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Re: A Wave of Gravebound

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 10:54 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Following the first wave, the Vastii were none the worse for wear as Athalia smoothed her dress and Hilana looked on, checking out the Shinaegri… or what was left of them. She wasn’t one to be bothered by gore and viscera, considering what she did, but Athalia did not like it. Still, she was not queasy. She had seen worse. Even if it was something she didn’t want to recall… but both of the dark-haired women stepped lightly around the piles, with Hilana seizing her ground-length skirts to lift them well and above the piles as they stayed close to the white-cloaked mages. Neither of the young women seemed stressed from their efforts so far with the arcane arts, but they had chosen the tactic of strategic precision for a reason; being resourceful rather than wasteful with their aether. They didn’t know what was waiting for them down below; but they would be prepared all the same.

“The pleasure is ours, Lord Rorom,” Hilana inclined her head, a gesture that was repeated by her shorter sister, though both of them were smiling. The foreign sisters weren’t sure of his actual title, but in the off-hand chance he was related to Talon, Lord was a safe bet. Besides that, he was clearly a decidedly capable mage, and probably would have had the title of Magnatus back at home; so it seemed to be a good option. They followed the silver-haired magister, while Hilana fished through her Featherlight satchel for her triangular shawl. With the brightly stitched purple fabric retrieved, she used it to help hike her skirts up, doubling the fabric around her hips so that the bright cotton was no longer sweeping the floor of the mine. Satisfied, though her sandal-clad feet were now on display, the Vastiana tied the shawl to secure it. She hadn't stopped walking, at least; but the girl was solid when it came to multitasking.

"If I may ask," Hilana knew that the man likely had other things on his mind, but she was curious. "How does the Warrens breach the mines? By overwhelming the wards and such that are in place to prevent such events?" She understood from Talon that there were discovered openings, but she also figured that their mines would have been well-protected from such a place. Of course, wards could be damaged and worn down, so perhaps that was what had happened. She wouldn't mind a better idea about such a situation from the professionals. While Hilana asked her questions, Lia turned her hand to making more lodestones to be filled with lava for her pockets to prepare for the next round. Preparation would be key, after all.

Re: A Wave of Gravebound

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:41 am
by Bazyl
Bazyl closed his eyes as the shower of viscera and chunks of mangled flesh rained down on him, the stench of blood thick in the air. He felt the warm spatter hit his face, and without thinking, he wiped it away with the back of his hand. Yet, beneath the mess and carnage, a grin spread across his face—something he hadn’t felt in a long time. The raw adrenaline of battle, the thrill of chaos and danger, it pulsed through him, awakening something deep inside that had lain dormant for too long. This was what he had been missing: the battlefield.

The last time he had been in a battle of this scale was during the Graveplague, a nightmarish campaign of unrelenting horror. The endless hordes of undead crashing against their defenses like waves on a shore, the twisted Menders weaving death and chaos into the very air around them. And during the siege of Ailos with the constant thunderous bombardment from the Imperial Navy’s warships, he remembered it all too vividly. There was no space for joy back then, only survival. And yet, here he was, grinning like a madman as history seemed to repeat itself, but with something different this time. Victory no longer felt out of reach; it felt inevitable.

“By Eikaen’s balls indeed,” he muttered under his breath, wiping more of the gore from his face. The sheer raw power that had obliterated the wave of Shinaegri left him in awe. He had heard countless stories of the Hero of Uldori, tales spun by soldiers and storytellers alike. They spoke of impossible feats, of strength beyond mortal limits. But stories could never truly capture the magnitude of such force. Seeing it firsthand was something else entirely. As the Hero of Uldori tore through the battlefield and disappeared into the mines like a tempest, Bazyl’s grin widened. He had to give credit where it was due—the legends didn’t do the Hero justice.

As Bazyl turned his gaze to the massive form of the Shinaegri, or what was left of it, he shook his head in disbelief. The creature had been a towering monster the size of a Moratallen. It had been ripped apart with terrifying ease. The squelching sound of its demise still hung in the air. “Well, just that big lump of flesh standing between us,” he said, his tone half in jest, though the truth of the matter left him shaking his head. He couldn't help but wonder what could’ve been different had the mages of his time wielded this kind of raw power. The wars he had fought in would have taken a very different turn.

He readied his throwing axes, their cold weight familiar and comforting in his hands, but the enemy he had been prepared to face had already been annihilated. His hands loosened, and he let out a sigh just as the roar of the charge began to rise around him.
“Hero of Uldori” Bazyl muttered, catching the figure of Hikami charging forward. His mind sharpened as battle lust once again took hold. The Dawnmartyr knight, standing in front of him, handed him the axe he had thrown earlier, which he snatched with a quick nod. “Thanks,” Bazyl grunted, appreciating the solidarity.

“We sure need to bash in more heads,” Bazyl added with a chuckle, spinning the axe expertly in his hand before gripping it tightly. “Can’t let the Hero of Uldori fought alone, right?” His grin was genuine, but behind it lay a flicker of envy. He was never one to bask in glory, but seeing the sheer difference in power between himself and Hikami left a lingering sting.

As they moved forward in the charge, his eyes flicked toward the entrance of the mines. He knew, deep down, that once they entered those twisting, dark tunnels, the nature of the fight would change. The mines weren’t just a battlefield—they were a trap. But they were also where his own abilities could flourish. In the dark places, Bazyl’s control over darkness would be much more effective. It was what he did best, but he would have to tread carefully.

Bazyl’s heart pounded, not from fear but from the realization that he would need to keep his powers in check. Subtlety was key. He couldn’t afford to draw attention to himself—not now. The memories of the Eclipse still lingered in the minds of many. The others might fight alongside him, but they hadn’t forgotten. He needed to ensure that no one suspected he was tapping into the same powers that had once caused so much destruction.

Re: A Wave of Gravebound

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 6:40 pm
by Chronicle
Hikami's application of Dancing and Varnish proved lethal against the Gravebound, their numbers culled down quickly by the whirling slash of ice he unleashed upon them. The group of eight miners that he'd protected weren't threatened any longer now that they weren't surrounding, and one of the larger men of the group quickly turned that to their advantage as the iceborne continued his endeavor.

"Bout bloody time the cavalry arrives!!" The burly ginger bellowed above the sound of Shinaegri, as Hikami closed the gap between the group and the swarm threatening them. Yet the iceborne's instruction weren't so easily followed, particularly once he'd unleashed another wind spell unto the horde that poured from deeper within the mineshaft.

"Piss off, ya wheelin' Baka!!" The burly miner called as he soon rushed past Hikami with both pickaxes raised overhead. As the whirling weapons Hikami sent forward cut down more of the Shinaegri that came through, his weapons tore through almost half of them, before he found his spiritual grasp on them had faltered.

Thankfully with the mining company he'd just saved eager to push against the horde, and the rest of the Sky Guard and College Mages coming in for backup, Hikami finally had this one chance to realize what was actually happening to his body. The solidity he felt loosening before began to drip and drizzle where water might run down off him, his skin tone nearly opaquing with a translucent appearance to that of water itself. He had done well to push himself this far, but now, such exertions were truly taking their toll upon him. Right away he felt his weapons failing to respond to him, as they remained immobile on the stone floor, as the icy draconic features he maintain literally melted away into puddles of water that saturated the bloodied rock beneath his feet.

Overstepping was sinking in now and he could feel it deep inside himself, a jarring spiritual pain that indicated the core he possessed had begun to feel strained. The ward on his anchor became damaged, only just so, to indicate how much he'd pressed himself so in the thick of battle. "Push back the Ki Nock!! Send 'em back to hell!!" The minors assailed the next wave with Sky Guard and Dawnmartyr right behind them, quick to lend both spear and shield to their fellow Kalzasern as everyone worked in unison together.

"With pleasure!!" The Dawnmartyr sticking with Bazyl roared as he charged with the group, shoving his shield arm forward to knock a few Gravebound back as Synnekar Sky Guards hacked and chopped them down. Looking back at his Shinaegri fighting buddy, the soldier's stout determination became saturated with a positive grin of confidence in turn.

At the rear of the group where the mages had remained, aether flowed from several of the white-robed mages to accomplish several different tasks. Firstly, the dying Shinaegri that might've fallen and squirmed on the mineshaft floor were crushed by either wind elementalism or telekinetic force, and secondly, the wards that had been instilled on the response team earlier were being reinforced by the Negators of the group.

"Well, Lady Hilana, as Mistreach Keep is the foothold the Sky Guard and Dead Legion maintain, the mines and Yawning Chasm have a tendency to interconnect with one another. The passages often dug in this age could very well overlap or adjoin to one dug when the first Synnekar arrived in Kalzasi proper..." Ryom responded to Hilana's inquiry as he paused in his stride, his starry eyes locked upon the efforts of the group ahead of him. Yet if Hilana were to notice it, she'd be able to see that he wasn't focused on them to be exact. Rather gazing through them as if he were discerning something immaterial that connected them all, causing the silver plumage on his wings to fidget off and on before he assessed the situation.

"Try as we might, we have to exercise caution when excavating beneath the Keep. A great Calamity once revealed itself beneath Kalzasi, and the Gravebound a byproduct of it I would assume. It's always a principle to seal off such accessible points so that they don't assail the surface, but even with all our protections we lay in place, their voracious hunger for violence wears out such contingencies, and not to mention their tenacity to burrow through the ground from the Warren's below." As much as Ryom would've loved to indulge the Vastiana sisters with a history lesson, now certainly was not the time to get lost in such details. Time was of the essence, and with the main level of the shaft cleared, the Sky Guard and Dead Legion were working quickly to push for the elevator shaft next.

"You there, Hero of Lake Udori," The White-hooded Sage chimed with a narrowed gaze that shifted to the rest, "Koiteki Bazyl, Ladies Hilana and Lia." As the Dawnmartyr soldier that stuck close to Bazyl paused in his advance, he twisted to see what the sudden hold-up with the Sage of Glass was about. "This moment in particular will be the only opportunity we have to remedy the situation overall. Otherwise, a good number of men and women will die today. Such is why I'm going to have to ask to count on you for this next part of this mission."

"Oi!! What's the bloody holdup?! We've got people trapped like sittin' ducks down there!" The lumbering miner beckoned with his entourage behind him, a good number of men from different racial backgrounds, yet all still caked in both dirt and blood from their hair down to their boots. Ryom simply gazed to him in turn before bringing an open palm up to gesture for them to hold.

"Right now the bulk of the horde is scattered from the cave-ins created within the chaos. The towering Shinaegri that burrowed through is already dead, so the ranks of the Sky Guard and Dead Legion will get to those that can be saved." Ryom's assertions on the situation led the ginger-haired miner to clench his jaw almost spitefully. "Your men, along with this group here, will have to play an important role in sealing the breach within the fourth level. Can you commit to this?"

"Fuckin' Void if it saves our men, then fine!" He growled with an angered sneer, his cheeks red as the hairs on his face started to rise and multiply. "Call me Halgrim, if that helps, me and the men will do whatever you need." Ryom knowingly smiled in turn before he looked to the Dawnmatyr that stayed behind, expecting the same courtesy of a name in turn now that everyone had a moment to speak.

"M' mates call me Korgan." He introduced having an expectant look to Bazyl next, after already hearing Ryom address the Siltori earlier.

"Excellent. When our forces divide they will cover the three floors to rescue surviving stragglers, normally, I'd approach the obstacle with my fellow White-robes here to alleviate the crux of our dilemma... but they'll be stretched thin as is. Therefore, it'll fall to us to seal the breach when we arrive at the fourth level." Ryom looked at Athalia next with a knowing thought in mind, after having seen her application of lodestones earlier, and then to Hikami who still needed recuperation from his usage of magic upon getting inside the mine.

"This will be a joint operation that will require everyone to understand the importance of their roles. Halgrim and his men will provide us with the manpower necessary to beat back the Gravebound teeming the fourth level. Bazyl and Kogrim will back them up, with the hero here helping them if he is able?" Given the condition he'd ascertained Hikami to be in, Ryom wasn't sure how well that would go, especially since he'd be much more helpful in sealing the breach itself in the end. "Once there, we'll seal the breach with a combination of Lia's lodestones and water. Ice if we can manage, but something that'll allow the magma to rapidly cool and seal off the horde entirely."

Having surmised enough of a plan of action, Ryom looked toward the lot gathered before him, a near smile hidden beneath his hopeful gaze. "Any questions?"

Re: A Wave of Gravebound

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 3:59 pm
by Hikami
A Wave of Gravebound


With everything going on and his eagerness to fight off the impending monsters, he had forgotten that he couldnt be that symbol of valor he once was so long ago. He was damaged, weakened by his own hubris and he was just now realizing just how useless he had become. Even with the training he had gotten from the monks of the Sky Temple he still was limited in what he could do now. It pained him to be so fragile now, it pained him to feel this helpless. As his appearance liquified he didn't fight it, allowing his visage to become one he had not used since becoming an Iceborne...whatever that meant.

There were still so many unanswered questions, as he hadn't heard from Freya since that time in Lover's Pit. Maintaining his appearance was the only thing that truly kept him from losing himself, and now that the spirit was gone, there was nothing truly holding him together besides the anchor bestowed upon him by Rickter. Those who looked upon him now would find he appeared to be living water and ice, currents of water roiling and swirling about his form as he stood and regained himself. They wouldn't have been able to see it, but he had tears running down his face as the others now joined them.

The core anchor was visible within his watery form as the white robe male explained what would happen next. Hikami nodded, waving off any doubt the man had about his ability to help. They were underground after all, and there were drops of water coming off the stalactites that hung the cave ceiling, which meant there was moisture he could pull from. Not to mention the underground lakes that he knew to be within the warrens. He would have plenty of ammunition to pull from in order to get the job done.

In this form, he was far more agile, and his form was less susceptible to damage. "None here." he replied, stepping away to gather his own thoughts, and coming to reality that he just wasn't the same as he used to be, not yet anyway. He would eventually get back to that place, and strive to garner more control over his abilities, his pride as a warrior demanded it.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: A Wave of Gravebound

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 10:13 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Even with the bellowing of the burly redheaded man up ahead, Hilana listened to the lesson that Ryom was giving her, and had this been a different time and situation, she might have pulled out her Volumen in order to have another look at this place and really understand it. It was curious, very curious, and she did want to at some point visit the Second Deep of the Warrens... and at some point, she may need to visit the Fourth. But she would see how that all would pan out in time. For now, that wasn't something to explore, discuss, or even consider.

Still, the young woman was curious, and she was interested indeed with what he had told her. "I see, thank you. This is very interesting. Perhaps one day I will have the opportunity to find out more about the Calamity," the Vastiana was thoughtful. She did at least seem to be quite intrigued by what he was telling her. But Hilana found stories of all kinds interesting, especially these ones in the foreign shores. If they led to Gravebound... well, then. She sized up Halgrim, big brown eyes curious as her head tilted, but her attention was drawn back to the silver-haired Synnekar.

When he said that this might be their only shot, Hilana and Athalia nodded solemnly. Sometimes that was all you got. One shot, one chance. Because if you failed... Life wasn't a game. You couldn't do it over and again until you got the outcome you wanted. Unless, of course, you possessed Aeternus, and even then... They had the moment for a quick breather, and that gave her an opportunity to offer some assistance to the party that was around them. As they listened, Hilana opened her rucksack and removed a few vials of different liquids. She offered an orange one to the newly-identified Bazyl and the Dawnmartyr who accompanied him. They smelled vaguely spiced, and if drank, they would find it warming and would deliver a renewed feeling of strength and energy.

Hilana offered a purple one to Lia, who uncapped it and drank without a question, before giving the vial back to her sister. She offered the same to Ryom, and eying the way Hikami was sluicing around, she uncorked one and offered it to pour it for him, or at least into the liquid form that he was now. She wasn't entirely certain if he was able to hold onto it at the moment. In any event, it was one of her restoratives to help with aether replenishment. It wouldn't fill him all the way to normal, but it would definitely give him a little more to work with and aid his recovery. She would drink one of her own, put the vials away in the bag, and start making lodestones for Athalia to fill with her lava. She knew the size that her sister wanted, and this way, they could share the aetheric load.

The two Vastian women didn't interrupt, they just listened to Ryom's plan. Hilana was nodding along, while Lia was a bit slower to do so as she considered. "Just water, please. Ice is not required," Athalia shook her head. "Lava and ice produce steaming vapour when you combine the two, and in close quarters we could end up causing a greater issue... but plain water will harden it much faster, and that should hopefully mean less of an aetheric expenditure on his behalf. Hilana can assist with the water manifestation as well."

"The water will absorb the heat and boil off, producing steam, which of course is condensation and can be reused," Hilana supplied. All things considered, they lived quite close to a volcano. Athalia's training with the elements and her own chosen Arche, not to mention the practicalities of lava and ice had been tested quite thoroughly with Lykos. "Vapour is a gas, so that would require more to work with for the purpose of keeping the application consistent in order to get the best seal possible. Ice and vapour will lead to cracks, but continuously controlled use of water will make the best possible seal. But we are ready to proceed."

Re: A Wave of Gravebound

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 11:27 pm
by Bazyl
Bazyl steadied his breath as they crossed into the entrance of the mine, the air growing heavier with each step. Bazyl's mind was not fully in the present; he found his thoughts drifting, focusing on the figure ahead of him—the Hero of Lake Udori, Hikami.

There was something about Hikami’s demeanor that stirred old memories in Bazyl. The quiet fury, he had seen it before, and it felt all too familiar. It took him back to the days when he and his siblings had fought endlessly against the undead, during the darkest days of Ransera. Waves of death crashing upon them, no matter how hard they fought, no matter how many spells and blades were thrown against the tide, it seemed endless. He remembered the exhaustion in his sister’s eyes, the desperation in her voice as she poured everything into one final attack—only for it to be countered by a Vitalis mage as if her efforts were nothing. Anger, frustration, helplessness.

For a brief moment, the raw power of Bazyl’s aura slipped out. His hand tightened around the grip of his axe, knuckles turning white. The moment passed as quickly as it came, and he reeled his emotions back in, suppressing the surge of aura before anyone could notice.

As the group came to a halt, Bazyl listened intently to the White-hooded Sage, Ryom, who was clearly leading the group now. Bazyl had learned long ago that in chaotic situations like this, it was best to have one clear leader. Too many voices only led to confusion, and confusion got people killed. Ryom’s calm and authoritative tone provided some comfort.

Two names stuck in Bazyl's mind: Hilana and Lia. He made a mental note, repeating them over in his head. These were not names he would soon forget. He had learned through experience that having powerful mages on your side could turn the tide of any battle, and these two seemed like valuable allies. Bazyl gave a slight nod of acknowledgment to Korgan, his fellow compatriot.

“I’m Bazyl,” he said in his usual straightforward manner, his voice low and gravelly as he greeted the others. There was no need for formalities in a situation like this, not when they all knew they could be dead by the end of the day.

His gaze lingered on Hikami again, watching as the famed Hero stepped away, clearly struggling with something internal. Bazyl recognized that look. He’d seen it on his sister’s face just before she had almost lost herself to despair. He could only hope that Hikami wouldn’t let whatever was eating at him take control. It was dangerous for a warrior to spiral—especially one as powerful as Hikami. Bazyl had seen it happen before, and the results were never good.

He accepted the orange vial Hilana handed him, taking a moment to examine it before nodding in thanks. “Thanks,” he muttered, drinking the liquid quickly. The concoction felt warm as it went down, he felt his energy and strength returning. The information Hilana shared about the situation and the magic was intriguing, though Bazyl knew this was more in line with what his daughter would obsess over. She had always been fascinated by magic, studying it with a passion that he could only admire from afar. Magic had never been his path, but that was before he became a warlock.

“We’ll give all the support we can,” Bazyl agreed, pausing for a moment as he surveyed the mine’s entrance, his eyes narrowing in thought. There were dangers here, things lurking in the shadows. “So, what’s next? Are we heading down the elevator shaft or going in through where that bulky Shinaegri crawled out from?”