Dragons of a Scale

Akantha, Kala

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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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Etiquette, as Kala had been instructed, was not intended to be a strict set of rules maintained merely to make one worry at any moment they might misstep and cause a scene. In fact, it was intended to be a social lubricant, to make interactions pleasant and positive, whether one was at a party or negotiating in earnest. The young lady was not upset that she couldn't champion the Kathar cause at a Hytori prince's nameday party; rather, she was glad that the issue had been brought up obliquely and she had been given a sort of permission to pursue the matter in a more appropriate place and time.

This was a small victory, and the festivities wouldn't be ruined by atrocities on the other side of the continent. After all, no matter what she did, said, or how she comported herself here and now was going to be the deciding factor in the independence of her enslaved cousins.

She smiled and told Salmakis briefly about the genius runeforger of Starfall, a dwarven woman, as well as the young man who had come up quickly. For such a small settlement, they were spoiled for choice insofar as enchanted equipment was concerned. Of course, there was quite a bit going on where outsiders couldn't see, but that was a secret even from their Briathos liege lords.

The time was coming for epiphany, perhaps. Her brother Aquilios was not pressuring her to make her wings and divinity common knowledge any time soon, but he calculated, and she was rather certain that he would leverage those things when they were common knowledge to secede from Kalzasern oversight.

Kala laughed, not unkindly, at the princess' question.

"Goddess, no. If you had told me as a child that I would become a trade minister, I would have impolitely inquired about your mental faculties. I was always good at maths, I suppose. They are a sort of universal language, and I enjoy puzzling things out with those tools, but now I have people doing those calculations for me most of the time. I grew up with an elder brother and my twin brother. I was... well... I suppose exactly how elves might expect a human child to be... all dirt-smudged face and skinned knees. But I grew up... much as your little bears, I think." She had done her homework with regard to Hytori culture, it seemed, even though she had missed the Vrauronia this year.

"My brother the heir spent a handful of years in the capital before returning home to learn under my mother's supervision. Kaus and I went to the capital once we were declared adults, both to further our educations and to be of service to the family. I started working with our factor, helping to oversee our financial affairs, while Kaus pursued his martial training and showing up to parties to charm people." She smiled, affection unfeigned. It wasn't that Kaus couldn't do the maths or focus upon the sort of work she was doing; he just didn't have the temperament to enjoy it. Everyone loved ebullient Kaus. Kala was the quiet, strange one. She wasn't unpopular, but certainly more introverted.

"In any case, I serve at the will of my lady mother and when the former Queen-Regent offered me the position in her government, I accepted. Kalzasi has needed its people to shine of late. We are cursed to live in interesting times."
word count: 584
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Akantha SolEilran
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Title: Princess
Location: Silfanore, Sol'Valen
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Akantha was an attentive listener, her blue eyes bright behind the half-mask that concealed part of her face. All of these little details may have seemed inconsequential, but it was something that might comeup later, and it certainly did not hurt to learn more about a foreign emissary's home and the important people therein. A dwarf may have been a dwarf, but a powerful Runeforger was always nice to know about. They might not match Prince Salmakis, but many artisans and Makers had their own little tricks and tools of the trade and they may indeed be valuable.

And truthfully, she was still quite keen about Lady Kala's gown. Perhaps some sample of the fabric could be obtained for her own Runeforgers here in Sol'Valen, and the Princess of Thorns could have a favourite designer experiment with it. As much as she might like a full mithril gown for herself, something like this might be the next best thing.

When the young woman laughed at the question, Akantha smiled. What she said made sense. Mathematics had been an important part of her own education. This way, she had at the very least a solid background to rely on if she ever needed to recall the relationship of economics, the treasury, and its impact on foreign and domestic affairs and events. She would of course leave the more in-depth knowledge to the specialists, but she knew enough to understand. Her personal interest in it may have been more geared towards the grants and patronage support she gave to numerous artists and up-and-coming designers in the fashion industry... but supporting others to make art was an investment in the local economy, and it spread money back out.

It was clear that Kala had done her homework, to mention the little bears. Growing up was a rite of passage, and many went from being frolicking dirt children to adults. Akantha had; inasmuch as she desired to get dirty which was not often... but it had happened. And it seemed like each sibling had their own skill set that they were guided towards or gravitated towards naturally. That was, perhaps, expected with the races with shorter lifespans than their own. In time, she and her own might take on such roles. Kala's elder brother was the heir, it seemed, but Akantha was the eldest of the children that had come from King Ailuin and Princess Vomira... and wasn't necessarily the clear heir. Gods willing, there would be many, many, many years before they needed to figure out some sort of succession.

"That does make sense. Still, it is good that you found something that you enjoy, and better still that it is something that not many do. But if you do something you enjoy, you'll never work a day in your life, or so the saying goes, isn't it? These have been interesting times, for better or for worse; though I think it has pushed innovation and ingenuity forward as a necessity. But we all have our parts to play and perform, and do the best that we can with them," she was thoughtful. "For our families and our people. You said you were a dancer?" the Princess inquired. "There are some lovely shows on at present." She may have already have claimed some of Kala's time to visit her flight nook, but she could also see about attending some performances. Hytori culture, after all, was exquisite... and she was happy to show it off.

"There is no rose without a thorn."
word count: 638
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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"Some days are more entertaining than others, surely," she said, "but my work has afforded me the opportunity to travel here, to the cradle of civilization, so even if every day isn't a golden blessing, I am doing my duty and am honored by the perks."

Kala did perk up at the reintroduction of dance. She nodded.

"Our weaponsmaster also taught us how to dance. Aquilios and Kaus are excellent dancers, but I went further, studying forms other than court dancing and our local dances. When I first arrived in Kalzasi, I was worried I would have to set it aside to make time for my education and my work and began patronizing theaters like the Golden Peacock. At least I could be an appreciative audience, yes? But I have kept taking whatever opportunities to learn that I could, and alongside weapons practice, dance is how I keep fit."

She wasn't certain she would be comfortable in an elven gymnaseion--the elves still traditionally exercised without clothes unless they were necessary for safety or comfort. Proving one was physically fit was still seen as auxiliary corroboration of one's moral fitness. She understood it, but she wasn't sure she could live it.

"If you could recommend a few shows, perhaps I will be able to see them while I am here. I have learned some Hytori dance forms, although, of course, from traveling Hytori dancers who deigned to share. I am certain it would be a didactic experience as much as an artistic revelation."

Her smile was sincere, akin to how her face lit up while discussing their dresses.

"Do take her to at least one, thygátēr," Ailuin suggested. Then, "Pardon me, ladies, the birthday prince beckons." He and Salmakis nodded indulgently to princess and foreign lady, then left them to their discussion.

Kala laughed quietly. "That settles that, then."
word count: 315
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Akantha SolEilran
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Title: Princess
Location: Silfanore, Sol'Valen
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”I feel that many who have not learned how to dance, and have not had to spend a lot of time practicing it, vastly underestimate the athleticism required,” Akantha nodded along as Kala explained that their weaponsmaster also taught dance. The Princess of Thorns certainly seemed familiar with it, and considering her own gown left little to imagination when it came to her physique, she had likely spent more than her share of time in such gymnaseions. Kala did seem to be in excellent physical shape, but considering what she had to hide, well…

And many were not prepared for such places. It would be better, certainly, to stick to the dances and shows. Even though Lady Kala was quite striking for an Avialae, especially one that was not blessed with Hytori bloodlines, something like naked exercise together would take some time to build up to. There were such facilities in the Enclaves, surely, if the young Avialae woman wished to visit them. It was, after all, another aspect of Hytori culture… but considering the fact that she had wings to hide, well.

She herself had her own lessons and exercise regiment, and the fact that she was an Animus practitioner all but required her to maintain an excellent physical condition. Above that, though, she was the firstborn child of the King, and being anything less than perfection was an embarrassment to the Houses of both of her parents. Pulling off some of the outfits that she did necessitated grace and balance, too. Especially with her ballet boots. “It is similar for us as well. The cross-composition of the lessons, the utility and synergy goes well when it comes to spatial awareness and the control of one’s body.”

At her father’s words, she couldn’t say that she was surprised. Because she was fixing to launch into a discussion of such shows, considering how much she enjoyed attending them. “Of course, Pater,” Akantha smiled behind her mask at her royal sire, inclining her head to both him and Prince Salmakis as they made their escape, amusement in her eyes as they went to go circulate and possibly hustle away before they got drawn into Akantha talking up the artists and the stage shows that were currently on offer. “How confident are you in your grasp of Mythrasi?” She inquired. “There are some shows that are more involved in their dialogue than others, but the choreography is beautiful nonetheless.”

"There is no rose without a thorn."
word count: 456
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Kala Leukos
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Kala was, of course, pleased to be understood. If she paid more attention to dance than her brothers had, well, perhaps she was the more graceful, elegant warrior for it. She was never going to match them for pure strength, anyway. While she didn't share the thought—nor her divinity—with Akantha, she did wonder when she would develop the ability to smite. It might become useful at some point.

After a polite bow to the departing princes, it seemed Akantha was stuck with her for the time being. Thankfully, they had several interests in common.

"Ahh... I would not consider myself fluent by any means," she said apologetically, "though I hope that with future visits, I will become so eventually. So while I won't offend your ears with anything but the most practiced of phrases, I can actually understand far more than I can express. My skill with the Rune of Semblance is sufficient that, should someone be keen to communicate with me in a language I don't speak well, and barring any wards, the magic helps me absorb more meaning than I might otherwise. So the poetry of a play in Mythrasi might be lost upon me, but I will catch the meaning of the words and if the performer knows their craft, I wouldn't even need magic to empathize with the emotions."

Having mentioned future visits in front of Ailuin as well as Akantha now, she posited, "I would certainly enjoy the experience even if my ignorance prevents me from enjoying the fullness of it. Then, since your people have had millennia to perfect their portals, perhaps it wouldn't be so terribly difficult to visit Silfanore when a performance you think I would appreciate comes along."
word count: 294
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Akantha SolEilran
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Title: Princess
Location: Silfanore, Sol'Valen
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Ailuin's eldest child didn't consider herself 'stuck' with Kala, at least; the foreign delegate was quite intriguing to her. The petite blonde with the mithrilesque dress was proving pleasant company and conversation so far at what might have been a bit of a staid party. The Hytori Princess was thoughtful. If Lady Kala said her skill at her Mother's Rune was sufficient for such a thing, then Akantha wasn't about to doubt it. She would take her at her word - there was no reason not to, after all. If she did struggle, then it would be found out all in good time. She knew her maternal family had such capabilities, so this wasn't out of the realm of possibility. Besides, in this Empire, there was very little that magic could not accomplish. It was likely that even if she did have issues understanding, there was bound to be some sort of translation crystal that could translate Mythrasi into Common for her.

"That's quite a clever use for it, isn't it?" the Princess smiled behind her mask. "That must be decidedly helpful when it comes to your work." Of course, Common had spread everywhere, even to the desert kingdom across the Crystal Sea, which amused her somewhat. They had learned the same lesson, of course... hubris was costly. It had cost the Hytori their immortality, and it had cost the Re'hyaean upstarts their gods, and just about all of their 'empire'. And if you knew Common... and Kala's was certainly fluent... that could take you just about anywhere. But if you wanted culture, true culture... the original tongue was where it was at.

"That could certainly be arranged, especially if you enjoy the shows on now," Akantha mused. "It would take very little to send a letter to tell you when another show that you should see is on... be it a fashion show or dance performance. Your Mythrasi will improve as you are immersed in it." She was confident in that, at least. "My grandfather, King Taegan Sol'Eilran, built a theater near the Theater of Nuenna, on the southwest slope of the Vounópolis. There's an excellent musical that started last week. I will take you to see it tomorrow evening." She decided to strike while the iron was hot. If they had only just arrived, it may well take a few days to get a meeting with the ministers, unless arrangements were made previously... but she had been having a spirited conversation with her Father and Prince Salmakis... so the Princess had a feeling that what might be normal for outsiders was not about to be for the Deputy Minister of Finance.

That was a theater well beyond what those of the Enclave might ever attend... but Akantha had enjoyed the musical, and it there was an appreciation for the instruments, dance, and costumes that made up the production. "The costumes are absolutely stunning. One of the designers that I enjoy here in Silfanore ended up doing the designs for this performance.... and it is very emotive. With your Semblance, you should have little problem getting the meaning behind the words."

"There is no rose without a thorn."
word count: 578
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
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"Aye," she agreed. "Everyone fears a sembling spy, but forget that its true power lies in building bridges between peoples and minds. Of course, that might be the sort of thing a spy dissembling might say." Her smile was self-deprecating; certainly, she was soaking up details everywhere the elves let her feet tread, but she didn't come with malice in her heart. Ailuin had wrung her out for fresh news from Kalzasi, as if he didn't have spies among them, she was sure. But, of course, he found her analyses cogent, as well. Thankfully, while she found his approbation flattering, it was difficult to fall sway to mortal flattering when the Great Goddess Herself had come and refashioned one's body and soul.

"That sounds lovely!"

There had been possibilities for the next evening, but nothing she had decided upon. And certainly nobody could complain if she daren't say no to a princess' invitation.

"To be fair, my entire attention maybe taken up by the costuming itself, Semblance or no." She laughed quietly. "When a piece of art nears perfection, sometimes my mind latches onto one element of it lest the whole of it overwhelm. Which... actually... dovetailing back into Semblance as an aid to overcoming language barriers, I have considered uses for mnemosyte for language acquisition, and now I wonder whether there might not be some way to save the memories of an experience such as that with mnemosyte so that, even if one's focus is on one thing in the moment, one can go back and focus on other aspects after the fact." She was certain there were some ways already extant. Given a powerful enough mnemosyte, one could merely hold it in one's hands and focus on the experience one was having. With a little expertise, that was nothing. However, it would be rather a waste of a priceless dragonshard.

"I will have to speak to my runeforger about it."

Surely Torin could create something that allowed one to save such detailed memories more holistically without sacrificing the most precious of mnemosyte shards.
word count: 352
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Akantha SolEilran
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Location: Silfanore, Sol'Valen
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"Quite true, isn't it?" the Princess was amused. Her mother and Uncle had suggested as much, and the Val'Melua kept their secrets that they gleaned with Semblance quite close to their chests. It had been her first Rune for a reason, and why she trained it quite regularly to practice it. It was vital, especially here in Sol'Valen where it was perhaps the most predominant Rune that was utilized amongst the populace, Val'Hytori and Len'Hytori alike. While she had plenty of wards and protections from those that would try to scry upon her unauthorized, it was still important, and necessary, to be able to hold her own in that regard and protect her own aura in the event that something failed, and if she wanted to be able to look at others properly to gauge them... Mastery was mandatory.

"Excellent. I assume you're staying in the Enclave? I'll get the address from you and send a carriage to bring you to the theater," Akantha decided. "I don't know if it would suit your brother, but if he is so inclined, he is welcome to join us as well," the Hytori offered. Otherwise, it would be ladies' night, and that suited her just fine. Still, if Lord Kaus was training with their winged division, and had the permissions to do so, he was welcome along if he wanted to sit through such an event. If he was anything like his sister, he might be fun to make the acquaintance of as well.

She did consider the suggestion with regards to the precious dragonshard, looking thoughtful. "That could be a possible option for a mnemonosyte. Advanced, certainly, but with the right glyphs... it might be doable, especially if you brought it with you to the experience in question," her head tilted slightly, thinking it over. She had all kinds of toys for when she attended fashion shows - a voice-activated pen that took down her detailed notes and multiple mnemonosytes that contained the fashion shows of her favourite designers. All of this was added to libraries of sketches and designs, and one enormous filing system.

"I do understand what you mean, though, when it comes to art and how captivating it can be," Akantha admitted. She sometimes caught herself getting single-mindedly focused on a few aspects of something, and had to remind herself to look at the overall picture lest she miss the rest of it... or go and see it again. But the important thing was the observation, and teaching her senses to look at all of it in order to come back to it. "The emotions that they evoke can be quite powerful, I've found, with and without the use of Masquerade. If you enjoy the costumes, we can go backstage as well to see them up close and personal."

There were few places Akantha couldn't go, after all, and backstage at a theater was not one of them... especially considering her relationship with the designer and her patronage of the varied arts around the city.

"There is no rose without a thorn."
word count: 562
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The party moved around the kindred spirits with the natural ebb and flow of such events. Ailuin allowed his daughter her time; he knew that sometimes these parties could be quite the bore. But before the time spent entirely with Kala could be seen as rude, he rejoined the bubble with two people in tow: one to connect with Akantha and one to connect with Kala. The Avialae diplomat parted from the princess with sincere regret, but reminded her that she would be expecting her invitation.

There wasn't another chance for them to speak that evening, but later, the invitation did come, and Akantha was able to meet Lord Kaus, her twin, and he was as gregarious and charming as ever, quite like and quite unalike his sister. In any case, he flushed prettily when Kala told Akantha how she had dressed him up in any clothes she had been able to find: mother's, father's, elder brother's, and their own. Back when they were small, of course.

Later, people would ask Akantha about her winged acquaintances, accepting whatever she was willing to share. Often as not, people would sigh and say they were the sort that any rational elf would wish retained their elegantly pointed ears and their longevity and constitution. Of course, what could Akantha do but agree? Kalzasi had clearly sent their best, as was appropriate for communications with the Hytori princes.

Akantha could hear her father, her mother, and various other princes speaking in her memory about how the younger races could be taught, and that it was their responsibility as the First Children to help raise their errant brethren. No doubt Kala would bring artists from Kalzasi to witness what the elves had to offer, the better to inspire them.

When Kala left, she left the cipher to open a portal directly to her mailbox such that messages could reach her nigh instantaneously; Ailuin had given her the same cipher for diplomatic missives. The lines of communication were open.
 ! Message from: Hekatos

15 xp are available for use at your discretion. I will not be taking moderator XP as Kala is getting XP for my efforts. Do let me know if you have any questions or concerns; otherwise, we can start planning their next meeting when you have bandwidth!
word count: 387
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