[Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

[Deadly; Open] The Demon Tide has overtaken the Court of Gold Pages, and a great deal of effort goes into stopping it.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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For Rickter, the world was moving too slow. His body was moving too slow. The exhausted face of the woman he loved was covered in sweat as she barely held herself together. But though his love for her was insurmountable, his rage was all-consuming in that moment. Ice and fire spread out from his body…and began to cover Telion as Rickter unleashed his power without focus, without control and without purpose. That pure burst of unbridled rage, backed up by his use of Overcharge, was enough to disrupt the aetheric control of the Jester but also had the consequence of disrupting the magic protecting those who he loved.

One of Telion’s arms and one of her legs were both flash frozen…and then shattered as his power raged further and further out of his own control. Words that tried to reach him, telepathic outreaches, powers that sought to calm him, all fell upon a curtain of blind anger as the Rathari Demigod was consumed by his primal instincts. Out of his own control, Rickter would transform into a towering wolven lycan with ebony fur dusted with frost blue hues. His scream of fury transformed into a howl of rage that was soon answered across the Northlands as that wrathful howl became a call to battle for every wolf in Karnor.

Consumed by his instincts as he was, Rickter was now plunged into a battle for control. Not against the Jester. Not against anyone else. But a fight to control himself…or be lost to his own primal godly fury.

The control ensaring Hikami’s mind was completely fractured. The warrior was released from the control almost as soon as he unleashed his powers against Iselya. The deadly rain of icy power he unleashed was met with a wave of silver-white fire and a burst of frigid power that the enraged demigod released. Hikami, being uniquely situated as an entity comprised of water and icy power, found himself invigorated to heights previously unknown to him. Power coursed through him allowing him to completely shrug off the lethargy caused by his exertions and by the Jester’s mental control. But just as soon as that power coursed through him, he was frozen solid by the wave of power barreling through the courtyard as the raw, undiluted power of Frost and Winter billowed out from Rickter in a blind fury. After a few moments however, Hikami’s unique nature as an icy being allowed him to move under his normal mechanisms after the initial shock wore off.

Lyra. Lyrielle. The Lady of Whisper. Every facet of her being was at first burned and then gently warmed by the power that she called upon. It was indeed unsettling to give herself to Hope and Light in such a way but the call she made was answered. Where at first her arm burned with the sensation of thousands of stinging hot pokers, it was then soothed by the sensation of what felt like a hand coming to rest upon her opposite shoulder followed by the feeling of another hand wrapping around her forearm, as though to steady her. Those who observed would, for the briefest of moments, see the manifestation of two beings reflected in the light and shadows that Lyra summoned to herself. One figure had a hand resting firmly on her shoulder, a being of darkness. The other was a figure of light that was steadying her arm even as she shed her blood to form the pictographs that created the barrier. When it was in place, the presence touching her forearm squeezed lightly and the barrier expanded to cover the nearby Hannah and Patrick and the serpent.

The barrier of light that she formed was perhaps the only thing that saved Hannah and Patrick from certain death. Even then, it barely rose in time to spare them from injury. Patrick took a blade to the shoulder. Hannan was sliced across her thigh. But both of them were spared doom as the rest of the Jester’s deadly blades shattered upon impact with Lyra’s shield. That very same barrier is what spared Lyra, Hannah and Patrick from the blast of furious cold that would have frozen them solid as the silver-white fire burned away the ice to protect them.

For Iselya, her cyclone of dawnfire was perhaps the only thing that saved her from being frozen solid. The rage that consumed Rickter caused his aetheric dampening powers to become distorted and wild, disrupting the manifestation of her pact blades. As a result, Hikami would be able to dodge the blades directed at him in the moment he regained his senses. Meanwhile, Iselya’s use of Novuril and the unleashing of that cyclone managed to spare that side of the courtyard from becoming a complete frozen tundra. Between the fire she unleashed and the other powers at play, the collateral damage hurled into the shadowy Demon Tide creature, first freezing a portion of it and then shattering it completely as it released a shrill cry of agony, its form rapidly beginning to deteriorate in full.

The Jester was first ensnared completely by Lyra, a note of surprise followed by dark amusement followed by emptiness as its mind was completely shattered. Rather than scream…it laughed before tumbling from the skies. The body was caught in the icy blast released by Rickter’s fury, freezing it solid.

The body shattered upon impact with the ground.

Perhaps too easily.

Off Topic

The Demon Tide is defeated. The Jester is defeated...for now. All adverse mind control effects are ended.

Telion - Her left arm and left leg were flash-frozen and then broken. She is now in critical condition.
Hannah - Her right thigh has been split open. She is poisoned. She must be treated if she is to survive.
Patrick - His right shoulder has one of the green glass knives stuck in it. He has been poisoned. He must be treated if he is to survive.
Hikami - Free of mind control. You are completely restored to full strength due to the icy power in the area. Additionally, your water and ice-based Elementalism may be practiced at the Grandmaster level for the time being.
Lyra - Shielded. Unharmed, if a bit uncomfortable.
Iselya - Having been cut by one of the green blades, you are poisoned. You must find treatment if you are to survive.

Rickter - You are in berserk mode. Your primal beast has been unleashed and is in full control of your mental faculties at the moment, and he is FURIOUS. Everything is an enemy right now. Nowhere is safe. Panic. Rage. Anger. Hurt. Fear. Those are the instincts driving him at the moment. As a result of this overwhelming fury, your powers raged out of control. Proof of the danger of a neophyte demigod who loses themselves to their primal fury. You will need to find a way to pull back from this berserk state.

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He felt the entirety of the world slip through his fingers. Like water or perhaps even sand, reality simply became saturated, that it until finally he slipped deeper within this world of madness and rage. Power flowed through him in a way that terrified him, a very surreal fear which became fed by the tantalizing pleasure coursing in his veins. The wolf stood as the lone figure holding his dearly beloved within the courtyard, unleashing the full might of his negation powers to subdue the enemy that had presented himself.

Only to watch as the hellish ice he unleashed froze the jester within the air, and the shatter upon his immediate tumble toward the ground. It had been all too easy now, a fight that felt one-sided earlier, now suddenly a battle to resist the forces thrown against them. Only now... one such force had been unleashed against his own comrades. His form changed into the towering might of his Lycan power, the dark fur decorated with frost which shimmered across his coat in the light of his nimbus. He clutched Telion dearly as a means to shelter her from the ice surrounding him, masking her weakened body with his aura as he looked from her to the shattered fragments of the jester.

The enemy was gone now. Or so he wanted to believe, but the rage within him refused to be released so willingly. The wolf roared out into the night as an aurora blanketed the night sky above the courtyard, his howls echoing throughout the entire Cloudhaven District as the ice blanketing the courtyard responded. Shapes began to ripple and form from the sheets of frost, giving animation to what appeared to be wolves constructed purely of the ice they were born from. There were several of them, an entire pack if one observed clearly, as they gathered around Rickter to observe his rage. It became apparent then just how dangerous the Wintry Wolf became, for his glowing eyes fell from the heavens above, down toward the rooftops where those gathered remained.

"Oh... Shit!!" Hannah barked exhaustively before pressing a hand over where she'd been knicked, admittedly straining hard to stay standing as Patrick grabbed the blade in his shoulder.

"Big guy's pissed!!" The Atinoran pointed out with a heartily pained groan, with a bit of a short yelp made when he finally yanked the knife out. "This isn't good..." He too appeared exhaustively tired from the collective battle, the arm of the injured shoulder kept close to his chest as he struggled to stand. "I think-"

"This fucking shit burns!" The rogue quickly called out with a wince, pulling the bottle of elixir from her belt before she looked at Patrick. "Get that last dose in, Thunder-nuts, we need to get down there and calm him down somehow!" The bartender rose his eyebrows momentarily before realizing what Hannah meant, his gaze cast down at his belt as he reached for the vial with his other hand. After the two imbibed their doses of elixir, the rogue rested hers back in the pouch she pulled it from, while the bartender merely threw his empty bottle aside to let it shatter on the ground below.

"Any plans yet?" Patrick inquired to Hannah as the pair looked among those left, hopeful to see the others turned out for the better or worse.


It felt as quick as falling asleep when it happened, and ever since, the world around him felt like the raging sea that stormed into the depths of his very soul. Rickter's subconscious opened to such a world therein darkness resided, darkness which roiled as the currents surrounding him threatened and battered his resistance. He yearned to rise to the surface once more, to kick and flail his way through such turbulence and yet struggle. The power that coursed through him had also ripped him away, blinding him to what was really occurring within the waking world as of this moment.

Dammit! Not now!! That was all he could literally scream in his head, was 'not now' while he kicked and paddled for what he deemed the surface. He yearned to breach the surface but only found futility, as he continued to flounder within the endless depths that threatened to swallow him whole. He thought of Telion and how desperate her condition had made him, and how fearful he became of losing her and his companions to the jester's machinations. He thought of how terrifying the Demon Tide had been, and how horrifying it would be if that thing were to return and resume its constant destruction.

I have to wake up! I have to- He needed to breathe but he felt as though he were choking, literally, to the point he was almost drowning within the depths surrounding him.

You're worthless. Something faintly echoed throughout the abyss as he clenched his jaw, his hands slowing in their desperate paddling as he balled them into fists. An awakened Draegir and you can't even control your own power. A waste.

No! He denied whatever voice he was hearing. My family needs me, I refuse to be such a thing!

And yet, now, you fight them just out of anger. A flash of an image filled his thoughts as he looked upward in horror, the raging surface gaining ever more distance from him as he saw his comrades. Those who were still atop the roofs of the courtyard, while the pack of wolven ice threatened to chase them from below. You let anger and hate control you, because it is all you know.

Lies! He denounced with a grit of his teeth, though, the wolf felt a sense of truth filling him afterward. Ever since he'd lost Talon and Aoren, ever since he'd gone down his own hellish warpath... there had been almost nothing but anger and hate in him, aside from the moments that reminded him of what love and faith truly were. He'd lost his way time and time again on this path, only to become the person he was today, rather than the example he wanted to be for everyone he cared for so dearly. I won't lose myself to this hatred! I won't!

Then why do you fight it? Another voice resonated in the recesses of his thoughts, which led the wolf to open his eyes once more as he looked toward the darkness below. Fight the entire ocean and you will only drown yourself, Rickter.


Someone who can help, that is, if you're willing to help yourself for once. How often did he put himself in these situations? Far too many. There were oft times when he'd just thrust himself at every obstacle, but this time things had to be different, this time he had to face himself if he wanted to overcome himself in turn. The wolf needn't even think on it for as long as he might've, not when the lives of his dear ones were endangered as it were.

Tell me what I need to do. He ushered the voice which resonated within, determined to breach that roiling surface once more.


"We'll need to get in close but it'll be difficult, between all the wolves and the ice Rickter's generating!" Hannah looked from Lyra to Iselya and then even Hikami. "Thoughts on how we can do this together?"

"Whatever comes to mind, make it fast, we've got incoming!!" Patrick pointed toward where Rickter stood as the Lycan Demigod brought a foot up from the ground, a sudden look of knowing plastered across Hannah's face as she looked from the courtyard to everyone on the rooftops.

"Get out of the blast zone quick!" As she warned everyone she reached quickly for Patrick, yanking him close to her as she reached for Lyra. Whether or not Lyra accepted the hand, the rogue would generate a Railway through Slipspace, and ferry her and her companions through to another rooftop adjacent to the buildings they were just on. Meanwhile, the moment Rickter's foot came stomping down, ice began to jut outward in a cone of spikes, riming relentlessly across the surface of the courtyard; and creating a colossal tower of ice that jutted toward their previous location.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
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Last edited by Rickter on Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:17 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1462
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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龍 70th of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S 龍
Company: Rickter & Crew | Thoughts: This may be fun | Mood: Excited

It felt like a weight of pressure was lifted off of his mind. He let out an audible gasp as he was sent back by a wave of white flame, ice, and divine rage. He quickly assessed the battlefield and could see that he was about to attack one of the warriors that were aiding them in defeating the shadowy demontide. It seemed the jester was dead as well, as he could think clearly. All seemed well from his perspective, albeit he found himself stalling a bit as the frigid ice blast froze him solid, luckily however his body adapted to it and he found himself free to move again.

All however was not fine, as he could see Hannah and the others were in bad shape, really bad shape. RIckter was transformed into a wolfman like creature, waves of ice and divine energy ripping out from in and towards the others. He however felt fine now compared to the others. As a matter of fact, he felt empowered, invigorated. There was a level of strength surging through his form that reminded him of when he let the spirit of the lake overtake him. Looking at the current state of the others he knew he had to buy them time, and being the only one in top fighting condition he opted to take up the mantle.

As another frozen wave came at the group, it was cleaved in two by Aoi Ryu, the guandao causing the icy wave to split around them. Placing himself between Rickter and the others, as if hearing his own thoughts, a wall of ice formed behind him. "Tend to the wounded, I'll hold him off for the time being." he called back to the others, a torrent of ice, wind, and waters blasting out from around him. The frozen draconic armor reformed on his body as he varnished his weapon with a torrent of vicious wind. Whatever power he was experiencing, he was determined to use it to subdue Rickter.

Glaring the frozen wolves down and they snarled and crept close to him, Hikami couldn't help but smirk. Another wave of that silver while flame cascaded out from the enraged lycan, and as it blasted past Hikami, he felt something resonate within him. In that brief moment, it felt as though time had stood still. All he could see is white, and in the blinding emptiness, a hand came to rest on his shoulders. Looking back he couldn't make out a face, but he could see the tan skin of a male figure, silver scales stretching up his arm and across his chest. He spoke but only a few words. Reach him, and we can save him.

Those words were spoken with a sense of strength, an encouragement from a mentor to their student. Blinking out of whatever that was, Hikami began to form creatures of his own. These were no wolves, however, as several frozen serpentine-like dragons began to float around the iceborne, matching the number of ice wolves present. "This isn't the rematch I would have envisioned Rickter, but I won't complain. GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT!" he roared with an explosive launch into the air at the raging lycan, the ice dragons following close behind him.

He was surprised by the boost in power he was experiencing and knew it was all he would need in order to quell his friend.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

D R A G O N ' SxxB A T T L E
Last edited by Hikami on Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 681
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Title: The Dread Witch
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As the wave of Negation flooded through the courtyard, Iselya felt her magic faltering. Her blades swayed from their intended trajectory and missed her opponent entirely. The woman held her breath for that split second and waited for the oncoming attack. Fortunately, it never came. Instead, a blow of cold death crashed against her flames. Once again, Novuril had protected her from certain doom.

Once the flames died down, what greeted her was the sight of a partially frozen courtyard. The side where she was standing was spared from the ice, but barely. Seemingly now free of whatever hold the Jester had, Iselya watched as the dark-haired avialae was wrapped in armor made of glistening ice. With the wind and snow blowing around him, she hoped he would succeed.

With the ice wall separating her from Rickter and Hikami, the siltori was afforded the time to reassesss her current situation and distance herself from them. It felt best if she didn’t get in their way. She was already isolated from everyone else, but also from most of the danger. Hannah, Patrick and Lyra had moved to another roof, further and seemingly safe. The dawnmartyr’s main concern was now her own wounds. The knight called upon her blades to now stay close, especially her morbus domillicus.

Iselya had suffered enough poisons to know what the burning sensation creeping out from her newest wound meant. This wasn’t the first time she was poisoned mid-battle, but the fact that it came from an unknown, powerful being was enough to make her worry.

Her aether surged in her body, seeking out the effects of the poison. The blight felt viscous - just like the thing that tried to seize her mind - against her aether, but her magic still worked to surround it. Slowly, it drew its effects into her blade-totem. Iselya also pulled upon her patron’s blessing of Dominion to fortify her own body against the possibility of a devastating curserot, tightening her grip on Novuril.

If Iselya was lucky, the poison would soon just be another weapon in her arsenal - if she wasn’t, well… it would hurt. Should that be the case, the woman would need the source of the poison and pray someone would be able to create the antidote. With that in mind, her eyes scanned the courtyard and she spotted one of the odd, glinting blades nestled between the grass not too far from where she stood. Ripping a piece of her robe, she used the fabric to pick it up.

Lastly, she took cover behind one of the columns that belonged to the estate’s building, praying to Arcas that she was allowed peace long enough to focus on her affliction. And so the elf hid with her blades surrounding her closing her eyes as every fiber of her being concentrated to neutralize the mysterious poison.
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Wave of Darkness

With her eyes closed Lyra did not see the figures of light and shadow, but she felt the hand upon her shoulder and the grip upon her wrist. Cold and warmth spread through her, soothing the aching burns in her arm, and hidden cracks in her soul she had not realized had begun to form. As the blast washed over the barrier she felt her body rock backwards, but she held her arm steady and pressed her heels into the tiles of the roof as she became more solid than she had in centuries. The icy chill cut through her skin and bone when the barrier finally shattered into a thousands shimmering sparks, the worst of the attach having been averted.

But Lyra had not closed her eyes in fear of the godly wrath, rather it was to focus. Her sharpened into a razors edge as she struck out at the jesters symphonies, shattering him in a wave of magic that made her body shudder... yet the sensation was not followed by pleasure or content, for in a word it had felt as if she had merely smashed brittle glass. She opened her eyes in time to see the jester fall, frozen to the ground and shatter, but it was a hollow thing. Unsatisfying. Infuriating. Somehow. the worm had wriggled away.

Yet there was no time to ponder. Exhaustion began to creep at the edges of her mind, unexpected given how little of her reserves she had used, but it seemed that all had not ended with the enemy's passing. Her eyes slipped to the pup, exhaustion mixing with frustration and weary lines marked the corners of her lips as she frowned.

The voices to her side, those of Hannah and the southern child, said that the others had been freed from their mental shackles, which was good. The one with the strange body of ice now fought with the crazed pup, and a glance down showed the elf woman was yet alive as well. Then she remembered, and in moments she saw a body with golden hair being cradled in bestial paws.

"Oh child..." Lyra breathed, something akin to remorse in her heart as she saw the damage, unclear as it was from this distance. Perhaps it was pity, but other difficult to place emotions pressed their way to the front of her mind, but with a mental shrug she pressed those down and caged them for later thought. Hannah and Patrick had been talking, but Lyra could not recall the words said through the fog in her mind. Yet when the hand was offered Lyra took it, sucking in a breath as she suddenly felt her self tugged through space and a distance away. Surprise quickly was followed by nausea, and she knelt on the roof for a moment with a hand on her lips, breathing slowly.

"Never do that again child." Lyra hissed, her hand lowering to hang at her side. The insect which had once wrapped that arm was now gone, yet in its place were punctures that still dripped black blood, but Lyra paid it no mind as she looked at Rickter.

We should kill him. Lyrielle whispered in Lyra's mind. Their golden eyes narrowed as the thought was given careful consideration. This was no man, but a furious demigod, a newborn for certain, yet a god none the less. The power that he could unleash on the mortals of this city was enough to leave Kalzasi and its surroundings a frozen wasteland for decades. Such power should never have been given to the pup. He was unprepared, unready... And wild dogs should be put down lest they harm the innocent.

These thoughts were an odd mix of old and new philosophies, which was in part why they were so tempting, enough so that Lyra began to stand with intent to remove the little gods head from his shoulders, or perhaps merely lobotomize him so he would be harmless. Then the flash of gold drew her eyes to the girl in the beasts arms, and the coldness of her soul melted as she felt the warmth of the mark on her back once again.

"The divine draw their power from their connection with the greater truths. In many regards, they are as much a part of their divine investiture as they are wielders of its power. Young gods, and foolish pups, can become overwhelmed by the primordial power that is within their domain, and thus rational thought is wiped away by the sheer magnitude of the power they hold."

Lyra found herself speaking quickly, annoyance filling her tone as smoke began to spill from her body once more, covering her nakedness as she rows a few inches into the air, "We cannot put the power back into the aetherium now that the pup has called it out... but we can awaken this idiotic beast of a man so that he can take the reigns of his out of control carriage."

She pointed at Hikami, "Use that one as a shield. I am certain he will not break if we act quickly." She then motioned Telion in Rickter's arms, "And we must separate the girl from him. He is more a danger to her than a protector, and if she were to die it is likely his mind would be lost completely."

Lyra felt tired, but with a shake of her head she reached inward and touched on a sigil that was cold as a frozen tundra. Breathing out a wave of golden smoke formed, quickly shaping itself into wolf with fur that glistend like eyes. It stood twice the size of a natural dire wolf, and the look in its eyes when it gazed back at Lyra was that of intelligence and understanding. Her expression was annoyed, but her hand was gentle as she stroked the soul projections fur.

"I know you can hear me, Rickter. Wake yourself, and prove you are not so hopeless as to be lost in your own power." The wolf did answer, as it was not Rickter himself, but a representation of his soul, his true soul. After gazing a moment into the beasts eyes Lyra pointed at the Aviale that fought to protect them, "Aid that one, and keep your true self occupied while we attend our work."

With that the wolf bounded off, streaking toward Hikami where it would aid him in his attempts to fight off the icy wolf pack.

"I can prepare a distraction, perhaps restrain Rickter for a time." Lyra looked at Patrick and Hannah, "Can you rescue Telion in that moment? Once she is safe, Rickter can then free himself."

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Clever eyes observed the mayhem that unfolded in the courtyard. Acidic green that glinted softly in the flickering lights of magic and monsters that unfolded. A smile tugged at the corner of lips before those eyes closed, swallowed by the shadows of the night.

Off Topic
My part in this event has concluded. You may all draw this thread to its end. Submit it to me when you are ready for it to be reviewed.

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Title: Dabu
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Regain your focus first. Center your thoughts on your power and your being. The voice echoed from all around him as Rickter breathed deeply, intent to listen to the instruction as he yearned to regain control. The quicker he pulled himself out of this Frenzy then the better, otherwise, he feared what destructive turmoil he might unleash unto the world yet. Don't dwell on what's going on around you. Rickter's expression tensed a bit, knowing that in itself was a challenge to deal with. Trust in the others to help you when the time is right.

The others need me though! If I can't stop myself-

Fighting against yourself will only prolong your Fury. Rickter. Focus on your power, and the grip it has on you. Trust in those that are helping you. The wolf kept a clenched jaw but needless to say, as Rickter felt himself drifting deep within the depths of his madness, he looked up to the turbulent surface of his soul, desperate to breach it if only to regain his control once more. But the wolf had to listen, to understand, and most importantly apply himself if he wanted even a shred of that control back. Feeling the overwhelming power all around you. Listen to it as if it were the currents of the very ocean now.

He was trying. They were so chaotic but the churning of the waves in his soul were still present, a violent storm beckoning to be unleashed as the very wrath he wrought unto the world. Now. Don't lose yourself in it, merely immerse yourself within. Feel the flow of power as it courses through you... The wolf felt something reaching out across to him from the outside now, his gaze opening once more as he finally relaxed his shoulders and legs, allowing the motions to carry him into what felt like a ripping torrent of rage in his heart. His breaths were steady, however, as he began to feel the very nature of the currents all around him.

They corresponded with his rage. They carried out his Fury without discrimination. But they also flowed with a pattern not unlike his emotions at best. Now. Seize the reigns on your emotions, and take back the power that is yours. He reached out with deep and earnest breath within the depths, as the waters resisted him initially before they finally responded.

I can feel it!


The voice of his beloved reached out to him first, but then eventually, the rest of his pack and even those gathered were doing the same. All their voices called out to him, beckoning for him to regain control. Hold on, everyone! He pleaded as he continued to ride the current into the depths of his being, feeling his very soul respond to the nature that had driven him to such a wrathful extent.


As Hikami created the dragon-like sculptures with his ice magic, the wolves that moved in unison from Rickter all growled and acted in unison. Moving with synergy they each charged to take on the serpentine creations with tenacious Fury. Growls soon became accompanied by sharp crackling and even pops of ice, as a steady blizzard had started to coat the courtyard that had become a battlefield. At the Avialae's challenge, the Nimbus over Rickter's form brightened, and with another furious step that sent a shockwave even throughout the leg of his armor; ice spikes cascaded into another spout that lunged straight into the warrior's path.

Hikami remained challenged when it came to the approach, the resistance of ice met with his lance every time he tried to cut a path through. However, his direct assault on the wolf had bought everyone else time, enough of it in fact that it allowed the others to act in accordance with the plan laid in motion. Rickter's snarl echoed furiously into the night sky as the ice spikes he venerated were quelled, if only for a moment, by the overwhelming force that Hikami threw at him in turn.

Thus, did the rest of the pack finally act in turn. "Now, Lyra!!" Hannah had urged as she had not missed a beat with Her instruction, a knowing nod given to Patrick as she counted on him to play his part in that regard. The brunette knew exactly what she needed to do, what the hell she wanted to do even, if it meant getting Rickter back under control right away. She doubted it would actually work, but all the same, it was a shot she intended to make.

As soon as the Outsider enacted her part of the plan, shadows that danced from the ice caught by the Light Rickter burned off were beckoned. Tendrils of darkness soon raveled and immediately ensnared the wolf at his legs to prevent him from moving and lifting, before the sheer might of his power might wreck the rest of the Skyforge Raiment he still wore. Just as he seemed incapable of movement for just the moment, the rogue activated her Traversion Rune to flash into Slipspace. In just the Blink of an eye, Hannah reappeared sliding across the icy ground, closing in on Rickter right between his legs.

"Tantrum's over, FUCKER!!" As the rogue slid into range she sent a heel straight for his groin, giving Rickter a well-placed kick there before she twisted to continue sliding beneath him. Almost right away, the Lycan wolf tensed up in response, leading Patrick to zip in with a Blink of his own, if only to slip his arms beneath Telion in the same manner the wolf held her in turn. Activating his Traversion Rune once more, the pair of them zipped further away from the Demigod, allowing Lyra to finish her shadowy constructs and dampening his Symphony down with Mesmer.

All the anger and rage he felt had become replaced with an innate sickly pain in his gut, which in turn, bought Lyra the opportunity to further tamper down on the other emotions. Quickly, Hannah moved from where she'd slid to in an effort to get back on her feet, though, cautious enough to avoid tripping herself across the ice when she closed on Rickter from behind. "Got her! She's breathing but barely!"

"Now, you listen here, asshole!" Hannah barked into one of his ears as he pulled the wolf's head to her, the fury of her expression present before she looked condoling in his eyes. "Don't let him win, Rickter. You can't!" He started with another growl but when she wrapped her arms around his neck, the wolf's bright eyes widened before he froze completely in place. He felt such bitter pain now, a stinging pain in his heart and in his gut. But it allowed Rickter the chance he needed, the moment to finally gather himself, and come back to the surface of the storm that brewed within.

"H..." He started as the lights in his eyes finally dimmed, and the Nimbus above him did so in turn. "Hannah." He finally murmured as he started to seem more himself, noticing the restrictions still in place on him as he lingered there. "Hannah!"

"That's right, fucker... I'm here now. So stop taking it out on the world, eh?" Finally as the realization sunk into his eyes, the Nimbus above him faded out completely, and the Lycan wolf gradually reverted back to his Zoan form moments later. When he felt the release Lyra had on him, Rickter looked to everyone with somber eyes, already stricken with tears from the damage he'd caused not to just those around him... but to the environment itself.

"I'm... so sorry..." He genuinely meant that but he knew words weren't going to mend this. Not after what he had done here tonight.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
word count: 1371
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686

龍 70th of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S 龍
Company: Rickter & Crew | Thoughts: This may be fun | Mood: Excited

The snarls of wolves and dragons echoed as Hikami kept the frozen beasts off the others, buying them time to get the injured away. He couldn't focus on them as his attention was honed in on Rickter and his outburst. Invigorated, he was able to keep up with him, if not only barely, as the cold energy that was resonating from him was brutal. Hikami wondered how long it would last, and then he could see the window of opportunity.

As the others sprung into action, Hikami was able to dispatch the last of the icy wolves as his frozen dragons surrounded and cut him off from gaining any further ground, acting as a barrier. When Telion was safely away he moved in to act as a shield for Hannah as she tried to speak some sense into the guy. Her words seemed to finally pierce whatever trance he was in, as signs of Rickter coming back could be seen. Slowly but surely the Rathari was coming back to his faculties as he could see the amount of destruction his outburst had caused.

Falling to his knees he never thought in his wildest dreams that he would have to face a demigod, not to mention an out of control one. Though somewhat strained, his adrenaline was still surging, as the rush from just trying to hold him off was exhilarating. He was prone to relish grand battles, but he was a little sore that he couldn't go toe to toe with him in a full-on battle, just to see how much more training he had to do.

With the turmoil over, he sat back on the cold ground and began to dematerialize his weapon, the experience of the weapon searing through him with every bit of that encounter, both with the demontide, and against an awoken demigod.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

word count: 376
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Title: The Dread Witch
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=936
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=3186
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=941

Much to her relief, the siltori felt the poison effectively absorbed by her aether. The nausea soon subsided and her mind started to focus. Iselya took a few moments to unravel her newly acquired affliction, trying to identify its actual effects. Most of her curses came from mortal poisons and something told her this one was different. Iselya looked again at the odd green blade in her hand, still glistening from whatever poison it probably held.

Slowly, Iselya stepped out of her cover with Novuril in hand while her blades still floated around her. Just in time to watch as the wolf turned back into a man. She scanned their surroundings, noting each and every one of her allies. The Jester was nowhere in sight, but his end had felt too convenient. She supposed it was a trouble for a different day. Noticing Telion lying on the ground, Iselya ran to where Patrick was kneeling by her side. She wouldn’t call herself an expert in medicine, but maybe she could help somehow.

Iselya knelt down beside Telion, reaching out to check for her vitals. She was pale and her pulse fluttery, but it was there. The woman’s body was cold to the touch, startlingly so. Then there were her shattered - she had no other way of describing it - arm and leg. Iselya had never seen such an injury before and it was definitely far beyond her capabilities.

Her hands went alight with dawnfire and she let it hover close to the worst parts. The blessed flame shouldn’t burn her, so hopefully the gentle heat would help. It was the best she could do for now, warming her in hopes of making sure what survived of her limbs would sustain adequate blood flow.

Looking up at Patrick, Iselya sighed. “We need to bring her to a healer fast.”

For one last time, the siltori ensured no more threats were nearby and let her pact weapons fade away one by one - except for Dolorex. The pain and biting cold were fortunately brief, her aether working to siphon the unpleasant sensations into her totem.
word count: 378
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


Addendum: Hazard (DEADLY)
Status: Rewards for this event thread are quadrupled.
XP: +40 to all participants. May be used for mundane or magic skills.

Bonus Rewards: These rewards are reserved for the player-characters who had the most intimate and direct confrontation with both the Demon Tide and the mysterious Jester. I have updated your Character Secrets accordingly.

Bonus Reward: Blackfrost Elementalism
Within Rickter is the capacity to be a noble and honorable warrior, a guardian and protector but within him is also a dark side. Touched as he has been by the forces of the Realm of Nyxus, his divine essence has been tainted with a sliver of the Dark Realm. Weaving together the powers of Ice and Shadow, Rickter can summon this terrifying power at the cost of inching closer and closer to becoming a shadow-touched berserker. While devastating in its effects, every invocation runs the risk of becoming consumed by his inner rage, wrath, and darkness because of how truly volatile this power is.

Inured to Flame - Ice conjured from the deepest and darkest depths of the frigid and icy elemental plane, where the cold winds and frozen tundra merge with the realm of shadow. Blackfrost cannot be melted with ordinary fire. It can only be melted and combated with magical flames.

Cold Contagion - Blackfrost will persist, unnaturally so, wherever it has been conjured. It ignores the natural order of the world and will remain cold even in the hottest desert. It will spread and slowly sap the light, warmth, and vitality out of everything it touches. Rickter can banish it back to the dark depths of where it came from but at the cost of sapping his own strength and vitality for doing so.

Frozen Withering - Individuals struck by Blackfrost ice will find themselves not only wounded but also sapped of strength, vitality, vigor, and even hope as all warmth and light is drained from them.

Bonus Reward: Viper Elementalism
Having suffered the mindbending touch of a being that cannot even be remotely described as mortal, a piece of that creature's madness has been left inside of Hikami forever more. As a being that is not altogether mortal himself, Hikami can feel the soft whispering call of this essence that has marked him. To embrace it is to be granted the power to invoke something truly powerful and terrible but doing so opens the door to madness and mayhem. Use it wisely.

Acid Waters - Touching upon the lingering effects of the poison left within him, Hikami has now gained the power to transmute his elemental water or ice into acid. This acid is incredibly deadly, easily burning through any and all mundane substances that are not reinforced by magic. Hikami can manifest this acid in liquid, solid (ice), or gaseous form.

Jester's Laughter - The entity that puppetted Hikami was something altogether otherworldly, eldritch and weird. That touch has had a lingering effect. This manifests as Himaki being able to will his waters or the vapors created from them into hallucinogens. Anyone who either drinks or breathes in the gases he can produce will suffer hallucinations. Hikami can choose to make them either euphoric and pleasant or terrifying and debilitating.

Gaseous Form - Hikami can now invoke a gaseous form. He is capable of imbuing this form with the aforementioned properties of acid or hallucination at will.

Bonus Reward: Harlequin's Affliction
While her brush with the dark powers at play was not as intimate as others, Laveriel has still suffered some touch of the sinister forces through the poison she absorbed. Invoking this dark power comes at the cost of Laveriel's more noble inhibitions. To use this power is to invite a stronger desire to embrace her darker urges. But…is that such a bad thing? After all, any who suffer her wrath must be deserving of such retribution…right?

Caustic Convulsion - Drawing upon the lingering effects of the poison, Laveriel can imbue any and all of her Afflictions with an acidic corrosive property that also causes debilitating muscle convulsions. The more concentrated the Affliction, the more terrible these properties until the individual afflicted becomes nothing more than a helpless victim rapidly rotting away as they seize and convulse uncontrollably, much like a marionette dancing on strings.

Hideous Laughter - This Affliction elicits laughter in the victim. Laughter that progressively gets more and more hysterical and manic as their muscles tighten. This continues until the individual begins snapping their own bones under the force of their own muscle tension as they perish in a maddeningly sick display of gore made all the more worse by their persistent laughter. Laveriel can choose to reduce or heighten the severity of these effects at will, from simply giving someone uncontrollable and debilitating laughter to merely paralysis all the way to the aforementioned terrible fate.

Note(s): Use these abilities wisely...or don't. :twisted:
word count: 826
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