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Re: [open] a light in dark places

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:12 pm
by Aurin
Aurin thumbed his brow at the High Lord's notice, and nodded to Aoren as well. He almost made a joke about how this dragon and former prince were fucking, while he had fucked a dragon prince himself, but he didn't know how that would play. It might even scandalize Hilana or her sister, given how much she feared little Arry now that he had a prince's fillet and a pair of draconic wings. For his part, Aurin treated Arry as he always had, and had left Solunarium without being in the least bit smitten. Smote? He was hale and hearty, whatever the case may be.

He didn't particularly want Rickter's partner-in-murder tailing him, but he figured with the reincarnation of Arcas right there present, he might not be so keen to break laws and necks.

"Thanks, boss," he said of the crystal. If they got to keep them, he would have to show it to Torin, who would geek out about it. It was too bad he hadn't managed to get him an apprenticeship with Talon back when he was still at that level, but then he hadn't trained him as his eyes and ears yet at that point and he had done rather well on his own, too.

As they descended, he kept the banter to a minimum, opening his senses, arcane and mundane, to the subterranean milieu. He may occasionally have bumped his hip against Hilana's and then looked away in mock innocence, but that was about it.

Religion wasn't his strong suit, but he did glance askance at Lord Aoren when he appeared out of shadow from his reconnaissance. Dawnfire and dark shadows; he had heard rumors about the Dawnmartyrs carrying a rune of darkness, but he didn't know any of them personally. He couldn't even find that dwarven Dawnmartyr he had ferried back to Kalzasi from Antiris free of charge. Ah, well, better the dragon than him. He didn't normally travel into danger in groups like this, so he supposed being in the middle with the lovely ladies wasn't so bad.

At the elevator shaft, he listened, he watched, and while the slipspace felt off, it didn't feel so distorted that he couldn't jump at will. At least with Traversion, he had a capable instructor. The rest of his tricks were self-taught. But he just murmured the correct word to engage in some of the enchantments he had going on and then stepped over the edge to walk down the face of the shaft as if vertical were horizontal. It felt like taking stairs, but it wasn't unduly taxing.

He figured he would meet them at the bottom or at the nearest obstruction. He didn't fancy taking on void-warped Warrens monsters by himself if he didn't have to, discretion being the better part of valor, and all that. If, for whatever reason, his boots failed him, he could always jump.

Re: [open] a light in dark places

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 10:28 pm
by Hikami
A light in dark places

31st of Ash, Year 124, A.o.S


Hikami regarded the lodestone with dawnfire within it. He wondered what else a lodestone could hold within it, but he would explore those options later. Listening to Talon explain what awaited them caused the Iceborne to tighten his grip on his pact weapon. It fierce opposition awaited them then he would unleash his elemental fury to decimate them. When given their roles in the rescue effort, Hikami and Yumeko took up positions as they ventured forth. They would ensure nothing would catch them by surprise or chase the group once the miners were retrieved.

When Aoren went to scout ahead Hikami felt something...a whisper perhaps but there was a tinge that coursed through him. A sickening laugh echoed in his ears. There was a pain that accompanied it, shooting through his head and causing him to stumble a bit. Yumeko caught him by his arm before helping the man to his feet. "You alright nephew?" she inquired, looking at him like a mother would a sick child. He nodded, and stood, collecting himself, just in time as Aoren had returned with what he had seen. It seemed the situation would be far more dangerous than he first thought, but he was certain with those assembled, they would succeed.

Coming to the mineshaft he took his aunt by the waist, as he would fly her down, as well as calling forth a steady wind for anyone else who didnt have the means to descend the shaft. He would leave the rubble and his disposal to those with the means to do so. Standing at the top of the shaft, he could hear the voice again, a chill running up his spine as the whisper was now a cackle, one he knew he had heard before. For a brief moment, his eyes turned black, before returning to the swirling water blue they had been. As the rearguard, he would wait to see how the others would descend before offering his aid to those who needed help getting down too.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: [open] a light in dark places

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:58 pm
by Chronicle
They all knew the gravity of the situation at hand and the urgency involved, however, not a single soul could have been prepared for what would await them once they reached the bottom of that somber elevator shaft...

But everyone gathered there quickly started to have an idea.

The humming vibrance of Shinaegri as their lurking horde echoed upward along every nook and stone across the walls, an ominous sign of what awaited them during their descent to the bottom of the shaft below. Yet it was during that descent that screams so horrifying, so nearly inaudible to the ear, that would send goosebumps across everyone's skin. A miner had been found down below, and while the horde itself cackled and bellowed with sounds of elation, there wasn't the sound of a feast that normally accompanied the Gravebound.

Instead... what awaited the group when they finally reached the base of the shaft, and peeled aside the rocks that barricaded them from swiftly entering, had been a swarm of Shinaegri all twisted and malformed as one expected; but with glimmering Voidstones protruding from every orifice and body part the creatures could possess. Gathered in audience within the large cavern of the level they'd descended to these beasts all moved and acted with innate glee, as their attention all remained fixated on one figure centered at the source of the group.

As for the inaudible screams? They were ever so loud now that even a dragon would pause to shudder at what he heard. Knelt on the ground before the humanoid figure centered among the Gravebound, the miner in question who had been heard bellowed and cried out in pure agony. Anguish couldn't even begin to describe the demented torment the young Synnekar writhing before the figure displayed. Each and every scream remained warbled, reverberated, and even so much twisted as sparks of violet arcs jutted and popped every part of his body.

Voidrillium spiked from the chest with waves of aether roiling throughout the Synnekar's body, causing muscle and sinew to ripple and even contort in positions beyond physically possible for the mortal body. Menacing lights surged throughout his skin as the corrosive aether pulsed throughout every exposed muscle in the dying miner's form. In one short burst of a cry, the screams crescendoed erratically before the form of the miner itself exploded, releasing gristle and body parts to splatter everywhere as the horde surrounding him sniggered with a sense of unison.

Though covered from the face down in viscera, the now lonely figure never let his cold dead stare shift from the smear of the Synnekar that had been killed. Voidrillium had already started to form from the wings and other body parts left intact, just as the corrosive dragonshards also clustered on the walls and ceiling of the mineshaft.

"คຖ໐thēr ໐ຖē. h໐ຟ ๓คຖฯ ๓໐rē ๓นŞt fคil?"

Though his mouth did not move the words he emitted could still be heard, felt even, as though sand paper brushed across one's skin. The rough and garbled sound of the figure's voice was met with a cold deep stare, one that took a very gradual shift to the elevator shaft that everyone had entered from.

"Wԋαƚ'ʂ ƚԋιʂ? Mσɾҽ ԋαʋҽ ƈσɱҽ ƚσ ԋҽαɾ ƚԋҽ ʂσɳɠ?"

The Shinaegri surrounding him quieted down immediately as the horde took note of the rescue group that had arrived, the Void-infested beasts sneering and bellowing as if they were threatening to swarm those that had gathered. Yet with one wave of his hand toward the lot, the entire wave of Gravebound settled in their places, even so much as quieting down to heed the silent command of their observant leader. Immediately, the lone figure with Voidrillium crystals protruding from his face took note of those gathered, his empty eyes slightly squinting at Talon in general when he noticed the silver-winged Synnekar.

Re: [open] a light in dark places

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:26 am
by Talon
Talon waited for Hilana to make sure that the rope was steady. As soon as both her and Athalia were in place, he nodded to the others. He watched as Aurin scaled the wall as though he were taking an easy set of stairs.

Good to know you are so well equipped, Master Kavafis.” Talon felt a hand clap his shoulder. He looked to his partner. Aoren grinned.

He's not the only one, love.” The red haired man engaged his own boots, enacting Seeming to scale the wall right beside Aurin. He paced himself so that he could walk beside the wiley theatre owner. As Hikami picked up his aunt, Talon watched them descend. Once everyone was safely at the bottom, Talon stepped off the edge of the elevator shaft and let himself glide down. As soon as his boots touched the ground…that was when he began hearing it. The ungodly screaming that pierced him down to his soul. He could feel it. It was staggering and it made Talon stumble. He could feel the agony, the desperation, the horror, the despair.

Aoren!” Immediately, his husband was at his side. Through the Bond, Talon made his intention clear. Aoren reached out into the stone with his Elementalism. Talon gripped the flow of the stone's internal structure with his Kinetics. The two of them moved as one parting the stone together. The shale and rock shifted and moved as Talon dissolved it using his kinetic sculpting and Aoren reinforced the structure of the earth to prevent another cave-in. He could feel his concentration on the magic slipping and jolting, the aether in the area snapping and popping in an attempt to violently writhe away from his grasp. It was the tell-tale sign of voidrillium interfering with the flow of magic in the area.

The screaming increased in pitch. Again, Talon felt it call to him. The poor soul on the other side was praying.

They were praying to him.

Hilana!” Talon grabbed the Aether Flux in the area around them, yanking it into alignment with a concentrated force of will. “The voidrillium is interferring with the flow of aether. Help Aoren move the rock and stone. I'm holding the voidstone's influence at bay.

Talon's brow furrowed as he concentrated.

The screaming rose higher.

Please. Hold on.

Master Kavafis?” Aoren's voice was somewhat strained as he worked to push back against the corrosive influence of the voidrillium while also pushing at the rock and stone in their way. “I'm told you're capable of putting together wards?

Aoren grunted and moved aside a boulder that was three times his size. It melded into the stone wall and revealed yet more stone. As he moved on to yet more fallen rock and stone, he glanced at Aurin.

I get the feeling we're going to need one.” Aoren returned his attention to working to safely and swiftly move aside the rock and stone.

Hikami.” Talon glanced at the warrior. “Weapons at the ready.

It was as the last of the stone cleared, the horrifying sight greeted them. The young Synnekar miner exploding in a gorey spray of guts and viscera. Talon felt it the moment the poor miner's desperation ceased. The moment his life was snuffed out so violently. Silver eyes met violet and the voidrillium infested man quirked his head.

No. You are discordant. You are impure. You cannot hear the Song.” The crystal corrupted man began lumbering into the dark tunnels. “You are unworthy of the Choir.

Before Talon realized he was moving, his partner was suddenly restraining him. Anger filled Talon. A raw and pure fury at the sheer injustice of the situation, of the utter madness of being able to inflict such twisted cruelty on an innocent life and blithely walk away. Aoren had an arm around his waist and Talon realized his pact sword was in his hand. The light of his nimbus had become a silver fire that formed a corona around his head.

Talon.” Aoren looked meaningfully to the literal horde of shinaegri and not just one but two bulbous, writhing mounds of flesh that soon stood up to reveal they were huge somaval monstrosities.

And every single one of them was corrupted by voidstone.

Talon grit his teeth, eyes locked on the form that began to disappear into the dark of the Warrens.

This is not over.” Talon growled out.

No. It is not.” The crystal corrupted man spoke over his shoulder before being swallowed fully by the dark and his form obscured by the mass of gravebound horde in front of them. The monsters before them began to awaken as if from a trance, teeth gnashing and claws extending. Talon straightened, the silver of Dawnfire sparking in his eyes as he stared down at them all.

They only had two options: to go through the monsters to find any survivors or to go back up the elevator shaft.

Talon’s sword ignited in silver fire.

Show no mercy.”

Off Topic
The monsters facing down the group are all infected with voidrillium. As a result, the area is suffused with voidstone's influence. Magic will be twice as difficult to use in this area, requiring much greater concentration and effort. Additionally, a monster's cut, bite, etc. has the potential to dissolve flesh or cause the aether inside the victim to fizzle and pop, inducing aether poisoning.

Re: [open] a light in dark places

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:00 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

When everyone was down at the bottom of the shaft, Hilana's gloved hands went to her rucksack's straps as she surveyed the earthen blockages that were there. She didn't like what she was feeling, and she was half-waiting for the gravebound to simply burst through that rock and come at them. It not only felt off, but it felt horrifically wrong, and what she had heard on the way down had made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Those screams...

When Aoren moved to shift the rock, the Vastiana wasted no time in assisting him, nodding as Talon directed her. Athalia continued to make her lava bombs, knowing the proximity of voidrillium was going to make things decidedly more difficult as the proximity increased. It was better to have them now, a large pouch of lava-laden lodestones, and then she could focus on the delivery of them when the time came. Hilana grounded herself, steadily moving the rock and stone in tandem with the red dragon.

Rock by rock, boulder by boulder, the stone got moved. Hilana constantly and consistently reinforced the walls of the shaft, making sure that it was nothing that was going to come loose and cave in on them later. Talon's technique with the use of kinetics and alchemy would have been quite helpful here; but the Vastiana lacked kinetics and the tools required to fully complete the effects that he had so effortlessly produced up above the mines. Still, it was something to aspire to. What rock had been loose solidified and hardened as she filled in and practically cemented the loose space with manifested earth and stone. This should not have taken the effort that it did, but the young woman had beads of sweat on her forehead.

Both women looked on, horrified, as the young Synnekar effectively exploded. Lia glanced at Hilana, and nodded at the room. Her sister was on it, reaching out to the shadows. There had been 24 miners unaccounted for and missing. They had just witnessed the death of one, and that brought the total down to 23 missing and unaccounted for. The crystal-laden man had said 'Another one. How many more must fail?' Which indicated this had to be at least the second attempt, logically... 'How many were experimented on?' the Vastiana spoke to the shadows, gathering them around her and the group. They had witnessed, and they could tell her. Once she had answers from them... she would have a tally of who all was left and they could follow through. 'In what direction did the other miners go?'

Unworthy of the Choir... That was something new and different. She filed those comments away for later, watching the way the man had gone. She might be able to track him later, if it came to it; but for the time being, she needed to focus on the mission as it was. Talon's fury was palpable, and while Lia took a step back, Hilana remained where she was, her hands forming fists. If they ever caught the one responsible for this, there wouldn't be enough pieces of him left to fill a body bag. She knew he felt responsible for the people here, and that power wasn't about the privileges, but the responsibilities. Seeing one of his own die in front of him likely cut to the bone, and her hands became tight under her gloves. What a waste. But there were those that didn't consider the value of anyone else's life, or had done so and found them negligible.

"No mercy, no quarter," she agreed grimly, looking at the horde before them. Nulla misericordia, nulla venia, as they would say at home. She had heard it often enough from Sentinel Ævril. Well, sometimes the only way out was through, and they knew where they had to go. Through. Shadows coiled, and the Vastiana sought to work with what was already present in order to begin the process of stabbing and crippling the monstrous creatures before them, solidifying the shadows into sharp points into joints. Athalia, standing beside her sister, began to channel air to carry her walnut-sized lava bombs, one at a time, and released the contents of the lodestones upon the gravebound, releasing blankets of magma upon them. If the method wasn't broke, there was no point in fixing it.

Re: [open] a light in dark places

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2024 4:57 am
by Hikami


There was off about this whole situation, more so that Hikami felt uneasy about it all. He knew the dangers of the voidrillium that they would be encountering, and dismissed this feeling to that He couldnt shake however it could be something more than that though. Once at the bottom, he awaited the rocks to be moved from their path. Though he knew it would be fruitless he tried to listen for the earth's voice.......but there was no voice, no feeling he could find.

Once they were able to pass the scene they came upon caused the Iceborn's heart to fall into the pit of his stomach. He went to reach out to the young avialae, but his aunt stopped him, it was already too late. Rage filled his body as the Iceborn's eyes fell upon a lone figure in the center of the horde. When he noticed them he seemed to spout nonsense before retreating further into the mine. "You to think you can run from us?!" he roared, accompanied by Talon's decree of showing no mercy.

For these wretches, there would be no mercy, for the shinaegri or the one that controlled them. To have watched another avialae be torn apart in such a manner, with no care or concern, no remorse, angered Hikami. Just as Talon's silver flames raged in his eyes and upon his sword, wind and water surged and roiled around Hikami. Even though he was supposed to protect the rear, he couldnt help himself and leaped into the horde head first. The moment he came in close with the corrupted shinaegri he could feel the suffocating influence of the voidrillium, causing him to recoil and falter back away.

Floating aloft in the he contemplated a plan, but his thoughts were not alone. That same sickening laughter echoed in his mind once again, clearer as if the source was right next to him. It was accompanied by a severe surge of pain, as if being struck by lightning several times over. Shaking his head he retreated back out of the range of the corrupting dragonshards, focusing on commanding the elements from a distance.

It required his full attention, but he would push through the pain and horrific laughter.....and was that singing he could hear in the distance? No, it could couldnt be. "Focus, decimate these abominations Hikami!" he told himself as he channeled his aether and called forth ice to come into existence, jagged and razor sharp spikes jutting up from the ground caught the shinaegri that came into his view. His aunt would stick by the two foreign women, keeping their flanks covered.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: [open] a light in dark places

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:50 pm
by Aurin
Aurin hadn't expected Aoren to descend similarly to him, nor to keep pace. His smile was largely unreadable, reactive to the dragonborn lord's sudden presence as anything else. It was companionable enough, though, given the last time they had met, he hadn't felt as though he had made a good impression. Of course, his summoning of the lord's husband had involved calling into question his fitness to be called Justice... Well, if he had done the same thing to Arry's mother in Solunarium, he likely wouldn't be walking at all.

When he reached the bottom of the mine shaft, he was about to look up in case Hilana (or her sister) offered any interesting views. Mists, if Talon Novalys was freeballing, he would still take an eyeful. But any such thought was suddenly thrown out of his mind as it reeled against some kind of attack. Staggered, he reacted instinctively, throwing up wards against whatever his sembling detected. It was quick and dirty, but so was Aurin, though he didn't know if it was his own efforts or something else that brought the cacophony down to manageable levels.

Shit went south immediately, and while it occurred to him to vault to the stricken Avialae's side and then vault him directly to the Tranquil Gardens, he didn't. Perhaps it was the voidrillium pushing on his arcane senses like the auras that predicted a migraine headache, or perhaps it was self-preservation. He didn't play hero, and later he would tell himself that it was too late anyway, as the explosion of the body happened faster than any medicus could prevent.

Aurin was a bad man but even he wouldn't put on a snuff performance like the one they were forced to witness. He grimaced, a nice change from his omnipresent smirk, perhaps, but not given the circumstances. Hilana and her sister were all right. Talon was keeping some of that weird dragonshard aura from making everything awful. The muscle was attacking. Aoren was making quick work of the cave in. He nodded, then remembered Aoren didn't have eyes on the back of his head.

"Wards. Check."

Talon had initiated him and was likely still far more skilled at it, but he was also occupied with divine magic. Aurin had no plans to frontal assault those things that looked vaguely like the hordes that had beset Zaichaer until the rift abruptly disappeared as quickly as it had appeared in the first place. He had avoided that shit, as well as the voidspawn, far too often for comfort already.

No, working on shielding them from the onslaught from the back lines seemed right up his alley.

He took a steady stance and focused on the space between them and their enemies. With one trick, he sembled them, and with the another, he began to weave protections specifically against them. Thankfully, they didn't seem to have testicles made of abjinurium or they would be in real trouble. They were in real trouble already, actually.

It was difficult, even under the aegis of Talon's Presence. Sembling was rarely difficult for him anymore, but he felt as though this was going to give him a real migraine. But he couldn't fully protect them against something he didn't know. The better he knew it, the better he could bind against it.

A pinpoint of light tasked against the voidrillium and its effects appeared between his rough hands, and then it began to expand—far too slowly. This was fucking difficult. He was perspiring as though this were some heavy lifting in the Atraxian desert or something. He was relatively sure of his wards, but he wasn't going to be able to shield them entirely—not without overstepping. Mists, he was likely to overstep anyway.

Justice had better be prepared to pay for medical bills.

His wards were growing, though, and perhaps they would funnel things a bit so their front line wouldn't be overwhelmed so easily. Perhaps Talon could weave his magic fire through his ward and weaponize it. There were a lot of magical things beyond his pay grade.

"Fuck," he muttered, gritting his teeth at the effort required.