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Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
by Rickter
Beck and Call
Ash 10th, 120th Year, A.o.S.
What Rickter expected to hear from the Daizokura had been completely shattered, only by the mere simple truth she had spoken as her words sunk in. While not even he was a man made of stone, the wolf's frail sense of wounded pride remained only dismal at best. Because what the Iron Queen had to say was true, and in that regard, Rickter had literally nothing to offer. It took but a moment for him to realize there was no real malice in her tone, just a verifiable statement she made from her observations alone. And just as he started to reason with himself on the matter, the cold room itself turned dark the moment he'd drawn in another breath. With a single snap of her fingers, Sahfri's snap of the fingers wavered the light within the room, before the soft violet-blue glow of the torches and braziers held slowly returned.

The wolf became surrounded. Innately his body turned rigid at the sight of the numbers surrounding him, noticing that each and every soldier present, was one of Sahfri's own personal bodyguards at best. The black armor, the house symbol, there was no doubt in his mind that these were her loyal subjects. The warriors who'd sworn their life to their Queen and house, and cast aside their lives for the sole purpose of serving both. What struck Rickter as even more intriguing was how different many of them look, for not all were simply Avialae or Siltori for that matter. Orkhan, humans, hell even several Lycan-formed Rathari were discernable within the group. All these eyes surrounding him, even if they weren't fixed on Rickter alone, were more than enough to get under his skin.

In watching her men stand and salute, Rickter's eyes locked onto the Daizokura warily. She had reached into the jar now, taking the gem inside, and with a whisper, extracted it from the container as the flames flickered once more. It felt as though the very air in that room, while still cold, stirred with a faint resonance the wolf hadn't quite picked up before. The power that this woman alone had to possess began to alarm Rickter, as he could not help but bite his lip once he watched the ghoul croak. Its corporeal form turned to nothing but ash moments after, the only thing left now was the two in the room, and her entourage that watched the Queen and the wolf.

But her Grace clearly had no ill intent here, otherwise, she wouldn't have bothered speaking with him. Something else was afoot here, and it was something he'd find out soon. The Iron Queen continued on the concept of nothing, and sure enough, he was seemingly much like what she'd compared him as. A blank canvas. He may have been nothing but he wasn't necessarily that way, he simply needed to decide what to fill the canvas with firsthand. Funny. Somehow he pictured the canvas as his life in this scenario, and how much of what he'd already been through paled in comparison, to what it was he'd be going through if he went through with this decision. He had a very lofty choice to make, and it was one he contemplated heavily as he watched Sahfri continue.

The gemstone she'd taken glistened and emitted an unusual ethereal mist, the white stone then held up as it gravitated from her grasp. The wolf's blue eyes followed the steady trajectory of its path intimately, until it hovered within his vicinity at the level of his core. This stone... What he'd just seen had to no doubt be what remained of that man's soul, taken and remade into a secondary form with a new purpose. It didn't feel right for him to be offered such a thing, for what right did a simple man like him to hold onto the life of another? No. He realized he had started to look at this wrong, that the man's whose life was now in this gem, renounced the fact his life was his own, to begin with. It was his choice as to whether he drank whatever vile substance turned him into a monster, therefore he had clearly chosen the wrong cause when the attempt on Talon was made.

Sahfri then spoke of change. A concept not entirely foreign to Rickter anymore, given his current situation he was in now. Even now, in fact, he could feel that he stood on the precipice of change. This decision that lingered before him... It was not one for the faint of heart, and that much he was certain about. The way Sahfri spoke of her enemy made him shudder, as he could only see the reason for the statement she'd made on their attack. It had to be a statement, after all, they had to have known it was doomed otherwise. As closely guarded as the prince usually is, and as hardy and fair as the people of Kalzasi were; the people that made this threat were certainly bold indeed. Thus the stipulations of her choice were well received, making it clear to Rickter that this was not something to take lightly.

Though he had already known that from the beginning, hence his reason for uncertainty in the first place. Somebody like him, someone who didn't really have a place in the world... under normal circumstances, they'd be willing to accept this proposal in a heartbeat. Rickter on the other hand, who didn't have a place of his own, grew to accept that idea early on... only to find that others were willing to change it for him. There was no denying it, because what Sahfri saw in her son Talon... Rickter also saw it in the eyes of another. One who he'd protect no matter the cost, all because of a single night out in the fog. Already his hands shook before he clenched them into fists, his jaw clenched as Sahfri made it clear what his purpose would be. He just wouldn't become a guard dog. He'd become a warrior, hell even a weapon, that would smite down the enemies of House Novalys.

It made sense to him now, what his purpose would be if he chose, and somehow he was actually okay with it. Where there were those who brought about light within the world, there were those like Sahfri that also braved the dark. Such was the way, and the cost, to protect what mattered most in the world.


Telion had taken to stand closer to one of the windows found within the corridor, when the doors to the laboratory opened to reveal Aoren stepping out. Needless to say, her expression had been one of concern, especially when she noticed how worked up the Captain visibly was. Yet it was always the small moments that mattered, and when the Avialae noticed her still lingering, the light smile he gave her was returned with a faint smile of her own. "He is on his own. Zedros be with him." Were his words to the bard, as her eyes returned once more to the world outside the window.

"He'll be fine." She murmured lowly with a slight aversion to her eyes. "Ricky's one who takes things as they come." Telion gradually turned to where she faced Aoren again, with an elbow still resting on the stone frame beneath the window. "He may not think of himself much, but he doesn't realize how capable he really is." Her words were warm and endearing like before, and just sharing what insight she had on him seemed to lift her spirit.

"When we first met, he was letting a few assholes beat him senseless. It wasn't until my friend and I got involved, that he actually fought back against them." She pointed out with her head hung back, silently praying not just to Zedros but Vicis as well. "He may not believe in himself, but I do, and when the time comes he'll know what to do." It was then she looked back once more, smiling a little wider to Aoren, albeit a smile that was both hopeful and nervous for her companion.


His decision did not come easily. To sacrifice what little he already had was a steep price, and yet to Rickter, it was a price worth paying if it meant protecting others. In his heart... No. In every fiber of his being he knew, without power, he would not be able to conquer the shadows. In this cruel world where the weak were viciously culled, the meager scrambling for scraps, and the good struggled ceaselessly to bring about peace in the world... There were those who accepted the path laid out before them, becoming the ones who would brave the long night set before them.

So why should Rickter be any different? These soldiers, were warriors of the long night, the dividing line between light and darkness; between good and true evil. If this was where his place was destined to be, then to hell with whatever stipulations awaited him. The wolf felt it in his very blood when he reluctantly reached out though, within the chill plaguing his body there was something else, almost an innate fire that burned through his very veins just then. It was as though yet again something about him, demanded to reach out and take that power being gifted to him.

But he had not forgotten what it would cost, and most certainly what it would cost him in turn, should he fail to live up to the task before him. Failure wasn't an option for the wolf, and from this point forward there would be no turning back. Thus with his hand hovering mid-air between him and the stone, he glanced up at the Iron Queen before clenching his jaw; and then grasping the stone within the confines of his left hand. His heart dropped then and his mind raced. The surface of the stone felt cold and wet to the touch, and the ghostly mist surrounding it began to permeate his skin. Oddly enough he expected there to be a reaction when he did accept it, nonetheless, with the gemstone in hand Rickter looked to Sahfri with a newfound look of determination.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:45 pm
by Paragon
Aoren came to stand beside Telion. He had to admit that there was a certain charm about the woman. Were he interested in such things, he might have spent time trying to earn her favor but it was not to be. It had been quite some time since Aoren had set his attention on anyone else. He knew already who he wanted, what he wanted to become for this person and where he wanted his life to go with them. He just hoped that one day he would be worthy of it and that they would feel the same.

“I have no doubt that Rickter is capable. But is he capable of earning Queen Sahfri’s approval? That is a hard thing and the Daizokura is...not in a forgiving mood.” Aoren winced. Sahfri was not someone to lash out. She did not yell. She did not shout. Hers was a cold fury that cut deeper than any knife and stung worse than a thousand hornets. When Sahfri was angry, even the likes of House Senue with their brazen arrogance, tended to shy away from her attention. And there was nothing that aroused her fury more than a threat to her children. For all of her cold, calculating and incisive mannerisms, she was a terrifying thing to behold when unleashing her wrath against an enemy. Talon had nearly been killed. The High Lady of House Novalys had rushed her son to her laboratory and immediately began employing her skills as a necromancer to aid his recovery. Even then, the First Son of House Novalys had been terribly weak.

Aoren had not been allowed back onto the palace grounds until Talon was strong enough to send for him. From what he’d been told, the Daizokura had been beside herself with worry, at least, in her way. It was something that had been seen only twice before. First when Talon had undergone his Warren March and then again when Rien had done the same.

“It is good that he has someone to believe in him. Two someone’s, to be exact. I just hope that is enough.” Aoren looked back to the closed doors of Sahfri’s laboratory. He stared hard at the doors almost as though he were trying to see through them.

“You are not from Kalzasi.” It was a statement, not a question. He looked back to Telion. “Your accent. You are from the south?”


The gemstone was cold but it warmed in Rickter’s grasp after a time. Oddly enough, the mist did not cease to swirl around it. There was no other outward reaction to Rickter taking hold of the gem. Sahfri regarded Rickter carefully for a moment. Her expression was unreadable as she seemed to take in the weight of his decision.

“This will not be an easy road for you, Wolf.” Sahfri snapped her fingers again. The lights flickered as shadows moved and from one breath to the next, the chamber was once again seemingly empty of all save for her and Rickter. The Iron Queen waved her hand dismissively then. The doors to the laboratory opened. Sahfri returned to her desk whereupon she seated herself. Quietly, her attendants began to enter the chamber once more as though silently summoned by their mistress. The High Lady herself paid no further mind to the Rathari, having said all she needed to say.

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:03 pm
by Rickter
Beck and Call
Ash 10th, 120th Year, A.o.S.
Telion remained all the same in the welcome company of Aoren, with a warm and friendly smile as the both of them conversed. While her feathery-winged friend held no reservations about her companion, the certainty of his appeal towards the figure found within left things questionable. Ultimately Telion didn't know for sure how he'd react, given she'd only ever seen him react in only one short occasion. That's right, back at the High Hopes. She could remember seeing how rigid Rickter became, as if the mere presence of this woman intimidated him. Telion had certainly never seen him react in such a way before, which could only mean it was genuinely a response to the Iron Queen's presence.

Not that the bard wasn't intimidated herself, of course, those short moments spent peeking at this woman weren't forgotten. Just from looking at her, Telion knew she was the type of lady you certainly would never like to cross. "A good question..." She admitted thoughtfully as she contemplated it a bit further, before loosely smiling once more with a brief shrug. "I think he might, but that's if he actually really wanted to." She then decidedly pointed out with a light smirk projected to Aoren. "Ricky's a bit slow with embracing change, almost like he's afraid to let go of something. That said, however, you've seen how adaptive he is when he fights, and the way he leaps to the protection of others." Strange how sudden she'd found confidence in her voice, in a way she reluctantly admired his stubbornness.

"This is a wild guess though, given that I can't exactly predict everything Rickter does." She admittedly sighed after that remark, her eyes curiously fixed on the locked door to the labs. She didn't doubt what he had to say about having others believe in him, and even offered him a chuckling smile before looking at him appreciatively. "Thank you. Maybe if he pulls through, then you'll get to help me knock down a few of his walls." The bard teased lightly with a glance back outside the window, her attention still fixed on Aoren however as they continued to converse.

Mention of her accent had come up, which clearly caught the bard off guard. "Oh? I've an accent?" She about blushed at that remark, almost distracted by it even before she abruptly answered in turn. "Oh! Yes sir, northwestern Atinaw. Been on the road for a while now, just recently arrived in Kalzasi in fact!" Telion certainly had the energy of an adventurer filled with wanderlust, as though what small parts of the world she'd seen weren't enough. "I'm actually here on a personal matter, but Rickter's showing me Kalzasi while I get my bearings here." Though not entirely sure why, Telion felt rather a bit comfortable sharing that with Aoren.

Which was strange considering only Hannah knew of her reason for visiting here.


Rickter's embrace of the gem was a strange transfix for but a moment, as the stone gradually gained warmth by the heat of his palms, yet the very nature of the ethereal mist permeating it persisted. It was almost eerie to witness and yet, almost felt like a natural part of the token bestowed upon him. But this was no mere token. Rickter understood what he would be signing up for, he just didn't know the true extent of what it would cost. At least not yet. For someone like him though, with hardly much to lose, he certainly felt it a fair gamble to try and make.

Still, the words that the Iron Queen had to say weighed heavily on him. It was almost as though she promised him unpleasantness, after seeing through what layers she could perceive through him. Oh, he knew. A woman like Sahfri was not one he wanted to displease, because the moment he'd seen her first in person, he knew right away that this was a woman who had power. Power to dominate, discipline, and even crush those around her, a power that demanded respect even from the most reserved such as Rickter. Whether she saw something in him or not, he didn't know, but regardless he wasn't letting this meeting deter him.

No matter how much he innately felt second-thought dread, Rickter clenched his jaw with a stern expression fixed forward past her Majesty. After a mere snap of the finger, her entourage quickly vanished just the same as they appeared, leaving Rickter alone with Queen Sahfri once more as she walked past him. He'd forgotten how stiff his feet felt before, because when he tried to move just then, not even the toes in his boot budged at the inclination. Had he really planted his feet so firmly onto the ground? He found the capacity to breathe regularly returning, no sooner after the doors to the laboratory had opened themselves once more. While he hadn't the faintest idea how to process things at the moment, he suddenly found that his feet were ready to respond and make a stride for the exit.

Telion had approached the opening doors in the meantime, awaiting the arrival of the wolf as he walked down the last few set of stairs, approaching the exit with his expression rather stern; but a hidden nuance of worry found in his eyes. "Hey! How'd it go?" Telion checked with him as she leaned in a bit, more or less to confront the indirect stare Rickter made before them.

To which, the wolf diverted his gaze away. "Fine. I guess..." He remarked with the intent to dismiss his own uncertainty, to which Telion noticed the glowing mist ball locked in his palm.

"Oh? That all?" Telion decided to test a little with a glance at Aoren, curious if he might get Rickter to answer whereas she may not.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:13 pm
by Paragon
“I have often found that the best way to get through to someone is to simply show them that you are there for them. No matter what. The walls will come down. In time.” Aoren clasped his hands behind his back as he looked off into the distance. His eyes stared at the stone walls of the carefully carved mountain but it was clear he was not truly looking at them. His gaze was thoughtful, distant, as though his mind and his attention were somewhere far away. Behind those hazel eyes there was a touch of sadness but it was soon brushed off as Telion confided in him that she was indeed from the south.

“I recently returned from Atinaw. It was a beautiful country. Though, not without its troubles.” He frowned. The events that happened there were something he did not want to forget but they were certainly something he wanted to move past. “I have a few places that I would recommend taking a look at.”

He gave her a grin. Before he could really get into his suggestions however, the doors to the laboratory opened. Aoren eyed Rickter as he walked out of the High Lady’s chambers. His eyes zeroed in on the mist that swirled around the Rathari’s hand. It was surprising to see, to be frank. Aoren had not been altogether certain exactly how Sahfri would receive the wolf Rathari. Evidently, she saw something in him that was worth taking note of. To his credit, Rickter looked both shaken and resolved at the same time. There was a halt to his step that hadn’t been there before. He looked like he had been shown things that were better left unseen. Aoren was not surprised in that regard. When dealing with the Iron Queen, it was anyone’s guess what one might be shown when in the confines of one of her laboratories. The wolf’s eyes however, held a flare of something in them. Perhaps it was that something that Sahfri had seen.

“Think hard on what you want to do with that, Rickter.” Aoren nodded to the gemstone that the wolf was clutching in his fist. “Short of becoming a necromancer yourself, it is the only such token you will receive from the Iron Queen. It is not one she gives lightly. Fortunately for you, I happen to know one of Kalzasi’s finest runeforgers.”

Aoren walked up to Rickter and pat him on the shoulder. With that done, he gestured back to the stairs in the direction they came from.

“Come. You look like you could use a drink.” Guiding their small group away from Sahfri’s laboratory, Aoren ran a hand through his hair as he thought on the days ahead. “Before you start thinking on your life as a Royal Guard, know that Sahfri’s approval is only one part of the process.”

He glanced at the Rathari giving him a smirk.

“Ultimately it is Prince Talon whom you must impress and I will be arranging a trial to see who is fit and unfit to stand by his side. The notice will be posted to every crier’s board across the city.” In fact, Aoren reached into a pocket and withdrew the very missive that he would be sending out across the city. He handed it to Rickter.

“Your trials are not over yet. So, rest up. You are going to need it.”

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:23 pm
by Rickter
Beck and Call
Ash 10th, 120th Year, A.o.S.
Aoren's insight for Telion garnered a nod of appreciation from the bard, understanding that just by simply supporting him as she did already, he'd come to let down those walls and see others for who he was. It was a belief she often had to maintain, even though Rickter certainly proved to be the challenge. But it was when he returned that her concern for him was genuine, and while the wolf hadn't the slightest idea why, she and Aoren both seemed peculiar about their brief conversation before. Then again he was just as well easily unnerved still, knowing that the Queen had frayed his nerves a bit, and that the pair before him likely could tell just by looking at him.

Yet Aoren quickly knew what exactly was in his possession, and in truth, Rickter almost felt a little humbled when he elaborated on Sahfri. "Quite the impression she'd made really." He admitted softly almost with a glance past his shoulder, knowing full well that the Daizokura still worked in the laboratory behind him. In a way, Aoren's encouragement on the subject did lift some of the tension from his shoulders, though Rickter still felt quite unsure as to what he'd be doing with the gem. Necromancy wasn't something he ever considered practicing, yet knowing full well that the Iron Queen had invested such a pivotal piece of that power, it told him that she saw the very thing within him Rickter didn't want to see.

All the more proof that it's there no? A very high and powerful figure grants you a key to a particular magic. What do you do with that key? Simply hide it, throw it away?... or see what it unlocks before the others? There was no denying the fact curiosity seeped within his very mind now, and that part of him that always hesitated felt challenged suddenly. What he feared wasn't change, though some would easily think it such, but that part of him that would reveal its true nature should he embrace it. The wolf was half animal after all, so what if by embracing that wild side, he in turn lost himself along the way? No. Fear had kept him safe, but he couldn't keep others safe if he wanted to. Without fear, however, curiosity would have to be his guide.

Aoren's words cut his thoughts and Rickter realized he'd zoned out, contemplating the nature of this outcome itself really, and almost unaware that Telion had stared with a hint of anxious worry. A drink did sound good right about now, maybe a bowl of meaty stew too in fact. Gods knew how hungry he suddenly felt just then, now that the difficult part of his day was finally out of the way. "Aye, that does sound good right 'bout now." The wolf admitted with nearly a reluctant smile, the misty stone tucked within his pocket as he looked to Telion for a moment. "You ready?"

Telion seemed to relax and return a soft smile at him, giving Rickter a slow nod before answering in turn. "Yeah."

Aoren then began to lead the way back down the corridor, eventually starting on the matter of joining the royal guard while he did. "Meeting her Grace, I realized some of that myself." He gently admitted with eyes forward towards their next exit, although, Rickter didn't quite expect impressing the Prince to be another crucial part. In being handed the parchment that detailed on the Captain's event, the wolf surveyed the piece inquisitively as he listened further. Interesting. Getting atop the Atralar Mountains would certainly be a dangerous trial, one he predicted would be a risk alone no less, and knowing Telion he'd certainly be pressed for accompaniment.

"Rest is for the weary." The wolf remarked to Aoren as they continued walking on, Telion chipping in with her agreement also.

"Perfect, we'll be working again soon then!" She honestly sounded enthused about having something else to do, as Rickter handed her the same parchment he read so she could investigate it as well. "Oh, well that's interesting."

"Way I see it," Rickter remarked to his companion, "training may be essential before we attempt braving the mountains."

"I agree, there's no telling what we'll find up there."

"Beasts certainly." The wolf simply retorted with a raise of his eyebrows, mindful to take back the parchment when Telion handed it back over. "Chances are we'll have to camp out there for a night, which means we'll need equipment for climbing and sleeping..." A reminder groaned from the pit of his gut as they walked, interrupting Rickter's thought as the idea of food felt far more important. "Also... it's time to eat." Telion looked at him confused but then giggled, agreeing that now was certainly a good time to go out, and grab a drink with some food and friends.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:46 pm
by Paragon
XP: 10. Cannot be used for magic.
  • [] Acting: Learning To Pretend Shit Doesn't Bother You
    [] Deception: Denying The Fact You're Afraid of Something
    [] Navigation: Learning Quicker Routes To Your Destination
    [] Etiquette: Being Discreet About Incidents
    [] Etiquette: Learning To Bow To Nobility
    [] Acting: Showing No Interest In Things You Want To Eat
    [] Psychology: Learning How To Interact With Royalty
    [] Rhetoric: The Idea of Nothing As A Canvas
    [] Necromancy: The Art of Soul Manipulation
    [] Necromancy: A Morbid and Dark Art
  • [] Personal: Reaching New Heights (Literally)
    [] Kalzasi: The Palace of the First Wind
    [] Personal: Meeting The Daizokura
    [] Personal: Accepting Power When It's Given To You
Loot: +1 Soul Gem, courtesy of the Daizokura Sahfri Andara d'Larienne Novalys. The gemstone emits a ghostly mist and is cold to the touch. Within its depths swirls a soft white light that, when stared at, seems to pulse as though with the beat of a heart.