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Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:53 am
by Arvælyn
“I do believe it flattery.” Arvælyn demurred through a snigger, “But, being a recovering actor, I am passing partial to it.” His grin persisted as Kala continued and spoke sooth of Yserloo. Aurin had always characterised him thusly, and there was something disarming about common connections roused from his past. He hadn’t heard much about his past life- certainly not his quondam career, and it was a welcome reminder.

“Ah yes. The Founders can be quite direct when it comes to the preservation of Their interests. It has been remarked that I may have inherited some of this from both sides of my lineage…” A politic way to say he came by his jealousy honestly.

“But I would welcome an ærial tour, if it would please you. My exalted father has condescended to educate me somewhat and my Kinetic abilities have spared me some of the consequences of my novice ineptitude, but I am still very much a beginner." He glanced to Finn as Kala intimated that they might connect via his position as a Sentinel. The Solunarian prince could not help but feel she was particularly adept as a diplomat. He was too much his mother's son to be taken in completely, but she created an environment of ease that was uncommon to this realm and, after a fashion, even more rare to his experiences in Kalzasi. That may have been due more to his position than the realm, but the effects were what they were.

"I wish that the skies might be freer to us both, but Solunarium is in flux. Phocion is a steady hand, if disinclined to wear the velvet glove. I do hope his manner has been agreeable and his guidance sound."

Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:54 pm
by Raithen
Seeing the sun bloom on his pale 'cousin' caused an echoing expression in Raithen. Though the twins had a platinum coloring they did not seem to have any elven blood in their ancestry, which was unfortunate, but rendered them no less attractive.

"You'll have to tell me what is of interest to you, there is much to see in our twin metropolis." If he was being a little cheeky it was only a little, intending to amuse. "I could take you all on a flying tour, I've never been able to share my view of the city while showing someone around before."

He had taken a small, select few up into the sky with him but they had all been natives.

"I'll make the time to come to the Citadel, I have friends there, so you might have more company if you're of a mind for it."

Lykos was supposedly from Kalzasi as well, though that did not mean that any in the group of visitors would know him. He seemed quite a powerful mage, though Raithen never seemed to remember that when they were together. The human didn't act anything like any high level wielder of aether Raithen had ever met. If he was honest with himself the man felt like a fellow mercenary, though he supposed he wasn't actually one any longer.

When he was introduced to the other two young Avialae he greeted them in a similar fashion, offering each his arm to clasp, recognizing them with respect as much as he looked for signs of interest or camaraderie.

"Fear not, on that account," He answered the worry expressed, "The Imperium has no hold in Solunarium, nor have they the might to challenge us. We are all safe here." Clapping Kaus on the back lightly he used the touch to steer the entire group further from the dais, to where serving folk were proffering drinks dripping with condensation.

"I am intent on asking many question of your land and customs, but I would be a poor host if I didn't at least see you all well watered before I began."

Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:58 pm
by Kala Leukos
"Phocion has ever been the perfect diplomat and host," she said with all sincerity, though she slipped right into, "almost too perfect sometimes." But Kala didn't mind the elder prince's foibles. He was good at what he did, and she could empathize with some of his positions that others couldn't.

"I can only imagine the tutelage of a dragon, especially one's own father, must be daunting. Thankfully, I have some mastery over the Air, and can buffer falls." She colored slightly; it was still strange to be somewhat awkward in the air when she had achieved a certain amount of grace on the ground as a wingless dancer.

"And whither my prince goes, I go," Finn added. "Astride a wyvern if he's flying, though."

"Everything," Kaus assured the other Avialae. "We are interested in everything, so whatever you choose to show us..." Ceran and Indric were not as adventurous as he was, but then, they were not entirely at ease with the nobly or royal born. But they followed him to the drinks, and with his help, chose drinks to their tastes. Kaus also answered a few questions to prove the width and depth of their interest - parties, sparring, whatever could be reasonably called fun.

"To our ducal host," Kaus toasted. They drank. "But certainly, take us where we needn't act the part of foreign embassy. Kala is the diplomat; I'm merely a soldier."

Indric scoffed at that. He had seen Kaus act as a leader independent of his twin, but it was true that she was quicker to act in that role than he was.

"There's something..." Kaus paused, realizing his attention was seeking a word for the tingle of something familiar in Raithen. It didn't seem to be an Avialae thing. "Sorry. There is something familiar about you. Hm, I suppose 'tis your divine bloodline..."

Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 3:48 pm
by Arvælyn
Arvælyn chuckled at Kala’s apt characterisation of his Moonborn half-brother.

“I’ve no doubt he would be pleased to hear it. Especially the ‘too perfect’ bit. Though I didn’t exactly have a charmed life in the chilly North, there is one thing I’m glad of in growing up there: I got to be a person in public. That person may have lived abjectly at times, but I didn’t need to curtail him as much as my siblings…” He glanced over to find Raithen beaming over his newfound fellow Avialæ associates and smirked.

“Well, the Principes, at any rate. The Dux is another matter entirely.” At that notion, he pondered Raithen’s lot in a way that had never occurred to him before. Did he envy the others their titles? Perhaps it had been a relief to have a baseborn brother appear out of nowhere, only to have that kinship yanked away by the revelations of Wither’s Ides. Then further severed by Arvælyn’s own severity and the foreign priorities he’d brought down with him. He didn’t know the answer to any of these questions, because he’d never had those conversations nor sought to delve deep into his Symphony. He could have doubtless done so without Raithen’s knowledge, but others would know… His eyes found his mother and she was staring his way wearing a warning expression, as if she were eavesdropping on his thoughts. Perhaps it had just been the expression he wore while looking at Raithen. Whatever the case, he turned his attentions back to the guest of honour.

“I understand you’ll be staying in guest apartments here at the palace for the rest of your stay, now that the Sentinels have held their vigil over you. So we should have plenty of opportunity to explore the skies or, at the very least, the higher tiers of the Umbrium. I’m not sure if he showed you when he flew to Kalzasi, but Phocion rides the most adorable Chiroptera Magna. Perhaps he’ll give your rump a break from the scales and take you up on the plush back of his great bat, Finn?” Arry grinned impishly, picturing Phocion’s inevitable annoyance at the very notion.

Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:59 pm
by Raithen
The bright expression of interest modified slightly at the notion that Kaus and his winged companions were interested in 'everything' Raithen could show them. One of the things he had learned that was overlapping in their two cultures was a lack of pointless ideas of gender roles in sexual situations. Each to their own tastes, of course, and no displeasure would be had on his part of all of the party turned out to be uninterested in his particular charms in that area. No particular pleasure either, should that turn out to be the case, and such would be a pity.

Still, his interest in the twins, and now in their escort, had not been birthed between his legs, but rather in their culture.

"In that case," He offered after he had shared in the toast, "I propose a trade, for I am as interested in your culture as you are in mine. I will do all in my power to sate your appetites if you will agree to do the same for mine." That their offers would be of the verbal variety was not any discomfort, for he had no real interest in traveling abroad outside what his family or his God might require of him.

When Kaus' tone changed he met bright blue eyes with his own stormy grey and let the look linger as they seemed to examine each other on a level they previously had not. What, exactly, the other man was referring to he did not know but for his part, he had felt a kinship as soon as the twins had entered the room. Perhaps before that, but he could only assume it was the effect of his own desires and imagination.

"Oh." He said when Kaus finished, "Perhaps that it is."

He was just opening his mouth to continue the conversation when a chime that managed to be both loud and delicate rang through the room.

"Ah." He made a face that was a farce of pleasure intended to amuse, "The banquet is served. Allow me to show you to your seats?"

Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:03 pm
by Kala Leukos
"Power and responsibility walk hand in hand," she opined with a nod. "Our home of Starfall is remote from Kalzasi, and I was able to be... myself. Not long after our eighteenth nameday, however, we were sent to Kalzasi to serve our House. There...we have had to behave ourselves, behave more formally. We are still ourselves, but different versions. Curated. And I don't suppose many expected you or me to grow wings of our own..."

"I was born as common as dirt," Finn said without shame. He smiled. "Though, I washed my face and hands before I came, I did. So I don't reflect poorly upon His Exalted Highness. But I also try to remind him of Arvine Venasyr from time to time, when Solunarian politics and the desires of the divine... hm... when he needs grounding." His smile turned fondly upon the prince. His prince.

Kala said, "Gently, I hope. With greater power, I think we develop greater pride, which can be more easily pricked." Including herself in that, she hoped it would not give offense. She didn't need to follow Arvaelyn's glance. Her head canted slightly.

"My twin has always been a blessing to me. Our elder brother, however, could be trying. Ultimately, however, we have always shared our responsibilities. I hope your siblings do well by you. Family is complicated, but can be a great wealth of support."

Her brows rose at the news. Surely she must have misheard.

"Oh, excellent! And yes, I was fortunate enough to witness the pageantry of his arrival." She laughed with delight at the memory.

"I'm still holding out for wings of my own for my nameday," Finn retorted, but laughed as well.

"Please do," Kaus said to the Dux. He fell into step with the other man, whilst Ceran and Indric took each other's arm (possibly for safety) and followed.

"Ah," Kala noted the chime. "To the tables, then?"

Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:15 pm
by Arvælyn
“You know…” At Finn’s admission of low birth, Arvælyn leaned in to the group conspiratorially, eyes finding his mother locked in conversation with a senator, “I don’t even know if I was born or hatched. I’ve been beyond curious as you can doubtless imagine, but… it just isn’t the sort of thing it’s ever comfortable to ask one’s mother. ‘Oh mummy dearest,’” He put on a boyish voice, “‘Did you ever lay an egg?’” He chuckled at the very notion his scenario presented.

“I admit I was probably a live birth, but it does amuse to envision the alternative.” He made a face at Finn.

“I’m not good enough at flying yet to require much grounding, I should think… I haven’t scorched any servants,” He made the conscious decision to use the more Kalzasi-friendly terminology for the staff, “…for spilling my wine or lifting their eyes too high. At least not yet. He bared his teeth in a playful growl at Finn, smoke wafting from his nostrils.

At Kala’s talk of family, his little half-smile/half-snarl faded. His eyes sought out his brothers and mother, each in turn.

“It must have been nice to have had a childhood with a family. I had Ruslan, but… I was as much his burden as his ward.” He paused, realising Kala lacked context. “He was the Sentinel that raised me in the North. The man I considered father for many years…” And who’d essayed it for longer and more dutifully than the Crownwyrm, though he wouldn’t say as much aloud.

As the dinner gong sounded, Arry chuckled at Finn’s high-sighted Name day wish.

“Well, He of the Sceptre seems to have taken a fancy to wings of late, so we’ll have to see what we can’t do about that…” He offered his arm to Kala and gestured for them to go through.

Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:10 pm
by Kala Leukos
"I can say for a fact that both Kaus and I were live births," she said, "but I would imagine you could control that narrative if you chose. Commission a mural to commemorate your birth however you wish it to be remembered. A golden egg would certainly paint a prettier picture than childbirth."

Kala took the proffered arm and continued, "I suppose we choose what weight to put upon the family of our blood and the family we choose. Congratulations, by the bye. I understand they are in order for the two of you."

Her smile encompassed both of them, and Finn, who had fallen into step on Arvaelyn's other side smiled with delighted embarrassment.

"Thank you, my lady," he said. And of course, he was now wondering whether Avaerys truly would grant him wings, either as those of the Avialae to match his cupbearer's or those of the dragons to better match him to his intended husband. In either case, it could be a nameday present or a wedding present. He wasn't picky.

As a child near Kalzasi, he had grown up wishing for feathered wings. He wondered if in Solunarium the children grew up wishing for the reptilian wings of their draconic idols.

Some philosophers said mortals needed to worship. Finn never had, but now that a god had chosen him out of all the people in the world as though he were a diamond drowning in all the sand of Atraxia, he had to admit that there was value there, and not just the power. It felt as though he had found his place in the world, even when he found Solunarium strange.

Kala, on the other side of the coin, was wondering whether - or perhaps more truthfully when - she would become accustomed to being worshiped. The people of Starfall had all seen her as a member of their extended family - a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter - even while showing her respect and deference. They still treated her like family, but the awe in their eyes, the sounds of their prayers in her ears, were a lot to take in.

Re: Our Solemnities [Arvælyn, Raithen]

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:25 pm
by Finn

Experience: 15 xp, not available for magic. (Pharaoh can either take XP for Arry or moderator XP, or both, I guess. He outranks me so it's up to him.)

Injuries: Full bellies.

Loot: N/A

Note: This thread has split in twain, so the story continues. Whee!