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Re: Warehousing

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 7:24 am
by Zora
Thread Title
Timestamp, 123rd Year, A.o.S.


At Virgil’s words Kira said, “oh that would be wonderful, assuming you can do something about burns.”

“Agreed,” Jesse said with a nod later in the conversation, “killing the slimes would be ideal.”

As the situation in the derelict building grew increasingly tense, the group found themselves backed into a corner by the advancing colossus slime and its miniature lackeys. Despite its weakened state, the creature's sheer size and persistence posed a significant threat.

Jesse, eyeing the slime warily, turned to the others. "Do you think we have enough firepower to finish this off?" he asked.

Kira's gaze followed, contemplating the feasibility of the spirit's capabilities against such a massive adversary. "It's hard to say," she replied. "But we might as well try."

As the slime continued its relentless approach, Jesse looked at Kira with a sense of urgency. "Can you put up a barrier? Something to hold it back?"

Kira nodded, her focus shifting to the task at hand. She extended her hands, concentrating deeply as she began to weave her magic. Visualizing a transparent wall of aether, she tasked it specifically to repel jelly-like substances. The shimmering barrier began to form in front of them, its surface wavering slightly as Kira's energy coursed through it.

"I'm not sure how much this will hold against that thing," Kira muttered, her brow furrowed in concentration. "But it's better than nothing."

As she worked on solidifying the barrier, her mind raced with other possible strategies. The thought of being engulfed by the slime sent a shiver down her spine. Kira knew that their survival hinged not only on their magical abilities but also on their ability to adapt and respond quickly to the unpredictable nature of their foe. She and Jesse could do little other than play supporting roles while praying the shadow spirit could finish the job.

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

Re: Warehousing

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:43 pm
by Hector
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As the slimey, sluggish creature, now increasingly less corpulent, continued its ingress, so, too, did the shadow spirit continue to suffuse it with liquid twilight. At a glance, only about a third of it had been dyed black at this point.

The vitality that he leached from the living provided him with power and energy, but in a manner as close to “physical” as one could say in reference to an eldritch spirit. Aether, on the other hand, was a different resource, and though the two were intrinsically linked, they were not the same– this same principle applied to those who wield Vitalis, too. Vampyres and vampiric spirits required both to function fluidly.

Al'Kassis was, by all accounts, classed as a greater spirit, and as such, the pool of aether from which he drew on his own accord ran deep– so for him, he did not find this endeavor to be directly taxing in a manner aetheric; all of the tension that existed did so because he knew he was on a time limit. If he failed to drain away significant mass from the slime in a timely fashion, then his contracted partner– Hector– would come to harm, and that, in turn, was the truest way to harm the spirit himself.

Luckily, this wasn’t the worst possible situation to be in– there were four mages total present, one of which did possess the ability to slow the approach of the lumbering miscreation. While all sentient entities there knew (or could likely guess) that Vergil's Traversion and particular affinity for portals rendered the overall level of danger they were in to be relatively low in a wholistic sense, it would appear that the actual threat to their safety was their greed. They were stubbornly determined to kill the thing to reap whatever rewards they could from its remnants. Or, at the very least, Kira and Hector were and their two companions were consequently tasked with either protecting them or forcing a last minute escape (the latter course of action would assuredly irritate Hector).

Kira’s next move was to create a barrier by way of Negation; a blockade of sorts meant to stop the thing. She had, however, been casting throughout this sojourn into trash town and even if the ward was well-made, her aether reserves might struggle against the overwhelming weight of the thing. Negation fields normally weren’t visible after their incipience unless they were being struck or affected in some form or fashion that was in some way significant, but as the slime squished against it like metaphysical glass, those present could see the aether which composed it shimmer as it struggled to hold.

Ostensibly, however, should Al’Kassis kill the largest of the lubberly devils, that would be it then, wouldn’t it? Sensorially, he was able to quickly detect when Hector managed to extinguish the life of the last of the slime’s lackeys, and with that signal being received, he began to rip aether from both himself and Hector at an accelerated rate to shred their final foe far faster than before. Both Hector and the spirit had considerable aetheric reserves on their own, and especially so when one considered the fact that the two of them could share. It still did, however, cause significant strain to rapidly invoke vast quantities of it at once– only the thing was, Al’Kassis didn’t exactly care at this precise moment. Hector visibly winced as a result, his features twisting for a moment as a burning shock of pain rolled through him but he didn’t object to his Aidolon’s endeavor nor did he ultimately emote in a concerned way at all.

The slime itself would quickly shift from majority green to majority black and then appear as if it were water evaporating in the desert sun. Within a minute, the rest of the slime had been drained away, their final foe vanquished.

Hector turned to face the group at this point, though he was visibly not reacting to the fact that the spirit’s selfsame miasmatic slime now ran in rivulets down his face and neck from all available orifices; eyes, nose, mouth and ears. This was, in actuality, his blood; glinting polychrome in light like oil, it ran the slightest bit more crimson than that which came directly from the spirit. Even so, this distinction was so slight that it would be easy to consider relatively insignificant.

“When it comes to aetheric firepower, we’ve plenty– it’s just tricky when it comes to using a lot at once,” the elf said with a light shrug, as if completely disregarding– or oblivious to– the danger they’d just been in.

In tandem with his words and gesticulation, the blood that ran down his skin would vanish; he was reabsorbing what of his own vitality could be recycled and vaporizing the rest.

Vergil, too, didn’t react with much concern to this. Perhaps there was the mildest amount of annoyance, but not much else.

The shadows that had spread through the room, however, first retracted to Hector’s own and then began to rise into a thick cloud of caliginous vapor behind him. Slowly, the inky darkness started to condense and solidify into the shape of a mortal man’s upper body before bleaching white and gaining finer details; he resembled something of a man carved from marble, though he did maintain roiling wisps of shadow that crept over his skin.

Before he’d even bothered to finish this partial manifestation, the spirit did speak: “Some of us spirits are old, powerful things. Were I to allow us to fall to a slime, that’d have been a cosmic embarrassment against myself and every entity like me.” By the time he finished this sentiment, he lingered suspended in the air beside Hector, arms crossed over his chest.

At that point, Vergil would interject, “I do have a salve for the burns if the two of you would like it.”

Should they accept, he’d pull a small, glass jar from his bag– a durable looking blackened leather thing that resembled a doctor or surgeon’s kit. It was filled with a thick, cream colored substance that would smell strongly medicinal. Those with Necromantic knowledge would understand this to be some modification of ichor, and given the context, one that was likely formulated with regenerative properties.
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Aidolon Speech

Re: Warehousing

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:17 am
by Zora


Exhausted from the exertion of her magic and the intensity of the encounter, Kira's knees buckled, sending her collapsing to the ground. She felt an overwhelming wooziness, her head spinning as she tried to regain her bearings. The energy it had taken to maintain her barriers and control her kinetics had drained her significantly. She couldn't muster the strength to speak, merely panting as she struggled to stay conscious.

Jesse, noticing her state, quickly knelt beside her. "Kira," he said with concern, "just take it easy." He then turned to Vergil and nodded in appreciation. "Yeah, we could use that salve. Thanks."

They happily allowed the elf to apply the medicinal cream to their burns. Kira managed a weak nod of gratitude, feeling the soothing effect of the salve on her skin.

As Jesse watched Vergil work, he couldn't help but glance over at the remnants of their battle, pondering their ordeal. "Was it all worth it?" he asked, his tone reflective. The room was filled with the remnants of their struggle. Despite their victory, Jesse couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. The risk had been high, and the outcome uncertain.

"I should probably get her home, before she gets any worse." His voice carried a mix of concern and firmness when she slumped so much that he had to bend down to catch her. While he did care about the spoils of their battle, his priority was ensuring his friend’s health.

Jesse focused intently, gathering his energy to create a portal. With a deep breath, he extended his hand, his fingers tracing the familiar patterns in the air. A swirling vortex of light and shadow began to materialize, its edges shimmering as the portal stabilized. The air hummed with the power of his magic, and a clear, stable passage formed, leading directly to the familiar surroundings of Kira's apartment.

“You’re free to join us if you’d like,” he said before pulling Kira through. “If you want some food or whatever.”

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

Re: Warehousing

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:16 am
by Hector
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It was clear as day that Kira was exhausted aetherically and while Vergil did not have anything on hand nor did he possess abilities that could fully assuage aether sickness, he was, at least, capable of relieving some of her suffering. He'd had to do so many a time with his own reckless companion.

The salve itself was cooling and, on its own, would quickly serve to heal their wounds within a few hours. Still, the Necrodoctor was cheating– in applying the medicine to each of them directly did he also weave in Vitalis to Kira specifically. Her aether reserves would still be amply drained, but otherwise, he’d, in only a few moments, repair much of what strain her exertion had caused her physically. She might feel tired, but she’d at least not be on the verge of collapse anymore. Of this small additional bit of benevolence, Vergil would say nothing.

When Jesse asked if this endeavor was worth it, the answer came from the partially manifested eldritch entity. “I suppose to determine that, we ought to comb the refuse left behind.”

Hector and his allies watched as Jesse made the portal for himself and Kira, and then proceeded to offer to allow the three of them to come along as well. Vergil knew what answer Hector would want to give (that being that he wanted to search the slime remnants), but Hector was not the one with Traversion.

Looking to Hector, “I’ll stay behind to collect whatever’s left– you can go with them. Just…let me trace your portal so I can make one for myself when I’m finished.”

With Jesse’s acquiescence, Vergil would use his own Traversion rune to connect with the portal, mapping its endpoint for himself.

“Alright– I’ll meet up with you shortly,” he’d say when that task was completed.

And with that, Hector and Al’Kassis would follow through the portal after Jesse and Kira and Vergil, true to his word, stayed behind to collect the slime cores and whatever else the creatures left in their wake, leaving only after he was sure that nothing else remained.
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Aidolon Speech