Little Bear


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Ailuin considered all that she said before responding to any particular point. She was used to this circumspection from him; he could be spontaneous with personal matters, but weightier ones required the king to wear his crown and think on things.

"His raiment need not remain the same year round," he thought aloud. "If you simply cannot make one choice." There was a ghost of a smile as he rather perfectly imitated her tone of voice from adolescent years. "The balancing act remains that tightrope walk between tradition and change. Thiovan will surely be delighted by the creativity and imagination involved, so when you have made your selection of adaptable geniuses, we all can surely discuss details over the music and tipples." The king did enjoy his daughter's parties, even as old as he was and as staid as he seemed.

"As for the children of the gods, you are most likely correct. Their birthing pains might make violent waves in the aether, but most waves diminish over time." Of course, there were waves that—expertly manipulated—augmented power, but that was something they would prepare for anyway. They always did; it needn't be reiterated. Akantha was clever enough not to need such reminders.

He glanced at her, eschewing the pageantry for a moment, then smiled softly.

"I do. Does it offend you? Your mother and I will share a bond of love forever, I think, although it has evolved from what it was before you were born. I will wed again, but I will always be cognizant of your feelings. Cold logic doesn't always apply itself in matters of the heart, and if you ever have misgivings, they will not anger me. I do not wish to be the cause of your suffering ever."

And he was curious who she would marry, whether it would be entirely political or involve love as well. He would certainly have opinions, both as king and father, but would strive to be respectful of her autonomy. If she became heir-presumptive, of course, he might need to offer more advice than less.
word count: 383
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Akantha SolEilran
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Title: Princess
Location: Silfanore, Sol'Valen
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=5383
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=5384

When he perfectly imitated her voice as a youngling, Akantha feigned mock outrage and offense, but the laughter in her eyes suggested she could take the joke. Sure, she had done that a time or two... or twenty... changing outfits part way through an event because she simply could not decide and it was imperative, absolutely imperative, that she wore both and showed off both. Of course, now that she was older... well, she would wear an outfit for the whole of an event, but might possibly show up in something different for an after-party later that day. It was a matter of respecting the artisans and designers who put together her attire, and showcasing them properly.

But she didn't protest or refute it. But this gave her ideas and opportunities - depending on how the designs came through... if there were enough in her book of names, and there certainly were... perhaps she could rotate with the seasons if one favourite could not be picked out. But there would be time for that on the morrow, after tonight's celebration. "We'll find the right artisans for the job," Akantha was certain of it. Considerable contacts and connections would come into play, and given such an important assignment... she knew that those she chose would rise to the occasion.

His Firstborn considered his words, taking her time to formulate her answer. This was a touchy topic, a difficult one, in a way. "When I was younger... I wondered why. What it was that drew your attention to him and why Mother wasn't enough, why we weren't enough... but I see now that having him in your life doesn't mean less of you for us. It just means more for you, and I do want that for you." Had Akantha's time with her King decreased because of his favourite, she might very well have had more ire towards him. He was close in age to herself, only a few years' difference, and from time to time she'd dressed his cupbearer up like a doll when she was younger when he was not accompanying the Phoenix King or attending to duties.

She knew he would marry again, that was expected since her parents' marriage contract had come to its end. She was certain it would be another from one of the Houses, but with Rhydian being a male... Akantha was not certain how that would work out... but she accepted that it would be revealed in time. She did desire her father's happiness. Life as a royal could be lonely, despite having so many people around... and when you found someone to love, you held on tightly. No one had struck her fancy yet, none enough for her to consider, and suitors for the Hytori Princess had a very steep, uphill battle against exacting, lofty standards that might be borderline impossible. Between Ailuin and Adamantos... well.

But as heir... she might just have to settle if it came to that. But her father wouldn't steer her wrong, and she had faith in him and her mother to help guide her when the time came. Connections with the other Houses were important, and when it came to holding the realm together, her own expectations may well have to take a back seat. Sol'Valen always came first.

"There is no rose without a thorn."
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His answering smile was grateful. Both her parents had sought to shepherd her through the phases of her childhood such that the nameday that brought her majority wouldn't feel like a jolt, but merely a milestone passing naturally. The more time she spent as an adult, the more they treated her as such. In the byzantine manner of Hytori honors, there were situations where Akantha was the equal of her mother, and others where one or the other was the more honored. She would not match her father in honors unless he died and the yoke of leadership fell to her shoulders, and then he would be gone, either to Wraedan's embrace, to be spun out into a new creature, or to abide forever in Thiovan's Dreaming.

When he sensed that the ebb and flow of her thoughts were already on the tasks he had set her, he allowed the conversation to lull into comfortable silence as he continued to observe the festivities and solemnities. The elves had long ago mastered the juxtaposition of joy and restraint.

"Just a moment," he said to her, and then drifted toward where the celebrants of Nerix and Aedrin stood. Some people made offerings in the large, shallow bowls of silver and bronze they held out.

The Phoenix King knelt before them in all humility, and Akantha would be pleased to note that he had used her subtle trick to prevent this from wrinkling his robes or damaging the delicate bead work. The celebrants nodded with respect, as well as receiving his for the Dragon Gods.

"I offer to the dancers," he said, voice sonorous and carrying over the din of wild music and conversations, "bear dreams."

Somewhere inside the temple, a gong sounded. Or perhaps it was the Gods accepting his offering. Over each collection bowl hung a sigil etched in light, and then they were gone as if made of the stuff of dreams. He stood, bowed once more as the celebrants nodded to him, and he made his way back to his daughter. En route, ferocious little elven bears interacted with him, and he laughed, blessing those personally as would hold still long enough for his hand to rest upon their furry heads in benediction. He seemed to sway to the rhythm of the deepest of drums accompanying the dancers, and then he stood before his daughter.

"I cannot tarry long if I want to make good on my offering and sleep at a decent hour. Would you like to accompany me home or will you stay to enjoy the festivities?"
word count: 464
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Akantha SolEilran
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Title: Princess
Location: Silfanore, Sol'Valen
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=5383
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=5384

They had done well. Akantha was a well-adjusted, confident young elf, supported and encouraged, educated and well-prepared. She had a great deal more to learn and experience, but considering she had only just had her 27th nameday the day before, the Princess sought to make her parents, especially her father, proud of her. To be worthy of the blood that flowed through her veins, of the lineage that she came from on both sides. Every Prince and Princess of Sol’Valen was there to serve the Realm. Those that forgot that sacred duty acted like the Re’hyaean upstarts across the sea: serving themselves and their families alone, and not the Kingdom as a whole.

“Of course,” she smiled when he asked her for a moment. She watched while he went to offer his own pronouncement, and remembered him doing that so many years ago when she had been one of the dancers. When he imitated her little trick with the Aerolyth, she was rather pleased. The effect was perfect: mystical, almost natural, and elegant at the same time. As she looked on, she remembered. She had, like the little ones did now, chased after the King, and Akantha had stolen a hug as much as one could in her attire, before continuing the dance until it was time for the little ones to depart for the night and rest, and have their bear dreams. Would that their dreams be as wonderful as hers had been that night, and she was sure that they would be special.

The rhythm of the drums was infectious, and while the Princess did not allow herself to begin the full dance steps… She remained in place, her feet moving slightly, and her hips swayed to the beat. She considered Ailuin’s offer. She could go back with him, and it meant some more time… but on the other hand, she also needed to stay here and be seen. It was important, too, to listen to the people, to interact with them, to build relationships and her reputation. Not just for herself, but her house. “I’ll stay and see it through, Father.” His firstborn smiled up at him, reaching for his hands with her own. She squeezed his fingers gently. “And see you in the morrow.”

She didn’t have to say how glad she was to spend this evening with him, and how important this time was to her. All of that was in her heart and her expression, in her touch and in her eyes. Elves they may have been, but tomorrow was never promised.

"There is no rose without a thorn."
word count: 480
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Ailuin considered her response with a thoughtful pause, and then nodded. He squeezed her hand and leaned in to kiss her on the forehead. She was, perhaps, too old for that sort of thing, but he took his regal prerogatives where he could; and it wasn't a terrible thing for the people to see the harmony of the royal family. House Sol'Eilran was the foundation upon which the people of Tronóridan built their happiness and, more distantly perhaps, all the people of Sol'Valen. They were the foundation and the roof, sheltering them. For their sacrifices, they were honored and revered, models of elven philotimo.

"Have another mooncake," he said, a suggestion rather than an order. Her parents worried sometimes that her love of fashion might inspire unhealthy choices, but her blood, her magic, and her martial exercises would boil away whatever fuel she provided her body.

The king winked, bid her a fond fare-thee-well, and began to glide toward the peristyle exit. He embodied serenity and strength, but the smiles he offered to his people were sincere and he was loved. Akantha was respected, certainly, though she hadn't mastered his ability to be feared and loved quite yet. But then, she was young and there was time. Ailuin was in the prime of his life and would be there to nurture her growth for centuries yet.

 ! Message from: Hekatos
Huzzah! I believe this is the first finished thread in Sol'Valen! I hope you enjoyed spending quality time with Daddy-o and that the thread was helpful in grasping my weird elven culture.

You are hereby awarded 15 xp for a moderated thread, as well as a bonus 5 xp for grabbing my first prompt. The first part can't be used for magic, but I'll allow you to use the bonus for magic because, well, it's a bonus, and you're elaborating on how magic is used in Sol'Valen with the clever use of dragonshards.

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, criticism, etc. You know where to find me. When you finish Dragons of a Scale, feel free to ask for another moderated thread. I should have a Searing Calendar available soon with more prompts.
word count: 426
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