Northern Skies (Kala)

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Character Sheet: ... 461#p15461
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Figures, at least this piece of firearms could somehow injure it. He pondered “Well, that’s quite reassuring, at least not like those shadow creatures.” He replied.

“Ah…..” he paused for a while, choosing his next words carefully. “Apologies for that. Yes, our country’s relationship isn’t the best. As my friend always reminded me, the government work in mysterious ways. Especially to us the regular citizens looking from the outside. I’m sure there’s more at play than what the government purposefully let leaked to the public.” He sighed, “That’s quite the positive outlook on things. The greed of men is limitless……as well as their paranoia.” He paused momentarily, “But yes, peace via greed is quite viable in the short term.”

Axel plopped down on the sofa, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a long drag. Once again, his gaze lingered a little longer on Kala as she went to prepare the coffee.

Axel coughed out a cloud of smoke and sat up straight, “V….Vice-Minister of Fi..Finance?” he stuttered. She’s the Vice-Minister of Finance, at that age? Damn, this is becoming more of a headache. What would the Palace think when they found out that the official courier of the Palace was having off-the book meeting with the Vice-Minister of Finance of Kalzasi. The very same city-state whose leaders the Palace kidnapped. I should’ve brought the Geraelt with me. But it would be more suspicious for the people here if they saw a Gelerian and a Geraelt meeting with one of their ranking officials, especially if they knew who the Geraelts were. Not just any normal Gelerian too, but a ranking officer of the Imperial Army. The Ministry of War and the Palace would have a field day interrogating me.

“I’m sure you got a lot of work to do here, especially with the war and the aftermath with Zaichaer. The economy always took a hit during and after a war. I also agree that it would be best to focus internally here before travelling around, especially with your position in the government.”

Axel noticed the tool that she used to brew the grinds. “Well, that’s an interesting machine.” He commented.

He took another drag, took out his firearm and placed it on the table, with the trigger facing Kala and the barrel facing him. “Now I understood what your former assistant meant. A Gelerian meeting a high-ranking official of Kalzasi. Even the Palace would come to the same conclusion, especially when that Gelerian’s an officer in the Imperial Army.” He sighed switching his gaze between the warded creature and Kala.

“Well, I didn’t have that much tales of adventures during the Eclipse, since almost no shadow creatures appeared that high up, I also got re-enlisted back into the army. Turns out my former XO just wanted someone to do all the paperwork.” He chuckled lightly then he stopped, “Well, I’m sure you’re faced with more paperwork than me.” He took another drag and seemed to be considering his next words carefully.

“So, Vice-Minister, peace via greed, is it really achievable?”
word count: 536
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Kala Leukos
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"The shadow creatures are vulnerable when exposed to the light of dawnstone," she said. "As well as moonstone. We can equip you if necessary before you leave."

Kala didn't know how terrible the threat remained in the Imperium or in the skies; she only knew how things stood in Karnor. Her trip to Solunarium was a season distant now and things were changing everywhere. Even her brief foray into the Imperium - the which she would not bring up with an Imperial citizen - had only been in its periphery. Kalzasi had made a point of educating its citizens on the dangers of the shadowspawn as well as how best to protect oneself.

"Fortunately, the economy was well-regulated and we have kept trade going despite the eclipse. As the dangers recede with each new tower... dealt with... well, trade is once again beginning to boom. And that is where you come in, isn't it so?" She smiled. "People like you keep the lifeblood of the economy moving. We cannot maintain the level of civilization we have without trade across borders."

She began to pour their coffee, the fixings left on the tray so he might doctor his at will. "And there will always be paperwork, yes. More now, perhaps." That said, she glanced at Kanedama who was watching them with calculating intent, still as any monstrous statue. He was still beautiful in a way, though the demonic changes pushed him into an uncanny valley where his beauty still looked wrong somehow.

"Everyone has their price," he hissed from behind the wards. "Greed can be turned toward any end. If you are clever."

"That would explain why Avenna did not snatch back her emblem..." Her coffee cup and its saucer rested upon her lap. "What do you think, Kapitän? Would you trust a demon to do your will if you knew what he wanted?"
word count: 315
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Axel drew in a deep breath, his gaze thoughtful as he responded, "Yes, that's why they're a bit annoying to deal with. I appreciate the offer." His knowledge on the matter stemmed from the rampant Dawnstone and Moonstone mining fever that had gripped the Imperium for some time now. Fortunately, Axel knew he had little to fear, given the absence of reports regarding shadow creatures appearing on flying airships. Even his friends in the Imperial navy had attested to the relative safety of the seas when it came to such incidents.

He leaned back slightly, his demeanor relaxed as he continued, "That's what keeps the wheel turning, isn't it? I'm not sure if the merchants here share the same sentiment, but within the Imperium, most who transitioned from ground-based to air-based transportation reported fewer troubles with shadow creatures. And, of course, you're well aware of the advantages of aerial transport for goods, though one must remain vigilant against sky pirates," he added with a knowing grin.

Kanedama's thoughtful nod prompted Axel to take another sip from his cup, savoring the rich brew's warmth in the chilly climate. "It pairs well with the cold climate here," he remarked, his fingers idly fiddling with the intricate machinery before him. At Kanedama's comment about everyone having their price, Axel couldn't help but repeat the sentiment, his voice tinged with a hint of irony. He contemplated for a moment, his mind drifting to his own dealings with power and revenge. His goals aligned with those of the Imperium, particularly against Ecith, and he knew the Palace, or more specifically, the emperor, was well aware of his desires. Taking another sip and exhaling slowly, he locked eyes with Kala. "Personally, I wholeheartedly agree. The end justifies the means, right?" he said before turning his gaze to Kanedama. "Besides, as long as they uphold their end of the bargain."

With a final sip, he placed the cup on the table, his fingers lightly tapping its rim. "I've also knowingly made a deal with something far more daunting," he muttered, a reference to his implicit agreement with the emperor that lingered unspoken in the room.

Leaning forward, Axel addressed Vice-Minister Kanedama with a sense of purpose. "So, Vice-Minister, in regard to your earlier proposal, would it be possible for the White Stallion Shipping Company to enter into an official partnership with an establishment of your choosing? If it were to involve Kalzasi and the Imperium, I understand it might be outside of my jurisdiction. However, if you're willing, I will formally petition for this partnership with the Palace." followed by a sly grin, as he added, "Though, personally, I would prefer if the arrangement were exclusive to the White Stallion Shipping Company. After all, as you wisely noted, everyone has a price, don't they?"
word count: 484
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Kala Leukos
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"Every season, the shadows prove less fearsome, but I fear they shan't be going anywhere. 'Tis said that not only has Shaeoth returned to the world, but he has ascended to higher powers—powers not matched by his light-sided brother." Kala had feared as much when the revelation of Arcas' rebirth had become known to her. There were patterns in the world if one was wise enough to see them. She wasn't wise, but she had guessed that much. Perhaps one day she would be. She would have many days in the future if she played her cards well.

Kala smiled at the mention of sky pirates. Many of the Kalzasern airmen surely thought Steinsaltz and his crew were much the same. Sky pirates had been blamed for the attack on Prince Talon's wedding, though, of course, the Imperium and Zaichaer were also implicated.

"I am certain you are wily enough to evade them, Kapitän."

Kanedama's yellow-shot blue eyes stared at Steinsaltz now, perhaps calculating whether he might be the means of escape from his runic prison.

Kala was too polite to ask after his daunting compact; he would tell her or he wouldn't, but she wasn't going to pry, neither with words nor magic. Instead, she considered his request.

"M. Bryony will be on her way to meet with your second, and she will introduce him to merchants as per your request. She works for my mother rather than for me, and she can certainly help you find an establishment that might make a deal with you. For future governmental assistance, I'm afraid the Imperium falls under the purview of my superior, Lord Minister Tianoch, though I will certainly give him a glowing report of your work in our dealings. Were you considering opening an office for the White Stallion Trading Company in Kalzasi?" The last time she had been in enemy territory, he had only had the one ship, and she had been trying to secure him funding for more when the Emperor had intervened.

Kala still didn't know what all that had entailed, and while Steinsaltz could certainly carry intelligence back to Gel'Grandal, he wasn't likely to learn more than already crossed the borders by word of mouth. She didn't think him a proper spy, merely a merchant captain with ties to his government. But then, the Emperor's fingers were in every pie within his realm, it seemed.

"Bring her Kathar, peddler," Kanedama growled. "She will line your pockets in gold."

Her eyes narrowed on the demon.
word count: 435
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Axel's brows furrowed as he listened intently to what Kala was saying about Shaeoth and their shadowy domain. It dawned on him that he had overlooked the importance of understanding various religions and their implications in trade and diplomacy. His focus had been primarily on warfare tactics and piloting his airship. Now, as the owner of a trading company, he needed to broaden his knowledge to navigate the intricacies of cultural awareness and diplomacy, especially when dealing with potential trade partners.

"Well, but they're still a bit annoying and stubborn," Axel chuckled, trying to downplay his earlier lapse in awareness. He couldn't help but recall the persistence of a Zyth airship that had once pursued him all the way to the outskirts of the Duchy of Tranal.

Axel, recognizing the shift in the conversation, nodded courteously at Kala's words of gratitude. "Yes, indeed," he replied, his tone respectful and appreciative. "Your potential investment was a significant turning point for my business, Vice-Minister." He paused briefly, careful not to express any negative opinions regarding his emperor or the interruption during their first meeting. "I agree. Let us leave matters of such magnitude to our respective governments."

Taking another sip of tea, Axel's attention returned to Kala as she promised to provide a favorable recommendation to her superiors. Her kind offer didn't go unnoticed, and he genuinely felt gratitude for her support. "Thank you very much, Vice-Minister," he acknowledged with a nod. "I truly appreciate your assistance."

Axel interjected with a hint of humor, "Ah, you truly have the gift of mind-reading, Vice-Minister." He chuckled, sharing a lighthearted moment to ease the tension. "It's long been my intention to establish a branch office for the White Stallion Trading Company here. However, I believe it's essential to ensure a smooth transition, especially when it comes to staffing. Gelerian personnel may not be easily accepted by the locals, so having assistance in day-to-day affairs is indeed valuable."

His gaze shifted to Kanadema briefly before returning to Kala. "Additionally, I am in the process of establishing our main office in Gel'Grandal and would appreciate a handpicked candidate of your choosing to serve as a proxy in that location. Furthermore, I'm considering stationing a Kalzasern captain or two, along with their crew and airships, in the main office. I would also recommend a shortlist of Gelerian captains and their airships to be stationed in Kalzasi. A multifaceted approach, if you will." Axel took out another cigarette. "While there may be paperwork and skepticism from the locals, I believe it's worth pursuing. Peace via greed, wouldn't you agree?" He grinned before taking another sip of tea.

Even as he conversed with Kala and Kanadema, Axel couldn't help but think about how he would eventually have to inform the Geraet about his brief business trip to Kalzasi. He planned to share most of the conversation, carefully omitting details that might draw the attention of the Inquisitorial Review, an event he wished to avoid at all costs.

As Kala and Kanadema discussed her interest in Kathars and the substantial compensation she was willing to offer, Axel's composure faltered. He almost choked on his tea, his mind racing with thoughts of what revealing such information could mean for him. To hide his surprise, he feigned a momentary hearing problem, pointing to his ear.

"I'm sorry," Axel stammered, doing his best to divert attention away from the topic at hand. "I didn't quite catch what you were saying. Occasional hearing issues, you know. Ever since Zythura." He hoped his fabricated explanation would help him navigate the sensitive situation without causing further tension or suspicion.
Last edited by Axel Steinsaltz on Thu Oct 12, 2023 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 625
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Kala Leukos
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Unfortunately, Kanedama was in no condition to sit and take notes for them, but Kala had an excellent memory and for each matter Steinsaltz brought up, she nodded and committed it to memory. Captains and factors, she would help him set up shop in Kalzasi as well as in Gel'Grandal, and then she would have observers in the capital to keep her well-informed of the goings-on there.

It was not her intention to get him into trouble. It wasn't even her intention to break the Imperium. All she wanted was the freedom of the Kathar, but now she was functionally immortal, so she could play the long game. It was unlikely she would achieve this goal even in Steinsaltz's lifetime. She would have to be patient, but seize every opportunity as they would lessen and shorten the suffering of the enslaved.

"Bryony, who is conferring with your officers, will be of great help to you. She represents House Leukos, and so I suppose she will seek partnerships that benefit her employers as well as you." But the woman was talented, and had taken Kala under her figurative wing when the twins had arrived in Kalzasi as barely adults. She could help here and in Gel'Grandal, supply lists and introductions to captains and merchants. If it benefited Starfall more than Kalzasi, well, it was sworn to Kalzasi, so its taxes would remain here.

"For my part, I can expedite any bureaucratic issues." She wouldn't cheat, but she could take the time to review White Stallion matters to ensure they weren't bogged down in red tape.

As for Kanedama, she clucked her tongue.

"He isn't wrong," she admitted, "although he paints it in a bad light. I understand there are Kathar proud of their place in Gelerian society, and the champions of the Emperor are treated well. But I also understand that their training and breeding are harsh and if there are those the Imperium would execute, I would take them in. Too old, too broken, not good enough... bring them to me. It might even be doing the Emperor a favor," she said, laughing lightly, "weakening the Synnekar breeding stock, eh?"

It was a baby step, perhaps, but if she could get a Gelerian captain to see them as people, to bend for humanitarian reasons, to show kindness, perhaps there would be hope for the rest of them.
word count: 406
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Axel nodded in gratitude, “Thank you Vice-Minister. I’m sure that your proxy would be a big help.” Despite still lacking in business skills, he knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After all, he learned a lot from watching his extended family members fight tooth and nail with each other for opportunities such as this.

He knew that he would probably be the only Gelerian merchant with this much access to the Kalzasern merchants. To add to that, his business was recognized as the official courier of the Palace and he’s on his way up in the officer ranking ladder. With the humanitarian aid project in Zaichaer, more opportunities opened up before him. “I will contact the main office to have the paperwork prepared. I really appreciate the help, Vice-Minister. We will await her arrival at Gel’Grandal.” He replied.

Axel raised an eyebrow and leaned back as he listened to what Kala said. Axel began putting two and two together. He chuckled along awkwardly. “Doing the Emperor a favor, huh?” he repeated her statement. He took a deep breath and let his eyes wandered around the ceiling of the room, he fished out another cigarette, lit it and took a long drag. His mind racing fast, this is something above his pay grade, and no amount of money could persuade him to go against the emperor. It wouldn’t matter how far you ran as it will only be a matter of time before an Inquisitor pay you a visit. He looked back and forth between Kanedama and Kala.

“Vice-Minister, you must know that the emperor really valued what he considered his, whether he already had it in his possession or something he had set his eyes on.” Axel replied emphasizing on the word ‘considered’. He then straightened his posture, picked up his gun that he had placed on the table and holstered it. “Vice-Minister, not to be rude, but I need to excuse myself. I just remembered that I need to look for a souvenir for my old man. He always told me that he wanted to visit up North.” He sighed, “He was younger back then.” He stood up and half-bowed at Kala, “I also would like to enjoy a bit more of the cold weather before supper.” He chuckled lightly as he slowly made his way toward the door.

Axel held his tongue at that moment, he didn’t want to said something that will implicate him. Afterall, he had heard stories around the barracks, about an Inquisitor who found a veteran who had been enjoying retirement up North. They said the Inquisitor found him while he was fishing out in the wilderness. He sure didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the emperor’s wrath. There was a reason that they employed the scorched earth tactic if they were forced to retreat from a warzone. But these Kathars were living sentient beings, just like him, not some chunks of metals.

Axel stopped in front of the door, “It’s not impossible,” he muttered to himself, gambling on the fact that Kala could hear him. He didn’t trust that Kanedama won’t spill what had happened today, if another Gelerian came here, just like the fact that he spilled that information to him, a Gelerian. He turned around and look at Kala, “Oh, right. We didn’t come through the door.” He chuckled.
word count: 581
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Kala Leukos
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While frustrated, she didn't sigh. It had been easier when she was merely Kala, speaking for her family. Being Kala Leukos was quite enough, but she had earned the Vice Ministry, even if she was young. But now she was Vice Minister, and so he couldn't help but see her as the government of Kalzasi. It was a good thing her wings were under more layers of illusion than even she could pierce through—well, without a great deal of time and concentration and knowing there was a glamour to penetrate.

"Mein lieber Kapitän," she replied with a bland smile, "the Emperor considered Zaichaer his, and yet, when it was shattered and licking its wounds, all he did was make a show of aerial power."

Her point wasn't meant to sting, but Kanedama's laughter was certainly at the Imperium's expense. Kala frowned at him. With a flick of her wrist, a ward against sound flickered through the weft of the barrier holding him.

"I apologize for my assistant. He and I have much to discuss. I merely point out that the world is wider than the Gelerian Imperium. Think on it. I wouldn't want you to bend your conscience, but merely do a kindness should the opportunity arise." All the same, she set her cup and saucer on the table and stood, a hand indicating the door and then clasping with the other in front of her as she accompanied him to the door.

Indric was waiting outside because of course he was.

"Ser Indric, would you please open a portal for Captain Steinsaltz to...?"

Here she glanced at him for direction. If he wandered the Palace of the First Wind, eventually someone would stop him and ask questions. It were best he got where he was going quickly and expeditiously.
word count: 308
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Kala’s response toward his statement about Zaichaer made him paused. He gave no verbal response toward her statement about the show of aerial power and Kanedama’s mocking laughter, Axel merely nodded his head slightly. Instead, he let Kala’s statement lingered in his head. When did he became this cautious? Where was that Captain Steinsaltz of the 175th Imperial Squadron that broke the siege in the Zythura front? Had he grown timid just like his father? Is this why his father never…….. he shrugged the thoughts away.

Axel grinned slightly when he saw the familiar face of Indric. “Of course, I’m not the only one wary of that…” he gestured his head slightly at the direction of the infernal.

“Um yes, to Herr Creuzberg and Bryony are…..” he paused mid-sentence and turned toward Kala.

Fräulein Kala, einen Moment bitte?” Axel asked dropping the honorifics and the slight uneasiness that he experienced back in the room with the infernal. Axel took out his crumpled pack of cigarette offered one to her and lit one for himself, taking a long drag he sighed. “I still remember the time we first met. You’re still the proxy of House Leukos and I’m still a retired vet looking for someone who would believe enough in me to invest. Someone who would take a gamble on my business.” He took another drag, “And now…… here we are.” He chuckled slightly. “About what you said earlier, I dare not speak in front of that….” He paused, “Your former assistant.” He gave an apologetic look.

“Everyone has their price, right? Well, I’m not one to lecture the Vice-Minister of Finance on financial things, but about bringing the Kathar out of the Imperium, a lot of fingers to be greased and the process won’t be that fast.”

Axel looked at Indric then back at Kala. “I admit, I may need further advice in regards to maneuvering the ‘legal’ redtapes. Well, if the legal redtapes could be maneuvered, I could bring the Kathar here. Just need another proxy that won’t be connected to the White Stallion or to you. If you have someone in mind, I’ll arrange a meeting with my contact in Trashtown. Though I also won’t be attending the meeting in person but rest assured, my contact has no ties to the Imperium or to anywhere else.” He took another drag. “Haben wir eine Vereinbarung, Fräulein Kala?” he raised his hand for a handshake.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Axel ended the conversation on a lighter note. "After all, I journeyed here with the White Stallion Shipping Company to seek business opportunities with the Kalzasern merchants... and an unexpected reunion with an old friend." He winked, extending his hand in anticipation of Kala's response.
word count: 473
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Kala Leukos
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At his glance toward Kanedama through the door, she closed it behind him. Her ward was more proof against his listening than mere wood, but it was a symbolic gesture as well. Kala accepted the cigarette, allowing her breath to pull a thread of Fire through it.

"Aber ja." She was careful; inhalants weren't a common vice of hers.

Kala listened. She nodded. "Again, I am not asking you to become a pirate, but if you investigate the possibility and can make it happen, I can fund you. An underground railroad... although, it can be by air or..." She nodded toward Indric. "...portal if you can get them to the Duchy of Dardouen."

The young magistrate shifted her cigarette to her off hand and then shook his.

"Wir haben eine Vereinbarung." She smiled, looking for a moment like something between a mischievous girl and a wicked woman. "I knew you would be up to a challenge, Herr Axel."

Even if he deemed the task too difficult, he might supply her with information to help her build an infrastructure for this great work. The more she could do without bloodshed, the more she would be proud of that work. Their vaunted avatar of justice had suffered injustice at the hands the Imperium, married a Kathar, and yet remained unmoved by their plight - at least he didn't seem to be doing anything about it. Perhaps if she got the ball rolling, he would add to her momentum.

If not, well, the Goddess had bade her do it and so she would.

Indric opened a portal back to the Gelerian's ship. His face was impassive; the enslavement of the Kathar was painful for the Synnekar, but he didn't want to disrupt Kala's negotiations. He held the gate open until such time as Steinsaltz departed. Kala didn't pressure him to leave.
word count: 313
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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