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Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:58 pm
by Aeros
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Palæros could glean from her reaction that his pressing had worked the way he intended. He'd cornered her, but not come across as hostile.

"Honestly, I guessed." he'd answer with a light, cordial nod. "But I've had Mesmer since I was a child, and I've used it to hone my ability to read others mundanely as well over the years. While my guesses are still approximations, I've allowed my magic to serve as a guide for long enough that I'm usually pretty accurate," he would add.

But as the not-entirely-elven woman continued, the possessed man's expression would shift deeper into intrigue, watching her throw the bird.

"That so? They don't see the value of talents such as those?" He scoffed, sounding very nearly offended.

"You must be powerful Elementalists or Summoners, indeed, or…" he'd trail off, giving her a knowing look. "Or…you're more than that."

And as he said this, he would appear to think.

"If you and yours aren't practitioners of those Crafts, then perhaps you carry the blood of dragons?" This question was asked point-blank, as if he were completely serious, even though the likelihood was abysmal. He knew the Ecithean jungles were home to green dragons that would hold abilities much like she described, and while a ridiculous notion, it was the only thing he could think of.

"My fealty has been sworn to the solar crown, Sol'Aværys. Those of us in the sun tend to be a bit more, ah, snobby when it comes to blood purity…but times, they are changing, and we, too, must adapt." He'd say, and as he proclaimed this, he sounded slightly bitter– but the whyfor would be anyone's guess.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:25 pm
by Mirza
Mirza noddded slightly as he continued his train of thought, a bit disappointed she could not follow it with her semblance, hidden as his aura was. At his successful guess, Mirza shed her Animus guise and grew, a tail sprouting from her back, her feet morphing draconic, and horns sprouting from her head as he continued speaking. She was wearing a white linen wrap dress that was short to begin with, but was now even shorter with her increased height. Scales appeared on her arms and legs and face.

"I am." She walked closer to Aeros and bent down at the waist so they were more even in height. "I was told I would be Peregrinus in the Luxium, and to avoid it, and to not allow the Golden Guard to discover my identity." Mirza shrugged, and straightened up.

"I do not know why it must be so fraught. I had thought they liked dragons here, but they may not like dragonborn, and for green dragons like my mother and siblings, it seems there would be cause to butt heads. Draconic pride and ego. I do not understand. But green dragons are stewards of beasts and earth, would they not have great power under this endless summer sceptre?"

"I do not possess the same powers as they, and I am not an elementalist nor a summoner. I practice Animus, and I am aspected towards earth..." Mirza sighed. "I miss the green of Ecith. I have seen walled gardens and oases as I have travelled, but I haven't been to see one myself yet, and I do not have names for many of the plants. I know what a cactus is, but I do not know their varieties."

She narrowed her eyes. "Do not betray me, Palaemon and Aeros. I may be putting myself in danger to reveal this to you." She exhaled a sigh. "But if you could find a way for me to walk freely, I would appreciate not wasting aether on my Moonborn guise just to wander the streets."

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:07 pm
by Aeros
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Their guess, silly as it was, was fully confirmed when Mirza shed her guise before their eyes, revealing her true form in all its majesty. Palæros would look to this newfound friend of his, or friend he would hope she'd become, with utter delight. He'd wait to respond, however, until after hearing her out the rest of her words.

"Magnificent! Rare, indeed, that somebody towers over me like that," he'd laugh, voice playful.

"If your current allegiance is to Sol’Zalkyrion, that would be the case; status doesn't quite translate all the way between upper and lower city. They are also likely wont to hide your presence from their solar counterparts because...well, the Sentinels are ever fond of their subterfuge and currently, the two halves of the city are at odds with one another; or at least, it comes across that way. The Sentinels and the Guard aren't keen on sharing, apparently.

"Of course, they are right that if the Golden Guard found you wandering alone it would be an unpleasant experience, but that would be because you'd then find yourself unwittingly thrown in the middle of our infighting. "
He would say all of this matter-of-factly

He shook his head. "I know that dragons can be covetous creatures, but I do hope they'll be eager to share the talents of you and yours with us who need it most once a proper audience with the crown is achieved."

And finally, he'd smile at her reassuringly. "I've no reason to betray you; sharing information incorrectly is how we ended up like this, after all. We know the price of doing so all too well." Frustration would cross his fair features ever so briefly.

"And in the spirit of openness, my family, Gens Sælyan, is a senatorial noble house in the sun, and I'm currently serving as courtier to the palace," he would add.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:54 am
by Mirza
Mirza raised an eyebrow. "You think they act out of selfishness?" She asked, curiosity piqued. She was only fairly oblivious to manipulation; she did not believe that Palaeros were acting out of the total kindness of their hearts. She wondered, though, how assisting her would benefit them, and she did not know such intricacies of Solunarium. She had yet to even meet or speak to the crown draconic, and all of her interactions had been with silver sentinels. She had not seen a member of the Golden Guard since she had crossed the border of Ecith and Atraxia.

She was not entirely convinced by his earnest reply that they would not share this discovery, though it was too late to regard such suspicions. She shrank back into her Moonborn form, expending the aether to shift was somewhat more effort than just maintaining it for spans of hours at a time.

"Sælyan... I have not heard of it." This would ring true for most houses. "Does my symphony give me away so much? I did not think of Mesmer... I would appreciate the gift." The potential of ulterior motives existed in her mind, but she was not aware of any charm or enchantment that could be hidden within the enchantment to hide her from magical view without her being able to detect it with semblance herself. Though there were a significant number of powerful mages in Solunarium, and despite her skill, she felt among the weaker of them. She must expand her repertoire to survive, and enchanted items were included in that.

"Thank you for your hospitality thus far, Palaemon and Aeros." She performed a little bow. "Do you have any interest in hunting? How may I repay your kindness?"

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:24 pm
by Aeros
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"The Sentinels have always been an organization known for their inherently surreptitious nature; I've little reason to trust them at their word in that regard– which isn't a slight, it just means they're good at their jobs. Still, I will admit my suppositions are just that." Palæros spoke with a voice that would lead one to believe he knew more than he let on.

"If I'm honest, though, it's not them that vex me most. I understand checking for the veracity of your kin's intent, because there is prudence in caution, but…we really would, as a whole, benefit from the gifts of earth aspected green dragons. It's the notion that the draconic crown is hesitant towards your group because of some petty nonsense about your flight. You'd think our nation's benefit would outweigh something like that, no?" He'd continue, clearly annoyed at this.

He actually did hold at least one more pretty major secret of the Vigilia he didn't bother to tell Arkænyn in their first meeting; it was a card he still intended to play, though now, he knew not when nor how he'd want to.

But then he'd sigh, "...politics are always petty– it's just that now that I'm up here-"

He'd cut off, as if being interrupted, "...and the fact that I've been struggling to help maintain our ecosystems for nigh a year, that it strikes me particularly poorly they'd slow the process of receiving aid from green, earth aspected dragons," he would almost hiss, this time. "...but I digress."

But after his offer and statement of station, he'd just give her a wan smile. "I'd be surprised if you did recognize us by name– you've not been here very long; 'tis why I clarified."

"Neither Palæmon nor I hunt, but we have picked up swordsmanship recently, and I'd love an excuse to play with Elementalism more, so I wouldn't mind accompanying you on your ventures, if you'd have me, however," he'd add, thinking that doing so would be a welcome distraction from those with whom he spent most of his time.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 6:46 pm
by Mirza
"They would meet with me... it is just a matter of when." Mirza shrugged. "You were not always pledged to the Luxian crown?" She asked, chasing the words that one had cut off after the other, though she could not yet tell who was who. She nodded along with him, taking in his words for what they were — words. If he had means of getting her family to Solunarium quicker and with better standing than the Umbrian crown, she wanted to see it. But she had not pledged allegience yet. She could entertain many ideas so long as she could sustain them.

"It seems that there are many powerful people here, in verbal games and magic alike." Mirza agreed. She wondered if it would be more suspicious if she had her symphony guarded as such, but it would not be more suspicious than her carefully modified aura. She sembled around herself frequently, like clockwork, spying anything out of the ordinary. In Solunarium, it felt less useful a skill. Sentinels were invisible to her semblance, and master and grandmaster mages or those with the enchantments of them were scattered about the Umbrium like berries in a cake. It was why she was assigned a Sentinel to accompany her as she traveled the Umbrium, but perhaps with the gift, she wouldn't need him anymore...

Maybe both would be best. She did not wholly trust their desire for pure companionship. She had to be guarded in this city, she was warned of it, she had been written of it. But she was open to the idea of getting to know him better. Perhaps he would turn out to be an ally that did not intend to stab her in the back.

"Swordsmanship may be difficult for hunting... but I am a middling butcher and may be able to teach you some. I'd like to hunt from a herd of mule deer I found travelling north of here, near the River Vasta, before they are consumed by our crocodilian friends..." She trailed off. "Do you like sleeping outside? Or do you prefer to stay as close to the city as you can?"

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:50 pm
by Aeros
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For a moment, Palæros would pause– perhaps he’d misinterpreted her words?

“Oh, they are, are they? Good.” The question was asked with audible relief. "I thought you meant the imply that they intended to shirk the opportunity to treat with your kin altogether; my mistake," he'd apologize.

“Well, I do look forward to hearing about it from my Umbrian peers…” he trailed off, thinking, before abruptly dropping the subject.

“But to your question, no– I wasn’t. That is…” he’d laugh, something tired, sardonic. “...well, all of the details to that story are long, but here’s the gist:

“I, Æros, died. My undead soul was then ferried back to the land of the living by the very Founders we revere here. Now, here’s the problem; I, ah…I can’t prove that,”
he’d say with a frustrated sort of shrug. “Now, in life, I had just begun a career as a senator myself– cue the politicking of trying to convince folks to believe me, and with the way we here regard the undead, that did not go over well. But strangely, I was better believed by the Luxian audience. As such, the Paterfamilias of my kin thought it would be a more prudent decision to switch sides, shall we say.”

For the entire time he explained this, his arms would remain crossed over his chest, and during this, it was the first time Palæros would look…upset, truly, but saddened, exhausted, too. It’d be hard to pick a reason why, because it could be one of many things he said; his death, being unable to prove the circumstances of his return, his Umbrian peers not believing him, not having a say in his family’s allegiance…and then, who could say what else there was left unsaid?

The half-dragon’s comment about Solunarium being home to many powerful people very nearly made him laugh, but he didn’t. “That, at least, is an undeniable truth,” his tone suddenly solemn.

And when it came to the subject of hunting, “...I, ah…can’t say I can even recall the last time I’ve slept outside,” he’d almost grimace, “...but I suppose such a…novel? experience wouldn’t be so bad if spent with somebody experienced in doing so. Do let me know when and where you’d prefer to meet, though, and I’ll come along.”
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 4:56 pm
by Mirza
"The founders themselves ferried you back? Before a black dragon could, I imagine..." She did not know the exact circumstances of Aeros' death, nor the rumors and frustration that came with it, but the tone of her voice did not indicate disbelief as much as awe. This man had been stopped from the cycle of reincarnation, or from returning to the realm of his gods, by those gods themselves.

"That is an interesting reason to switch the allegiance of an entire family." She said, though she did not pry any further about it. It felt like a sensitive subject, and she was abysmal at navigating those things. She also noticed that their expression was upset, though who was controlling it, who was upset, it was still a mystery to her. Mirza felt steeled to learn the difference sooner rather than later, if they were to be companions. She didn't mind the idea of a friend.

"I have slept in the wilderness more than I have slept in a bed, if that is any comfort to you." She had gone on her first solo camping night when she was just old enough to start a fire.

"I... am not sure, yet. I have to learn more about the environment here before I can find a more suitable prey. I do want to hunt those mule deer, though, if you wish to assist in that... I do not know when I will attempt that endeavour. Where can I find you? Do you live in the Luxium? Do you have a home in the Umbrium as well??" She had learned that many wealthy families in Solunarium still maintained homes on both sides of the city, and could still go between them at will. She couldn't help but wonder if that would last forever.

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:24 pm
by Aeros
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“By Their brilliance did I return, yes; I gave myself unto Them as an offering in my final breath– I’m surprised it was even heard, given the circumstances…” Palæros would trail off, then grit his teeth. “But that’s a story for another time, if ever; the only ones who know how I died are Palæmon and the Sentinels who received me upon my return,” granting little else other than a tight lipped, fidgety sort of shrug– his shame was palpable.

“In the spirit of honesty, though, I will admit that our allegiance shift was a tad bit more complicated than that, but those are matters of the Luxian crown at this point; I really…it’s not my choice to share any more. I don't even know if what I just told you before is accurate. The choice to switch sides was not up to me, ultimately, and for all I know, I was only told what I was in an attempt to placate me...or perhaps make me feel more accepted up here?” He'd laugh, then sigh wearily.
As all things political in Solunarium were, there was much beneath the surface here, too.

When it came to the logistics of when they’d next meet, he’d nod to her. “We do have estates in both upper and lower city, you can ask after me in the Umbrian one if it’s more convenient. You won’t have to wait long whether I’m topside or not,” he’d ensure her. And before they parted ways, he’d tell her the address and give general instructions from where she’d said she was staying.
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Talking to Walls

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:27 pm
by Hector


Points: 5 Animus/5 mundane
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Loot: n/a


Points: 10 Elementalism
Loot: n/a

Notes: n e w f r i e n d !
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