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Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:46 pm
by Sivan

Sivan knew that Rhydian had likely gone easy on him last time, but he was entirely sure of it less than a heartbeat into this combat. He had gotten better, and his foot rose in order to step on the low flowing blade, but he wasn't quite fast enough to catch it. Suddenly off balance, he leaned into it, letting his weight pull him to the side, not where he had been, hoping to require Rhydian's compensation.

He decided to use the style that had worked best against Laurevere, who was his better: Xiothur style. It was a reactive style, which ought to frustrate a Red Dragon, less so a Golden Gryphon. Named for minor eldritch spirits, he reacted to stimulus, but his follow-ups were chaotic, following no real logic. It was a rare style, oft derided by blademasters, but he understood it, most likely from his communication with eldritch spirits as a summoner.

After a few passes as such, Rhydian, at least, would sense a little flare of frustration from Ailuin. Not sembled, but known on a primal level, as one whose heart wanted to beat in time with the king's. This style defied observation until Ailuin looked deeper, sought more profound insight.

"How would you beat you?" Sivan asked suddenly. Laurevere blinked, wondering if this was a tactic or Sivan had just blurted it out in his own frustration. Rhydian's defense was nigh unassailable.

"A valid question," Ailuin allowed, amused. "How would you defeat Rhydian Val'Kor, my Strýchnos?"

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:42 am
by Rhydian ValKor

Rhydian marked, but did not remark upon, Sivan's apt strategy. It was sound technique to be cautiously optimistic that an opponent would favour the same strategy twice. To prepare to face the devil one knew without going too boldly into that assumption and instantly putting oneself in jeopardy. Whether he'd picked up on Rhydian's prior style on his own or, more likely, been debriefed and guided by the more formally trained Laurevere, it was a marked improvement.

Rhydian began to circle Sivan and, as he spoke, his orbit widened and bring him just outside of pouncing distance. The banter was likely a distraction and he would not put himself in jeopardy during discourse. If anything jostled him, it was Ailuin's abetment of the gambit.

"I would not. It would be a stalemate." He replied in a cooler tone than he typically directed at Ailuin, but it was not out of vexation, but rather focus upon the task upon which he'd been set. That was the priority. "But exploiting knowledge of my aversion to banter by inserting it into my preferred form of discourse is not without pluck." He shifted serpent sharp to circling in the opposing direction.

"But I think Sivan should concern himself, rather, with how I will beat him." Before his lips even tapped the 'm' to end the sentiment, he was launching forth, but perhaps Sivan had, in fact, goaded him, because he staggered on the second step, seeming to lose his balance. Cobra's Kiss technique was so named, not because the moves resembled those of a serpent, but because they were stilted and spasmatic like one affected by the venom thereof. His stagger was intentional and, where he might have usually pivoted it into a strike, in this instance he was playing at something else. How best to frustrate his opponent in service to his king? Make him think himself close to winning the match and then denying it at the last moment.

For a moment, Rhydian would project vulnerability as he seemed unsteady on his feet, one arm extended in an awkward blow he never intended to land. Both that forward facing katana and its twin to his rear were, in fact, poised to block, should Sivan take the bait.

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:24 pm
by Sivan

Sivan had been frustrated and thus came the rhetorical question. That the king augmented it likely put him off his game more than it did Rhydian. The commoner elf felt the urge to apologize, but, knowing that the king's nightshade preferred duels underscored only by the sounds of steel, step, and breath, he kept it to himself. He wondered if he would ever be able to focus on violence as keenly as he did a delicate alchemical reaction; perhaps not, but he did believe he was getting better at it, better at something that he hadn't taken to as easily as magic. There was something to be said for such accomplishments. He wondered what it would be like to witness Rhydian battling himself to a stalemate; perhaps such a thing could occur within the Aetherium. Perhaps he ought to focus on the matter at hand...

Reaction and misdirection had seemed to work for a time, but Rhydian had adjusted.

He was simply outmatched. A few times, he was successful in that he seemed to push Rhydian into a more hurried defense than he had before, but whatever slim advantage he managed to claim, the prince reclaimed ever more quickly. Sivan was learning Rhydian's style, but not nearly so quickly as Rhydian was learning his, such as it was.

But then Rhydian seemed almost to stumble, and Sivan's training kicked in faster than the cleverer parts of his mind.

Sivan moved in close to strike with his wakizashi. His katana was placed well to protect him from certain directions, but not all. He had taken the bait for better or for worse.

Ailuin was nominally watching Sivan, and a part of him would always be drawn to Rhydian in any situation; he was also observing Laurevere, who was his original person of interest. The king was rather good at splitting his attention without seeming to lose his keen vision and insight. And so, he observed his beau's stragetem, the commoner's avid response, and the instructor's alarm all at once.

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:32 pm
by Rhydian ValKor

Sivan's attempt seemed like a sure thing until, at seemingly the last possible moment, Rhydian's offhand blade met his opponent's and blocked what would have been a duel-ending strike. If there was anything Rhydian could think of that was likely to frustrate an outmatched opponent was the impression that one almost pulled off the upset, only to have the rug torn out from under them. Perhaps fortunately for Sivan, Rhydian had no intention of revealing that his fumble had been feigned. That would have verged on cruelty, and it were better he believe that victory was in his grasp for a moment. What mattered to the Val'Hytori prince was that Sivan be jostled enough for Ailuin to glean whatever it was he hoped to gather from his vexation.

With a quick glance to the king, he checked in to make certain he had accomplished his task to the monarch's satisfaction. When he was confident he had done so, he would shift to an advanced technique designed to overwhelm. The Raging Shrike style demanded that Rhydian summon up the energies he'd been reserving thus far while attempting to exhaust Sivan, to assail him with a flurry of rapid attacks so quick and relentless that the offence left little room for counter-strike. He urged his opponent backward until there was no further to retreat and in the midst of this maelstrom, Sivan would feel a tap at his hip, at which point Rhydian ceased his assault abruptly. He backed off into a defensive stance, in case Sivan needed a moment to process what had happened, but when it seemed the younger elf was not lunging toward him, he crossed his swords and bowed to Sivan, then to the Crown.

"Better." He looked to Laurevere. "If you tire of training reluctant expatriots in Kalzasi, we could make use of you in Aerion. As for you..." He returned his rather intense gaze to Sivan, "If you fall in love with your blades, they will serve you well."

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 4:52 pm
by Sivan

Sivan hadn't quite been able to translate his equanimity in the face of a seemingly insoluble magical puzzle into an equal serenity when it came to fighting an opponent he knew he had only the slimmest of chances to win, and that depending on said opponent making mistakes that he could monopolize upon.

The duel was not over, and suddenly he was stutter-stepping backward, trying to counter a style he couldn't name in the moment with an appropriate Fleeing Hare. There was a tap to his hip, and then a more violent, though not bruising, smack of his back against the wall. Then Rhydian did retreat, albeit only to await his acknowledgement. With a rueful grimace, Sivan straightened his posture, and bowed to the prince. Then, he bowed to his instructor, and then, lowest, to the king.

"I don't believe my lord Laurevere would forgive me if I wooed his blades," he said, attempting to soften the blow to his ego with humor.

"They are faithful lovers," Laurevere replied wryly, offering the sheaths that Sivan could put the blades away. Sivan bowed again for the use of those Val'Istra blades. "Thank you for the compliment, sir," he said to Rhydian.

Ailuin was, apparently, content; the room began to change back to its former arrangement. When nobody came to retrieve his blades, Laurevere secured them to his hip and regained his seat with a warrior's grace. Sivan, perspiring a bit, returned to kneel in the presence of his betters, albeit with the zabuton for comfort.

"Should I be jealous of your steel, Rhydian?" he asked. The way the syllables of his name moved in the monarch's mouth sometimes sent a shiver through his lover, but he was smiling, not attempting to embarrass him. "A good show, both of you. Thank you for indulging my curiosity."

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:06 am
by Rhydian ValKor

"I did not say they need love you in return." Rhydian replied and, given his dry delivery, it was impossible to tell whether he'd missed the fact that it was a joke entirely or was extending the metaphor for instructional purposes. "Unrequited love has been the furnace fire fueling many a halcyon knight of legend." Subconsciously, he glanced for a split second to the king upon his throne. Rhydian's love was not requited, but neither was it equal in measure. Such might not be enough to stir him to a glorious end, but it at least brought him to the point where he'd won this latest spar.

Rhydian was turning away to hand his blades off, as Sivan expressed gratitude and, if he'd heard it, he didn't register acknowledgement at all. Another servant approached to return the discarded fashion accessories to his person, opening a robe to him and then laying a sash over his shoulder.

He started at Ailuin's tease, breath catching and cheeks reddening, though he was turned from the others at the moment.

"Why should you be?" He said in the soft calm of his public persona, "When they are but extensions of your will to be wielded in Your Majesty's name at Your Majesty's command, as they just have been?" He had turned to face them by the time the sentiment was uttered, and approached the others to reclaim his seat at the right hand of the king.

He lowered himself gracefully onto that perch and, stiff-backed, he craned his head slowly to regard the guests once more with his dispassionate gaze. To Ailuin's thanks, he inclined his head.

"Your whims: my edicts, Majesty."

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 5:23 pm
by Sivan

Sivan took the prince's words to heart. Rather than take them at face value, however, he would mull them over later. He had always had what his late master had called the seed of wisdom, in that the more he learned, the more he realized how much he didn't know. He showed proper Len'Hytori respect, but also seemed to embody a truer humility.

Laurevere studied the king as surreptitiously as possible. Meanwhile, the king, quietly delighted at Rhydian's minimalist poetry and maximalist loyalty, murmured, "Your face: my polestar, Strýchnos."

Then, louder, for the wider audience, "Well, we are always pleased when prodigal sons return to the homeland. Be certain you will hear from the palace ere long. Even if Kalzasi calls you away once more, we hope you will not spend quite so long without returning to the community of your people."

There might be barbs there; it was unlikely the king was unaware of Laurevere's bastardy, even if witchmarks weren't visible above his collar, and while Sivan was only notable for his magical and artisanal prowess, he would have been vetted before being allowed into the royal presence.

"Rhydian, if you would be so kind as to see them out...? I have another meeting scheduled." The king rose even as his throne began to walk around toward where it would end up, stretching his legs. Nobody's seat would disappear on them, but Laurevere felt the thrum of magic through his trews and stood immediately, as did Sivan. They bowed.

"Oh, please do keep an eye upon your Fae'ethalan friend. They are charming creatures but as fey as their name implies. One can look pretty as a dragonfly and still be a chaos goblin."

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 5:50 pm
by Rhydian ValKor

Rhydian lowered his gaze and tipped his face downward, so that the shadows might conceal the shades of pink Ailuin's whispered words artlessly painted upon the smooth canvas of his countenance. He was pleased when Ailuin lifted his voice to draw all eyes to his glorious person, and away from his polestar. It took him only a moment to compose himself and stiffen his back once more, lifting his gaze to regard the guests as they were addressed with tacit chastisement.

He rose as soon as Ailuin's whim, and thus Rhydian's edict, was uttered.

"Of course, Majesty." As his seat receded behind him, he marched toward the exit, pausing to permit the others to rise and ready themselves to depart. As the king bade them mind their mercurial companion, Rhydian turned back to regard them with an arched brow. Laurevere had spoken of the Fae back in Kalzasi but, upon hearing a brief description of the capricious creature, he'd elected not to arrange a meeting, even though it seemed the faerie was notable after a fashion. Apparently it was keeper to some sort of magical Ecithian seedling over which a dawnfire instrument had been placed by Arcas himself. He was a bit surprised to know they'd brought the wildchild along to Sol'Valen, but he couldn't have stirred too much scandal as yet, if this was the first Rhydian was hearing of the visitor.

When the others approached, he would execute a full, formal bow to the king before turning back to the exit arch and stepped toward it, assuming the two would follow without need of a verbal prompt. Once they were out of the royal presence, he turned to them.

"Well. You've survived both a bout with me and a royal audience today, Sivan. Let it not be said that you have left Silfanore unexamined on your trip."

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:36 pm
by Sivan

Ailuin heard Rhydian's comment at the door, but he was gone before the door closed. In the Royal Palace, the very building responded to his whims, and his power could seem godlike.

Sivan smiled faintly in response, more than content to be emotionally still as the prince was. While he had gotten better at being a person around people, his natural state was still solitude and silence. He could respect Rhydian's natural state, and surviving a second bout with him put him a bit more at ease, though he was not overly familiar. That was something the elf of higher status would have to initiate, much as Laurevere had.

"I daren't brag on it, sir," he said, "lest people want to practice upon me." Were he a courtier, he might have meant a subtle threat to Ailuin, but he only meant that a blademaster might tackle him before trying their steel against Rhydian's. Laurevere heard what was said, what wasn't said, and what might be imagined, and glanced at Sivan. He was too naive for this place, should have trusted his better instincts to flee Silfanore even if it was the crown of culture as well as cities.

But otherwise, Laurevere seemed content to be more silent than not. The king had been testing him, even if he had used Rhydian and Sivan to do so. He had been too long away from court, and had never played with a true master. He would go home and go over every word and facial tic with his family to assess what game had been played exactly, and he would be harder on himself than he had been on Sivan after his first spar with Rhydian. But none of this was apparent on his face or form, of course. He was a political creature enough to prevent that.

"I do wish to improve, though," Sivan was saying. "I live so much in my head that it has proven an excellent practice to bring me back into my body, into the present. Meditative, but also physical. Sometimes when I have hit a snag in some complicated alchemical process, wearing myself out at forms... well, the answers sometimes appear as if by magic..."

Re: The Prodigals' Return

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:51 am
by Rhydian ValKor

"Then be bold and do not shirk the experience. Love the blades more than you fear defeat and then shall you know the draw of the dance. But enough unsolicited advice." Rhydian listened on, as Sivan spoke of the boons his bladework had yielded in his life thus far, and nodded.

"The mind never stops though the movements of the body may alter the course of thought's flow. I will occupy no more of your day. I expect we shall cross paths again ere you return to Kalzasi." He might have spoken on, but he paused to bow his head to a dignitary being led to the presence chamber. As he lifted his head, he caught the eye and noted the little smirk being worn by the sea elf ambassador as he unabashedly appraised each of the three of them with a piercing cerulean gaze. When he'd padded by, Rhydian lifted his eyes to regard the guests once again.

"I bid you good morrow." And he pivoted away, heading toward his personal apartments. Their unscheduled spar had actually served to free up some time from his itinerary, as he was able to double up the meeting with a bit of exercise. He decided not to dally in the corridors socialising, when he had a surplus of time that could be devoted to reading the fascinating bit of fiction he'd been devouring for the past few days.

Upon reaching his residence, he nodded to his valet who helped him out of his robe as he instructed his attendants:

"I will take tea service in the bath whilst I read." This tacitly instructed the valet to remove more than his outerwear, which he set about to doing as a footman moved to see about tea.