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Re: What Was Lost and What Can Be Found [Dreyfus]

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:50 pm
by Rune
The woman who was Dreyfus' mother, at least, seemed to be one part of her watched him walk away and then return, watched him drink, though he did not need to anymore than she did. They, both of them, were beyond such things, now.

Her bright eyes followed him but she was listening more than seeing, really listening. She looked young, and, indeed, she had been young, physically, when she died, but her eyes were not. When he finished speaking she looked down at the lovely table set with the china and silver that were no more, broken or stolen in the reality that waited outside the perfect recreation. When she looked up again her eyes steely, sold, the sort of eyes that could battle covens without flinching.

"When you came here, when we saw that you weren't really alive anymore, but not really dead either, I thought..." Her eyes went far away again, seeing the dream of her family together, able to know each other, but it faded even as the room around them began to fade. "But no. You aren't done with your life. When you gave it away it wasn't so you could reunite with us."

She stood, and as she did so her dress became a Reconciliator's uniform, black, severe, precise.

"I leave this place to you then, until you are ready." Stepping close her cool hand touched his face one more time.

"It isn't like time has any meaning to us anymore. We'll wait for you and come greet you when it's time."

A flicker of a smile that looked strikingly similar to Dreyfus' own flashed, almost playfully, across her mouth.

"And perhaps, once in a while, before then."

Standing on her toes she kissed his cheek as the last of the illusory mansion disappeared along with its mistress. Turning in a circle Dreyfus saw he was, indeed standing in the dining room, but a ruined and broken version of the room he'd just been seeing. Catching a glimpse of himself in a broken fragment of mirror he saw that his cheek was stained with a lipstick kiss, the only thing that remained of all he had seen and felt.

What his mother had meant was left to him to interpret, if it had even been his mother's spirit.

Re: What Was Lost and What Can Be Found [Dreyfus]

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:36 pm
by Dreyfus
⚔ 54th of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔


Vampyric eyes watched as she moved, her youth showing evidently through now more than ever. He watched as she stood, the illusion of a prestine mansion fading. Her attire changed as well, the once elegant dress she was wearing was now crisp and clean reconciliator uniform. She was vision of authority of her time and she wore it well. He was proud to have seen her, to have spent this time with her, but he knew it was to come to an end now.

With the estate reverting back to its original state he closed his eyes as she spoke, caressing his cheek with her hand. Tears of regret and joy and mix of many other emotions began to pool in his eyes as she gave him her farewell. Her words comforted him as she was right, time didnt seem to matter now that he could effectively live forever in a sense. But it was still a sad moment for him as he didnt want to let her leave. He knew however that neither he could keep her here nor could she keep him as well.

In the end he allowed what happened to happen, as when he opened his eyes she was gone along witht he servants and the illusion of a home from so long ago. Sitting in the chair he sighed, a breath of relief for what he had experienced as he wiped the tears from his face. "Now to go and get Victor and his people." he whispered as he rose from his seat and ventured to the main entrance of the estate.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: What Was Lost and What Can Be Found [Dreyfus]

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:57 pm
by Rune


Points: 15, not for magic

Injuries/Ailments: Nostalgia, perhaps

Dreyfus now has possession of the Monteliyet Estate. Legally speaking, he is the sole heir but, due to the fact that he is believed to be dead, if he wishes to claim his inheritance officially he will have to have his death certificate receded. However, it is unlikely that any lawyers will come to check for quite some time to come.

The Estate consists of the manor house as well as the out buildings required to support a country manor. No servants are included due to it having been abandoned. Additionally, the estate is partially in ruins and was partially looted.

The property would be worth 3,500gp were it fully intact and furnished, it is currently worth half that. Between the bedrooms and the servants quarters the house can comfortable accommodate 30 people. If, due to emergency, the dining room and other public spaces are converted to sleeping space it could hold up to 80 people, but not comfortably.

The Estate is situated about half way between the capitol city and the northern border, near what used to be the Western border forest. As such there is plentiful timber land nearby and there used to be excellent hunting opportunities. Due to the Eclipse event most wild game and, indeed, all wild and domesticated animals alike, have either died of starvation or moved on to warmer climates. Varies logging and warming communities used to be nearby, but they, too, have been abandoned due to the various disasters of the last two years.

Notes: Very interested in seeing what Dreyfus does with the Estate. Please contact me about rebuilding if/when you are interested.

Mod XP: Rune: 22xp