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Re: Person of Interest

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 12:49 pm
by Sivan
"No, Your Highness," he replied, eyes downcast.

While he had never managed to truly connect with his father, he remained his father. He knew of no other Len'Myren relatives, and most people had considered his father a bit of a rakish roustabout. His mother had never said an unkind word about him, but then, she hadn't stayed with him. Laurevere had been the only other person to show any sort of regard for the deceased Len'Hytori, but Sivan had assumed that were he not part Siltori, he never would have taken such a shine to Sivan himself.

"Yes, Your Highness. Destynrael's clan was decimated by the Zaichaeri, and he settled here, though his settlement is tenuous. I think he only comes back because of his handful of friends here. He is like me in that... we are not greatly ambitious, but seem to stumble into strange acquaintances. I do not know whether Talon Novalys' bequest was out of a sense of noblesse oblige or because he recognized that we were more likely better stewards for the seed than anyone in his employ.

"It grows but slowly, required draconic fertilizer, and even with my skill at sembling I haven't divined its full nature and purpose."

"The Draegir has been problematic," Laurevere interjected. He, at least, had spent some time in court, though as an elf of mixed descent, he hadn't been put forward overmuch. "Quickly vanquished by—I believe—a joint operation between Zaichaer and the Gelerian Imperium. Enslaved like any other Kathar. Questionably released. He spends time cavorting with the desert apostates, perhaps currying favor with the power-mad twins recently released from their prison. There are grumbles even here in the city where he grew up beloved that his grasp of justice is tenuous."

His impressive jawline clenched in deep-seated racial animus.

Sivan was quiet through this. Politics were not his bailiwick, nor the divination of divine intentions. Should Rhydian turn his Rune upon him, he would allow at least a surface scan. There were layers upon layers of mental wards surrounding some things, however: trade secrets; the Kindred.

Re: Person of Interest

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:18 pm
by Rhydian ValKor

“More’s the better for your peace of mind, I should think.” Rhydian replied, to soften his prior response lest it be mistaken for boastfulness on his own part. To his mind, the role of a courtier was unenviable. An unfortunate necessity he endured for the sake of proximity to the star around whom the Phoenix court orbited.

As Sivan expounded, Rhydian continued his analysis. There was much he could glean, but his familiarity with Divine magic was understandably limited and so there were mysteries beyond what he could interpret. Satisfied with his efforts, his gaze turned from the artefact to fall upon Laurevere as he spoke up and effectively silenced Sivan for the nonce.

“Your concerns are not lost on the Crown. We have, naturally, been monitoring the Arcas situation since we first became aware of his reemergence. If our moral compasses were to be altered toward his sense of justice, I fear severity would overperch constancy and civilisation as we know it would collapse within a century. It is my hope that Arcas is but a young god in the midst of growing pains… the collateral damage of which, I pray, will not doom too many of those unfortunate enough to be alive during his nascence.” He frowned, pursing his lips at the mention of Talon’s relationship to the Solunarians.

“He should remember who fought alongside him in days of yore and the wherefore. If his sense of Justice has grown to align with theirs, that would be troublous indeed.” He made a mental note to broach such eventualities with the king, when next they met in the dreaming or the waking world. It could be difficult to focus upon the affairs of the earthly world when in such fantastical company, but a Val’Kor could not forsake his duty in favour of his fancy.

Re: Person of Interest

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:23 pm
by Sivan
Both of the elves-in-exile bowed their heads in response to Rhydian's summation. While the high elf looked thoughtful, Sivan considered his garden. He was proud of it, proud that his work had afforded the spirits and the flora and fauna a safe place to flourish despite the trials and tribulations of the world outside. And the modest cottage he had rented, he now owned, and it had grown with the help of Geb and several other spirits, keen to enlarge the sanctuary for themselves and for Sivan, their beloved steward.

"Your Highness..." Sivan ventured, apropos of his thoughts, though it might seem of nothing to those there present. "Do you know aught of the mercenary group, the Sparrowhawks?"

Gold-tinged platinum eyebrows rose in mild surprise, the only flag that Laurevere was surprised by the tangent.

"Their sign is an arrow bound by a circle, all in gold," Sivan continued. "A few years ago, my home was burglarized and the only real clue was a scrap of paper with a few words and their symbol. Strange it should be left among the wreckage when they didn't seem to truly steal anything. The Sky Guard never did come up with anything."

"And that was why I taught you the art of the blade, young Sivan," Laurevere reminded him urbanely, trying to steer him away from things no prince of Sol'Valen should know—not yet. "Your Highness would be impressed. In less than three years, he went from novice to a blade even your august family might take into their service." His smile was fond, and a touch proud. "Between your blades and your arcane skill, you ought have no fear of hired thugs, whatever their reason for targeting an up and coming Hytori elf abroad."

Re: Person of Interest

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 10:32 am
by Rhydian ValKor

Rhydian canted his head at the curious enquiry.

"The Sparrowhawks? Aye." He pursed his lips, stepping away from Arcas' instrument to face Sivan outright.

"But only by their ignominious reputation. I have had no direct contact with the company, as I do not believe there has yet been a high enough bid for that band of blackguards to dare encroaching upon the realm of Sol'Valen." His eyes darted to Laurevere, but they were not focused upon him. He was merely thinking and his gaze happened to be in the direction of the mixed blood's chest. They danced back to Sivan after a trice.

"They are headquartered in Antiris, but I am given to understand they operate wheresoever the coin directs." As Sivan elaborated, Rhydian knitted his brow in bemusement.

"They are hired hands. Unless you somehow stood between them and their remuneration somehow, I can't fathom why they would trouble themselves to trouble you ..." A pause. Did this unassuming elf bear Ilixidor's capacity for deceit to so keenly conceal his dastardly ways? "If you elicited no umbrage from the sellswords, the only other reason for them to leave their calling card would be on the orders of their client..." His expression and stance softened as he shrugged,

"Or it was merely an oversight born of recklessness." At Laurevere's lauding of Sivan's martial and magical prowess, Rhydian shifted to stare in wordless contemplation at the neighbour who had become the subject. He had been sent here to look into Laurevere, but Val'Istra's life in Kalzasi seemed intertwined with the anomalous Len'Myren... pupil to renowned mages and dragons, friend to Fae and associated with Arcas. If so many unusual entities took such interest in Sivan, there must have been more than met Rhydian's eye. Alas, he was young and he was trained as a soldier first. What he could glean of a person's character from the way they wielded a blade outweighed what he could glean in a casual conversation... After a ponderous pause, he spoke up:

"Then perhaps you would favour me with a spar, before I quit Kalzasi, Master Sivan. I should like to see the practise that yielded such lofty praise."

Re: Person of Interest

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:27 pm
by Sivan
Laurevere thought it best that the prince's summation cast the blame back toward Karnor. There were countless times he had wanted to tell Sivan everything, pull him into the secret and give the unknown Sol'Miaren agency in bringing his House back to life just as the proverbial Phoenix. The decision was not his to make, however. He realized he wasn't doing such a good job making Sivan look like any old Len'Hytori, but Sivan was, to his mind, exceptional.


Sivan looked thoughtful, a touch frustrated. This was an old puzzle he occasionally came back to, but as Laurevere had oft reminded him, whoever had been behind the mysterious, suspicious break-in, they hadn't come back.

"With a Val'Kor prince!?" escaped him before he remembered himself. "Pardon, Your Highness." He glanced to Laurevere, then back. "I do think I have learned quickly, but Laurevere oversells my skill. He still wins the majority of our spars..."

"I need to start stalking you so you will remember to keep your blades on you at all times," Laurevere observed, mostly to himself, possibly joking. Sivan's blue eyes slit; he wasn't so sure about that.

"If you wish it, I will oblige, Your Highness. Please moderate your expectations, though, and I will attempt not to shame my blademaster." He dipped a shallow bow, shallower than he had upon greeting. "I had probably ought to get more practice and more varied practice, though. When we spar here... well, I know the terrain like the back of my hand, and the spirits... like to help."

Re: Person of Interest

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:46 pm
by Rhydian ValKor

"What?" Rhydian smirked faintly, "Are you afeard I might conscript you if you're particularly impressive? Worry not. My mission here is one of information gathering, not recruitment. I am merely at a loss for formidable sparring partners. My travelling companion is no swordsman and it could hurt my mission if I were to humiliate the Avialae who might vie against me." There was no humour apparent in this statement. It sounded altogether earnest.

"Don't feel obliged if you're averse. I'll not insist, but if you're keen to try, we can schedule a time before I leave." A sparring session had not been allocated as part of this evening's itinerary, and Rhydian was not one to veer to far afield of a predetermined schedule when he could avoid it. He turned his attention to Laurevere.

"Do you frequently find cause to wield your blades in Kalzasi?" Rhydian wasn't sure whether the advice for Sivan was intended due to the Sparrowhawk incursion or out of a general sense of danger in the city. He'd mostly been relegated to the Cloudhaven district, outside of these two visits, so he wasn't sure what dangers Kalzasi might pose on average. He could certainly see whereas such a strange melting pot might make for some caustic brews, but he lacked the context to surmise.

"If you find yourself further harassed by mercenaries, you might consider returning to the safety of mother Sol'Valen for a time. At least until the danger wanes or passes..." He trailed off. "Although, if you did that, I might be obliged to recruit you after all." He cracked a slight smile to broadcast that he was in jest.

Re: Person of Interest

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:46 pm
by Sivan
Sivan smiled reluctantly; while he had met potentates in Kalzasi, they didn't rank on such a knee-jerk level as Val'Hytori in his garden.

"That is not my worry, Your Highness," Sivan assured him wryly. "I will attempt not to bore you."

"The Avialae certainly fight differently," Laurevere noted politely.

The younger elf was quiet, remembering the silhouettes of winged Hytori in Silfanore. But here, they were Avialae first; in Silfanore, they were Hytori first.

"There have been times, Your Highness," he admitted. "In the weeks following the assassination of the Shokaze, when the shadowspawn arrived in the city. Thankfully, my business partner has a source for illumite. We were able to weaponize that, as well as alter lamps to create safe areas. Or safer areas." He smiled at what might become an ongoing joke, though he didn't suppose he would ever encounter the prince of Aerion again after he quit Kalzasi.

Sivan answered more questions. He showed the prince inside so he could see IX, the defunct Awoken that predated the Sundering. He still hoped to revive his old friend, who had entered into his service when their master, Tavári'nar Val'Gwairil, had died. But IX was more than an artificed automaton, had a soul along with his alchemical blood. There were still a great many things lost from the days of yore.

The meal passed pleasantly enough, and when Sivan returned home, he was actually a touch excited to spar with the prince. But once Laurevere was alone, he shut the door behind him, leaned against it, and murmured, "Fuck."

Re: Person of Interest

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:46 pm
by Hekatos
 ! Message from: Hekatos

15 xp for both, and I'm eschewing moderator XP per usual. All my characters have too many as it is.

Let me know if you would like to play out the duel, which wouldn't require moderation, or Master Jacun, which would.