra chilies, then. She was pleased, and one might wonder if the nomad might seek to test her in that regard; but Hilana was not about to be a poor hostess. It would have been incredibly rude and a poor display if she blasted the elegant blonde with heat, even if she was kin to Fire. Hot and flavourable without ruining the balance of the dish or her taste buds was the order of the day. Garlic and chilies went in, along with the tomatoes and a handful of other herbs and spices - something that may have been familiar to her, and some that might not be.

She was thoughtful as she digested these answers. This made a great deal of sense to her, at least. She understood bonds, somewhat, at least at a surface level, from Talon and Aoren. She did wonder about Raithen, but she was quite certain that their socially-inappropriate relationship was not one such bond. She still considered them partners, and Raithen was her favourite and her primary, though her Avialae lover was probably far too free-spirited to see her that way as well. She knew, too, that it could all end in the blink of an eye, and it likely would one day... probably sooner rather than later. Hilana was under no delusions about that. While she was managing to avoid the subject of marriage with her father for now, she wasn't going to be able to put it off forever, and now that she had acquired a Rune... he'd have an easier time finagling with prospective suitors. Either way, she would enjoy it while it lasted. "Does the Obelisk make a bond for Avialae, then? That takes control of them?"

She got the mixture in the pan to simmering and returned to Kala and her tea. "And would that Obelisk be a problem for you now that you have your wings?" That was perhaps a loaded question, and asking too much, but Hilana would not be offended if it went unanswered.

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 1:05 pm
by Kala Leukos
Kala laughed softly; Hilana was delightful, warmer in her hospitality than any Sentinel, surely. While she tried to play her cards close to her chest, she found that she wanted to lay them out on the table. Kala had been beloved by her people, but her father's untimely demise had cooled her immediate family. Those issues had largely been rectified; Aquilios had matured, Akshara had made some peace with the loss of her husband and her health. Still, nobility set her apart. Godhead even more so. She had Kaus and the Silver Wings, even a bond with wise Marda Ahtivan. But whatever else she may be, she was also a woman of nearing one and twenty years—she hadn't a single female friend of her age and it showed. While she could rely on her good manners, Hilana both set her at ease and discombobulated her.

"That is kind of you," she replied. "I will see whether an escort can be arranged, or if they would rather I await your return. If they do allow it... I will be the one *fully* veiled. As for colors... I never was able to choose a favorite. As a child, favorites were changeable. Now, I make no such claims. I contain legions of favorites. But... I suppose... the blue and silver, or blue and white of my House will never disappoint. That would be an exotic cultivar, wouldn't it?"

As conversation progressed to weightier things, she was forthcoming about her own ignorance.

"Before I had wings... and the rest... I did manage to safely spend some time in Gel'Grandal," she admitted. "I looked like any other human despite my Avialæ blood. I sembled the Obelisk for as long as I dared, but I heard a voice... and that spooked me. I didn't have enough time to truly understand it; the thing is so complex and it would take me a long while to suss out its secrets. I was able to semble Baudric's bond, though, and I believe that someone activates the Obelisk like any runeforged artefact, and that it creates a bond between artefact and Kathar. Who controls the Obelisk controls the legions of enslaved Avialæ. But whether one person olds the reins on those bonds... I don't know. It would carry some risk unless the Obelisk mitigates that. Generally, the non-Avialæ member of the bond has the power... but some Avialæ are strong-willed enough to reciprocate that. And I also don't know whether I would now be susceptible to its effects... We haven't known a female Avialæ in living memory. There are some magics specifically purposed to one sex or another... I wouldn't want to chance it, though. They already chained Dæmon once, and while he is now free and I am not a Shinsei in my other life, I would rather not spend even a moment in bondage."

Once Hilana's preparations were complete, they began to partake of them right there in the kitchen, casual as old friend.

"Oh." Her eyes opened wide. "Yes, this would keep me warm on a snowy day in the dead of Frost!"

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:10 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"Hopefully, you'll be able to come," Hilana was cheerful in her optimism, even as early in the day as it was, and as busy as she had been. "I'd love to show you around. You might even recognize some plants from your homeland that we have imported and cultivated." She wasn't so above her place as to think that someone and their retinue, who merited the attentions of Sentinel Phocion, and was the first female Avialae in living memory, if not ever, could benefit from a tour guide like herself. Hilana knew better, but she was just excited by the possibility of showing her around. Kala fascinated her, and she seemed to be full of stories and experiences, and the Vastiana was delighted to hear them. She just had to be patient, and in time, she would surely learn more about her, what she liked and disliked, where she had been, and what she had seen.

She did consider what Kala said. She couldn't imagine not being allowed to have favourites, but perhaps in noble families, especially abroad, it was different. The higher you went, the more regimented and controlled things seemed to be. "I think we have a few like that, and they would definitely be exotic. Most here tend towards reds and pinks and yellows and oranges." The exotic would suit Kala, Hilana decided. Not that she wanted to fetishize her for it, but she was definitely one of a kind. She deserved a plant that fit a lofty criteria too.

She listened and considered what her new friend explained about the Obelisk, and how it controlled and bonded the Kathar. "I don't blame you," she admitted. "That's a poor gamble, knowing what you know now. It's not safe, and I cannot imagine that you would be treated well there if they ever managed to get their hands on you." She hated that idea. She may have only have just met Lady Kala, but Hilana didn't want her to get hurt by the Imperium. Aoren and Talon both had trauma from their time there, she knew from spending time with them. She didn't know the depths, didn't dare pry that far, but she knew it was ugly and there was a great deal of pain. She'd hate to see Kala be destroyed that way, too.

When the sauce was built properly, she'd added eggs with a few minutes to go, and covered the spicy tomato mixture with a lid to help the eggs steam up top. And once they were ready, bowls were filled and they could eat. The pitas, warmed from resting in the oven, were soft and slightly steamy, and Hilana watched Kala's expression as she sampled the shakshuka. Muted though her aura was from the Master, thanks to the pendant provided by Cithaera, the girl was quite clearly pleased with that reaction as she did a little dance in her seat. She refreshed their tea. "I'm glad that you like it. If you'll be around for dinner tonight, I'll make us something with some local pumpkins. They have this really wonderful heat to them, and they go down a treat. Atraxia doesn't get anywhere near as cold as Kalzasi, but the temperatures in the Frost are normally half or less than those of the heat of Searing, and and we have much less sun," she admitted. That may have been a funny thing to imagine, a desert without sun, but normally, the hours of sunlight were greatly diminished when it was time for the world to rest and reawaken. "But that's when we like this, too. It's a nice treat to cook over the fire when we are in the Expanse."

She dipped the pita in the filling stew, enjoying the flavours and fragrances that lit up every sense even before she took a bite. "Will you be staying awhile, do you think?" she asked her, a bit hopeful.

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:30 pm
by Kala Leukos
Kala was a quiet woman, not shy but merely reserved. It was not that she would not voice her opinions, of which she had many, but her entire family was brought up more to be seen than heard. They would act the paragons of Avialae society, but they would not seek too much attention or glory lest prying eyes seek where the star had fallen. Her forefathers and foremothers had sworn to Great House Briathos because they were secretive as well, and might respect the secretive nature of House Leukos.

Her smiles were soft, and sincere. When Hilana described flowers, she seemed to see the images of them painted before her by mere words. She tried not, however, to see her future with an Imperial collar. They would make a brood mare of her, and she would rather die, even if that left her quest from Mother Naori unfulfilled.

"We are meant to sleep in the Palatium Umbrarum tonight," she explained, "but we do not have specific dinner plans. The palace is lovely, but here we can afford to fly, so you might find us here with some frequency when we want to spread our wings and feel the wind. And this was but our fourth day. We planned for a fortnight, though we may well return if we are invited."

Not only would that entail the Custodes Deorum, but the Umbrian Throne, and the Divine Twins, but that wasn't a matter to be discussed so early in their visit.

"Time enough to sample the local cuisine, I hope!"

Re: A Shared Feast [Hilana]

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:15 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

It was surprisingly easy to talk with and get along with Kala. Hilana was perfectly comfortable sharing the table and the humble meal with her, and while she did have a spoon with her shakshuka, was was perfectly happy to also use the pita bread as a utensil, ripping the soft, warm flatbread up and using it to scoop the hearty, savoury stew up and eat it. She was clearly relaxed and eating the way she had so often growing up, even if it was probably smarter to eat with proper utensils around someone with the status of the Avialae noble that had joined her at the table.

She nodded when Kala explained that they would be at the Palatium Umbrarum, not at all minding. So there was a chance for dinner, which meant she could shop for pumpkins and a whole host of other local ingredients at the market and bring them back. Best case scenario, Kala would be there and able to eat with them, but if she wasn't, then Hilana was sure to have enough left over that she would make sure that her new friend would get to enjoy it. The girl was fond of leftovers: the flavours were allowed to deepen and grow over time, and it was already cooked and delightful. For the last year, she'd primarily cooked for herself and brought food to others as she saw fit, and since she liked making big batch meals and cycling through the leftovers for lunches and dinners when she was in a hurry just worked out for her. She didn't want to offend the elegant blonde, though, so Hilana would have to consider whether or not... but maybe all of that would be unnecessary and she would be there for dinner.

"I'd say so," she was pleased all the same. "If we can get dispensation and an escort for you, there's this wonderful tea shop in the Luxium that is run by another nomad. She makes a lot of the proper foods, and while they're not very fancy... they're real," she knew that that might have been a strange thing to say. But for the young Vastiana, 'real' meant traditional, unaltered or adorned by magic to enhance the senses. It was simple, pure cooking and baking at its finest, and something she endeavoured to do, too. And while they eat, the larger snake stayed draped around Hilana's shoulders, though the little one eventually made her move from her arm to the table, and looked like she was going to come Kala's way. "Oh, Fiya wants to say hello, if you don't mind." The enthusiastic, colourful woman would certainly divert her littlest baby if her breakfast partner -did- mind, but if she didn't... well, she could get a lesson on pythons, too.

Breakfast was over all too soon, and Hilana, by the time they were done, told Kala what to ask some of the servii for later, if she didn't see Lia about with Lykos, to make sure that she got some of the biscuits and cookies that she had made to go with tea later on or just to snack on and enjoy. All the same, she'd make sure her sister heard about it so that she could humour Hilana with the Peregrina and the food.