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Re: Reliquiæ Antiquitatis [Hilana, Raithen]

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:53 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

When the Rex Draconum made his exit, Hilana offered a bow, knowing it would be unacknowledged and not worrying about it. Proper manners and some level of deportment and decorum were expected, and it was far better to be unremarked upon for adhering to the appropriate standards than noted for failing to do so. But when Valaera motioned for the portals to be made, she offered a deep, sweeping bow of her long skirts to those that remained at the dais - Princess Cithaera and Prince Vraedyn - before heading to the portal. She would let Raithen go first, as he outranked her, even if this was her quest, bringing her rucksack and satchel with her.

It was everything that the projection had shown them, and more: she let out a quiet sound of awe and delight as they appeared in the hanger, her eyes enormous and her hands on her rucksack's straps. She knew better than to even consider touching anything until she was given permission to do so - she'd learned that lesson the hard way on Wolf Island when she had been investigating the Crystal Tree, and she wasn't forgetting it. While she looked around and inspected and observed, she stayed quiet and listened. There was a lot to take in, and she needed to learn as much as she could in the meantime. There was a lot riding on her, and she was relieved that Sentinel Phocion had clearly a good deal of experience in the Callidus Victoris, and she needed that in her Captain. She was a fast learner, at least, and while she wanted to get her notebook out, she was going to have to listen and memorize as much as she could now. She would have time to go over this, with luck, while the team assembled.

Her gaze went from Sentinel Valaera to Sentinel Phocion, as solemn as he had ever seen her, at least, which was no small change in her usual demeanour. "If we are going like this, then there's not likely to be much point in giving them time to aim anything at us... unless it would be to root out any defenses," she was thoughtful. But all of that could be hammered out and discussed. She would get their opinions, because they had far more experience than she did in missions, and it was important for her to listen and learn from those who had experience. Using this Arcane Array, she had a feeling someone like Valaera, a Grandmaster Sembler in her own right, would be able to pick apart Insula Celatium like she was reading a book, possibly at a distance. Hopefully. The less surprises there were, the better it was for all of them.

"Yes, Vigilia," she nodded when Valaera mentioned her Semblance Rune. She knew it wasn't worth mentioning that she was likely only to be considered a journeyman at it in terms of ability, because the Vigilia likely already knew that and there was no need to say it aloud. Hilana did move where directed, stepping into the chamber and inspecting it. When she was linked up to the Array, the Vastiana opened her senses with her Semblance Rune, and was utterly amazed by the result. She breathed, letting the information flow so that she could absorb it before becoming overwhelmed by it. Some part of her wanted to ask how it was that she instinctively knew whole parts of this without ever having been in here before, or even in an airship before, but she trusted that it was part of the arcane wizardry and technology that was at hand. She had to trust the process.

She found that she innately understood what she was able to experience through her Rune, and chose to focus on the layout first. By understanding the ship, it would (hopefully) make more sense as to the operations and the sensors. Her awareness spread like wildfire, and she felt as though she was looking at an architectural plan, the blueprints. She was no architect, but she was an expert when it came to subjects like navigation and maps, and they weren't so far apart once you understood what you were looking at. Room by room, Hilana investigated the Callidus Victoris, from the bridge that they were in through the halls, storage, and everything else that she could see. Her Rune, combined with the Arcane Array, showed her more than she could have just walking around investigating it.... and while she would like to later, and if they were successful, she would surely get the opportunity to do so. Everyone would have their part to play in this, and it would be wise to understand as much as possible. It was plenty big for what they needed, and she could link that back to what Valaera had said about it being suitable for war if the need came. She found, too, that she could find people on the ship that way, which was decidedly helpful in knowing where the crew was, or if someone was there that should not have been.

Once she had gone through the layout and felt confident with the knowledge of it, Hilana turned her attention to the operations of the ship and what all that entailed. This took more doing and focus, but with patience, she found that she could understand the controls, sensors, the Arrays and who was inside and linked up to them. This gave her information about how well the Callidus was doing, and just as importantly, what it was doing. What was active, and what was not, and what the status was of these aspects of the airship. And if she could find this with Semblance, she could only imagine how much more Sentinel Phocion would be able to grasp with his Emblem of Supremacy. She was certain that a Master Sembler would see and understand that much more than she could, and probably much faster... But this would not be her role in what was coming; it was to allow her to get a feel for it. And this, she knew, was an honour and a privilege.

Satisfied with her exploration of the operations of the ship, she turned her attention to the outside of it. The external sensors showed her that with the appropriate focus, she found that she would know how high up they were, the temperatures around them, the directions of the wind with the Callidus, and what sort of resistance and speed she could expect. That would be interesting, though she would certainly hope that they wouldn't be sensing too much with the kinetics defensive barrier that her Lux was investigating at the encouragement of his elder siblings... but they would face those challenges as they came.

She finally emerged from the Array, seeing the bridge they were on with new eyes. "That is incredible," Hilana was blinking once she left it. She chalked it up to hiding that which didn't need to be taken out of here - a solid defense against subterfuge. "And I can only imagine how well it would handle with Masters and Grandmasters."

Re: Reliquiæ Antiquitatis [Hilana, Raithen]

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 4:04 pm
by Raithen
As always, Raithen followed.

He knew nothing of airships except what his eyes could tell him of the combination of luxury and function. His sister's instructions were attended to in as much as he understood them. The design certainly had significant advantages over the ships he had sailed on in the past. Significant advantages over the ships of other nations, at least the ones he knew about. Solunarium would always be superior though.

Hilana was the first to try out the Arcane Array. Phocion was aboard and had obviously had practice using the device so, unless something went wrong in a way Raithen could hardly conceptualize of, it would not be up to him to protect the ship. Still, he was interested in knowing what it felt like when his turn came.

Until then he asked questions of his brother, who seemed in the mood to allow such, about the operation of the ship via Kinetics. He had recently achieved a new level of mastery of his rune, been tested and had it confirmed by Grand masters. To gain any higher level he would have to study with them specifically and there didn't seem any reason for it, at least, not unless his mother decided that he should. His rune was for safety and protection, and convenience, if he was honest. Phocion could lift buildings and rearrange the desert, but Raithen was no god-touched meant to rule.

When it was his turn, Raithen stepped up to the Array, letting himself be instructed as needed. When he connected to the interface there was a moment of confusion and then...

Raithen was the ship. He could feel the hull like it was his body, could sense the slipstream around it in the same way he did around himself. His breath caught as he considered the implications. His mind was made to fly, it wasn't second nature to him, it was his first. His rune had become as much a part of him as that, he used it instinctively, just as he moved when he flew. The two skills combined such that using Kinetics to slide him suddenly from one space to another mid-air was an action that required no thought.

The idea that he might do the same with a ship was, he laughed out loud and was a little surprised when it didn't rumble through the Callidus Victoris. The setup seemed to be intended to use Kinetics to defend the ship and while he could certainly do that, Raithen reached out to Phocion with his mind, hoping his brother would reach into him and see what he was imagining.

Re: Reliquiæ Antiquitatis [Hilana, Raithen]

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:34 pm
by Pharaoh

"That depends on how you wish to approach, Mistress Hilana... furtively or openly, defensively and diplomatically..." Phocion's faint smile persisted, perhaps even expanding beyond the definition of a smirk as Raithen caught his eye from within his chamber of the Arcane Array. The Sentinel nodded:

"Oh yes, Frater. All of this and more." He spoke aloud, glancing to their sister and bowing slightly in deference to the quiet work she'd been doing to secure the resources from Auris and later oversee the design and construction of this groundbreaking technology.

"And this is only the tip of the spear." She added, with rare, unveiled pride in her steady, husky voice. Like Phocion, and their mother, Valæra was typically a quiet-voiced elf. She let others lean into her, rather than exerting herself to be heard by those who benefited more from the hearing than she from the saying. If she troubled herself to speak at all, it typically meant something of note was to be imparted. Such as now:

"Now, then. You have your run of the ship, if you've a desire to explore it further. When you are through with that, it would seem you have some decisions to make as to whom you wish to bring along and how you'd like to proceed. His Exalted Majesty has granted you a great deal of liberty, so exercise it well. The full resources of the Draconic Crown are, per His Majesty's edict, explicitly at your disposal." She inclined her head, and turned to exit the bridge. Phocion, for his part, clasped his gloved hands together and shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"Inform us when you are prepared to proceed, but if I may remark upon an observation I've made... His Exalted Majesty, though longer lived than is fathomable for most mortals, is... uncharacteristically eager to see the fruit of this labour of yours. I would not tarry long in sating his curiosity." He inclined his head to Raithen, then to Hilana. With the slightest wry tinge to his voice, he rasped:

"We await Domina's pleasure." Turning on his heel, Phocion departed.

 ! Message from: Pharaoh
That concludes the modded portion of this thread. You may continue on with Hilana and Raithen or close it out. When your ducks are in a row and your team is assembled, it will be time to begin the final leg of this most epic of addenda.

Re: Reliquiæ Antiquitatis [Hilana, Raithen]

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:13 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana nodded thoughtfully at Phocion's words. She would have to think, and think quickly, about how best to approach this. They were flying relatively blind, but there were ways to at least try to get around whatever defenses there were on the ground. The Callidus Victoris and its Arcane Array... if one with Semblance could observe the entirety of the ship and everything inside and out, perhaps Master Mesmers like Finn and Grandmaster Mesmers like Princes Vraedyn and Arvaelyn could use it to sense and manipulate the Symphonies of those on Insula Celatium. She would need to verify with Sentinel Valaera, but it stood to reason that that was within the possibilities. Still, suggest it, get opinions, and then proceed.

The Vastiana was attentive to Valaera's words, and she smiled at her tone, her hands folding in front of her. There was a power on display here in being quiet - it forced others to be quiet and listen. There was no growls to get attention, just the bite when it came. It wasn't like a barking dog, this was the viper - not even a cobra, where the hood flared in warning, but an asp or mamba. But she did listen, and she did make note. They believed in her. It was up to her to make smart choices about who she wanted along, take their advice, and prove herself worthy. "Gratias, Vigilia," Hilana offered her a bow as she left, and turned her attention to Phocion.

There was friendly advice and guidance all in one, and it was to make her moves quickly. It would not do to keep the Rex Draconum waiting, especially since he was interested in the outcome. And why wouldn't he be? They were continuing to close in on the trail of an ancient artefact that had been effectively lost in time, and it was likely part of His father that could only be helpful to the Umbrian Crown to which she was sworn and to the realm as a whole. "Gratias... Captain," Hilana was smiling as she bowed to him as he turned to go.

When it was just the two of them, Hilana looked up to Raithen, then. She knew Princess Cithaera had suggested him... but she wanted to ask, too. It was important to her, that he have that choice and get to make that decision... and she could ask him what his thoughts were. It might well have been that it was an illusion of choice, but it was his to make. "Raithen... you've been with me from the start on this journey, since we went to Kaladon and then to Celatium. Will you see it to the end and do me the honour of coming with us?" His Umbra found his hand with hers, squeezing his fingers lightly.

When she had his answer, she had another question for him, and this one he might be more uniquely suited to answer than her. "I am going to ask Prince Vraedyn if he will come, and I would like to bring Finn along... and Arvaelyn Princeps, if he will accompany us. That way we have both pairings that are marked by the Founders with us, so that each can work together. Do you think that that would be a wise decision?" He was around Arry more than she was these days, especially considering what had happened when they had gone to Ecith... but she trusted Raithen to have a good reading on him.