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Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:24 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Had the sisters known that he was Hytori, and not Sunborn, chances were that they would have quietly left the shop and promised each other never to speak of it again, much less cross the threshold. But as it was, ignorance was bliss, and he seemed far more likely to be a Sunborn than one of the ancient elves that had gone to war against their Re’hyaean overlords. His colouring suggested he was more like to be one of those, baseborn and raised abroad, maybe, than a proper Hytori. She wasn’t one to try to Semble strangers, either. Their own accents and attire, or at least what was visible of it under their cloaks, certainly led towards their being of the desert-dwellers of Atraxia. And most Hytori wouldn’t want anything to do with them, either. But Kalzasi seemed a fairly neutral ground. Orks, after all, were welcomed here…

Khalcifer’s antics, though, were quite amusing. Athalia, who tended to be the more taciturn of the pair, found him rather endearing. Fire knew fire, after all, and while she did continue to explore the shop and what was on the shelves, she would still murmur to the spirit, asking him about himself. She knew better than to inquire about Sivan to his own contract; and it was better to let Hilana do her thing. Her little sister could talk the head off of a wave.

“The Everwilds? What is it like in there?” She wondered. It seemed like her sort of place, by the name of it… but it was also doubtless somewhere wiser that she did not venture into. She did, however, want to go and see the Second Deep. That was a project for another day, however… “Did you ever bring any plants back?” The Everwilds were where Fae came from, if she remembered rightly.

Ecithian orchids could be fussy indeed. They took some babying, and up here in Kalzasi that had just gone through such an awful winter, it was understandable that he would have that much trouble keeping it going. “They’re tricky, aren’t they? The moment you’re not paying attention… orchids are incredibly dramatic plants,” the Vastiana was amused. “I have this one coleus who gets very upset and fakes their death because it wasn’t watered the exact instant it wanted to be. Wilts and withers in hours and when I water it, back to being lush and gorgeous within twenty minutes. There is a monstera that is the same… and like your orchid, it is an Ecithian import.”

When he left them there, Hilana nodded, and simply perused the shelves. Where she might have touched a bottle or box or jar, she now did not, and when Sivan returned to the shop, she joined him at the counter. She seemed surprised by the gift, but delighted all the same. “I thank you, Sivan. I’ll bring you some from ours in Atraxia - do you have a favourite flavour?” The Vastiana wanted to know. Vasilei might have something on hand, but if it wasn’t, it could steer her towards new ideas for flavours.

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2024 2:52 pm
by Sivan
Sivan didn't dig too deeply into the history of his customers unless they became regular customers, and even then, he was too polite to semble beyond surface things, context clues, and the like unless there was a clear and present danger. Personal privacy was rather sacrosanct in Sol'Valen, and that much he had kept with him through Dalquia and the rest of Ailizane. He didn't see the future, and so he didn't really consider whether it was right or proper to speak so familiarly with Atraxian visitors. There was quite a bit of Sol'Valen he had left behind, and quite a bit of Dalquia he had left behind as well. He certainly wasn't one of the elves of her land, but he held no personal grudge against them, even if he knew he would likely be executed should his feet touch the shore at Tertium.

Khalcifer seemed content to follow Athalia around the shop, speaking to her as flames were wont to do. If Sivan came up, he would flush with excitement as well as the warmth of a hearth fire. Sivan had helped him grow into true consciousness. In some ways, he was friend, brother, father, even god. Khalcifer had only positive thoughts about his bondmate.

"Ah... there are no words, truly," he admitted. "Well, perhaps were I a poet. Wild, certainly. I haven't brought anything back, though. If I make a mistake with an Ecithian orchid, it might die. If I make a mistake with a transplant from another plane... well, what if it brings back some fungus or insect and I don't have the knowledge to contain them? They might devastate the land. It is tempting, but I think not until I have more space and perhaps... safety precautions."

Of course, he was pleased that she so clearly enjoyed his gift. As for flavors, "Well, I like so many. If you should bring me something, let it be your favorite flavor and I will certainly appreciate it."

Still thinking on the Everwilds, he sent a silent thought to Exael, who would let Timon know he could take his time with his luncheon. Still awkward around strangers at times, Sivan walked away from the counter to the door that led back to the yard and to Torin's home.

His hand rose as if he were performing some martial art or ancient calligraphy, eyes intent, lips moving with silent words. The door frame began to glow as runes and sigils, glyphs and pictographs etched themselves in a dusky, golden light. When the angular arch was complete, his hands went through some complicated gestures. He rarely relied upon "magic words" or anything like that to do his magic, but summoning circles were complex, and even if this one wasn't meant to also be an anchor through which he could create a soul-bond with an entity and pull it into his plane, the framework had to be specific and precise.

A complicated, circular glyph—or at least the half visible on this side of the door—shifted like energetic clockwork until it settled and glowed upon the floor, completing the thing.

Sivan reached out and opened the door. Though nothing could pass through save the light that their eyes would see, Hilana could feast her eyes upon a view of at least one section of the Everwild, a beautiful rainforest at dawn.

"The Everwilds," he said quietly, and stepped back.

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 11:25 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Fired burned together, after all. Lia was certainly enjoying the friendly little spirit, happy to engage with him and listen to him. She didn't know if he was like this often, but she was rather pleased to get acquainted with him in this fashion - she would ask him about himself and about Sivan, and his answers about the Alchemist-Summoner suggested that he was a good person - his connection with the spirit suggested he was one that understood better than many about how relationships with the elements worked. And that was a good thing. She did keep an eye on her sister, though - the last thing she needed was for Hilana to get herself into trouble up here.

That did make sense - it wouldn't take much to devastate an ecosystem, especially when something came from another plane. If it wasn't carefully managed, then that would equal disaster. And with someone who was so cognizant of the environment and ecology around them... he understood those risks all too well. The amount of effort he put into tending to his gardens and plants, even his orchid, told her he wasn't one to take risks with them. "That is smart," she admitted. "Better safe than sorry, especially with how fragile so much of the world is around us now."

At Sivan's words, her eyes danced and she beamed at him. Her favourite flavour - she had a lot of them too, and thought that considering the year of harsh growing that many had endured up here, perhaps something fruity and fun. "I will do that, on my return trip," she promised him. Maybe one of the types of native plums. She knew the ones they had in Atraxia would be different from the ones that were in Karnor, and perhaps he'd like them, too. She already had one war of hospitality going with Finn's Karnorian family, she could certainly open a new front.

When he went to the doorway, Hilana did follow and chose to activate her Semblance, letting her aether flow to the rune that had been painted upon her scalp. With a different view, now, she could watch his work on the doorway. She hadn't seen summoning circles up close like this before, and this was a very complicated circle, if she had to guess from the looks of it from what she remembered about her summoning books. But it was interesting to see and watch, the way the aether worked. And seeing it through sembling sight, with the complex auras and weaving, was incredible. She knew she could just stand and watch it all day, trying to decipher and understand it, but she knew that in time, she would figure it out. Except she did not have hours to study it, as Sivan spoke again, and Hilana's mouth actually opened in awe.

"Ohhh, glories," she breathed, looking through before she blinked away her Semblance and looked through at the Everwilds. "And you go in there regularly?" she was curious. "Does it feel different from being here, in Ransera?" She might have liked to have investigated... but she also knew better than to even think about trying.

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 1:58 pm
by Sivan
Sivan shook his head, gazing through the window into another world. Realizing that she was looking through the window as well and wouldn't see his gesture, he added, "No."

Then, he clarified.

"I have never been to the Everwilds properly. I haven't the Rune of Traversion, though I suppose I know the... hm... address well enough that I could enjoin a traveler to take me. No. My Rune allows me to see into other realms, to communicate with the denizens there, and to make compacts by which they can travel here to work for me. Or work with me. There are limits to my craft, but overlaps as well. Just as I can do many the same thing as an elementalist can by asking a spirit to do it for me, I can communicate with other realms similarly to a traveler, but cannot travel the Aetherium with impunity.

"Perhaps for the best," he added with a quiet smile, remembering Torin's traumatic introduction to Semblance, that most mild of initiations.

"Do you see that... ginger-looking plant over there..." He stepped closer to point so she could see. "With the purplish flowers? I can sense its spirit. I could likely contract the spirit to come serve me in some way here, and in the agreement, in the crossing, it would still be the spirit of that flower. Or a spirit of that species... the rules regarding the classification of spirits are mere suggestions, really... but here, I could ask it to concentrate itself in the dirt of my garden and I could tend it as I would a seed and between us, we could grow that plant here. Not quite Traversion, but the effect is the same."

Sivan fell quiet, observing the Everwilds. He wondered if he would ever go there, perhaps with Destyn, whose people purportedly came originally from that plane.

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:11 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana listened intently to Sivan's explanations. That was truly interesting to her; and it did make sense when one considered the basics of Summoning. The use of other Planes was necessary, even if her primary interest was the elemental and nature spirits of this plane... and she very clearly had a lot to learn. She hadn't realized that the Everwilds could be one such Plane to draw from, but she was excited to learn.

And perhaps... maybe just perhaps... she could learn from a Master like this. There was no shortage of Summoners on her home turf, true, and she could likely pay for lessons from someone that She didn't think he'd take payment in coin, or anything else... but maybe over time he'd teach her. They could trade plants and all kinds of goodies back and forth, and maybe he would take donations or coin for his time for something like that, but that didn't bother the Vastiana. The bigger trick might be asking him, but she was in no rush - she had a lot to do and a lot to work on in the meantime, and she would let this new friendship take root and grow as it would. Maybe it would surprise both of them.

"That is a good point, though," she admitted. "Invasive species could be devastating to the ecology that you work so hard to protect and grow and love upon, especially if it was something we didn't really have any defense for." It wouldn't take much, really; just the wrong thing brought into an environment that would allow it to flourish, and rip right through that which was already fragile.

Hilana's gaze followed his finger, looking at the flower in question. Her eyes left it only once and that was to flick to Sivan's face, seeing the passion and keen interest in the subject there, before her attention returned to the flower. "That would be brilliant. And it would be bound by the contract so that way you have a fairly safe way of growing it here in an organic method, right? As opposed to just collecting a sample and bringing it to try to grow here?"

Lia was listening from a distance, though her attention remained largely with Khalcifer and browsing the little automaton shapes. Something round and pudgy, or sleek and slender... she didn't know. Preferably something that might be able to hold a fire spirit... She half-wondered if the Elf might be able to make one that closely resembled his elemental partner, because he really was a darling.

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:12 pm
by Sivan
"Actually, that's why I think working directly with the spirit would work best. With communication established, it can tell me what sort of soil, light, and watering requirements it likes best, and, once germinated, any adjustments that are needed..."

Sivan then proceeded to go into a protracted, highly detailed schedule for making such a thing come true. He finally ended it when he realized that he couldn't remember the last time he let her get a word in edgewise.

"...and, well, I always write an...ah...honestly clause? Into contracts with spirits. Celestial spirits rarely lie, infernal spirits often lie, though the cleverer ones mix lies, half-truths, and bald truths like a painter mixes pigments... Eldritch spirits, well, some of them have a concept of truth, but not all, so that can be complicated and pedantic. Wild spirits, though... Hm, many of them are amoral. Not evil, not good, just interested in the continuation of Nature. So, I have to know that I can trust the spirit to tell me if the plant will have any properties that could get out of control. Like predatory root systems or... Sorry, I should... I should stop to breathe sometimes."

He smiled sheepishly, glanced to the sister, who seemed amused and bemused. Khalcifer was often entertaining; it was, in fact, magical to watch him charm children who might otherwise be afraid of magic or elves or anything else. The world was a scary place. He tried to foster quiet wonder and awe where he could.

If his peripheral memory was to be trusted, the sister had been looking at the same set of golems for a while.

"Did you have any questions, miss?" He had been giving Hilana the bulk of his attention; he probably ought to spread it out. Then he could get whatever orders they might have before one or the other was ready to leave.

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 10:58 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana could very well see the benefit to being able to talk to the spirits themselves about exactly what they wanted. What she did, even with Semblance and Elementalism, and she still needed wood attunement, was still a process of trial and error. But what Sivan was able to do was talk to the spirits directly about what they needed, and that took so much of the guess work out of it. While she loved the puzzle, and figuring out what helped and what didn't, being able to be direct and help the ecology around them was truly beneficial in a fraught situation, especially if one was at risk of losing the plant itself.

But she listened, intrigued and interested, her eyes bright and focused on him as if she was mentally taking notes of his methodology and philosophy. "Please don't ever apologize. This has been so insightful that I couldn't begin to thank you for taking the time to talk to me about it," the young woman inclined her head respectfully to him, her big brown eyes bright with enthusiasm and excitement. She almost wanted to see if he could bring the spirit of the plant with the purple flowers here and watch the whole of the sequence from start to finish, but that would have to be another day. Perhaps he would later, and she could see the progress when she came back.

Lia, for her part, was finding that her earlier take that Sivan and Hilana might well be kindred spirits was being confirmed. She could see it the passionate discourse between the two, and the way the blond elf got into the topic. And in her sister, she could see the way she was soaking up the subject and warming up more and more to the idea. The way he approached summoning and the way it was so intrinsically interwoven with the world around them was very different than the more academic approach. And while she had listened to all this, and observed and watched, she got to enjoy the delightful company of Khalcifer. "I quite like these," Athalia admitted at Sivan's question. "Are you the Artificer behind them? My soror - my sister - has many companions, from snakes to cats to lizards... but I think I quite enjoy the idea of having a companion like this more," she gestured to the automatons. "I was wondering if you might be able to make one that looks a bit more like Khalcifer here," she smiled down at the spirit.

Fire knew fire, after all.

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:58 pm
by Sivan
Sivan didn't realize it yet, but he was going to need a nap and some honeyed tea after the sisters quit the shop. Timon would take one look at him and tell him, or Exael would. He and Torin got so focused on their work that they needed to be reminded to eat and drink and rest, and so it would not be unusual. Timon had heard voices on the other side of the door but hadn't wanted to barge in, or perhaps he saw the magic being cast upon the door and knew better than to walk through it—it wouldn't have sent him to the Everwilds, but it might have done something.

Sivan smiled and, perhaps intuiting as he wasn't reading her aura, he said, "Perhaps someday when you visit again, I can make a contract for you with some Everwilds spirit and you can grow something yourself. I have worked as a summoner before Torin— ah, Master Kilvin opened up his workshop to me."

This dovetailed nicely into her sister's question. With murmured apologies, he stepped past Hilana to help Athalia, leaving the window into the Everwilds open for the time being.

"Ah, yes. Master Kilvin is the runeforger and I am the alchemist, but I have been teaching him artificery, as well. He rather has the knack for it and I am already learning from him as well, but... for the time being, even the things he works on, I am overviewing to ensure quality and safety. He hardly needs it, but we were both apprentices once and that is how we know to learn." He was babbling again. "Ah, yes..." His eyes lit up. "Not only can I make it look more like Khalcifer, but I could contract a similar fire spirit to you... If you feed it aether per the arrangement, it will serve you within the stipulations of the agreement. Then it wouldn't be a golem so much as a... hm, exoskeleton?... for a fire spirit. We would have to teach it how to inhabit the body and work with it, but some of them do enjoy learning new things. We will just have to find one whose temper isn't explosive when things don't come easily.

"Of course, we could also just make you a golem with a similar personality as his."

He didn't know if she would be as interested in customization and ingenuity as her sister was.

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:47 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Poor Sivan. He was keeping up quite admirably against overwhelming odds. To be fair, Hilana could be quite exhausting if you were used to her, and when you weren't, and you weren't used to socializing at her speed... she could drain someone without ever knowing it. Lia didn't understand how she did it, especially since it was never maliciously done. Even when they had subjects in common... Perhaps it was her soror's Wildness and that never-ending energy that made her nigh-impossible to keep up with. Tough to know. Either way... poor Sivan.

"I'd love that," Hilana brought her hands together and bowed her head to him, her gaze on the window. She stepped easily aside when Lia's question came, and peered through the doorway of the Everwilds. She wouldn't touch, no, but she could certainly look while she listened. And there was a lot there to look at and observe and investigate.

The elder sister was focused on Sivan, though she was always aware of where Khal was now that she could see him through the aura lenses. She nodded thoughtfully as she explained that both he and Torin practiced Artificing together. It was good to have another that knew the Craft and you could work well with them; there were times in creation like this where having an extra set of hands certainly could come in handy, and having a partner that knew your steps and style... Invaluable. But that was food for thought, indeed. Contracting a fire spirit, or a golem that could be programmed to act like Khalcifer. When he said they would just have to find one that didn't explode so readily, she studiously ignored Hilana's muffled chuckle when her sister swallowed the giggle. That may have suggested that Lia had an explosive temper that was rather buried now, but whatever it was, it went unaddressed between the two.

"What would be your preference?" Lia asked him. "As a Summoner and an Artificer? Fire always knows fire, and fire burns together... While it may be the most explosive element... it's one of the most adaptable," she smiled down at Khalcifer. He had adapted, learned, and grown, after all. What was there to say that another couldn't do the same? "Since I imagine that creating an exoskeleton for a fire elemental would be a decidedly different process than a full golem."

Re: Stable Conjunctions [Sivan]

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:20 am
by Sivan
The window into the Everwilds was just that: a window rather than a door. He was a summoner rather than a traveler. A great deal of complicated magic would allow him to make a compact with a spirit on the other side and pull it through, but that same magic wouldn't allow him to travel through to the other side. He had learned, through his rune and training, to be able to cast his astral self there in order to communicate with the spirits, but it wasn't the same as traveling and it came with its own risks. The four basic elemental spirits that he had worked with since he moved to Kalzasi had been the sort who already existed on the material plane, though now they were grown stronger, more complex.

"It would just be a matter of meeting several spirits until I met the right one," he explained, trying to be informative without being condescending; he never did know exactly how much arcane knowledge a client came into the place with. "Some fire spirits delight in dancing with a candle flame. Others revel in forest fires. Some notice the sun and..." his hand floated skyward. "Well, I hope they find it eventually.

"Which is to say... hm... blending the summoning with the artificing would be most interesting to me personally, but I am supposed to be a businessman, and I can certainly go in either direction. I would be able to give you better guidance if I know more what you want to accomplish with a little fiery friend, whether automaton or spirit indwelt. The body would be much the same, though with slight alterations to make it easier for a spirit to take control of it."

Sivan seemed perfectly capable of holding up a conversation regarding these, his special interests. But he was normally all too happy to leave the business aspects to young Timon, who was a bit of a wunderkind with such things.
