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Re: Future Abundant [Eitan, Reiner]

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:39 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
The celebrations showed that the people of the Sky Islands faction were doing well, more than just surviving. No one else on the ground in Zaichaer could boast as much. The Fort Generals might have been able to had their commands not been so solely focused on military things. In the minds of the generals, Fort and otherwise, civilians were something to be contained in a safe area and given basic provisions until such time as it was safe to release them back outside of military protection. At best they would be viewed as something precious and delicate to be protected, at worst, a drain on resources that would be needed for the soldiers.

The difference in the Sky Islands and the ground they had taken was that the civilian population was the point of it. The generals or their representatives were seeing that, they were seeing Zaichaer as it had been and could be again; industry, growing families, the chance for prosperity. These were the things they were supposed to be protecting, not their own interests. There was always something to be said for working for personal growth, for the betterment of oneself and one's family, it was one of the core ideals of the nation, but another one of those ideals was that when the nation prospered so did everyone in it. Without the people a military had no reason to exist, no workforce to support it, and no population to draw new recruits from. They were symbiotic, neither able to thrive, or even survive, without the other.

Stefan would never be a true military man, his heart and mind lay in other things, but he would never imagine denying the need for the armed forces of Zaichaer and in his command he had never neglected to support them. The Sky Islands attempted to recreate the balance that the generals, holed up in their places of command, failed to and it showed on their faces as they watched children running through the streets trailing ribbons and laughing.

Because of all this it was a more subdued party of high officials that arrived at White Knight Hall than had met with Stefan and Eitan that afternoon, with the exception of Reichart, and possibly Vonnegut. Each delegate accepted the greetings of Lady Angevin and Lady Dornkirk and were ushered into the dining room without a sneer or attempt to intimidate between them.

The dinner was good, of course, and, by intention, contained only traditional Zaichaeri dishes. The gesture was appreciated, even if the implication was not likely missed by any of the guests.

Due to the presence of the ladies and everyone seeming to suddenly remember their manners, no more talk of negotiation was had though much of the conversation was about the current state of affairs of the whole nation. And it was spoken of in that way, led by Stefan and Eitan, The Whole Nation, as though it had not fallen into a shattered set of factions each vying for their own best position.

By the end, as the pudding plates were being cleared, it seemed as though everyone had a great deal to think about. No one was inclined to stay and continue the festivities, even though they could still be heard going on, louder if anything, on the surrounding islands. The generals took their leave, all except Reichart, who had been invited to stay so he could be shown around more properly the next day, but even he seemed to sense that his hosts had had enough for one day and politely made his excuses and took himself to his room.

After a little talk between the family the two ladies of the house excused themselves as well, to check on the children and get out of the gowns that were likely uncomfortably tight after the changes their bodies had undergone in childbearing. Having new gowns made would have sent the wrong sort of signals, but one must still look ones best.

Stefan, exhausted but feeling oddly less like he wanted to sleep than he had in the carriage ride back to the Hall looked at his brother-in-law and said,

"Care for a nightcap in my study?"

Re: Future Abundant [Eitan, Reiner]

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 3:36 pm
by Eitan Angevin
"Always," he replied.

Somehow, Eitan always managed to look undaunted by these social affairs until the last of the guests had quit their presence. He looked weary now. No doubt he could have flown down with Reiner and burned the candle at both ends, but he knew better. Time and experience had honed him and so he was stronger now, but he was also aware of where his limits were - even if he sometimes ignored them. If he ignored them, it was with full knowledge of the price he would pay.

"The wives still look fine in dresses gone out of date," he mused as he sauntered toward the bar and his brother-in-law. The Dienerins had been sent to their own rest, and the servants had already cleared the dining room and were busily washing dishes and such until they took to their beds. "All the same, Luca seems happier when she can flounce around in trousers. Makes it more difficult to decide which of your asses to stare at." He chuckled as Stefan poured, then raised his glass to toast. "To my dear Stef, and his ass in fitted trousers."

He took a bracing sip, wanting the warm, relaxed feeling more than he wanted the exhilaration of the revels down below. It was strange to know that after a year of relative hell, the hellmouth its demons had just disappeared. As an admiral and now High Sentinel of the Order of Reconciliation, he wished he could say it had been a triumph of Zaichaer over its enemies, but he didn't know what had happened and that worried him. But that was a matter for tomorrow and he would be better able to coordinate reports after having had a full night's sleep.

But, of course, there were other things that would require his attention: Reichart, Vonnegut, the other generals and fort commanders. More and more of them would respond to him, which meant more work even with all that he could and would delegate. He already had Dienerin for civilian matters. Quite soon he would need a Dienerin for military matters and a Dienerin for Order matters. Eitan had a short list for those positions, but he couldn't afford to dally.

The airships would scout the major trade roads to ensure repatriation would be safe. Of course, they would do some ferrying, but the civilians ought to be able to do more for themselves now and allow the military to do what the military was best at: serve and protect.

"How are you otherwise, dear heart?" The style was sweet even if he had reached around to ensure all was well with Stefan's ass in fitted trousers.

Re: Future Abundant [Eitan, Reiner]

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:20 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
Stefan nodded to the comment about the ladies, though he added,

"Since Zaichaer's fashion hasn't had a chance to change since the dresses were made, I prefer to believe they both remain quite at the height."

Delia and Luca both had a reputation for having excellent taste in clothing, or had been known for having them before the disaster, now, he rather imagined they would be setting all the trends for a long time to come. Their mutual appreciation for trousers had certainly set at ease the ladies, both high born and low, who had been required by necessity to don the typically masculine garments for the sake of getting to work over the past year. It was not at all uncommon a sight to see a set of female legs filling out a pair of, if not fitted, neither baggy trousers all over the Sky Islands. They would soon be seen all over the city as part of the clean up crews. Not the first wave, which would dispose of the bodies, but the second, which would involve making the houses and shops habitable again one block at a time, they would certainly be needed for.

He tried for a wry expression at the toast to his cloth-covered assets but between being tired and being amused he hardly managed anything close. Raising his own glass, and his eyebrows as he let himself deliberately and obviously watch Eitan walk across the room toward him he took a swallow that was equally intended as a compliment to the view.

The direct question was met with a thoughtful hum as he considered it in some depth. Even the polite conversational norms meant more when they came from a member of Stefan's family and he liked to give them their due.

"We aren't over the bulk of the work yet, in fact, I imagine we're just starting on it now but" He took another sip and then set his glass aside to wrap both his hands around Eitan's trim hips and look him in the eye,

"For the first time in a long time, I can honestly say I feel good."

All was not right in their world, but no longer were they in the era of fighting desperately for survival. They were entering the era of rebuilding and, as Zaichaer always did when it was required to dust itself off and start again, it would rise better and brighter than ever before.

Re: Future Abundant [Eitan, Reiner]

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:48 pm
by Eitan Angevin
"We are past masters at picking ourselves up by the bootstraps," he reminded him, though, of course, any Dornkirk knew that story whether it was the children of Melchior Dornkirk, young Reiner, or even Amalia who picked herself up with a smile whenever she fell. And, of course, he assumed their wives would have innumerable things to say about bootstraps in the fashions to come. Lucrece had asked him to take her with him the next time he traveled to Gel'Grandal on business; she wanted to know what was [i[de mode[/i] there—not to copy, but because it was an art form and she claimed more context would help her make decisions in future. He hoped that future fashions in Zaichaer were open to the masses. They were all in this together, after all.

"I suppose when things calm down a bit, I should do a tour of the Order chapterhouses," he mused. To his mind, they had elected him thinking he would be easy to control, whether by persuasion or intimidation. Eitan could play the part for them, consolidate his power, and then upset them when everything was well in hand. But it would be easier to arrange his own eyes and ears within each chapter if he could go himself and prove to the rank-and-file that he was more than a figurehead.

Eitan had no trouble meeting Stefan's eyes, nor holding them. He reached out and gave him a pat on the cheek that was at once condescending and sweet.

"The Great Work will never be complete, but we will keep the gears turning with our blood, sweat, and tears, and so will our children and our children's children." What might have sounded dirge-like and dour to a foreigner was just proper patriotism in Zaichaer, even its proud remnants. They would not have hung on so fiercely without such a mindset, however.

Re: Future Abundant [Eitan, Reiner]

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:58 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
Stefan nodded, to each of the things Eitan said as he took measured sips of the spirits warmed by his hand. They were already beginning to lift themselves above the disaster, literally and figuratively. More would be to come, much more. While most of his mind was still occupied with the things that were needful immediately, a quiet corner of his mind had begun to consider what they might improve once things had returned to baseline.

Melchior Dornkirk had always been there to curtail and edit Stefan's ambition, to steer it in the directions that the patron of their house wanted it to go. Generally, Stefan had been accepting of this, knowing that his projects and interests were made possible by his father's wealth and standing and thus willing to adjust them in service of what fueled them. As jarring as losing his parents and brother had been, as much as he could now admit he had been in shock for months afterward, the realization was dawning on him that he was now the head of the family, and more beyond. It was up to him to decide which direction House Dornkirk, the Windworks (and other business ventures his father had held) and, in some very real ways, the nation, would be heading.

His thoughts were slow as his mind began to let itself unwind from the tight tangle it had become throughout the long, very full day. Allowing one hand to rest, easy and comfortable, on Eitan's hip he let their faces come to rest on one another as his brother touched the other side of his. The position was reminiscent of a dance, except that they were remaining still. Music came into his head in little snatches from the many parties and functions he had attended and he let himself imagine, for a moment, what it would be like to dance with Eitan.

The fancy passed and he leaned away enough to have another swallow from his glass.

"Mmm," He responded, while his mouth was full of mellow flavor and strong alcohol, then, "Tomorrow we should sit down together first thing and go over all the reports that have been pouring in."

They had tried to convince everyone that could be spared to take the day to celebrate and while most of the military men in their power had participated in at least some of the entertainments provided many had been eager to discover how much of the city was now free of the mist mutations. Therefore, he knew, there would be a tall stack of reports on his desk by the time he reached it on the morrow. For once he was looking forward to them, for there was good reason to believe they would contain much to rejoice over and few, if any, casualties.

"Last year, on this day, Zaichaer ended. Tomorrow, it begins again."

Re: Future Abundant [Eitan, Reiner]

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:59 am
by Finn

Experience: 10 xp, keine Magie.

Injuries: n/a

Loot: n/a

Notes: I'll want a full report of Reiner's debauchery down below.