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Re: Rolling Out the Red Carpet [Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:24 am
by Rickter
While he had thought nothing beyond the oath he had sworn to the Exalted Prince at the moment, Lykos had no idea what to anticipate the moment the words had left his lips. He had also mostly forgotten that the men before him were just as intricately tied to Varvaerynism as the Vastiana sisters. So when he witnessed first the glowing lights that stemmed as a reaction, the lupine demigod's eyes widened before he noticed the tether that had lanced itself from Arvælyn.

He'd felt something enter his own being upon seeing the power lacing into his soul, however, nothing outstanding seemed to take root within him within the initial moment the event had occurred. Yet clearly, both Arvælyn and Phocion were pleased by the words the wolf had spoken, and while Lykos thoughtfully questioned the consequence behind his actions; he admittedly felt nothing more than humored gratitude for all their praise. Hilana was quick to check and make sure the hand that crushed the wine glass was alright, and admittedly, the silence from a rather observant Æros left plenty of room for thought.

Had Lykos just bargained himself for something he wasn't prepared for? He didn't feel at all apprehensive or uncertain about the idea, only unsure of the ramifications that came about it. Only time would tell what it meant for him in the end, either way, the elation his peers found was humbling even if all he did was speak. "It pleases me to know that I handled myself well." He admitted with another bow of his head, before he lifted his own wine glass to sip up the beverage once more. Lykos had noticed the care that the younger sister put in for the Exalted Prince, however, his ears registered more than just concern in her tone when he listened to her.

And not that he wanted to be nosy and pry into details by whiffing her pheromones, but he felt at least a bit of wonder at how the sisters felt with the way he handled his oath of fealty. Regardless, he thought it best to await the lot of them patiently, as he did not wish to impede on everyone's dinner any more than he already might've.

Re: Rolling Out the Red Carpet [Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:06 pm
by Arvælyn
“Never been better, i’faith…” Arvælyn replied to Hilana’s concern with a satisfied sigh, as he drew his hand back and closed it around the stem of the replacement vessel of wine that was promptly supplied at Phocion’s command.

In a strange way, he’d never felt closer to his austere half sibling. Moments earlier they had been connected quite literally in a manner he’d never felt. There were echoes of the union of euphoria he’d experienced with Finn in the desert, but Finn’s emblem, while complementary, was different. He and Phocion were, as far as he knew, the only bearers of Her Mark in the modern world. Meeting his brother’s eyes, it was clear that Phocion felt it too, even if he seemed to receive all things in that muted princely fashion he wore so well.

It was Phocion who lifted his goblet to Arvælyn to toast this clandestine conquest, and both drank heartily to it. Having regained their composure, Phocion would smile to Lykos.

“With this oath sworn, you are henceforth to be regarded a citizen of the Umbrium with all the rights and responsibilities associated with that vaunted designation. Under the lawful protection of the Draconic Crown to which you’ve sworn, you may walk freely in the Luxium without concern of harassment. Your wards will, of course, remain obligatory, but your Aura will be marked and, should you brook trouble in the city above, that sigil is your shield.” Phocion swirled his wine,

“Now don’t take that for leave to flaunt the laws of the land. His Exalted Highness can only be expected to vouch for so much before his reputation is put into question, but suffice it to say, Lykos, that you may freely tread anywhere in the realm of Solunarium that is open to members of the Plebeian caste.” He glanced to the Vastii in their midst.

“Of course he will still have access to the protections of the Vigilia, if he has want of them, but you may make alternate living arrangements if it please ye.”

Re: Rolling Out the Red Carpet [Closed]

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:04 pm
by Aeros
- - -
- - -
Much of Æros wanted to allow Palæmon’s soul to stir, suppressed as he was for this little gathering. He knew his cousin would’ve been delighted to witness such a divine display. The moonborn was quiet about his faith, but piety needn’t be loud to run deep. And even though the ghost knew that Palæmon wouldn’t disseminate such information any further, he still opted to leave the other dormant. He felt guilty about it, almost, but there were simply some things he couldn’t share and he thought that this might be one of them.

Hilana had asked if Arvælyn was alright, and when the other spoke to indicate that he was, any concern Æros himself had was washed away in turn.

“Edifying, I’m sure?” He spoke up, a curious sort of excitement reflected in the pale blue eyes of his cousin– an expression the other man might’ve worn himself, were he present.

Further, Phocion went on to explain to Lykos himself that he was henceforth given Umbrian citizenship. This was good news, because it meant the other was no longer isolated to the citadel– newfound freedom borne of a newfound tether. The apparition imagined that being isolated so would have grown old rather quickly.

Turning his gaze to Lykos, “...congratulations,” he said with a soft sort of smile. “Anything in particular you’ve the mind to do with your newfound freedom?”

A winter god might not be the most suited creature to walk Solunarian sands, but without his memories, this would have to suffice as a home for him. And it was a fine home, just...a very warm home. Æros was curious if the winter wolf would prefer to spend more of his time in the shadowy depths of the Umbrium, the gleaming brilliance of the Luxium, or in the Atraxian sands. Perhaps he’d take a liking to Tertium? The coastal city was charming to many.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Rolling Out the Red Carpet [Closed]

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:43 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana relaxed when Arvaelyn answered in the affirmative, though there was no doubt those brown eyes of hers were on his hand to look for any sign of blood or wounds. Some habits died hard, and her concern for her friends was one of them. But she couldn't very well mother-hen him, and it would cost her if she tried. It did remind her somewhat of how he and Finn had been after the sacrifices during the Frost Festival. That ecstasy from the sacrifices had been present in him and Phocion both.

The sisters smiled at Lykos when Prince Phocion informed the northern demigod that he was now considered a citizen of the Umbrium, and was free to live in the city if he so chose. Hilana knew she could keep him on the straight and narrow; it was just going to be a matter of teaching him more about their customs and cultures so that he didn't find himself in anyone's crosshairs. It might be safer to stay out here and make excursions in for the time being and see what could be done in that regard. Solunarium was not an easy place to learn, but if one followed the rules that were laid out for them...

"Forgive my asking, Your Serene Highness, but I imagine that even if I pledged myself to the Umbrian Crown, I would still not be able to go into the cities until the matter of the Void is dealt with?" Lia inquired. She half-hoped it might be different, what with the way the Moonborn Prince had looked at the sisters when he had mentioned alternate living arrangements, but she wasn't expecting that she, too, would be free to make her home in the Holy City. All the same, she was thankful for what she had here, and she hoped it didn't come across as otherwise. Hilana looked to the Princes at Lia's question, keeping her mouth shut lest she provoke them.

Re: Rolling Out the Red Carpet [Closed]

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:26 pm
by Rickter
As the Exalted Prince and Vigil recuperated from their spell, Lykos pondered just what sort of ramifications lied in wait for him in making such an oath. Though it seemed harmless to him, he could only hope that neither Arvaelyn nor the Divine Twins would compromise his own honor. As the Lord of Frost he would've shunned the thought of setting aside his own morals, all so that he could maintain the very promise he'd sworn to upkeep in the long run.

Time would only tell though.

And right now, he was too caught up in the moment to really mull over the aspect of possibilities. Phocion had a bit more formality to decree as a result of the oath, and admittedly, the news delivered to Lykos led him to raise his eyebrows with speculative wonder in turn. It seemed fair, if not courteous, to maintain his own magic wards. Given that Lykos wouldn't want people to discern his divinity right away, so that much he quickly acknowledged a steady nod.

But the prospect of living somewhere else than here, in the citadel, was something he did not think would happen so soon. "Understood. I wouldn't dare flaunt such status on a whim, you have my word on that as well." Lykos assured the two as he looked a little thoughtfully to himself. When posed with the inquiry from Aeros this led him to press his lips in a firm line, as he didn't quite have a solid answer to give right away.

"Hard to say. I'd very much like to stay here at Arx Rubrum Petram. At least, until I've sorted out a few more things in the meantime..." There might've been reluctance where he trailed off, but Lykos had felt it best that he did linger here at the citadel. Here was where he knew to be safe, where few could learn of what he was, and seek to manipulate him to their advantage in the long run.

Truthfully he felt safest here, though, the thought of Tertium had crossed his mind. If only because he knew Hilana lived there, but, that thought went to rest as he listened closely to the inquiry that Athalia had. He thought to chime in on her behalf, however, refrained from doing so as he did not wish to be rude in the presence of royalty.

Re: Rolling Out the Red Carpet [Closed]

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:21 pm
by Talisman

Name: Aeros

XP: 10 Points, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Name: Arvaelyn

XP: 10 Points, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: Tether created with Lykos

Name: Hilana

XP: 10 Points, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Name: Lykos

XP: 10 Points, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: Tether created with Arvaelyn
Loot: Umbrian Citizenship

Notes: Well, well, well... that might have consequences later on. We shall see!