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Re: Order from Chaos [Eitan]

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:10 pm
by Rune
Hauke Brandt was a legend in his own time, known for having tracked and apprehended more than a hundred dangerous or unlicensed witches in his twenty years in the Order. His face and what other skin was visible under his severe uniform bore quite a number of scars, enough that another man might have been called 'grizzled' but on him, they somehow only served to enhance his attractions. Brandt was not married and had never been known to take a lover of any gender or race. Some, who did not know him personally, considered this to be a waste, those who knew him better considered it best for everyone.

When the new High Sentinel turned to him he returned the gaze with his own grey-eyed, bird-of-prey observation.

"High Sentinel." He greeted levelly with enough depth and gravel in his voice to melt, or terrify, the heart depending on why one heard it. "It has been my endeavor to ensure that, however lawless our city became, it did not fall to the dominion of the enemies of our Order. Several unlawful covens attempted to take over neighborhoods or large estates assuming there would be no one left in the Order with the ability to stop them."

The creak from his leather gloves where he rested his hands on the table spoke volumes as to the invalidity of such assumptions. "I can state with certainty that any who made the attempt have been eradicated or have fled."

A tone change at the end of the sentence said that he considered the escape of these witches to be a failure, one which he would accept disciplinary action for if his superiors believed the fault to lay with him.

"Reports on each operation have been provided." A brief nod to the stack of dossiers at Eitan's elbow. "It is my intention to continue to protect the State in this way until you have more specific orders for me and my men."

This was the end of Brandt's verbal report but, once Eitan was able to have his dossier examined he would find an utterly thorough report on each operation and witch involved, as well as all their known acquaintances, magical and otherwise.

Re: Order from Chaos [Eitan]

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:32 pm
by Eitan Angevin
At Eckehart's silent indication, he turned his attention to Brandt—the man was well known to him, of course, but his dark eyes remained impassive as he took the man's report, nodding appropriately. He pursed his lips slightly at the mention of escapees.

"In future, efforts must be made to apprehend, as well. Minister Dornkirk has offered a lenient amnesty period and both the Order and Zaichaer as a whole have benefited from increased licensure of magic practitioners. Of course, eradication will always be on the table, but successful flight is less than satisfactory. I am certain you and yours will redouble your efforts, and the State and Order, of course, are grateful for your continued service."

Angevin should have felt more nervous addressing—if not quite dressing down—someone he had looked up to from afar, but the exigencies of the past year had left him more certain, at least when acting in a leadership role. But then, when wasn't he in a leadership role? True, he would have to defer to Lang on some matters military, and he would welcome constructive criticism from those among the Order he respected. He would always accept the same from his brother-in-law the First Minister, but more often than not, he deferred to Eitan, at least in private.

The man chose to keep his family in Eitan's home even now, and while matters were equitable, Eitan was technically the master of the house—master of the house, master of the Order, master of the Air Defense Corps. It was no wonder it seemed natural to him that he should be master of other things, as well. He had even mastered his Dratori temper, his ignoble birth, and parents who hadn't supported him.

He had taken what he was given and risen literally into the air.

"Again," he addressed the room, "I can only give off-the-cuff responses at the moment." His hand rested upon their files and dossiers. "These will help me make promotions where appropriate, but Seeker Brandt brings up a detail I might as well address now: future orders. Our new Order will require restructuring to better serve its mission." Without a verbal or visual cue, Lessnau pulled a folder out of his briefcase and began to pass a neat prospectus out to those luminaries of the Order.

"This is a rough draft of my logistical vision, but as I will be reading your reports tonight, I would have you consider this tonight as well. Your insights will be invaluable to me. You would not be in this room now if I did not believe so. Now, does anyone else have a report to make?"

Re: Order from Chaos [Eitan]

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:01 pm
by Rune
Brandt took the expressions of displeasure in stride, in another man one might have imagined that he welcomed them.

There was general nodding to acknowledge that Eitan's current responses would be glancing only for the time being. That he wasn't delving into each problem during the first meeting was a good sign in the opinions of those gathered but they were pleased to accept the new dossier as it was passed out to them. It gave the impression that, even before the meeting, he had plans to ensure the reemergence of The Order. It was assumed that it had been due to his influence that they now had an equal seat in the government as well, which was significant.

No one opened the folders they had been handed, it would be impolite to ignore what was being discussed at the table. The new information would receive all due attention afterward.

When the discussion was turned back to those on the opposite side of the table Minder Essar looked to Minder Eckehart, who nodded to him to speak. The younger man steepled his hands and looked over them at the even younger High Sentinel.

"My efforts have been concentrated on cataloging what artifacts are still in our possession and, where possible, re-obtaining those that have gone astray. While many are still lost in the impassible wreckage of the Hall, I am pleased to say that a significant number have been retrieved. Additionally, with the aid of the Seekers Roth and their team we have been attempting to contain and catalog the mass influx of new magical items, flora and fauna that were created in the aftermath of the Rift. Thanks to Minister Dornkirk's efforts to safeguard the Greater Institute, we have been able to use its facilities to perform this work and would like to continue to make use of the space until The Arcaeneum can be replaced or rebuilt."

After this quick and clean summery of what would be fully detailed in his longer report he turned back to his mentor, who took his turn, lastly, to address Eitan.

"High Sentinel," It seemed effortless for him to address a man who he had chastised and assigned additional studies to not so many years before with the title of respect, "Though I believe the work of each of my fellows at this table takes precedence over my own suggestion I have spent a great deal of time since the disaster considering not only its cause, but the cause of the numerous coups and other disturbances in our government, and indeed our nation as a whole, that have held Zaichaer back from achieving the stability that, I believe, is the only thing preventing her from rising to the heights which we all know she is capable."

He paused here for a pregnant moment, waiting to see how this statement, which might, by some, be considered a criticism of The State, before continuing.

"Your efforts, and those of the other members of our new government are certainly to be applauded and have already addressed many of the problems with having a single head of state who can be overturned by their subordinates, but I believe that the problem stems from deeper. When you find the time to read my report, which, if you'll allow me, should be left until the others are addressed as it is by far the least pressing, you will find my thoughts on the structure of education in Zaichaer as it was, and my suggestions on how it might be improved as we rebuild."

After any comments Eitan might have he turned to meet the eyes of each of those around the table before saying,

"I believe that is all we have at present, though I am sure you can expect ongoing reports from each of our teams from now on."

Re: Order from Chaos [Eitan]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 1:14 pm
by Eitan Angevin
"Thank you, Minder," he said to Essar. "I am certain we can continue to use the Institute's facilities, although we should plan to minimize our footprint there. Our brightest minds have been tempered by tragedy, but their educations need to continue in order to maintain the pipeline of new talent to our industries. When excavation of the ruins of the Hall and Arcaneum have progressed sufficiently, we will have to make decisions on whether to rebuild there or find new locations and new plans. Again, we can use this opportunity to build back better."

He nodded, having already thanked Essar, and then turned his attention to Eckehart. A smile smile lingered on his lips, amused at the changes life had wrought, at least in this. Eckehart had been one of the people to teach him to think critically, and he was used to considering challenging thoughts in his presence.

The State was imperfect, but should be in an overall state of improvement. Only constructive criticism could achieve that. Finally, he nodded.

"You will find some of my thoughts regarding education in the prospectus, as well," he said. "And I am certain I can find a red pen for your report." He allowed himself another brief smile. "Very well. We all have our homework. Ladies, gentlemen, those beyond the binary—I appreciate your efforts and please know that my door is always open to you for questions and concerns. We are all cogs in the master machine."

He rose, and Lessnau came to stand at his shoulder, a step behind. Once everyone had risen to their feet.

"Hail, Zaichaer," he said, and Lessnau led the chorus of call-and-response. "Hail, Order," he added. Then, "Dismissed."

Lessnau deftly moved his chair out of the way, tucked it back under the table, and turned on his polished heel to follow the High Sentinel out of the room, eager to share the insights he had gleaned from the mental and emotional states of the people in the room so Angevin would be better equipped to identify and deal with future pain points.

Re: Order from Chaos [Eitan]

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:49 pm
by Rune


Points: 15, not for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: Information

Notes: Let's get this Order going

Mod XP: Rune: 14