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Re: Reaching for Farther Stars

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:15 pm
by Kala Leukos
"Thank you, Avatar," she said for his well wishing. She realized that she had reverted to her mortal voice, even here. Her immortal mien remained.

"I will attune to the elemental aether here and please feel free to alert me if I make some dangerous mistake in the process. As for Arcas Lightbringer, I know where he lives." She smiled, more star than black hole for a moment. "If you would be so kind as to invite Lord Aedrin to contact me at His leisure, I would appreciate that, and... ass for the will of the Most High... I would know if I am doing His will as well as Hers."

Mother Naori had taken a direct role in her life, which had turned everything on its head. She was more certain that She would intervene more directly in her future if necessary; the Lord of Order, however, was more of a question, which was strange given that Naori wore Her masks and the Dragon King was nominally open. But she was becoming more comfortable with paradoxes, existing between seeming opposites until she could fully understand how they could coexist. Even in the heart of a star, she was understanding a thing for which she had no word: superposition.

But to her purpose, she sat once more in a meditative posture, hands blooming like starry flowers into mudras that she did not fully comprehend yet. She had power; she sought wisdom. Well, she sought power, too. If she was to grow toward Eikaen and Naori, she would be growing toward omnipotence and omniscience. That was terrifying, but it appeared to be necessary.

She opened herself to her Rune, and she opened herself to the Aether around her.

Re: Reaching for Farther Stars

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:07 am
by Finn

Experience: 15 xp for Kala, available for magic. Moderator XP for Pharoah.

Injuries: N/A

Loot: N/A

Notes: Always a pleasure to see Avatar at work!