[open to all] the coronation of a king

kalzasi receives its new sovereign

The Jewel of the Northlands

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“Oh yes, you most definitely are. Your absolute best, whatever behavior you choose.” Rien gave Mino a wink. Flexing his wings, Rien brushed a hand over one of his wings, raking his fingers through the eagle feathers. He frowned only slightly as he stared at the Imperials. Whatever his thoughts, they were kept to himself for the moment. He looked to Hikami.

“Let’s hope you won’t need to embrace that instinct.” Rien’s eyes followed several people in the gathering before he returned his attention to Laveriel. He caught her as she stumbled slightly using both his hand and one of his wings to steady her.

“Yes. My brother invited them himself. Believe me, there was an uproar in the Assembly Chamber when he made the proposal. But…” Rien’s eyes went to the boy with silver wings and silver hair. “...he told us why.”

The Second Son of House Novalys said nothing but upon looking at the boy beside the Imperial Princess, there would be no mistaking the striking family resemblance. Especially where Talon himself was concerned. The similarities in facial features combined with the white hair and the wings themselves were a dead giveaway.

“That aside, the presence of the Imperium here means several things.” Rien grabbed a glass of champagne from a nearby server. He offered one to Laveriel and then took one for himself.

“Firstly, an Imperial delegation has accepted an invitation to an official function of Kalzasi. Which means they have sent a diplomatic envoy in recognition of a foreign government.” Rien’s jaw worked tightly as he was still processing the implications of that himself. There was not a soul in attendance at the coronation that believed that Kalzasi was a match for the Imperium’s might when it came to both military might and technology, but the presence of a delegation at the coronation was the equivalent of a diplomatic head nod. The first and only from the Imperium that had been given since Kalzasi’s founding.

“Second, keep your friends close…” Rien didn’t finish the rest of the very common saying. He brought the champagne glass to his lips and downed the contents, his expertise as a tavern owner perhaps showing a bit too much. He handed the glass to a server then bowed to those gathered.

“You should find your seats. The ceremony is about to begin.” Rien turned on his heel and made a beeline straight for the seating area reserved for his family. As soon as he neared, he could be seen scooping up a young girl and taking a smaller winged-boy by the hand before joining the rest of House Novalys.


“Vice-Minister.” Haruhiro Dahshida came to stand next to Kala, the distinguished Daizoku was dressed in his ceremonial attire showcasing the colors of his House. He offered Kala a nod of his head.

“I often find myself wondering in these days of late, what does our Mother have in store for us?” The old Avialae looked contemplative. His eyes followed the Commonwealth delegation. He then looked to the Imperial delegation. His gaze tracked the woman who led the group. After a moment he looked back to Kala.

“There is much uncertainty in the days ahead. A new reign for a new king in a new world where gods walk among us.” His eyes drifted to the silver-haired boy accompanying the Imperial delegation. “Many fear the shadow of the Imperium, I do not.”

He looked to where House Novalys was seated.

“I fear love.” Haruhiro smiled softly. “For when Skar bows to his sister, there are none who can survive her wrath.”

The old fables of Skar, Dragon God of War and his sister, Suion, Dragon Goddess of Love, were many. The children of Vicis, they were often at odds but when both were brought together in common cause, it was said that none could withstand the combined wrath of Love and War.

The old Daizoku smiled again.

“But perhaps our Mother will yet send us a guiding star, that we might stand together in unity, hm?” He bowed to her and then began making his way toward where the other Highlords were gathering in order to begin the ceremony.


“I dare say that might evoke some needed distractions.” Sahfri Novalys, now the former regent of Kalzasi and queen-dowager, stood waiting for the Solunarian delegation at the platform designated to serve as entry port for all traversers to the ceremony. Her Siltori handmaidens were all dressed in the silver, black and blue colors of their mistress’ legacy House. Sahfri herself was garbed in the silver and black that was customary for House Novalys. Black diamond jewelry hung on her form conservatively but artfully. She offered an inclination of her head to both Arvaelyn and Finn.

“Your Hallowed Highness. Lord Finn.” She briefly took in Arvaelyn’s features and the very clear and real physical changes that Finn himself had undergone since going to Solunarium.

“Gaudeo quod Atraxiae benedictiones tam effulgenti liberis emicuerunt. Sicut amici filii mei et domini, invitatus es ut sedeas cum domo nostra.” The Iron Queen stepped aside slightly and made a motion of invitation to the both of them.


The chimes that signaled everyone to take their seats resounded clearly. The main procession aisle, which was wide enough to fit a dozen fully grown Avialae wing tip to wing tip, was cleared. Horns and drums began resounding in a grand orchestral announcement. The march of the Daizoku had begun.

It began with House Dahshida. Haruhiro Dahshida arrived upon the back of a magnificent Icewing phoenix, one of the eldest of its kind. The plumage of the great bird was a glittering blue-white reminiscent of the icy powers that were its to command. The great phoenix landed gracefully and swept its wings outward with a caw that sounded like the echoing of bells in the mountains. A cold wind accompanied it before it bowed low and the elder Daizoku nimbly dismounted. He was dressed in midnight black trimmed with the icy blue of the very Icewing phoenixes that House Dahshida was known for. As he stepped forward he was immediately flanked by an honor guard formed from House Dahshida’s Shadow Guard. Each honor guard had a young Icewing phoenix perched upon their shoulder showcasing their mastery of cultivating the birds so revered by Kalzasi. Haurhiro walked confidently and with a reserved but calm expression. As they reached the end of the procession, his honor guard broke away and Haruhiro ascended the platform by himself, going to stand before an ornately carved chair over which hung the banner of his House. The great Icewing he had arrived on made another caw before taking flight to perch elsewhere that it could observe the proceedings from on high.

A choir joined the swell of music and with it, there came a gentle breeze that smelled of Spring and wildflowers. Along the aisle of the procession, flowers bloomed in artistic patterns of green, white and gold. Marda Ahtivin, the widowed Daizokura of House Ahtivin, arrived on foot. She was dressed in a gown of jade and white with a matching headscarf. A cane made of what appeared to be the branch of a tree with white bark, topped with a decorative jade knob was in her hand as she walked forward at a steady pace. She was joined by an honor guard of various robed men and women, all donning the colors of jade and gold. As each of them stepped forward, there was a glittering display of jade green sparks that swirled around her and then became an additional procession of spirits that joined them. With each step that Marda took toward the raised platform, more ghostly figures began appearing. The High Priestess of Kalzasi, its spiritual guide and guardian of its Healers and the Dead, was joined by a legion of spirits and ghosts as well as the flesh and blood living of her House. Throughout it all, Marda remained serene. As she reached the end of the procession, her honor guard dispersed and the ghostly figures began gently fading away. She ascended by herself and came to stand before an ornate chair over which hung the banner of her House.

As the music became more grand, a group of Avialae swooped overhead releasing purple and gold magical sparks overhead. A troupe of acrobats jumped forward into a display with gold and purple sashes followed by animal tamers holding the leashes of regal cats with golden fur and shining violet eyes. Tizan Veyl arrived on the back of one of these cats with a triumphant laugh. He did not dismount but remained astride his great cat, waving in an easy manner to the many cheers and applause of onlookers. Artful displays of magical fireworks boomed and cracked in the skies, showering onlookers in purple and golden lights. Some even took the shape of a golden hand upon a purple backdrop, the symbol of House Veyl. The Speaker of the Elder Council was given all the extravagance and fanfare accorded to one of the wealthiest noble families in all of Karnor. Among the common folks watching the events, servants in the colors of House Veyl began entering the crowd and passing out wine, food, and other delights. When Tizan reached the end of the procession, he dismounted his great cat, turned and waved to the onlookers then ascended the platform where he came to stand before his ornate chair. The banner of his House glowed softly before settling as he gave another wave to the crowds.

In the skies over the Skygarden, there came a great roar followed by the flap of great wings. A magnificent bronze dragon descended from the skies, its scales glittering in the sunlight in varying shades of bronze, copper, and even gold. Turquoise eyes beheld the assembled with great intelligence and a spark of mischief. From upon its back, descended Vako Zatrian, the honored Daizoku of House Zatrian. As soon as he set foot on the ground, a procession of dancers bearing vestments that resembled that of monks and carrying sashes that looked like scroll papers began dancing down the aisle. Servants carrying baskets filled with chrysanthemum flowers began tossing them into the air and ahead of the Daizoku. He wore white and bronze colors with a decorative chrysanthemum pin bearing emerald jewels upon his breast. He smiled kindly to onlookers as he moved forward, followed closely by the bronze dragon that had arrived with him. When he reached the end of the procession, he turned. The bronze dragon lowered its head and Vako Zatrian briefly touched his forehead to the dragon’s snout before the majestic beast spread its wings and took flight into the air once more. Vako then turned and ascended the platform going to his ornate chair over which hung the banner of his House.

There was a pause in the music and it seemed that between one breath and the next, a group of individuals merely appeared. Each of them was dressed in grey robes that were trimmed with either white, red, or black, they were headed by a figure dressed in blue robes. His face was obscured by a hood but there was no mistaking who he was. The Archmage of Kalzasi, a title hard won and for those who knew of its significance, gave them pause for thought. Daizoku Briathor IV, the Lord of the Circle of Spells and the Master of the Tower of Lore. He walked in silence, flanked by the Circle members. Overhead, mages dressed in their Circle robes flew on broomsticks, some releasing artful displays of magical sparks that formed the symbols of House Briathos. As he reached the end of the procession, the Circle mages broke away and he ascended the steps to go stand before his chair, above which hung the banner of his House.

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There had been much bickering and back and forth about how Talon’s procession would unfold. The Firstborn Son of the late Sovereign, the Daizoku of House Novalys, descendant of Synnar the Liberator and the Prince of Kalzasi, they were many great titles. They were many roles to live up to. In the end, however, Talon had made his decision much to the shock of the ceremony coordinators. They had questioned him politely and expressed skepticism but in the end, Talon would not be dissuaded.

He took a deep breath. He did not know why but his heart was racing. This was, in many ways, an event he had been looking forward to his entire life. He had been raised to participate in this ceremony. He had imagined a thousand different ways that it would unfold. None of that lived up to this moment. His family was healing from its losses and he wanted to shield them from many of the dangers his presence brought to them. He had a small circle of close friends. He had his beloved husband but in many ways, Talon was set apart from all of them. He no longer saw himself through the lens of a mortal’s perspective. He could not. He stood heads and shoulders above even the many great powers that were assembled at this very ceremony. In many ways, Talon was alone.

He was singular.

So he arrived thus.

Talon took off from where he was perched overlooking the Skygarden. He soared through the skies, briefly closing his eyes as he basked in the rays of sunlight that found their way to him. He spread his wings, the silver feathers capturing the light and then angled his body until he landed deftly, rising with the grace of the winds that flowed through every Avialae. Folding his wings behind him, the music quieted. Talon was dressed in silver and white. His attire was a mix of a ceremonial outer robe, a silk coat and pants tucked into knee high boots. He wore silver bracers around his forearms and silver greaves over his boots. Around his neck hung the medallion of House Novalys, the Star of Synnar a mix of diamond and rare dragonshard crystal. His white hair was tied back in his customary warrior cut. The tail had grown long enough to reach down to his mid back. As he walked, Talon kept his gaze forward. He had no honor guard. There were no dancers. With each step that he took, the veil of his mortality fell further and further away.

Justice, swift and unrelenting. He was the righteous fury that would protect his people and be an arbiter of retribution for the many tragedies they had suffered.

Light, bright and pure. He would be a beacon for those lost, whether in their own misery or in the darkness that could swallow goodness in the world.

Hope, resolute and strong. He would bring it to those most in need, urging them to rise to their highest potential.

Many of the assembled lords, ladies, prominent figures and dignitaries bowed low as he passed. Talon was there to bestow a mortal crown upon a mortal king but there would be no mistaking the fact that it was a demigod’s blessing that Karam Senue would be receiving.

When he reached the end of the procession, the Highlords of Kalzasi assembled there bowed to him. He inclined his head in return before turning. He did not ascend the steps but rather, he waited. He waited and he was joined by a few officials carrying the symbols of the Shokaze.

Talon let out a steady breath. He heard the prayer aimed at him. He responded in silence, a quiet acknowledgment. He would see to it but first, he would crown the new sovereign.

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Preceded by an Honour Guard garbed in black and silver armour that was, on this occasion, also accented with crimson, the Solunarian Princeps Draconum stepped from his father’s demesne into the city of his adolescence. He arched an eyebrow, registering mild surprise to find the Dowager Queen and quondam regent of Kalzasi leading their welcoming party.

A nomenclator servus began to step forward at the address, parting his lips to speak, but without moving a muscle the smiling prince send a wordless command into his Symphony: ‘Let it go.’ The Mesmer urged, brooking no resistance.

“Your Majesty.” The bow of his head was commensurate to the one he’d been offered. Had he met this figure a few years earlier he’d have debased himself in kowtow, but then he had been her husbands subject. Now he had vassals of his own.

“Verily you do honour us with this personal welcome…” He replied in Common, “And in Vastian, no less!” He grinned.

“It is my unmitigated pleasure to accept.”
He said, stepping forward where he was led. With those formalities having elapsed, he was free to take in the sights, sounds and Symphonies surrounding him. It felt odd, now, to be at so formal a function surrounded by so many dignitaries who remained blithely unguarded from his Mastercraft. He could see why his life had been simpler here, choosing to respect the faith these folk had in their neighbours by making no effort to dig beyond the surfaces of the other guests.

“Oh, now that is bold.” He muttered to Finn with a nod toward the Gelerian delegation. He would take note of the party from the Commonwealth as well, but then he would search the Kalzasern crowd for familiar faces. Yserloo was like to be present, and perhaps even Aurin, though in truth he didn’t consciously realise how much he hoped to run into the redhead. To his conscious mind, he was merely scouring the crowd for familiar faces and Symphonies. But that would not be a lengthy expedition, as the pageantry of the ceremony would soon be underway.

“Does Your Majesty reckon we might opportune to congratulate the new Shokaze personally after the ceremony? I should like him to begin his tenure on favourable terms with the Umbrium.” He said with a sidelong glance to Sahfri.
word count: 390
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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Despite Avaerys' crown upon his brow, Finn bowed to the Dowager Queen as low as he would have ere he left for Solunarium. Some things were deeply ingrained in him, and while he was chosen by the Solunarian ditheon and a Silver Sentinel, he remained a citizen of Kalzasi. He wondered if that would be a sacrifice Varvara demanded before he married Arvaelyn. But that was a worry for another day. He didn't protest the courtesy title; it was hardly his place.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," he replied. There was a lilt in his symphony, but he didn't laugh, nor did he correct her pronunciation. It had taken immersion before he could truly call himself fluent, and while he had a musician's ear, it had still taken his tongue time to acclimate to the language of the desert.

It seemed she wanted them to join her for the upcoming procession, but of course, he would stay on Arvaelyn's arm unless the dragon prince bid him otherwise. And it did his heart good to see Talon Novalys here present; the last time he had seen him in Kalzasi, the evening hadn't ended well for anyone. But that night had made it easier for him to follow Arvaelyn to another continent. It had spurred him to master his escapist rune and the use of blades.

That was his silver lining, and he could acknowledge it with Prince Talon and Lord Aoren returned to their rightful places. Never had he expected another man to follow Savien's lead, though. From what he gathered from the Vigilia and what he remembered, Karam Senue was not a bad choice. Time would tell whether Kalzasi would be better ruled by a mortal Shokaze or an eternal God-King.

Perhaps he had spent too much time in Solunarium or at Avaerys' feet.
word count: 326
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Her mind scrambled for an explanation. Veriel could understand her own shock, but the way her world tilted to focus on him. The way his presence demanded her attention. How even with her head turned away, she had an unexplainable awareness of where he was sitting. It felt repulsive and she knew why.

That’s how Ryo had felt to her - almost, at least. This connection, whatever it was, was murkier. Ryo was always bright and beaming like the sun, making her gravitate towards him whenever they were in proximity. This… this was like looking down into the depths of unknown waters and a dark pull seemed eager to drag you under. Unexplainable yet undeniable.

Maybe she was imagining things. That’s probably it. These few days had been tough, to say mildly, and the siltori hadn’t been herself. The grief and anger that swept her away with the news the Ailos dawnmartyrs had brought… It was consuming her and the last thing she wanted was to lose her mind. It was only two days ago that she learned of the avialae’s identity and for him to suddenly appear in front of her. Of course, Veriel couldn’t look away. This was the man who took everything away from her.

Vicis must be playing some kind of sick joke on her.

When Rien spoke to her, the siltori was grateful for the distraction. As he steadied her, his voice helped her focus. She took the glass of champagne and swirled it slowly before downing its entirety. When the knight followed his gaze, she noticed the silver-haired boy for the first time. It was a puzzling sight. Why did someone who undoubtedly looked like Talon’s progeny come with the Imperials? Veriel could only assume that it would be his son, but that made no sense did it? As far as she could tell, Talon was in his twenties... how could he have a teenage son?

Something was very wrong.

She wanted to tell Rien. She wondered if the Assembly and Talon knew what Irdan’s presence here meant. Perhaps it was some sort of acknowledgment of Kalzasi, but it was also a declaration of war to her people, those who had survived the slaughter. To bring the monster who killed their leader eighteen years ago most likely with the knowledge that the Dawnmartyrs would be present was a slap in the face.

Particularly for her. Especially for her.

But they were already told to find their seats. The crowd shifted once more and Veriel sighed, slipping a strand of hair that had escaped her elaborate hairdo. It was not the time for her to start spiraling. This was a coronation, she was a guest. The best thing for her was to get away from everyone and try to calm herself.

The siltori headed to where her comrades were and made up an excuse about trying to find the washroom. Just as she was walking away, Veriel felt a bright light in her eyes that made her squint. She closed her eyes but the light didn’t fade. It had been a while, but the knight-captain knew what it meant. The pathfinders do love their codes, especially back then. And so, she ducked her head and pretended to rub her eye as she deciphered it. Danger imminent, it said.

Heart leaping, Veriel felt guilty that she felt a bit of relief. A danger shouldn’t make her feel good, but she was thankful for something to occupy her. Her eyes tried to scan the crowd, making sure no one was paying any particular attention to her before slipping away. The march had started and it was a magnificent sight. The crowd was in awe, their eyes glued to the festivity. It was perfect for her to slip away.

With a turbulent heart, the knight left and sought for the red-headed vendor.
word count: 679
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As Kala watched, quiet, wings shrouded in illusion, she saw many people. Iselya was there, or Laveriel as they had been reintroduced. Strangely, as she watched the Dawnmartyr, she thought back to the quest for the sword and... there was a blank there. She frowned. That was odd; her memory was generally quite good. Perhaps it had something to do with the Master doing whatever he had done that gave her the Stars. She had gained so much, but perhaps she had lost something as well.

There were the artists who had gone to Solunarium and become potentates. If there was time, she would speak to them. She yearned to see the Atraxian Expanse and its jewel of a capital, but that would come soon enough.

"Great Lord," she said, bowing to the Daikozu of House Dahshida. Surmising that he was speaking rhetorically, she meditated upon his words with him. There were many layers to everything he said, though the last of them gave her the greatest pause. It occurred to her that Marda Ahtivan might have shared her secret with the council; she hadn't sensed duplicity or guilt, though.

Kala smiled at the end, however. "Do not fear, Daikozu Dahshida. The Masked Queen has ever been our patron."

After he had gone, she wondered, reached out to the Daikozu of House Ahtivan, but the elder was too busy preparing for the pomp and circumstance to come. And so, Kala took up a position to watch according to her rank. As she watched, many more thoughts occurred to her; she needed to raise icewing phoenixes in Starfall. Perhaps Marda might confer with her regarding some high-level necromancy, the better prepare her to unravel Garel's grimoire. Vako's dragon made her miss Nessena.

Great House Novalys—well, Talon certainly made his entrance, shedding the mien of mortality as he did. She wished for him and for everyone that his apotheosis hadn't been so frought with trauma; it was anyone's guess still wither his heart would go.
word count: 340
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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- - -
- - -
Novalys Jae-Seong was never a fan of large festivities. He much preferred quieter, more solemn ceremonies or intimate gatherings– this…well, this was so very far from that as to have been a different world altogether. All the same, it would be patently bizarre for him to not at least show his face in passing as the events proceeded apace in the Ruby Palace. To miss Talon’s wedding and then the coronation of the new Shokaze would be a questionable series of decisions on his end, that much was for certain.

And so despite his naturally more introverted inclinations, he, like almost the entire rest of Kalzasi altogether, it felt like, roamed the stones of the roads on which this monumental fête took place. Jae-Seong was dressed well in the finest silks money could buy, adorned in pastel blues, pinks and whites, much like a particularly dreamy morning sky. He felt so incredibly out of place here dressed like this– he liked both function and form, and this ensemble was all…form, beautiful as it was.

Stalking along as he did, he passed a few faces he recognized, but he didn’t bid to interact with them on his own. Of course, if he were approached or spoken to directly, he’d not ignore people– but aside from that, the wanderer would try to keep to himself. Whether he’d succeed, however, remained to be seen as much as anything else.

When the time came, Jae-Seong would take his place amongst the rest of his family and observe the arrival of the bronze dragon and subsequent arrival of Talon, of Arcas, upon his own wings, aflame with luminescent brilliance of his divinity, each with a sort of quiet contemplation. He was ever and always a difficult man to read, but those who knew him well enough might see something there– admiration? Awe? Mere interest?
- - -

"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
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⚔ 1st of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
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If there was one thing Dreyfus could give Kalzasians credit for, it was the fanfare they gave during celebrations and important events like this one. The amount of extravagance tickled the vampyre's fancy. It made him wonder if Zaichaer could have something like this once things get back to normal.

In any case, he would observe the proceedings as they happened. It was also a great way to see the faces of those in charge of the nobility. It was not missed by him however the pains from the previous event that he had the unfortunate honor of witnessing the aftermath of. He could tell that those in attendance were on edge, security tighter than ever here. He was glad he could attend without incident, even given the current state of Zaichaer. It would definitely be something worth telling the others about upon his return.

Watching each house as they made their entrance, the pageantry of each one, all different from each other but all grandiose in scale. His eyes widened as the dragon came apart of one. However, the one that was probably the most different of them all was Talon's entrance. Solitary and stoic, the lone demigod arrived on silver wings, and with every step his viel of mortality faded. This got the vampyre to wonder. Would those who flock to him now put him on a pedestal of that of a god?

He wondered if that was even possible for those like him. More importantly, the sight of the demigod caused something to stir in him, a thirst that he had not had since their little meeting in the bathhouse of the Imperium. The urge to savor the divine bliss of demigod blood was causing a slight sweat to cover the vampyre.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 360

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龍 1st of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S 龍

As ceremony commenced Hikami took his place, sitting with his aunt, who was affiliated with House Dahshida. The procession of the great houses was a thing of beauty, albeit a long and drawn-out process but one he could appreciate. He was amazed by the sheer wealth and power each one commanded and the way each one carried themselves as they approached their respective seats.

His eyes widened when Talon arrived, his mortal veil falling away with each step as he proceeded to his post in the ceremony. he could feel something stirring in him. and for a moment everything went white as he looked at Talon's divine form.

Time seemed to step around him, as everything and everyone was still. He could hear footsteps approaching, and when he turned to see, it was Valkonyn. This time there was nothing obscuring Hikami's vision, and the other looked right at him. "Forgive me for taking you away from the proceedings, but even I couldn't just sit back and watch silently." he motioned for Hikami to follow him, to which the avialae did. "I don't think we have spoken until now, and part of that is my fault. I have just now been able to influence.....no that's not the proper term. Interact" he began, scratching his head, almost like Hikami did when nervous. "What you are feeling now, is exactly what I felt when I first met him. He was a beacon in a very dark time. Though my time is short right now, I will say this much. There is no mistaking that you and Talon were meant to meet. Follow him, and you will certainly find the answers you seek."

A cryptic message, but one that returned him back to the ceremony, the avialae looking around before reorienting himself he shook it off, as these visions where becoming more and more frequent, especially when he was around Talon.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[A S S E M B L Y]
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Experience: 15 xp for use at your discretion, PCs; moderators can collect their moderator XP.

Injuries: n/a

Loot: n/a

Notes: As this hasn't moved in 9 months, I believe it's safe to review. If I missed anything, let me know. Enjoy your points!
word count: 69
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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