Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

The sprawling underdark of Karnor.

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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
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On another plane, in another place, surely Akshara Leukos was turning over in her sleep, disturbed that her only daughter was giving only the barest minimum of courtesy to such people as these. But perhaps she too would have stood agog at winged women, having been denied that blessing even as her daughter had been. Kala didn't embarrass herself, though she was hardly as charming as she might have been at some Kalzasern soiree. In the end, she nodded at the woman's instructions, and turned toward the captain, who was strange but a more known, more understood quantity; they had come through the fire together, after all, to this fabled place.

To Atoria.

"Captain," she greeted again with a bow. "I am Kala Mizal of House Leukos. Should you ever come to me on my plane, I will owe you a favor for your help."

She hoped her blue eyes hadn't gone green with envy. Certainly, the boys had looked on Emerea with shock and awe—and certainly some attraction, the magic in them drawn to the complementary magic in her.

"My path led me here. I do not know where it leads next, but if we have leisure, I would be happy to speak more with you." She smiled, a bit more relaxed now that the Avialae were out of sight, though not out of mind. She nodded to her as she and her men collected their things, and then she turned and led her small party to the appointed place. She was glad to be nearer to Nessena, feeling an almost maternal instinct toward her, perhaps because she had known her as a wyrmling; perhaps because she had risked so much to help them.

Kala nodded to the port captain, but her attention returned immediately to the dragon. Having once been given permission to show her physical affection, Kala dared to reach out to touch the dragon's face again, though she moved slowly enough that the dragon could decline.

Will you be well? There was some anxiety in her mental voice.
word count: 347
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Worry not for me, Sky Daughter. I will recover.

Nessena did not pull away from Kala’s touch. The dragon closed her eyes and appeared to go into a state of slumber. A young man stood up then, running his hand over the dragon’s scales gently. Across Nessena’s body were jagged streaks of violet that resembled bolts of lightning. Where he touched he left a glowing poultice. In his other hand there was a jar. The young man was a winged Avialae, appearing no older than Kala, Kaus and her companions. He smiled at Kala.

“She will be well. We will see to her.” Looking around, nearly everyone Kala could see was an Avialae. Men, women, both middling and younger in their years as they went about their business assisting the crew of the Voyager. Interspersed about the skyborn folk were non-winged people as well.

“Lady Kala.” Captain Emerea called out to her and her group. She motioned for them to follow. “Come. The Elders are waiting.”

When Kala and the others joined them, Emerea and her fellow soldiers began taking them away from the port. Walking through the streets of the gleaming sky-city would provide for Kala a clearer view of its occupants. While there were those who were armored, clearly members of the city’s guard, the majority of the people around her wore loose flowing clothes that showed off a fair amount of skin. The climate of the city, despite being in the clouds, was warm. The light breeze provided enough relief that the warmth did not become stifling. Again, while there were some non-winged folk walking the city streets, the vast majority were Avialae and in a much broader range of size and shape than had ever been seen in Kalzasi. There were as many towering muscular men as there were women to match them. There were those who were Kala’s height with more slender frames and lighter wings. Kaus did not stick out like a sore thumb because there were males who matched him in stature, aplenty. There were a mixing of the races with Avialae who appeared Elven, Orkhan, Hytori, even Dwarven, Gnomish and Lysanrin as well as Moratallen heritage ones, all going about their business. There even appeared to be some Hobgoblin Avialae dressed in robes pouring over what appeared to be various goods as they passed through what was clearly a market.

“This is Valycian Square. Much of the city’s markets and merchant establishments can be found here. The Twin Star Inn is over there.” Emerea pointed to a structure of white and silver marble gilded with beautiful glass and crystal embellishments. Much like the rest of the city’s architecture it was very open to the air. “The crew of the Voyager tends to stay there while they are in the city.”

They turned and were presented with an avenue that had decidedly less foot or sky traffic than the central market. It was altogether quieter. The avenue was wide enough to fit twenty Avialae wing-tip to wing-tip and led up to a palatial structure of marble and crystal. Flanking the avenue were white stone statues depicting thirty-two Avialae. A total of sixteen on each side of the avenue. There were twenty-four men and eight women.

“The Firstborn.” Emerea explained. “Twenty-two of them died in the fight against the Hellmaw. Of the ten that remained, only seven traveled with Mother Naori here to Atoria. They are waiting for us.”

word count: 618
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Kala Leukos
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Kala was relieved to note Nessena's needs being so assiduously seen to. All the same, she felt compelled to claim a more hands-on role in repaying her for her help.

"I am a healer of middling skill," she said to the Avialae. "Mundane and necromantic. If I can be of any assistance while I am here, please don't hesitate to call upon me. And there are dragons in our mountains. Perhaps I ought to know how to help them, as well."

But Emerea was calling, so all she could do was smile back at him and give the black dragon one last affectionate pet. Her scales felt marvelous, and Kala decided that if, when her time came, her psychopomp was anything like Nessena, then death would be flying on the back of a gentle, terrible friend, and was nothing to fear.

She nodded and returned to the captain with her entourage.

"Pardon," she begged. "This was a long time coming, but now everything is moving so swiftly. I am ready."

They followed the winged woman and Kala couldn't help but feel a resonance with her youth, when she realized she would never be able to keep up with Aquilios and Kaus because she could create life but that gift had precluded the ability to fly. She tried to calm her mind, remind herself that she had her own strengths to balance her weaknesses, but it was suddenly difficult in the presence of women who had what she wanted. Some of the fire of her youth, long banked by meditation and a sense of duty, threatened to flare within her. But soon enough, her curiosity diverted her. The diversity within her own race was miraculous.

In the Valycian Square, her eyes darted hither and thither, wide and greedy for all the sights to be seen. While she could feel Kaus wondering if Emerea joined the airship captain at the inn or if she was joined in the barracks, Kala could only whisper, "'Tis a utopia."

Kala, Kaus, Ceran, and Indric all murmured veneration to their forebears, fingertips touching heart, lips, and brow.

Kaus, ever the quicksilver twin, was startled into speech.

"The Firstborn yet live?!"
word count: 368
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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“Come. You will see.” Emerea did not answer Kaus directly. She led them to the palatial structure. There was no door but a great crystal archway that led into the entrance. There were no guards but there were attendants walking about carrying what appeared to be tablets made from mnemonosyte. Their hands passed over the tablets as they whispered softly the knowledge the stones would record. Wordlessly, the Port Captain and her entourage escorted them to a circular platform raised in the center of the chamber. Looking around, there were no stairs to lead to the upper floors. Emerea ascended the steps up to the top of the platform while the rest of her accompaniment remained. She motioned for the four to join her. Once they were upon the platform it shook slightly before they began their ascension into the upper halls of the structure.

Rising through each floor, many things could be seen at a glance. Walls upon walls of the second floor were covered in lorestone crystals being tended to by Avialae.

“This is the Hall of Wisdom. It is where the Listeners receive the memories and knowledge of our people, recording it for all generations.” Emerea nodded to the various Avialae in humble robes tending to the crystals. “Here the voice of all our ancestors live on, passing their wisdom to every generation even as every generation adds to it.”

They continued ascending showing yet more archives being tended to. They rose until they reached the topmost floor, seventh floor. It was open to the skies. Above them was a raised platform made of stone and crystal. Emerea guided them away from the lift and toward a set of spiraling stairs that led them up to the open air chamber. Around them was a circle that had no ceiling. Columns of crystal that shimmered gently in the light of the double suns that hung in the skies, surrounded them. Assembled in front of them at differing intervals, there hung suspended between the crystal columns panes of multicolored crystal glass. Every pane have to be close to fifty feet in height. Each one depicted an Avialae in various poses with wings spread wide. They were affixed to nothing, held in the air seemingly by magic.

From the left.

A woman with the wings of a sparrow wearing the plate armor of a knight. She carried a shield that was planted before her with her legs shoulder width apart. Her head was bowed as if in prayer.

A man with the wings of an owl wearing the robes of a wizard, a book in one hand, a staff in the other. Incandescent power wrapped around him. A small dragon was perched on his shoulder.

A woman with the wings of a hawk wearing the garb of a ranger with bow raised high. Rays of light shone down upon her as a volley of arrows fell from the skies to vanquish unseen foes.

Center was a broad warrior with the wings of an eagle. He was garbed in half-plate and carried a longsword that he raised high. It was alight with flames that seemed to capture the light of the two suns.

A man wearing a cowl with the wings of a raven and a combination of robes and leather armor. His left hand was skeletal and limned with green light. His right hand was normal and limned with golden light.

A woman with the wings of a magpie and dressed in a flowing gown of white. She carried a potion bottle in one hand and a violin in the other. She looked to be seated before a desk upon which rest various pieces of scientific equipment.

The final was that of a man with the wings of a colorful macaw. He was dressed much like a ship’s captain would be with crescent wave-like clouds behind him. He wielded a cutlass in one hand and a lute in the other.

Emerea went to the center of the circle. There was a serene look on her face. She motioned for the four to join her. She stepped back and almost encircled her wings around the group like a mother herding her children. Speaking no louder than if she were conversing to someone right next to her, she spoke but it was not in a language that they recognized. The words that flowed from her lips would call to the four young Avialae. It spoke of sunlight and endless skies. It was lyrical and seemed to encapsulate the very essence of a spring breeze. When Emerea stopped speaking there was silence.

And then, one by one, the panes of glass illuminated. Bright colorful lights burst forth from the great glass portraits yet each one held a distinct resemblance to the colors that were most prevalent in the portraits they came from. They circled around the gathered for a moment before coming to rest before their respective glass panes.

Into their minds each Avialae would feel a touch, an invitation, and upon accepting it a world of voices was suddenly opened to them. No longer was the chamber quiet but there was an indescribably beautiful chorus of minds and voices that wrapped around one another in such perfect harmony that it would be enough to steal one’s breath away and cause knees to buckle. It spread the breadth of the entire Hall of Wisdom. It spread further still into the Valycian Square. It spread to the port. All across the city of Atoria, the great chorus spun with a dizzying amount of information all being passed within mere seconds of thought. Further still, there were pinpoints of light that extended far beyond the nexus of minds all joined together.

Seven voices spoke as one above the others.

Seven voices wove themselves into the minds and souls of the four young Avialae and embraced them with such profound joy, pride, strength and love, it was staggering.

Children of Avaelor, welcome.

And all around them, across the furthest distance of this great unity, the entirety of the harmonious chorus rejoiced. Gently, with an exquisite tenderness, the four were winnowed down from the dizzying amount of telepathic information swirling around them. Their focus was drawn to the chamber before them and it was then that the swirling lights took on more definitive shapes in their minds though their faces still remained obscured by halos of light. The broad eagle winged warrior stepped forth, spreading his arms wide as though he were going to draw them all into a firm hug. Across their bodies and in their minds, the sensation rolled over them as though he had swept them up and brought them physically into his arms.

Welcome Kala. Welcome Kaus. Welcome Ceran. Welcome Indric.

word count: 1160
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Kala Leukos
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They could do naught but as they were bidden.

Kala had never seen such an abundance of dragonshards in one place, let alone one of the less common sorts. She had seen the field of illumite on the snow-swathed shoulders of the White Goddess Peak. She had delved into the Warrens with these men beside her, recovering raw lytirisite with her twin, though the others had been forced to try, and try again to bring theirs to the light of day. This was a treasure trove fit to set Tizan Veyl's mouth watering. House Zatrian's lore could not match what must be housed here. Tablets gave way to crystalline structures that held the memories of their people.

The twins shared a thought—were the memories of Vatar Tsoshi Qoros, their father, among these wonders? They shared another thought, perhaps more dangerous—could a lorestone, the pact weapon he left behind, and his daughter's growing skill with necromancy bring him back? But they were childish thoughts and best set aside with other childish things. Their father had died a hero, and bringing him back, if possible, would defy the natural order of things.

Still and all, it was a part of their marveling as the ascended without wings to the roofless top of the tower.

Encircled by Emerea's wings, Kala dearly wished she understood the language she uttered. But then it wasn't the captain speaking, it was... the Firstborn? Though Kala was the clear leader among the four, in this, Ceran and Indric were the first to respond by taking a knee. Kala and Kaus were not far behind, however. As much as they felt loved, they were overawed. Of the survivors of the Hellmaw, Emmerich and two others remained, while these seven returned to Atoria, perhaps with Garel himself. Were his memories among the mnemosyte matrix?

"Hail, Firstborn!" came from each of them. And then for the eagle-winged man, "Hail, Father!"

Whether he was spirit, memory, something more, or something different, he and the six others were all but fables to Avialae such as these. Though she felt small before these people whose knowledge and wisdom far exceeded hers, Kala felt the need to explain her presence here. Some might consider Atoria holy, sacred to the winged race. She didn't know. It would take her time to process these happenings, these revelations, let alone her feelings about them.

"Father, we have come at the behest of the Crystal Lady, the Veiled One, whose quest was brought to me by the Lady of Midnight Mourning. With the help of my brother and our friends, I have come this far, though I do not know my next steps."

If anything, these were her many times great-granduncles and grandaunts. Still and all, they were a connection with the beginning of their race. They meant more than Avaelor, which was even more shrouded in the mists of time.
word count: 493
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Look to the skies, great Children of Avaelor. For we Speak and so should you Listen.” The eagle-winged man motioned for them to rise. The sensation of fingers gently tipping Kala’s head up and urging her to her feet passed through her mind. She could ignore it if she so chose.

One story ends. Another now begins. The pages of this new chapter remain blank. You shall be its author.” It was the magpie-winged woman who spoke. Her voice was soft and skittered over the senses like a gentle caress. Curiosity flowed from her in abundance.

A shadow grows in the dark. Pushing the world toward its blackest fears.” The raven-winged man spoke. His voice echoing with power. Before them, as though drawn from their own memories, a projection of that horrible day in Frost played out. The moment the Shokaze was gunned down. The moment the Shinsei erupted in silver-white flames, streaking through the sky like a blazing comet. Above them however, the skies shone with a dark light as the eclipse hung overhead. In the stillness of that memory, through the chaos of it all, one figure in the scene remained on the outskirts. His form obscured by darkness.

But Mother Naori provides a way. You shall yet offer our Children a path.” The hawk-winged woman swept her arm over the four. The light before them shifted and showed the silhouette of Kala but though the majority of her frame was recognizable, from her back sprouted two wings as she was crowned with a nimbus of light.

Hope still lives but soon the sword of Justice will serve a new master. The evil seen may yet be a mask for the evil that lurks.” The owl-winged man spoke. The light shifted to show the silhouette of a man who shone with silver light, his head crowned in a nimbus. His wings were spread in glorious flight but suddenly chains sprung up from the darkness and snatched him from the sky. The vision shifted and became a picture of Talon, clear as day, bound and chained. His head was thrown back in a silent scream as a crooked man plunged a silver spike into his heart. The vision faded.

Unity must be restored to the Children of Avaelor. You shall be its Maiden.” The sparrow-winged woman spoke. The silhouette of Kala returned and around her the form of many more Avialae arose. All of them shackled and collared. The light showed Kala joining hands with a horned man also crowned with a nimbus of light. As they did, the many chains and collars binding the Avialae were broken.

Go now. Seek the Necromancer. With him rests the key to unlocking your true potential.” The macaw-winged man gestured to a tower further into the city.

We have not forgotten our Children. But they must stand in Unity to hear our Voice.” The Seven spoke as one and then with a rush of winds and a flap of their wings, the Seven became orbs of light that ascended once more. They swirled around Kala and the others before rushing back into the great crystal glass panes from whence they came. Silence settled upon Kala…but in the quiet of her mind, the chorus remained, a hand ever waiting for her to simply reach out and take it when she needed it.

Emerea looked on peacefully at where the Seven had disappeared. She motioned to the four.

“Come. First Sun will be setting soon and Second Sun not long after. We should get you settled in.”

word count: 631
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Kala Leukos
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Kala looked up, as did the others. They had no reason not to cooperate with these ancient Avialae.

The twins didn't flinch at the sight of the Shinsei's wedding reception, though it had become a terrible event rather than the celebration of joy and love and unity. Ceran and Indric hadn't been there, so the experience stung anew for them. There were parts of the vision that were new, however, even for the Leukos siblings. The dark figure didn't register in their memories, and the way the scene was etched out from this new perspective, she couldn't help but wonder whether—if Talon Shinsei was Arcas reborn—Sheoth, his rival, hadn't been reborn as well.

But her musings were cut short at the vision, even in silhouette, with wings. Her breath caught in her throat and she wondered if her dearest wish wouldn't be granted her without asking, merely gifted to her in order that she might better enact Mother Naori's will.

But the scene shifted and she only seemed to confirm her suspicions—the chains of Sheoth held Talon and sought his death once more. She didn't recognize the horned man; perhaps he was a Lysanrin. Though these visions showed a great deal, yet some things remained obscured. But he mattered less to her in that moment than the Avialae in bondage. Her heart surged, wondering whatever became of her friend Baudric, whether his people had welcomed him back into their oppressive fold or had murdered him.

And then they were gone, having given her marching orders.

"I can still feel them," Ceran marveled in hushed tones.

Kala looked back, her people still her priority. He looked about to weep, which made sense. House Leukos had given him a family of sorts, but now he had at least an idea what a strong bond felt like. It was difficult sometimes for the twins to wrap their minds around the absence of something they had always known. Kaus stood and grasped him by the wrist, helping him up. Indric rose with Ceran and put a hand on his shoulder. Though he was perfectly capable, it was good to see him supported in a moment of emotional vulnerability. They were warriors, but they were still men. And then all three of them were looking at her. They had seen what she had seen, what she might become.

Then she looked at Emerea, serene as a statue.

"Should I not seek the Necromancer in his tower as the Firstborn bade me do?"
word count: 429
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Emerea looked up the four of them as though she knew how they were feeling. In all likelihood, she probably did. Staring at her, Kala would be able to feel as though if she but reached out to the hand waiting for her, she would be able to follow it to the voice that was the port captain’s.

“Garel does not typically enjoy visitors after sundown. He can be quite a curmudgeon if his evening routine is interrupted.” Emerea shook her head as though she were quite familiar with the necromancer.

“You have traveled a long way. You have been given a great deal of information to process. I suggest taking a night to rest, rejuvenate. There will be time for many questions tomorrow at First Sunrise.” With that, Emerea turned and walked back down the steps in order to return to the platform that would usher them back to the ground floor.

“In the meanwhile, I will happily answer what questions I can. I certainly don’t have all the answers but I am accustomed to answering some things for visitors.” When the four joined her on the lift, it began its steady descent down to the ground. Emerea looked at Kala and the others expectantly.

word count: 236
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Kala Leukos
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The four didn't have much to say. As Emerea noted, they were processing quite a bit of information. If the weight fell heaviest upon Kala's shoulders, she had also had the most time to prepare herself, and her twin was a constant emotional support. If she had questioned Ceran and Indric's support—she hadn't—those questions would have dissipated now. They looked at her amost as if she were as fantastical as a winged woman herself, or if she were old friends with dragons and captains of the Aether Sea and fabled necromancers. If the quest had been given to her, Kaus would follow her until the Crystal Lady Herself bade him cease—and even then, he might rebel. The Silver Wings looked more determined than ever, even among the roil of thoughts and feelings. They had adopted her quest as their own.

As they descended, though, the weariness set in despite the excitement. If Garel was not an option until morning, then she would find whatever bed she might and sleep perchance to dream. There was a black dragon she needed to visit as well if she was allowed.

But finally, the tickle in the back of her mind, the sense of conversations happening just beyond earshot, made her reach out as if to Kaus, as if to Nessena, but it was to Emerea instead.

Are we all bonded here?

Perhaps the woman wouldn't react. Perhaps the blessed unity of the sexes in Atoria lent other magics to her people.

Or perhaps those sensations of connection were psychological, the product of a dangerous journey into the Warrens, across the Aether Sea, and to the Isla of Atoria. Perhaps Emerea was correct and she needed to rest.
word count: 292
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Reaching out as she did to Emerea, the port captain turned to look at Kala inquisitively. As soon as Kala posed her question, in her mind, Kala would experience what could only be described as the equivalent of joining hands. A steady presence washed over her thoughts. Sharp. Intelligent. Stalwart. It would not be long before the realization that this was the Avialae woman’s mind dawned on her.

In a sense. You have been joined into what is called the Coalescence. It is the nexus of thought that joins all of us. Ever present and there to protect us. It is a type of Bond that allows all Avialae to share thoughts, emotions, strength and even power. What one of us knows, all of us can. The strength of all of us can be given to one of us where it is needed. It was built by the Firstborn and they continue to watch over it as you experienced.

They reached the ground floor and Emerea guided them out of the Hall of Wisdom and down the avenue of the Firstborn. The suns were indeed beginning to set in the sky. Lights were beginning to come on throughout the city. Avialae were flying through the skies as they ventured to their homes. Activity was beginning to quiet. As they walked, Kala would be able to see the people she passed in her mind. The voice of their thoughts were not distinct to her but rather, if she chose to join their conversations, the option was there. The soft hum of voices remained in the background until she chose to bring it to the forefront.

Emerea brought them to the archway of the Twin Star Inn. She gestured to it with a smile. It was a well lit establishment. While not crowded, it was well populated by both Avialae, the other mortal races and even some beings that were not familiar to the Ranserans. Despite the number of people present, it was surprisingly quiet to the ears. But in Kala’s mind, it was clear that a great deal of conversation was taking place between the people around them.

You are welcome to stay here at the Twin Star Inn or you can return to the Voyager. It is up to you. The crew of the ship are already settling in. The Lady Nessena has gone to Wraedan’s Spire.

In her mind, the image of an ebony tower lined with gold draconic markings and interwoven with jade colored glass presented itself. Before Kala could ask how to get there…the knowledge was simply there. With that realization came also the revelation that she could, on a whim, simply know where to find anything in the city. The knowledge was not hers but it was given to her the moment she realized she needed it.

I must be off, Lady Kala. Seven watch over you. Mother guide you.

Emerea gave a bow and then stepped back. She spread her wings and took flight but though her physical body grew more distant, the revelation that Emerea could be reached with but a flick of thoughts remained.

word count: 553
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