Three Days Left (Imogen, Destyn)

The southern highlands of Ecith, largely undiscovered.

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Destyn blinked at the suddenly clandestine cat. Clandestine had his name in it and he didn’t mind as much with that word, for some reason. Maybe because “destiny” sounded like someone forcing a cutesy nickname that didn’t really work, whereas “clandestine” sounded like a tribe named after him, which was a far more appealing prospect.

His attention was drawn away from Kitty and his mental musings were dismissed summarily at the sight of Imogen’s staff. He didn’t really blame the staff for his almost drowning, nor Imogen who’d been in control of it… until she wasn’t. Still, he was assaulted with the salty sense memory of the experience on his tongue and in his nostrils. He shook it off and shook his head in dismissal of the apology, though he wasn’t altogether sure whether it was directed at him for his prior experience or at Kitty for how its glow killed his shadowy veil.

Walking uphill in sand was always harder than it looked, Destyn thought as he he trudged a few steps. In short order, he elected to spread his wings and cheat his way to the top of the dunes via aerial shortcut.

“Ah, well thank you for this, then.” His own senses weren’t specific enough to be practically helpful. He just knew something was off, without being able to point out what or from where it derived.

His less esoteric senses, at least, he put to use as a student of sylvan survival. He kept alert with all of his senses, as he led the way through the murky wood. His heart began to beat faster and faster the closer they drew to that fell tree. Was it once a seedling like the one he propagated back in Sivan’s Kalzasern garden? He hoped that baby tree would never fall to so grim a fate. The very notion made him shudder.

“Why do the gods allow such things to, you know, take place? If I were a god, I would use my powers to protect nature and, I guess, people if they, you know, deserve it.”
word count: 373
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
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Although the witch had a bevy of powers which would have let her skip the trudge up the dune, she persisted by foot to the bitter end. It was useful exercise for knocking out the cramps and joint pains she'd managed to accumulate in the minute she'd been clinging to her enchanted spear on the way in. Plus, she'd found that nothing beat simply ambling about for building up the mental map one needed for effective use of Traversion. She had a sneaking suspicion that she might need to make a quick getaway before long.

Kitty wiggled in her arm, shifting positions. Clearly he wanted to take a nap--that was, as far as she could tell, most of his daylight activity--but the novel surroundings and looming corruption was plainly unnerving to the little cat. She lowered a cheek to nuzzle the top of his head, which he seemed to find more comforting a gesture than petting.

Ork and Fae and Feline reached the forest line before long, the trees seeming brighter and less threatening as the light of Imogen's spell reached them. This was an entirely aesthetic change, for the purifying light was far too dissolute to do more than scrub the surface of bark and leaf, but it seemed to perk the witch up a bit anyway.

"Um," she answered Destyn, absently, "Well, to be sure, you would. And that's what whoever planted that-"

Imogen poked her glowing staff vaguely in the direction of Agst'rasera.

"-thought also. But in a play, the actors can't escape by taking other jobs, you know? Even if you become the script writer, there's someone above you who'll make you write things like the audience expects. So you become a god, you do some big dramatic miracles, and then after a while you're gonna find yourself bound by all the conventions the world's slipped over you. You've made deals, and now your hands are tied. You've got an opposite god and you've got to fight them forever. You've got all the power you wanted and done the thing you wanted to do so badly, and then the world kept going and now you're part of the system and you can't risk upsetting it or all the stuff you did you're so proud of might come crashing down..."

Of course, everyone was part of the world, all the time, weren't they? That had been Kaitos' real sin, rejecting that. Or so the stories went.

"And that's how it goes all the way up to the top, or maybe even past that. Who knows? That's why my family still does the old ceremonies to honor Ysadrin, you know. It's the gods who were willing to give it all up when need be who are worth a damn." Not that you got a lot out of praying to dead gods, but surely real worship meant more than merely begging for numinous alms on feastdays.

The witch's rant, such as it was, came to a sudden end as a sudden wind filled the forest, a zephyr totally unreflected by conditions in the skies around them. The ork blinked, momentarily wondering if some eavesdropping god had taken umbrage with her explanation and decided to strike her down; but she swiftly noticed that the wind was plucking at her clothes and arms, clearly trying to tug her in the direction of the enormous tree.

"Eh? Norani?" she asked, stupidly.
word count: 608
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Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10 Exp, may not be used for magic.

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: N/A

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: She was certainly there, briefly.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Minor frazzled hair.

Points: 10 Exp, may not be used for magic.

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: N/A

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: It is always a treat when Imogen waxes philosophical.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10 Exp, may not be used for magic.

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: N/A

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: Clandestine is an excellent tribe name, for Chieftain Destyn, first of his name.

word count: 162
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