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Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:01 pm
by Aurin
Aurin's hand, the one farthest from Sivan, reached down to secretly give little caresses to the tail wrapped around him. Sivan was a soft touch, and Aurin hard. Betwixt them, they had helped Rivin figure himself out. The process wasn't complete, but then, it never was. The hand nearer Sivan accepted the brush, though he frowned at it for a moment. Then he cleared his throat.

"Very well." The bespelled ink was cool, and his strokes were quick. As the ink reacted to Rivin's aether and some of the things Sivan was doing to personally midwife this enchantment into being, the ink grew warm, began to burn, although it was doing something else entirely. If Aurin's calligraphy was sure, it was because he had practiced it countless times so neither Rivin nor Sivan would doubt his competence. Aurin doubted his own competence, but he was the sort of man who could fake it until he could make it in most situations.

The darker of Rivin's magi handed the brush back when he was done. A moment passed in silence, then several. Finally, Aurin loosed a frustrated grunt.

"It should hurt," he muttered. "Pain fuels power. Pain anchors a man in his body." Of course, pain well and purposefully applied could also make a man drift out of his body, but that sort of pain wasn't the sort he was talking about. "Growth hurts. Growing in power hurts. Don't forget the pain, Rivin." He reached into thin air that became a small portal and pulled a scalpel into this place, borrowing it from the Tranquil Gardens or somewhere similar. The Magus had been thinking on this.

Cold metal made quick work on Rivin's back. It was so sharp, so careful, that at first, it didn't truly hurt - until it did.

"It hurts to give power, too. It hurts to share power. Pain can bind men together."

Sivan's eyes were wide, vigilant, but he didn't stop this. He watched as Aurin pulled the blade across his palm.

"Remember my words," he commanded, punctuating them with a hard slap to Riven's bare backside. A smudge of human blood glistened there on stormborn bruised skin. The little bit of violence had the enchantment crackling in the air, along the elegant lines of Sivan's scrivening. The contract was alive in a sense, a pattern of aether that bound to living patterns of aether, to men, together. It recognized the authority of the one over the other that was written into its structure. As Aurin channeled aether through his own rune, the bones of the binding began to grow flesh.

Taberenai in its mindless meandering had drawn too close to the demon, and it sort of skittered away, internal lights shifting color. Whether it was scared or merely mischievous, no one there present could suss. But the edge of revelation threatened to cut the demon and it began to feel the subtle bonds of the enchantment harden into chains like spiritual adamant. Exael made a noise that was glorious and terrible. He was laughing.

"Now, Aurin!" Sivan commanded quickly.

Aurin's hand came down hard on Rivin's back. Before the sensation could register, however - before their blood could mingle - the impact completed the initiation and the blow knocked a part of Rivin out of himself. That part was not the demon, who was now screaming black rage against Exael's bright glee.

No, Aurin had knocked Rivin's astral body out of his mortal shell and the apprentice - for he was now bound in service - had no real framework for understanding how to do anything without the solid substance of his body. He began to drift.

"Don't try to fuck me while I'm not in my body," he warned Sivan with an infuriating smirk. Then he handed him the scalpel and quickly rolled into his bed. As his body came to a halt, his own astral body kept moving. Sivan could sense it, and it was strange and wonderful. Then those essential parts of Rivin and Aurin were gone, and he was left with two inert but living bodies to watch over and attend, as well as an angry demon who had been blindsided by his gambit.

Sivan began to arrange Rivin's body so it wouldn't be more uncomfortable than it had to be when he returned to it...

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:53 pm
by Rivin
When he felt the brush moving on his skin once more a part of him became rebellious and displeased, but, within moments, the touch of the soft bristles began to hurt. The ink began to burn into him and the sensation almost instantly burned away all discordance he was feeling. Contrary to how pain should probably have made him feel, in the moment it returned him to his calm, pleased state, sank him deeper into it until he was almost purring. His tail began a little rhythm of minute tightening and relaxing to prove constant consent and appreciation for what was being done to him.

When it was done... It wasn't. The drawing was finished, he could feel his own power and Sivan's running through all the lines of it in perfect symmetry, but nothing else was happening. Aurin understood before he did, and when he heard the words he gave the man a little tug with his tail, an insistent, form of additional consent. It should hurt.

He wasn't sure what was happening but the heat of the spelled ink was suddenly cooled by the flick of metal being moved over his skin much faster than the brush had been. No. Not over his skin, through it. Rivin had only time enough to realize this before the first line that had been cut into him sprang to life in pain. It wasn't as bad as it might have been, the tool used must have been exceptionally sharp not to tug at all, but it did hurt. And then, it hurt.

It wasn't just his skin, parted and open that hurt, it was deeper, much, much deeper, the lines etching themselves into his soul, cutting into it to make room for themselves.

His next breath came sharp and panicked and he had to forcefully remind himself that he was safe, he had chosen this. The slap was barely registered and the words were a blur in his mind as what felt like lightning ran up from the lines on the lowest part of his back all the way up to the hilt of his spine.

The Demon was waking up from the sort of stupor had been lulling it but Rivin didn't have any attention to give to the way he shook off whatever it had been and tried to rear up in anger. Thankfully, in that moment, Aurin's bloodied hand came down over the wound that was Traversion and everything blinked out.

No. It was Rivin who had blinked out.

Everything was shadow and mist, like if you stare at a color for too long and when you look away you still see it but inverted. That was how the world looked, inverted. The Lysanrin, or, rather, his spirit, felt inside out, somehow. His mind was still with him and it chose that moment to kick on and inform him that the inside being out was exactly what had happened. Looking around he saw little that he could understand, and nothing he could touch, he was just floating, not weightless so he floated up but so evenly weighted that he didn't move at all. He couldn't make out anything distinct except for his own body, laying so still, as if time had stopped. The longing to return to it was strong but he knew that he could not, not yet.

After a moment that could have been no time or all of it, he did see something else, a shimmering, colorful slit in the otherwise grey scale environment. The Aetherium, he needed to go there, to finish his initiation. Moving towards it without understanding how he did so he reached the hole in reality and pushed at it with his will until, quite suddenly, he slipped inside.

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:54 pm
by Aurin
While Rivin's astral body had drifted lazily like a cloud in the sky at first, he did manage to instinctively slip through the cracks and into the Aetherium. Aurin had completed the enchantment with a bond of blood, which strengthened what Sivan had called his 'thaumaturgical entanglement' that explained how he was able to reach across space to connect with those whom he had initiated into a runic magic. There was a cloudy ribbon of red - or at least his mind parsed it as red because of his associations with blood - that reached from his astral body through the tear in reality. He followed it...

...into Darkness.

There was no light, but rather darkness visible - no light, no aether, yes aether but in no way readable as he was used to. There was no Rivin, and yet he knew Rivin was there somewhere. Aurin vaulted directly to Valencia's safe space. She had been after him to carve out his own place, but that seemed like it would be just another door that needed guarding. From here, he could see the tether between him and his apprentice, but direction was more of a suggestion of the mortal mind than anything else here.

Aurin began to vault from place to place, finding locations he knew to be relatively fixed points, in an attempt to triangulate - or get any sort of a bead upon the slippery blue fucker.

Meanwhile, Rivin remained in the darkness. He couldn't see, and he couldn't sense anything through his runes, the established or the new. But he could feel the cold metal of the examination table he laid upon. He could smell the chemicals and sterilizing compounds. He could hear the metallic click of forceps and scalpels and dishes for catching tissues and fluids, and the familiar, barely audible sounds Dr. Ilex would make when he was thinking or preparing for a vivisection.

in this hospital, the beds are made of steel
and metal instruments are all some people feel
what you need is something soft against your skin.

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:42 pm
by Rivin
It was quiet, and because of that, for a time, the Lysanrin thought he was safe. Silence was not something to fear in his world, though he was learning to understand which sounds in the world he was adjusting to meant 'safe', in his first life, any sound was more dangerous than any silence.

It wasn't silent though, only quiet, and as he settled into his new state enough to realize this, his sense of comfort slowly morphed to one of horror. His other senses flared to life at the instigation of his fear but what they told him did nothing to assuage it. He knew where he was. Of course he did.

Had he ever been anywhere else? Surely he had, yet, when he tried to reach out toward recall it slipped away from him. Memories of his time since leaving The Doctor remained for the merest of instances, long enough only for him to feel he had lost something before even the memory of their memories was gone. Casting about himself in his mind, for his body could not move at all, he reached for the safest times first. Working in the laboratories... slipped away. Reading in the libraries... fled. In the darkness with his mother... slithered from his mind like a brood of snaked gnawing out from their nest.

The soft humming, sometimes murmuring, voice moving around him was coming closer, steadily but with no sense of hurry. By the time Rivin could feel the being standing over him, peering down at him with eyes that could somehow see him quite clearly, he couldn't remember ever having been anywhere but there. The cold of the metal that his body couldn't seem to warm, the weighted darkness, the voice and its owner who saw him not as a sentient being, but as a fascinating bit of matter; these were the whole of his existence. Because he had always been there, and he always would be.

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 6:49 pm
by Aurin
As he cast about the Aetherium, he felt a fear bubbling up from within him, but it wasn't his.

"Fuck." He steeled himself against Rivin's growing terror. It would only feed his darkest thoughts and memories, fuel them into power greater even than the demon who was no longer there to protect him with red vision and blessed black oblivion. Aurin vaulted, faster and faster, becoming once again the Bronze Fox. He was hunting. He was clever. He had the scent of his apprentice's blood, his aether.

In another world, words were spoken that he could make out. Sivan speaking calmly about consent, negotiating in bad faith, and such, while the demon whose Name Aurin wanted to know raged against cages that the elf had cleverly set up without even Aurin being aware. He would have questions later, but for now, he afforded himself a moment of pleasure knowing his was the hand that slammed the door shut on whatever prison it was in.

And then he was hunting once more.

Time was more of a suggestion here. While he was more comfortable with the strangeness than Rivin on his maiden voyage, he was not certain how much time passed before he went from some fantastical desert that glittered like crushed diamonds in moonlight to darkness.

No, not darkness... There was the glare of stark, unfeeling light that fell upon broad shoulders in a white coat. Below that, a naked, bruise blue man struggling against harsh restraints.

"Ja, ja... Bring the ovulating female here."

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:18 pm
by Rivin
Many possibilities for what might be in store for Rivin passed through his mind, and with each, there seemed to be some implication that the dreaded option was the one forthcoming. When he thought of dissection there appeared instruments for incision and extraction on the trays beside him, gleaming somehow to his eyes despite the lack of visible light. When he thought about having his fluids extracted there was the sound of thin gloves snapping, of syringes being prepped. There were more things, worse things, that he tried desperately to keep from his mind but he knew that his fears, like everything else, would be pulled out of him to be pinned down and examined to the fullest degree.

The torment of not knowing went on in the endless no-time of that place until, quite suddenly, the setting seemed to solidify. He could see. The glare of harsh white light gave everything odd shadows and hurt far worse than the darkness. In the exacting illumination he could see The Doctor, and several assistants, though the number seemed to change each time he tried to count. They were moving around his fully exposed and helpless flesh, checking the restraints, filling a number of injections, retrieving empty sample containers and others, already filled.

Fighting was useless, he knew that, but he couldn't help the near-constant movement of wrists and ankles as his subconscious sought, as a trapped animal might, for some escape. When he heard the words, the hot flush of fear purpling his skin drained away into a cold, sickened horror. He opened his mouth to protest, to yell, to beg, anything, but no sound came out and, suddenly, there was a thick leather gag between his teeth. No, it had been there the whole time, had always been there.

One of the assistants came close enough for Rivin to see that she had no face, only a blur like motion seen from the corner of his eye, and pushed the large needle of one of the injections into his vein. The pain of it was almost numbed by how badly he was trying to force out any sort of sound. Two more of the white coated, faceless being entered leading a Lysanrin women between them. While her face was also a smudge of features her body was bare and lush, ripe and curved; at the peak of fertile youth. Even as his stomach tried desperately to empty itself other, lower parts of his anatomy turgidly betrayed him. It was the injection, he knew, as though he could feel the liquid running through his veins directly where it was intended. He would be unable to control his response any more than he could the rest of him.

The Doctor moved over and observed him for a moment before patting his thigh, saying,

"Good, good." In a voice that was so comfortable, so reassuring in its praise that Rivin could feel a part of his psyche begin to die under the weight of it. Then,

"He's ready."

As the female was dragged closer, she too was struggling, as just as uselessly, the part of Rivin's mind that was trapped there went white with panic, thoughts fleeing. When this happened, the part of him that was still connected to his physical body reasserted itself in a tiny corner of his consciousness. It could remember that there were those who had promised him their friendship, their protection. Sivan, his friend and... His Magus!

Renewing his struggle he tossed his mind out, seeking, because Aurin had said he would be able to find him, always. Rivin was marked now, their blood mixed and Aurin would come for him.

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:12 am
by Aurin
"I have come for my apprentice," said the Bronze Fox, his voice hollow, resonant like the great gongs in the Temple of the Fallen Skies. The doctor turned to look at him. Unlike his assistants, his face was etched with an unreal level of clarity, an attention to detail that forced Aurin to know the man's face with equal familiarity to the back of his hand.

Most everything was stark white: the skin of the doctor and his assistants, their clothes, the light. Only the pair of Lysanrin, one real and one real as any thought in the Aetherium, were colorful. Them, and now Aurin, who intruded upon this private nightmare. He wasn't sure if Rivin heard him, flailing against his restraints as he was. The female Lysanrin straddled him with strange emotion, apparently torn between revulsion and lust. His blue flesh was pricked by needle after needle, cold as shards of ice, pumping ice water into his veins, or quicksilver, or lava. Many forms of turture—as Rivin saw it—occurred at once, somehow an orchestra of suffering even as each one was picked out as a singular affliction.

Perhaps the worst, though, was the small blue boy who stepped up as if upon a stool, patted Rivin's hand and peered into his eyes. They were his own eyes, albeit decades younger.

"It will be okay, daddy..."

His eyes must have been hypnotic, because Aurin was screaming at him even as he stabbed the doctor over and over again. He even bled white—thick and viscous like poppy milk. The man was only as real and as strong as Rivin's mind made him, but if Aurin could get his attention, show him how he was strong enough to battle his demons—those in his mind if not the one left trapped in the material plane—then perhaps they could leave this place for Valencia's haven and finish the ritual of initiation.

"Look at your Magus," he commanded, wishing he had demanded Arry's trick when he gave him one of his. "I am the Bronze Fox. I hold dominion here. Over you. Over your nightmares. There are no restraints. These aren't real. Only I am real. Come to me, apprentice."

He shoved the doctor aside, elbowed his way past the nurses who looked like some of his boyhood fantasies, all breasts and hips and hunger, and grabbed Rivin by the chin, attempting to yank his attention away from the blue boy by brute force if his will couldn't pierce the Lysanrin's horror.

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:50 pm
by Rivin
The ultimate revulsion of what was happening as the assistants placed the woman onto the cold metal tray with him was all that he could think about until the child.

He was confused at first, and, oddly, that helped. Perhaps he was the woman's child, proof that she could successfully carry a mixed-breed offspring to term and birth it. Then it touched him, named him its parent. Processing this took a very long moment in his sluggish and panic-washed mind but when it did, when his eyes realized why the ones looking down at him were so strangely familiar, he began to shatter. A mind already pushed to its breaking point, unwilling to accept what it is being presented with, will snap. Rivin knew this from textbooks and the detached part of him began quietly reciting the process even as he felt himself breaking apart. Whole body going limp, no longer resistant, no longer responsive, his head lolled t to the side and, for the first time, could see what was happening there.

At first, this too was incomprehensible but it was so strange that a little shock ran through him, holding his sanity together long enough to figure out this last mystery. Ilex was no longer observing with his typical passive approval, instead he was...shaking? Sort of flailing about as something, was it an animal or a man? Both? A blur of shining metallic whirled around The Doctor faster than the human could react to, sometimes stabbing him with agile killer's hands, sometimes biting him with vicious animal grace. The Doctor's body was...leaking? There was no other term for it, from a hundred holes in his sterile skin and the lab coat which Rivin now realized was also his skin, white fluid gushed. Even now he could see his tormentor deflating like an oiled water skin draining.

Then, all at once, Ilex was gone, fallen, and The Magus was there, brilliant and bronzed like the living statue of a god. Heat and life glowed out around him as though he were molten, but after the cold lifelessness of everything else he could remember, Rivin didn't care if he burned. His Magus had come and his Magus could do anything. The assistants, the woman, even the child, fell back before Him, the restraints flashed apart as water vaporizes instantly in extreme heat.

Reaching up with shaking limps he wrapped his arms around The Bronze Fox. If it killed him, then he was happy to die.

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:43 pm
by Aurin
Fighting in the Aetherium could be an exercise in futility when one was but a mortal man. Still, he was able to—in some cases, literally—poke holes in Rivin's nightmare assailants. Then, it was a matter of being close and believing harder than Rivin did. The actors of the Golden Peacock went on and on about working the imagination like a muscle, of being able to hold two realities at the same time—the one they created on the stage and the one they returned to after the curtains closed. It was much the same here.

Rivin may not have believed in Aurin as strongly as he feared his old tormentor and the myriad possibilities that haunted him, but Aurin could believe too that he was the Magus, wise and powerful, and then they were believing something together.

As the restraints began to melt, he reached out and the Lysanrin reached back. They clasped forearms and Aurin offered a proud, pleased smile as he pulled him off of the metal examination table and into his arms. Aurin was bigger here, stronger, sterner, and real. His arm around Rivin's naked shoulders was stronger than any shield of steel.

Then they were somewhere else. They were in Valencia's place, its reality anchored in her will, resistant to Rivin's fear.

"Here now," Aurin said, voice still stronger and more resonant than in life, but he was a hearth fire here rather than a flaming missile launched from a trebuchet. Even as he sat, he pulled Rivin into his lap like something young, something small. "You are my apprentice now, and you are safe."

Despite what he said about the unreality of safety, it was certainly more true here than it was almost anywhere else. The sadistic doctor could not reach them; not even Rivin's fears twisted into his visage could reach them here. Someone with great power would have to even know to look here to find them. Perhaps Valencia could feel Aurin's and the alien presence in her haven, but she was unlikely to investigate. She might ask him about it later.

In this pocket of the Aetherium, Aurin held Rivin, comforted him, giving him as much time as he needed to soothe himself, complete the ritual of initiation, and return to his body where the familiar face of Sivan would be waiting for him and his devil most likely safe on a leash.

Re: A Year and a Day

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:47 pm
by Rivin
For a time Rivin was small, and that was okay. Small meant that someone else was handling all of the big things, even the ones in his own brain, which were certainly happening, but his conscious didn't need to see them directly to allow them to take place. Something was broken in his head, but it was being tended to, and while it would take time to scab over the fissure that had began to form in his psyche the place he and his Magus were in contained quite a lot of time.

When he could process something like properly again he stretched and settled across from Aurin, rather than atop him as he had been. He took the meditative position he had learned with Sivan and began going through the pre-Traversion lessons he'd been given, both by his mentor and several books on the subject. He needed to reach back and find his body, connect to it, use it as an anchor point to return to so he could complete the initiation. With as much preparation as he had done, this did not represent much of a challenge. It took a little more time, to learn to feel with am entirely new sense, to learn to interpret what he was feeling with it, and then to make use of that knowledge.

Eventually he opened his eyes, as much as one had eyes in the Aetherium, and said,

"I found it, me. I'm going to try. If I can't I'll try and come back to you, now that you're here." It was, perhaps, an obvious set of things to say but clarity felt important. Saying something made it more real. When Aurin acknowledged it Rivin closed his eyes again and...

There was a rushing sensation, like he was surrounded by fast moving water. It was disorienting until he realized that it must be a slip stream and that, with his rune, he should be able to 'swim'. Channeling his own aether through the bright sore place that existed between his flesh and his soul he reached out and pushed himself through the rushing of the Aether until he felt the rushing of reality. Slithering through the separation like a fish, Rivin feel back into his physical form with a jolt. It felt like actually falling and landing hard on his back. He gasped, sitting bolt upright, expecting his wind to have been knocked out of him but his lungs opened easily and all at once all the sensation of the physical slammed back into him and he fell back prone.

It was a lot. A lot that had always, previously, been there so he hadn't noticed it, but it was a massive huge amount of... being. He kept still to lessen the level of sensation as much as he was able. Sivan was there, and after a moment, Aurin was too. The wink he got of the slip space when Aurin reappeared was as fascinating as it was overwhelming to him at the moment but left him with no doubt that he would become simplemindedly intent on studying it as soon as he was able.