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Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:13 pm
by Rivin
The list when given was, perhaps, complete, at least, he had not observed the Magus using runic magic beyond what he offered. That could be intentional, but Rivin would not have been bothered if he had. The concept that one sharing personal things, secrets, with those who they were close to being automatically assumed, and at times causing anger when it was not, still confounded him.

There were many things he had never told anyone and, unless they became needed, was unlikely ever to. He memorized the information, more out of habit than with any specific intention. It was only the first telling he had asked for, and when he heard it he nodded, not in acknowledgement, but because he had made up his mind.

"I would have mine as yours is." Reaching up he touched the human's left shoulder lightly; not a brush, nor lingering, a small touch but distinct.

"I have," He answered, grin sharp again, "but that does not mean I knew which was which. My racial 'trick' does not give me such information." He had taken to thinking of his Aether Siphoning, what of it he had, in the terms that Aurin used for his magic. Licking at the runes had actually been oddly sating, though he did not think he had actually consumed any aether. The combination of a motion that was like consuming something with the hyper awareness of the aether that physically being in contact with a cardinal rune caused felt almost like tasting it.

The cold swept in, sudden and utter, but the sight of the retreating form of his Magus rose heat into his blood as he threw himself after the man with a laugh that was as high and wild as the wind. He laughed rarely, and perhaps that was a good thing as it was, more often than not, a disconcerting sound indeed.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:15 pm
by Rune


Points: 10 each, may be used for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: Don't fall now, Torin would be a sad boy.