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Re: "Sound & Fury"

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:22 pm
by Rhydian ValKor

"I would not wish to impose." Rhydian replied, with a level of impassivity that might have come off rude. Where some might have asked after the children or complimented the father on the latest addition to the family, the Val'Kor prince did not. He merely accepted the pretext for not being invited into a scenario to which he never expected an invitation. He imagined he might be deemed a bad influence on an impressionable Zaichaeri youth and, with the tenor of his conversation thus far, he could hardly blame Eitan for thinking so if, indeed, he did think so.

"I have no doubt my lodgings will suffice. My needs are few and my wants are... Easily deferred." The last several remarks led Rhydian to the assumption that the twofold High Zaichaeri was done with him for the moment.

"I look forward to the litany of diversions you prescribe, Your Excellency." After a fashion, Zaichaer was shaping up to be a more eventful trip than Kalzasi and he'd scheduled significantly more time in Northern Karnor. But part of the fun in Zaichaer, he supposed, was the danger of it. It had been teetering so long on the edge of an abyss and only recently toppled in the other direction. There was still the potential for it to bounce back into something deadly and, in the likely event that the common folk shared Eitan's opinion regarding Kalzasern culpability in their woes, he doubted his Sol'Valen pedigree would spare him a lynching if the time and place disfavoured him.

"I shall make for my lodgings and await further correspondence. I thank you for the tea and hospitality." Rhydian rose and bowed slightly.

Re: "Sound & Fury"

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2024 1:17 am
by Eitan Angevin

Angevin did him the courtesy of rising as well, and seeing him out.

As good as his word, invitations arrived at the temporary embassy; invitations for meals with other government officials, an invitation to watch the low-key rugby match, an invitation to the Pfenning Theater where he saw some short, new works that were obviously the attempts of a proud people to make sense of recent losses, as well as a bel canto aria in Vallenor sung by a talented tenor. It was clear that while the shine had rubbed off the brass of the Brass City, there was substance there, and if he explored at all, he saw that they were rebuilding and trying to build back better than they had before. Perhaps, if Zaichaer survived for millennia, it might look akin to a city like Silfanore whose architecture spoke of uncountable artistic movements and historical events. There was, perhaps, more that they had in common with his people than anyone thought.

Or not.

There was also an invitation from Admiral Angevin and his wife to alight from the ground on the Black Swan and see the Greater Institute of Technology, which had been saved from destruction and brought aloft for protection. Within, there were great works of art and examples of technological advances side by side, and fine, parquet floors where one could imagine grand balls and masques. Mrs. Angevin was an erudite lady and seemed quite pleased for an excuse to escape what she called 'one hundred days of darkness' or those first three months or so where a newborn was a constant well of need.

She was generally considered delightful and her husband was certainly less businesslike in her presence.

All things told, Rhydian was treated much like a visiting blueblood from Kathiid or similar. There were worse ways to be treated in Zaichaer.

Re: "Sound & Fury"

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:10 pm
by Finn

Experience: 10 xp for use at your discretion

Injuries: n/a

Loot: n/a

Notes: No hate crimes committed. Whew!