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Re: A Schönling for Your Thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:03 pm
by Aurin

"Well, I hope he doesn't raise his children to be entitled gits, anyway," he said, not unkindly. "I suppose Uncle Reiner can keep their feet on the ground." He offered a crooked smile with his crooked compliment, and he didn't even say anything to cheapen the honest things Reiner was sharing.

"To Solunarium? A friend was stuck there and I had to check on him." He paused, wondering if it was common knowledge that Solunarium had been looking for allies in Karnor at one point and Zaichaer had been on the list. Aurin thought he could probably break Reiner's brain a little, threaten his heartfelt beliefs, but that wasn't really his aim. "I brought some intel back to the Minister, so they made sure I wasn't contaminated, I guess. And I did bring protection with me. I'm not an idiot."

Aurin nodded thoughtfully about the covens. "Seems they're going to be tolerated and utilized as long as they toe the Order's line. You probably have a line on the head of the Order, though, so you know more than I do. I guess if they're all licensed now, at least you won't have to be surprised by the next girl who catches your fancy. What'd she look like? What's your type?"

As Reiner passed the halfway mark on his second pint, Aurin gave the bartender another nod. He wasn't going to force intoxicants down his gullet, but if he kept drinking and kept talking, all the better. Aurin wasn't going to leave him passed out in public, either; he was a bad man but sometimes it paid to do good--self-interested good.

Re: A Schönling for Your Thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:33 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk

“I don’t think I’ll be any good at that, since they always want me to pick them up and I never say no…” Reiner demurred with a slight chuckle.

“Oh, really? Well, I hope you were able to get your friend out of there safe and sound and… Not brainwashed.” Though was certainly relieved to hear that proper channels with more knowledge than Reiner had been on top of Aurin’s risk of being compromised. That was not something he wanted to weigh on him at the soberest of times and these were not they.

Reiner’s lip curled into a snarl of distaste at Aurin’s unfortunately sound assessment of the situation with the witch bitches. If making the economy work for the public was Reiner’s favorite of his cousin’s policies, the tolerance of more mages seemed to fall on the other side of the spectrum. His face said, ‘Don’t remind me,’ while his tongue said:

“Yep.” He unclenched his teeth to reply to the slightly less irksome question about his type. “Well, she was a redhead, but…” He glanced up from his mug and his eyes landed instantly on Aurin’s own crown, which caused him to visibly wince.

“But! I usually like dark hair and light eyes as a combo. I don’t know. I like what I like. The only hard turnoffs are cardinal runes, pointed ears, wings, tusks… You get the idea. Humans only need apply. Human girls, that is.” Noting Aurin’s gesture to the tapster, Reiner caught his eye with a gesture and gave the cut off gesture.

“I’m good after this one.” He wasn’t going to admit it to Aurin, but he’d had a bad blackout experience a while earlier that had harrowed him. He couldn’t remember any of it, but Kuno described the actions of someone he couldn’t recognize at all in himself. He wasn’t going to give up beer completely, he was still Zaichaeri, but he was much more careful for fear of waking that monster.

Re: A Schönling for Your Thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 8:57 pm
by Aurin
The vagabond laughed at that. He supposed he would have to find Torin a wife at some point, and he figured Arry's mother would tell him who to marry other than his bard boy. If children came from any of those marriages, he supposed he would have to be Uncle Aurin, but he planned to teach them fancy bladework at too young an age so they were kept out of his periphery most of the time.

"Me too," he said of Arry's head. He sort of wished the lad had begged him to stay, begged him to help. Aurin was glad for his good fortune, but the dragons weren't the only ones with their claws in him now. He wanted Arry to be the power, to have his agency unimpeded, but he seemed content if not happy, and Aurin wasn't sure a man could be happy if they were above a certain level of wit. Regardless, things weren't so bad that he would risk his hide to abscond with His Exalted Highness.

And, for the most part, he fell into conversation where they could commiserate about the bad and chuckle at the good. Even his smirks didn't seem to be at Reiner's expense, even the smirk about the redheaded witch. Well, Aurin was one of those too, technically, though he still considered himself as a man with tricks up his sleeve more than he was a mage. The Order didn't see things his way, so he kept things out of the Order's line of sight.

Aurin took the cut off with good grace. At the tapster's questioning glance, Aurin smiled apologetically and shook his head. Without taking out a pouch or wallet or anything, he dropped the appropriate payment as well as a healthy tip on the table so Reiner could leave at will knowing he wasn't cheating an upstanding Zaichaeri citizen, and the proprietor wouldn't feel the need to come collect or shoo them out before the conversation had run its course.

"Well, I hope the perfect girl has survived all this so she can lock you down." He threw back the dregs of his drink. "Thanks for putting up with me. Wasn't so bad, was it?"

Re: A Schönling for Your Thoughts

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:05 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk

Reiner looked at him thoughtfully, pausing before giving his honest assessment of the interaction.

"You're a bit like the Breach, Aurin. I started off real rough, and I came out the other side worse for wear but I fuckin' survived you both. Ein Hoch auf die Überlebenden!" He said, lifting his liter and gulping down the remainder of its contents. He slammed down the glass, which startled the dog, and leaned down to scratch her ear in apology.

"Nice to meet you, little lady." He said, as he swung his legs around and stretched into a standing position, arms over his head and yawning.

"Thanks for the drinks. Maybe I'll get you back one day." Reiner didn't assume they were going to do this again. It had been a chance encounter, and probably a net positive for both of them, but it wasn't a friendship. Aurin had successfully turned Reiner from outright antagonism, to cautiously cordial, but the caution remained and likely would without more one-on-one time. Given the state of Reiner's world and the nature of Aurin's ambulatory life, that didn't seem entirely likely to the lieutenant and he was fine with it either way. Outsiders were more enticing to Reiner when they were more aligned with Zaichaeri values or seemed like they might be open to converting. The rest seemed like missed opportunities, hypocrites or roaches who worshipped the boots that smushed their kin. Some felt like all three.

"See you when I see you." He lightly punched Aurin on his shoulder, as he walked an uneven line toward the exit gate and ambled his way out onto the sidewalk. He took a deep breath, looked around him and muttered.

"The fuck was I doing before he stopped me?"

Re: A Schönling for Your Thoughts

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:40 pm
by Finn

Experience: 10 xp for use at your discretion

Injuries: n/a

Loot: n/a

Notes: Listen: Aurin is a fucking delight.