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Re: A Sky Asunder (Laveriel & Hikami)

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:01 pm
by Laveriel
“Thank you, Captain Shorzcik,” Veriel said as she nodded her acknowledgment. She had caught that small change of an expression, that bit of respect that was unwillingly pulled out of him.

Her heart started racing as she watched the twelve Kathars flying down from the airship. This was truly happening. Every part of her body was screaming at her to run. She had spent more than eighteen years evading their capture. Lives were lost. People got hurt. All of that and now they finally had her anyway.

“You can't! She's one of your own, how can you let them take her? She will be lucky if all they decide to do is execute her!”

The orkhan woman wasn’t wrong, she had no idea what the Imperium would have in store for her. They had enough resources to tie down a demigod, even force him to do the Emperor’s bidding. If they planned on keeping her, there was probably nothing she could do to fight it. Veriel reached out to place a hand on the senator’s shoulder and squeezed it briefly. There was no hiding that her words had touched her. “I know you will. We Ailosians know that better than anyone else. Which is exactly why I can’t ask you for that. No more blood should be spilled for me.”

The comms in her ear suddenly crackled to life. “Veriel, don’t do this. Please,” Valron’s familiar voice pleaded. She had never heard him sound so desperate before. She looked up to where he was and for once, the man didn’t hide his emotions from her. The pained look on his face told her everything she needed. Still, all she could dare offer him was a sad smile before pulling out the enchanted shell from her ear.

She took the chance as an excuse to approach the trio of dawnmartyrs, her friends-in-arms. She nodded to Torchthief and Tukor, before finally turning to Neverfall. Veriel reached out to let her take the shell. “It seems like I won’t be able to join you on your return, Knight-Marshal.” Her own eyes had started burning but refused to let the tears form. She had half the mind to step forward and pull the orkhan woman into an embrace, but she didn’t want to risk giving people a reason to question the dawnmartyrs’ impartiality. There were so many things she wanted to say, but couldn’t. Not with so many eyes watching and ears listening. “We will meet again.”

She felt like breaking apart the longer she was looking at them, so the siltori finally turned away. Her legs felt heavy as she walked into the center, facing Irdan who had been waiting for her. Out of everyone, to have him as the one who would shackle her… The gods must have quite a sense of humor.

He hadn’t said a word since their meeting started, but that fucking smirk was goading her to punch him. Even the way he was tossing the cuffs was grating on her nerves. She was thankful though. It gave her something to feel - the anger, she latched onto it. She let that heat grow until it stifled the cold fear that threatened to burst through. For a brief moment, the Kathar wasn’t in his suit. He was in an armor darkened with blood. Ryo’s blood.

The thought of the hands that took Ryo’s life touching her made her recoil, but she knew she could not afford such sentiments right now. Looking up at Irdan defiantly, Veriel finally held out her arms in front of her - deliberately nowhere near enough to let him cuff her with ease. He would have to either close their distance or grab her to snap them in place. She wasn’t thrilled to be detained, after all. “You seem like you’re having fun.”

Re: A Sky Asunder (Laveriel & Hikami)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:03 pm
by Hikami

Anger. That is what fueled his emotional space at this very moment. Anger at the fact they seemed to revel in her giving herself over to them. After they flaunted Talon's son in front of them, and doing so braisingly. Anger that the Dawnmartyrs weren't doing a damn thing about it. They seemed to have made their choice in the matter. In order to move forward it seemed. Even the Ecithians were outraged.

The waters around the inlet swelled in response to his anger. Though his facial expression was calm and unphased, except for the glare he held for the man cuffing Veriel, one wouldn't know there was a raging maelstrom of anger churning about him. Though the waters crashed violently in response for several moments. This changed things for him. Veriel was a very crucial member of the order and he knew that, and if they were to lose her they would lose a key piece.

He looked to the Ork woman, and he could see that this wasn't easy for her, causing the roiling seas to abate and subside. He shook his head at the entire situation and walked over to the dawnmartyrs. "This isn't right, she was only trying to save him, and it's obvious that they are going to kill her. You should have stopped her and allowed them to take me." He watched as the Veriel was cuffed and clinched his fist even tighter.

For what seemed like forever there was silence, but he soon spoke again, this time bowing and kneeling in front of Neverfall and the escorting Dawnmartyrs. "If the order is going to lose a pivotal member then maybe it's time to reawaken one to take her place. I am the reincarnation of Valkonyn Targyrius. I watched through his eyes his final moments against the sieging forces of the Imperium. Allow me to come to Ailos and learn the ways."

It was a longshot, but he owed Veriel that much, he owed Talon that much.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: A Sky Asunder (Laveriel & Hikami)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:13 pm
by Aegis

Irdan continued to smirk, his thin lips pulled back as he spoke, "Not as much fun as I had with him." With that, he reached out, grasping both of her forearms in a steely vice, able to pin and hold them both, just below her sleeves. She would be able to feel the smoothness of his skin upon hers, a stark contrast to the grip he held that seemed confident and wouldn't break, even if she tried. He yanked her closer to him roughly, bouncing her face off her own arms. He then pulled her arms above her head, forcing her face closer into his suited torso, to smell a slightly floral perfume upon his person.

"All of you elves reek, a people lost to the impurities of lesser beings." He snapped the mage cuffs around her wrists, and with that Laveriel would feel all of her magics through a dampener. They would still work within herself but were now confined to her body. Irdan yanked her cuffed hands down in front of her, pulling her closer so he could whisper in her ear, "Lost that elf tainted spawn of yours huh? I smelled it on you before..." He took a deep inhale, just under her the point of her ear, where Ryu's lips would often linger, "I don't smell it on you now." Irdan reached up, plucking the Linkshell from Laveriel's ear and crushed it between his fingers, letting the dust scatter in the gentle winds. He then turned his body, shoving her toward the Kathar escort team, "Good. He died honorably, but that spoiled seed of his would've ruined his line."

The lead Kathar stepped forward, hooking a chain into Laveriel's cuffs, one that magically sealed itself without so much as a visible line. Then the entire contingent of Kathar took up positions around her, as the lead pulled her toward the Imperial's side of the little island. The Kathar looked at the Captain and the man nodded. With that, the twelve Kathars' wings spread in perfect unison, and with a single beat, they all took off. The chain which Laveriel was connected to was enchanted and so she was weightless, bobbing directly behind the lead, as she and her surrounding captors flew toward the ship.

They landed upon the deck and immediately began to lead her into the bowels of the ship. They were polite, gentle even in leading her. They did not allow her to trip nor run into a door frame nor hit her head on low hanging pipes within the halls of the ship. They also did not speak to her, they did not look her way, did not tilt a head if she decided to speak. Eventually she was brought down a long hallway that was not like the rest of the ship. There were no windows, no pipes, doors save one at the very end. And the entire hall was adorned in incredibly complex glyphs and runes. And as they walked, the glyphs and runes glowed, and a humming in the air could be felt.

Upon reaching the nondescript metal door, it opened automatically for them and she was led inside. The glyphs from outside continued inward into her, and fed into a cube of pure darkness. The lead Kathar walked toward the darkness and reached into it, and a metal clank was heard as he opened a gate, bars of perfect darkness swinging inward. A tap on the magical chain pulled Laveriel forward, forcing her to stare into the void. He unhooked the chain.


Whether she went in willingly or not, she would soon hear the metal clank as the door shut and left her in perfect and absolute darkness. Cut off from her emblem and her runes, it was absolute. She could not see the tip of her nose nor feel the presence of the shadows around her. And there was no connection whatsoever to the outside world. She did not hear the outer door open or shut, she did not hear the Kathar march away. In here, there was nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard, nothing to be smelled or tasted or felt.

She was alone with only herself and her thoughts.

Meanwhile, back with Hikami and the diplomatic standoff, Neverfall spoke to him directly. "You have not earned the right to walk in her footsteps. Return to Kalzasi, submit yourself to their authorities. You will have to testify at her trial, and may possibly have your own to deal with. If you leave Kalzasi, that will be one less witness for Knight-Captain d’Revrinti. If you wish to honor the Order, then allow for Justice to be served." She removed her fierce gaze from him, awaiting his departure before the treatise could continue.

Re: A Sky Asunder (Laveriel & Hikami)

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:40 am
by Laveriel
The dawnmartyr got exactly what she wanted. As Irdan grabbed her roughly, her aether surged eagerly to where their skin made contact. The Kathar would have felt nothing. The small affliction she weaved into him wasn’t meant to hurt him, after all. She could feel it surging up deep into his aether, wounding itself deeply and tightly inside his essence. It happened in an instant, barely even a blink and Veriel was done. It worked. And none too soon. The next moment, Irdan was already pulling her hands above her head and slapping on her cuffs.

It wasn’t her first time encountering the mage cuffs, so she knew what to expect. Still, the numbness that washed over her once it was secured was something she would never get used to. Veriel knew it would be fruitless, but she tried sending the threads of her aether towards Irdan again. This time, it refused to listen to her.

Just when she thought it was over, that Irdan would release her and let the others take her away, the Kathar pulled her even closer. She expected the scent of blood and steel, but all she could discern from him was a startlingly mundane perfume. As he leaned down, it took every drop of her willpower not to flinch. He was too close, far closer than anyone had ever been since Ryo. Close enough for her to feel his breath brushing against her ear.

The world fell away as his words bounced around inside her skull. Veriel’s breath hitched, the wind suddenly being knocked out of her. It did not make any sense. There was no way he could know. Veriel didn’t even know until it was far too late - until the pain and the blood came without any warning. By that time, she was nowhere near Irdan. How could he possibly smell the child in her?

Up in the skies, still floating courtesy of the Ecithian’s magic, Valron clenched his jaw as he watched Irdan handling Veriel roughly. Without thinking, he surged toward her but an arm shot out in front of him. It was an older dawnmartyr, someone he didn’t recognize. The man shook his head. Valron gritted his teeth as he couldn’t do anything but watch. He could not tell what the Kathar was whispering to Veriel, but the way the blood drained from her face told him enough. She stood frozen, dazed. She was slowly turning her head, as if to ask the avialae something, but he was already pushing her to the rest of his men.

It was only when he shoved her into the awaiting Kathars that Veriel was snapped out of her daze. The siltori turned back, trying to reach Irdan once more and demand an explanation. For his knowledge of her unborn child. For this odd connection she felt once he had arrived in Kalzasi. But a different Kathar was already grabbing her cuffs and she was instantly surrounded by bodies.

Veriel sighed. She would have to wait, but she would get her answers, one way or another. She let them take her without a fight. Her feet were soon lifted off the ground and the elven woman could not help but watch as the city of Kalzasi grew smaller and smaller in her vision. It was hard to imagine that just earlier this morning, she had been busy doing her hair and putting herself in a white dress - that was now stained with dirt - thinking that she would simply attend a party, eat some nice food, and return home.

Then her eyes wandered back to Irdan, who was standing on that little island. The silver thread that connected them was visible only to her, growing longer with ease. It was useless right now, with the cuffs tying her magic down. But for now, it was enough. That small, invisible thread… she’d make sure it would be the reason for his downfall.

Once they were on the ship, they led her quickly to a place that hummed with power. It was funny, really. They were an envoy sent to be present at a coronation, yet for some mysterious reason, they had prepared a hall written with intricate runes that led up to a cage of pure darkness. It seemed like their theory was right. They wanted her and had prepared for it. Perhaps she should be flattered that they went to all that trouble just for her. Then again, perhaps this amount of effort was nothing to them - they had succeeded in capturing a demigod before, after all.

Veriel stood in front of the darkness and hesitated. Something told her that if she wanted to run, this would be her last chance. But she couldn’t run, not when some many things were on the line. She could not help but wonder what fate had in store for her. It seemed like the gods were not quite done with tormenting her. At that moment, the dawnmartyrs thought of Arcas, wondering what he would have felt back when the Imperium had held him captive. She wondered if she should pray to him. Could he even hear her? Veriel could tell that even her emblem had been snuffed out, her connection to the demigod dampened. What would she even say? Ask for him to give her strength? Ask him to help spare her life? In that split moment, Veriel finally knew what she wanted to ask:

When will justice come? With that, the siltori stepped into the darkness and heard the door shut behind her.

Now that the adrenaline and bravado had started to fade, Veriel felt the exhaustion wash over her. Pretending to be fine when she was alone in the darkness was impossible. She held out her arms in the dark, trying to find the walls of her cage. Once she touched something solid, Veriel leaned her back against it and slowly sank to the floor. No matter where she looked there was no light, nothing. Not even her siltori eyes could pierce through the darkness. The dark had never threatened her before, but this time it seemed to want to swallow her whole.

It was her duty. Veriel knew this was for the best - Hikami would not be dragged into this and the dawnmartyrs would be able to show their good faith in keeping neutral. She had decided on her own, yet her heart still felt heavy. A dark voice kept whispering in her ear: Have I not sacrificed enough? Why do they ask so much of me?

The knight-captain gritted her teeth and pushed such thoughts away as she pulled her legs close to her body, resting her head on her knees. She was not a child. There was no one she could scream at about the unfairness of it all. Veriel would be locked up by the people who slaughtered her loved ones for the sake of their greed and they were granted the privilege to place judgment upon her. That was just the reality of things. She had gone through much worse before. She could deal with this. She had to.

Lost that elf-tainted spawn of yours, huh?

Those words rang loudly inside her mind, again and again. It was a secret she had kept in the deepest corner of her being, left untouched for years. The only ones who knew were those who accompanied her escape. Even as it was happening, as the blood was running down her legs that day, she didn’t want to say it. Didn’t want anyone to say it. She had learned enough medicine to know what it meant.

Veriel closed her eyes as the tears started to fall.

In her darkest times, her mind did not plague her with excruciating memories. Not the piles of bodies they dragged out from the rubbles of Ailos. Not the countless friends that died in her arms. Not even the sight of Ryo falling out of the sky. No, it conjured up images of dreams that would never come true. Ryo descending from the skies as he finally joined her in Kalzasi. Ryo holding up a young child on his shoulders, a grey-winged boy whose smile was as bright as his.

And those… those hurt her the most.

Re: A Sky Asunder (Laveriel & Hikami)

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:06 am
by Hikami

He couldnt help the feeling of helplessness as he watched them take her. He wasnt sure what else there was to do now. Those under his command soon rallied behind him as things finished off on the inlet. As much as he didnt like the situation he knew instigating anything would be detrimental to her in the long run, and the more he thought about it the more it just didnt sit well with him. His eyes fell on the ecithians and the dawnmartyrs.

This woman fought for them and though the ecithians protested, they did nothing to save her, be that out of absolute neutrality or not wanting to cause an international incident. Regardless of how everyone felt, Veriel had willingly given herself over to them. He couldnt help but imagine what she was about to go through at their hands, more so that she would be doing it alone. Then there was the avialae handling her, as the man was.......unsettling for a lack of better terms. He was a face and figure that would be etched into Hikami's mind for sure, along with that smug captain of the airship.

"So what happens now my lord?" Hebi came from behind, his scarlet braids dancing along the breeze that swept by. For a moment there was silence, but then his tail swayed and he turned to them. "Return to my aunt and update her on the current situation. Then tell her to call the skyguard. I'm sure they will want to know what part the Hero of Udori played in all this." he noted, massive draconic wings adjusting as he contemplated what would come next. As he watched them board the ship he made a silent vow to himself. "I will save you."

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: A Sky Asunder (Laveriel & Hikami)

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:14 am
by Aegis

And the Treatise of the Lake Udori continued after Hikami was sent away. The Imperial Delegation gave their list of grievances, speaking of how the Dawnmartyrs were a terrorist sect, responsible for many attacks, propaganda, and corruption plots upon the citizens of the Imperium, as well as multiple attempts at assassinating the Emperor. They spared no detail, took the opportunity to share what they felt were crimes against their people, as well as particularly harsh and severe acts that occurred during the war.

When given their chance to air their grievances, the Ecithians, however, took a different route. Senator Khijata stepped forward, ever the leader of her delegation. She, like all Ecithians, did not hide a single emotion in her manner. It was clear that she was bewildered and outraged by the actions of the Dawnmartyrs, but she turned her attentions to the Imperials, and her face only wore pity and empathy.

"There is nothing that I may say here to sway any opinions nor change any futures. The damages that have been afflicted, against all parties, are beyond inexcusable." She looked at the Imperial Princess, "Those who act of willful blindness," then cast her gaze upon the Captain, "Or of patriotic fervor," then her dark blue eyes sidled over to Knight Marshall Neverfall, "Or of the protection of those in your care," and then she bowed her head, a signal of perhaps herself, "Or of simple survival." She sighed, pausing mid statement.

"All are reasons people have used to commit atrocities across the millennia, and will continue to do so if we do not find a better way." She looked over her shoulder at her compatriots, "The Commonwealth of Ecith withdraws from these talks and any further discussions of diplomacy. The Commonwealth apologizes for the damages caused and will make restitution should the Galerian Imperium seek them."

Her eyes, now fierce, fell upon the princess once more. "Seek them, on the lands that you burned. Seek them in the seas that you filled with blood. Seek them in the air that you poisoned. Seek them by coming to us, not with blade in hand, but with one hand carrying a basket of fruits, the other carrying a history of self truth. Come to us, seek to make it right, and we will meet you there, with truth, with honor, and with grace."

Another deep breath.

"Come with anything else and much like the thousands that crashed upon our shores, that ventured into our realm, that flew over our grasses, you will not return to tell your story."

She cast her gaze once more at Neverfall.

"Your god may be watching you, but who is watching him?"

And with that, Khijata and her delegation left that tiny little island of no renown, and began the journey to head back down south.

Several hours later.... Aboard the IAF Umbra Cavea...

The silver haired boy's chest was heaving heavily, droplets of blood and rivulets of sweat upon his face, bloodstained sword in hand. Before him, an Avialae man in Imperial disguise gutted at his feet. Nearby, the Princess, still seated in her chair, looked on in amusement, her eyes not upon the son of the god, but upon one of his mentors, Irdan, the Wingsbane.

He was standing there, an aloof and charming look upon his face, his arm outstretched and raised, his hand gripped tightly around the neck of another Avialae, also in Imperial Guard. The Princess spoke softly, "Can you glean anything from him?"

The man's gripped tightened, and the Avialae kicked slightly in response, his face darkening as the blood flowed into his skull but could not leave. Irdan's dark eyes sidled over to find the man's own, bloodshot and panicked. "Heh, they are not with the Ecithians, but rather her Majesty. They care not about you, but rather, the boy." The son of Talon looked up, surprised.

Irdan smiled but did not take his eyes off the face of the Avialae who was kicking, thrashing, but the man's arm was stalwart, did not budge one iota. "Yes, boy. Your dear grandmother sent them to take you back. It is not your father that is the worrisome part of the family, but rather, her. Smarter than the rest of her nation combined, and just as wicked and conniving as our dear princess could hope to be."

The life faded from the man as he grew limp in Irdan's grip, "She does love her family." His smile grew as he dropped the man in a heap at his feet. "I look forward to seeing her sons dead at my feet." He turned, looking at the exhausted young man, "We need to make you stronger. These assassins are inconsequential compared to the real might that may come for you. To take you away from your home, away from your real family."

And through ragged breaths, Taryn nodded.

Re: A Sky Asunder (Laveriel & Hikami)

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:26 am
by Aegis

Loot: -1 Freedom
Injuries: Probably some mental damage and maybe some vitamin D deficiency from not seeing the sun for a while.

Laveriel is now imprisoned within the Imperium. I have provided you with the Plot Guide for her time there, leading up to her trial in Kalzasi.

Points: 25 Points, may be used for Affliction.

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression:
Affliction, Leadership, Tactics

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: Always getting in trouble...

Loot: N/A However, if Hikami leaves Kalzasi lands prior to Laveriel's trial, more consequences may occur.
Injuries: N/A

Any further outcomes from this may be given through Paragon on behalf of both Kalzasi and the Order of the Dawnmartyrs.

Points: 25 Points, may not be used for Magic.

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression:

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: What will Hikami do now?