Swan Song (Rickter)

High City of the Northlands

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Swan Song
Searing 34, 122, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

The wolf gazed upon the King with hopeful eyes, determination to carry out his oath immediately burned in his stare. But the words of the Dragon King were specific, leaving Rickter to wonder something; something else in reference to what he'd witnessed that fateful night. Arcas. The wolf knew but he hadn't seen, not til now, just how vaguely he could see the memories of those two boys. He only partially knew of Eikaen's history when regarding that particular chapter, but perhaps with the Echo as his Legacy from the Gnarled Goddess; he could learn something else of value.

With Eikean's grim warning with the time they had left, the wolf then considered, for once, the chance at asking one desperate plea to another Higher Power. [color=#0094FFThen I pray, Father Time, to provide me just a bit of time to get there.[/color] For he would do everything in his power to find them. The wolf hadn't forgotten the role he needed to play in the coming trials ahead, he just hoped this time, he would be faster than what Vicis dare weaved into history. Nevertheless, there was a release in knowing the rift below would be stopped, even if only temporarily, as it gave Franky a window of opportunity; to at least come up with a solution within that length of time.

Poor bastard. As much as he wanted to slug the guy when they were back home, he felt more pitiful toward the Hobgoblin now that the deal had been made. To sacrifice everything such as he did, definitely struck something in Rickter that felt a bit too familiar. With the brief interactions between the King and the woman they'd met before, Rickter's realization of their bond reminded him of the life he had back home. He realized, now, just how different things were going to be once he got back, and if he ever made it out of the Imperium alive to return there also. At the instruction they were to follow Suria, the wolf bowed in response to the Dragon King's blessing. He intended to make the most of what little time he might've had, no matter what obstacle awaited him upon his return.

As he followed with the other two back toward the outer area they'd arrived at, the wolf finally took in a moment to genuinely sniff the air, inhaling deeply as fresh fragrances filled his nostrils. He could smell the wheat in the air before they were crossing fields, with the hint of baking in the air as he almost felt hungry. There was also the fragrance of lilies, hinted with a dose of honey, that made the very sweetness of the air taste clean as it were. Compared with the sights they had of beautiful landscapes, it felt strange for the wolf to admit he felt a sense of home ringing within him. A call of the wild as he would've deemed it, to run freely across the plains and plateaus of this beautiful realm. Maybe one day, he would visit here again...

Rickter's attention fell from the cities toward the big golden tree they were walking toward, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of the massively gilded structure. Nobody's gonna believe the stories when I get home. He remarked to himself as they drew closer to the base of the tree, their arrival ending at a portal of light swirling with the very winds. A gentle breeze greeted them and for a moment, Rickter appreciatively nodded toward the serene lady before him. "Thank you," he quickly agreed after Franky had done the same before he took one final breath in for that sweet air. Stepping through after the Hobgoblin the wolf marched on behind him, his shoulders a bit taller as he stepped through the portal itself.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
word count: 754
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


☬ The Vampyre ☬
☬ 34th of Searing, Year 122, A.o.S ☬
Company: Rickter & Franky & the Gods | Thoughts: So they are real | Mood: Awe-struck, Curious
The first of Ash. That's all they had. Dante couldn't help but notice that Eikaen held his words as he spoke about his sons being in chains. Was there something there that he wasn't telling them, something he may have known was coming? The vampyre wouldn't press it however, there was already enough tension in his body he didn't want to add to it. He glance over to Rickter as it would fall to both of them to rescue the divine child, which meant that Dante's plans for Zaichaer would have to wait.

The woman that had guided them to the throne room was summoned among them once again, and he watched the show of love between her and the divine being. It impressed the vampyre that even gods could know love. What eased the heart of the vampyre was that the scar over the city was dormant now, which meant that the people, his people, could still have a fighting chance. But nothing could be done until they returned back to their realm.

Following the woman out of the room, Dante gave one final gesture to the golden god, bowing a speaking quietly to himself, then giving a wave of goodbye and exiting. The sight before him was breathtaking. He couldn't believe he was standing within the realm of gods and was going to be able to live and talk about it later. One by one the three of them made their departure, Dante turning to the Suria, and giving her a polite bow. "You have been more than helpful. A nonbeliever like me has definitely had his eyes opened from this experience."

As he stepped up to the portal, he turned and gave Suria one last look. "If the gods are ever in need of blood to be spilled on their behalf, be sure to call for me, though I doubt that we will ever meet again my dear." with that, the vampyre stepped through, as he had much to accomplish....the first of Ash.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
[S E T T I N GxxT H E M E]
word count: 473

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36 Searing 122 Steel

Stepping through the portal they were whisked away from the realm of gods. Lights of gold and silver and aquamarine propelled them away from that divine place. It was an experience that was altogether less harrowing than when they first arrived but carried with it a sort of weightlessness that was disorienting. The sensation of falling was all around them until finally the light of the divine realms faded.

For Dante and Rickter, they opened their eyes to behold the ruins of the city of Zaichaer. Around them, the demolished buildings of the fallout zone of the Knob were plainly visible. The terrible Dread Mists that had been raging all around the city were diminished though not completely gone. To look around, it was like staring into the Deadlands. But there were signs of life, people digging through rubble and debris as they scrambled desperately to search for loved ones.

To their right, there came a gurgling roar as a beast lumbered nearby. A wretched amalgamation of flesh and rock it was doing battle with three others. The three wielded weaponry that was limned with a silver-white fire that cut through the beast as though it were butter. Together, it did not take long for them to bring it down. Coming into focus, others could be seen around the ruined wastes, men and women who teleported in and out as they picked up survivors shambling through the rubble. Yet more were kneeling beside wounded, employing tools of necromancy to heal. It quickly became evident that these were the witches of the Covens.

Franky, on the other hand, experienced a staggering shift within his soul. Upon stepping through the portal and traversing the stars themselves, a quiet voice whispered in his head.

It was power you asked for. It is power you shall have. Walk the road of Suffering and Sacrifice, my General. It shall lead you to the strength you so desire. Learn well the gifts I have given. They will serve you in the days to come.

Pain, blistering and all-consuming, scorched through Franky. It plucked at him from every direction as he fell like a burning star from the heavens. The very essence of his mortality being stripped from him as he became…something else.

Within his office in the Gobbler, he appeared, breathless, steaming, and wholly transformed. That form shifted however, like water falling away until it returned to shape Franky desired to be seen. One thing remained however, a mark, a reminder that the Hobgoblin was no longer fully mortal.

Asking around would reveal it had been two days since they ventured into the rift.

They had fifty-six days until the beginning of Ash. What waited for them on that day? Time would tell.


Name: Dante
XP: 15 XP, can be used for magic
Requested Lore: +11 Lores

Name: Rickter
XP: 15 XP, can be used for magic
Requested Lore: +11 Lores

Name: Franky
XP: 15 XP
Requested Lore: +11 Lores

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Note(s): Dante and Rickter have incurred a debt to Eikaen, the Dragon King. His request is simple, "His sons do not belong in chains" whether physical, spiritual, magical or otherwise.

Franky's debt is to Malgar, who has accepted his oath, sworn over the Wine of Suffering.

All promises made by your characters are still binding according either to the magical contracts they entered into or by their own personal morals.

word count: 1495
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