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Re: [Closed] the reception

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 8:35 pm
by Mino
Mino was, as ever, amicable as needed. The hands cupping his face were a familiar enough feeling, eyes half-lidded and the slightest edge of a purr as he spoke. “Yes, well, I have been told that I am rather memorable. And I should hope so, being part of the face the family and all.” Punctuated with a wink as she pulled away, a lift to his brows.

Endeared was the face he presented as the toast went up. Of course — what else ought he to show on such a joyous occasion? He felt neither one way or the other about the prince, in all honesty. Or his new husband. But this surely boded well for the state of the nation, and the economic run-off could do the family some good. Whatever maneuvering Lady Blue had in mind, he’d be told the bare minimum soon enough. It wasn’t his job to worry much beyond the numbers, of course.

To the glory of Kalsazi!” Perhaps not as sincere as it ought to be. Which — didn’t matter. The glory of Kalsazi was the monetary benefit or downfall of the family, and really that was all subjective at best. He sought his mother in the crowd, her own glass lifted in toast. Sky, even, holding her drinking flute up with the eagerness of a child allowed her first drink (which is most definitely wasn’t, but she’d always found the joy in little things).

He lifted his glass to his lips, prepared to take a draining gulp from the glass when something above the din of the reception caught his attention. A droning sound that moved toward them quickly. The hairs on the back of his neck stood as his ears flicked, eyes once more looking for his family as the first rounds were fired.

Now, Mino, had been exposed to gunfire before. Part of his training, part of the risk of the job. The crack of a gun going off was nothing. Several at once? Manageable, really. But it was the thunderous boom that broke the shields that had his ears ringing. His more sensitive hearing disorienting him for the moment. His glass dropped, shattering much like the shield that had protected the reception. Situations of high stimuli had also been prepared for, but in the moment — his vision swam and his first reaction was caught between fight or flight. Immediate reliance on a baser animal instinct that nearly had him striking out at Yumeko, until his brain caught up with the rest of his body.

An apology might have been uttered if the situation weren’t so dire.

And — well, he might have looked for Lady Blue and Sky if he weren’t sure they would have made immediate attempts to flee or find safety. His ears flattened toward his head, still a buzz from the earlier explosion of sound. Yumeko seemed to make quick work of nearby assailants, the rathari ducking and dipping out of the way. A smooth slide out of the woman’s way to unsuspected attackers. No words exchanged as they moved.

Not until — “Please, forgive the indecency for a moment.” The outer jacket was dropped to the ground as they moved, his own steps slowed to allow for him to at least deposit them in an area he might be able to collect them again. Jewels cast off, the hunching of his form as he was forced from bipedal movement to increasingly closer to quadripedal. Fur sprouting from under skin, skeleton shifting under that still. The rearrangement of internal systems taking no longer than a minute. Where once had been a mostly elven creature sprung a caracal. Noticeably larger than peers of its species, if ever any of the guests had seen one.

A shake of his head as, a light shedding of a suspicious crimson covering coming off of him as he leaped at an attacker. Caught their arm between his teeth and the weight of him bringing them down. Just enough to disorient before reaching for the gap in their protective gear for the throat. A redden maw lifted as his paws thudded almost silently against the ground, a growl rumbling from his throat as mismatched eyes cast their gaze to Korvaelis rushing an attacker. Then, to Hikami who seemed perfectly capable of defending the two strangers he’d first come to the aid of with Yumeko.

A split-second decision, before he was pushing off once more after Korvaelis, dipping between legs and over felled bodies.

Re: [Closed] the reception

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 8:54 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
The reception part of this reception had been the most anxiety-inducing social gathering that the elder Dornkirk had ever experienced. In a foreign, and whether it knew it or not, hostile country, surrounded by abominations with powers even his extensive training only graced the edges of. His demeanor had remained stoic, and, for perhaps the first time, he was glad that his social training had included countless hours of deep discomfort.

Following Brenner through the evening, allowing him to take the lead was the most natural (perhaps the only natural) thing. Stefan was polite, stern, and quiet, but he was known to be these things by anyone with spies in Zaichaer. Being unremarkable, while Brenner was remarkable, was a dance they'd been doing since they were boys.

As the time drew near he kept himself from fidgeting, did not lay his hand over his breast pocket and the small tin contained within, did not glance toward the prince and his new husband anymore, or less, than anyone else.

Brenner had an identical tin case in one of his pockets. What they contained, if anyone were to open one, was a grooming set, comb, pomade, etc. What they actually contained were sophisticated and tiny firearms with a single shot each. The devices had been disassembled and made to look like things any gentleman might carry, they would hold up under scrutiny. Both brothers had practiced assembling and disassembling the devices until they could do it with their eyes closed. Literally, in case the reception was cast into darkness by some foul magical meals. If that was the case, taking aim and firing the devices would become instead, finding their quarry and placing the device directly against their form. Either way, the dose of carefully prepared serum would do its duty. Even getting it on the outside of the person might work, but inside was better.

Stefan stilled the tension growing inside him, tried to turn it into the readiness to act as Brenner checked the time and confirmed for which his elder brother's internal clock was sound the alarums. Swallowing he straightened his coat, which was far looser than his normal, intended for movement when needed, stretching his neck from one side to the other.

Just at that moment, a familiar face appeared. It felt quite like finding the hidden object in a children's book; after hours of looking, unexpectedly, it's suddenly there. Several strong emotions at once poured, molten, through Stefan's insides and it took considerable effort to remain focused on the mission rather than picking the errant Lysanrin up by his collar and hoisting him against the nearest wall.

Then he began around them, the prince's speech cutting off, the sound of canisters hitting the magical shield. Then, the screaming. For a moment it felt like he was seeing double, the scene overlayed with that of the 8th of Glade, panicked party-goers rushing in every direction, shouting, attempts to fight. The difference was, this time it was the witches on the defensive, the righteous leading the attack. Steeling himself, offering no comment to Albrecht's sudden appearance, Stefan pulled up his own face mask and, without looking at what his hands were doing, quickly assembled the mechanism that would free the city of the source of its greatest tyranny.

No one else mattered. Though he longed to force an explanation from Florian, though he had some thought to worry for both Lady Kala and Lyra, who had hosted them so kindly, neither could cloud his intention. Glancing through the mask to Brenner he said,

"Verlasse ihn. Wir müssen gehen, Bruder."

It was time to take down a god.

Re: [Closed] the reception

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:07 pm
by Finn
"To the newlyweds!" he proclaimed with all the others, his glass held high. "To the glory of Kalzasi!"

Having met the Shokaze now, he could see that even here among both allies and rivals, he was the same person. That was some sort of performance, he supposed. Later, Finn might ponder that, how to perform oneself. Perhaps he might discuss it with Arry, who was more of an actor and would likely have thoughts to share on the subject. Finn only knew how to perform emotion and thought through music. They were related, and he was certainly more confident on a stage than in life, but there were differences as well.

Laughter through tears was one of his favorite emotions. Shock and fear through joy were probably going to be his least favorite. Suddenly, the palace was under attack. His trauma came clawing out of him like a feral beast even as he attempted to put himself between Arry and danger, but then the danger was everywhere—soldiers falling out of the sky like deadly rain, a sickly fog spewing out of metal canisters. He didn't know what it was, but it couldn't be good. Amid the ruckus, a boyish treble called out, and a blue-skinned man nearby went after it.

A table slammed into two of the assailants who had landed nearby, which left the one who hadn't gone to cause that boyish complaint.

"Arry," he said, voice ugly and resonating with fear through his Rune, "run!" And then he jumped upon the remaining assailant. He didn't have a weapon, so he just used his weight and his speed to bear the man down to the ground, punching and punching, and taking him by the front of his fatigues and ramming him against the floor over and over, his vision gone funny.

Had he been alone, he would have Vaulted home to leave battle to those more suited to it. But Arry was in trouble and all he could think about was cradling his lute to his chest as the thugs beat the shit out of him and he wasn't going to let that happen again. Never the berserker, he wasn't even cognizant of Hyoga's voice when the man returned.

Re: [Closed] the reception

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:24 pm
by Kala Leukos
But when Karam looked back at them, they were already acting.

Kaus had pulled his pact weapon out of the aether and placed himself between his sister and the assailants. They didn't need to speak to communicate, so close was their bond. This freed her to summon Air to aid her and she began to weave it into swirling gusts to contain the strange gas that had begun to pour out of the broken canisters; whatever it was, it was meant to harm and she would not allow it. But her weaves dissipated when they came in contact with the gas, and the winds under her control lost their momentum. At the same time, she felt alarm from Kaus, whose weapon was flickering as if he couldn't keep it here with him.

Their minds bounced ideas back and forth, atomized abjinurium being the most logical thought to come of their brainstorm. In any case, Kaus pulled a weapon near enough to his own from one of the fallen and let his soul sword fade back to where it went when he wasn't using it, and Kala put her back to a column, hand coming up to the amulet at her neck. The gas hadn't gotten to her yet, and she knew she could at least manage this before it crept close enough to stop what would become inevitable.

She channeled her elemental aether into the Stormspeaker and waited for the stormcloud to coalesce. Then she shot a concentrated blast of Water into it, which began to fall like rain, battering some of the alchemical weapon to the ground. Lightning struck one of the assailants, and she set her mouth into a grim line even as Kaus threw his sword at another one, not wanting to draw lightning to him.

Kala could only hope her magic would help even as Karam, Baudric, and Kaus defended her and everyone else from their attackers.

Re: [Closed] the reception

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 11:17 pm
by Arvælyn
Arry had never really felt like a citizen of Kalzasi before tonight. He hadn't been there terribly long in the grand scheme of things, but it had been most of his adult life. Perhaps it was a status issue that was beginning to be resolved, but being here amongst this wide array of colours, shapes and sizes, he realised that such was simply Kalzasi. Even the natives were of such varied backgrounds as to obscure any sort of apparent homogeny. Finn had explained that even the prince's new husband was from a different, foreign ethnicity of Avialae that derived from the distant Gelerian Imperium and he'd pointed out a few of the other attending Kathar.

"To the glory of Kalzasi!" He echoed the sentiment, and he truly meant it. This was the day he first felt Kalzasern. But to the enemies of Kalzasi, the distinction was irrelevant.

At the sound of an explosion, Arry was jolted by both the force and the ensuing terror. His hands shot up to cover his ears as several more blasts shook the venue. His reflex in crisis was always to access his Mesmer Rune to assess the situation and manipulate it accordingly, but as a prismatic fog began to swell around them he found that he was deaf to even the most familiar of symphonies close at hand.

As he unfroze from the initial shock he looked at Finn. He didn't need his Rune to know how Finn was feeling. He'd been close at hand after the recent attack and surely this new one would reopen those wounds afresh. He placed a hand on Finn's arm and tried to soothe him with his Craft, but he was denied access to the aether. He tried to engage his more recent Rune, but that, too, was muted- presumably by the gas now permeating through their immediate vicinity.

He heard Finn's voice and the flood of emotion therein, but it wasn't emphasised by the arcane- It was only panicked desperation.

"Not without you." He replied, resolutely as assailants bore down upon them. He crouched to lower his centre of gravity and shattered his wine flute against the floor. He tucked the now-jagged stem between his index and middle fingers and made a fist. As Finn began to rail against one of the attackers like a man possessed, Arry punched the attacker in the side through gap in the armour- The improvised crystal dirk he'd fashioned slid through flesh and squelched into an organ Arry hadn't the anatomical knowledge to identify.

Arry realised that his attack was likely irrelevant when he saw the state of the interloper's skull after Finn's bludgeoning. He grabbed at the human's collar and tried to pull him back and away from the fray- Bullets were flying and bodies falling in all directions. Arry was no stranger to hardship or violence, but this was at a level he'd never come remotely close to broaching.

As projectiles whizzed by, the shadow of an unfamiliar figure descended from above- sending the strange gas swirling and spreading it further about the area. Arry didn't know whether he was friend or foe until he addressed Finn with a level of familiarity that would have irked the elf if he weren't dealing with more pressing concerns.

"Have to say I've been bloody better!" He snapped to the stranger, before looking beyond him and noticing yet another variable sweeping into the fray.

"There!" Arry's grip on Finn tightened and he pointed to where black smoke was billowing forth from somewhere unseen. "We can use that smoke to obscure our retreat!" He snagged a blood-speckled cloth napkin off the ground and held it over his nose and mouth, in case the smoke or the gas was toxic.

Re: [Closed] the reception

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:15 pm
by Talon

Since the day of its founding, the city of Kalzasi had been ruled by the Avialae. The soldiers that once called the Gelerian Imperium their homeland had instilled in the very hierarchy of the city-state a single idea; survive. The dangers of the Warrens, the presence of the sinister creatures that regularly raided the countryside and posed a very real and daily threat to the lives of Kalzasi’s citizens were not fought back by legions of soldiers ruled by distant masters. The Warren March, the very cornerstone of the Avialae’s rite of passage into adulthood instilled in every noble family the very real dangers that lurked on their doorstep every moment. Kalzasi was a city of fighters, whose nobility only remained thus because they fought daily to defend the city as their culture required. A fact that was rapidly becoming apparent to the captain of the skyship lingering above the reception.

“We need to get out of here. Fast.” One of his officers hissed.

“Not yet. Just a little longer.” The man lowered his spyglass. A frown crossing his features. He looked to the gunman to make sure that everything was ready. These winged northmen weren’t like the merchants and nobles they raided in the south. They ran…only to collect themselves and return to fight tooth and nail. For every one that was killed, two of his men were taken down. His attention was drawn skyward when suddenly a gathering of clouds formed overhead and raindrops began pouring down over the party. He cursed. That would complicate things. The sound of a horn in the distance drew his attention elsewhere.

He turned his head and saw dozens upon dozens of winged riders astride white and blue feathered giant birds headed in the direction of his ship. This followed by the appearance of a black fog and their window for success was evaporating.

“Uh…Captain!” He looked back to the party…and went wide eyed with fear as a scream of absolute rage, anguish and terror filled the skies.


Talon rolled, dodging out of the way of one of the assailants as they rushed him. He was back on his feet and lunged forward, tackling the very man that had tried to attack him. He wrapped his arm around the man’s neck grabbed his own wrist and squeezed as hard as he could, the muscles of his arm bulging and cutting off the man’s airway. He had lost his sword at some point in the fighting. Almost as soon as he had engaged the attackers, they had swarmed his, Aoren and his father’s position. Talon had been tackled, the sword wrestled from his grip. His magic had been suppressed but Talon had found that he had strength far beyond that of these mortal men. In his determination to draw as much of their attention as possible, he had tossed them right and left, drawing on a strength he had not realized he had.

But this fight was quickly getting out of hand. He could hear people screaming. He could hear feel those who died. This, on the day of his wedding, another burden that sought to bury him and his people beneath tragedy. All around him he could see the strange gas swirling while party guests ran for their lives or met their attackers head on. In the distance, Talon thought he could hear the wingbeats and footfalls of the rest of the palace garrison quickly making their way to the gardens. They just had to make it until then. They just had to hold on until…

“STOP!” Talon’s head whipped in the direction of a harsh voice. His eyes went wide. Aoren had no less than three men pinning down his wings. His face tight with pain as they stepped on them. There was a gun to the back of his head. Meanwhile, his father was being restrained by yet another group. Talon dropped the man in his grasp and took a step forward.

“I said, stop!” The speaker, a scarred man with pale green eyes and brown hair that was matted with blood and sweat, had a gun pointed at his father. He cocked it and took aim. Talon froze and as he did so, the air cracked with thunder. Rain began falling and off across the gardens, Talon saw black smoke begin billowing out over the ground. He knew immediately where that smoke came from. The rainwater began cutting through the gas, dissolving it and as it fell away, Talon could feel the pathways of his aether lining up again. The gunman’s eyes widened briefly before he fixed his attention back on Talon.

“On your knees! Come with us quietly and nobody else will be killed.” Talon glared at the man. He could feel the flow of his aether returning as the gas dissolved or was swept aside by the black smoke that began filling the area.

No.” The man opened his mouth to speak. Talon made a crushing motion with his fist.

The gunman screamed in pain as the hand holding the gun was crushed via kinetic force. He stumbled back as he howled in pain. Aoren rolled, ducking his head out of the way of the gun, sending two men flying only to have the butt of a rifle slammed into his skull knocking him unconscious. Talon felt it the moment his husband’s mind blinked out across the bond. Talon reached out across the aether flux, winding bands of telekinetic power around the attackers before him, ready to crush them with a flick of his wrist when he suddenly felt a sharp biting in his side. Talon stumbled and swept an arm down, dislodging something from his side. He felt a pulse of something and then felt pain blossom across his right flank. It was quick. It was jarring and it was enough to knock his concentration out of place. He shouted in pain, falling to one knee as he pressed a hand to his side.

“Talon!” His head snapped up and the world slowed to a crawl. He saw his father’s face go pale with fear as Talon realized several raiders were running toward him. One of whom carried a black collar in his hands. A black collar with electric blue runes etched into its surface. Pain spread throughout Talon’s body and he struggled to stay upright as it began to burn through him, shattering his ability to think. He grit his teeth, pulling himself up. Savien shoved the raiders away from him with a strong beat of his wings. He rolled on top of one, then sprung to his feet. Talon watched his father take off in a sprint toward the man opening up the collar to place it around his neck.

And then the sound of thunder cracked through the air.

A single gasp was all Talon heard. His father’s eyes went wide. His hand frozen in place, still reaching for Talon. The other hand pressed to his chest as blood spread out from the bullet hole in his heart.

“Talon…” Savien’s outstretched hand reached for him, fingers shaking before Talon watched in horror as his father fell forward and lay motionless upon the ground. Everything was silent for Talon. He couldn’t even feel the searing pain spreading through his veins and ripping away any ability he had to concentrate and draw forth his magic.

All he could see was his father’s face, frozen in shock, eyes locked on his as he desperately reached for him.

And then Talon was screaming.

A wail of grief. A cry of pain and loss that cut through him so deep he thought it would split his very soul in twain. The warmth of his husband was gone. Aoren unconscious and unable to calm him. The love of his beloved wolf was absent, Rickter, gone to save yet another loved one he might have lost. Now his father lay dead.

FATHER!” Rage. Grief. Anguish and Fury all poured out of Talon as he was wrapped in the blinding light of Dawnfire. The silver-white flame exploded out from him, incinerating every raider it touched in an instant. The blue-green gas was burned away. The fire of Talon’s pain and loss scorching everything that had brought hurt and harm to what should have been a joyous day. Talon launched himself into the air swathed in the flames of his divinity as he shot toward the skyship, tears streaming down his face. Every raider in his path was reduced to ashes in mere moments and others still caught fire simply by being in close proximity. He could form no thought other than to obliterate those responsible. All he could do was scream his despair and sorrow into the skies. He closed in on the skyship. He brought with him the rage of his loss.

Then he felt another piercing stab in his body that sent a shock through his system. He faltered, falling to the deck of the skyship, his flames having ignited a handful of those onboard. Collapsing upon the deck, Talon struggled to right himself only to feel a snap of something around his neck. Agony coursed through his brain and body and then…blackness.


He was shaking. He watched as the electric blue runes along that black collar flared to life. The silver winged Avialae roared in fury as he fought against whatever it did to him before he clutched his head, the muscles along his body flexing as he struggled internally and then collapsed unconscious.

He was shaking. He couldn’t stop shaking.

“Go. We need to go. Get the other one. Get--” He looked up as some others landed on the deck of the ship. He thought it might be reinforcements but it was more of his men. They carried with them a raven winged Avialae who was unconscious. The other one.

“Go. Now.”

“But sir, the others--” He grabbed the speaker.

“They’re as good as dead already. Send the signal. NOW!”


Between the tenacity of those gathered and their refusal to flee, the raiders quickly fell one by one, the element of surprise evaporating as time moved forward. The myriad of fighters, tacticians, and sheer willpower of those gathered proved to be more than what the raiders were seemingly prepared for.

Until a gunshot like thunder pierced the air, followed a scream of utter anguish and loss. The gardens were starkly illuminated by the blinding silver fire of Talon’s godhood. Like a shooting star the Prince of Kalzasi launched into the air sending his sacred fire cascading over the area. Those who had defiled that sacred day were burned. Those nearest to the prince himself were completely incinerated. Those attackers in his direct path were reduced to ashes. All others tied to the raiders caught in the fire were simply burned or found portions of themselves igniting, the flames unable to be doused.

Until the blinding light that Talon shed, blinked out.

Off Topic

The Dawnfire of Justice will burn only those directly tied to the RAIDERS. The flames are linked to destroying only those whom Talon perceives as responsible for this event to his knowledge. Those caught in the immediate blast were incinerated instantly. Those immediately near that were charred completely or reduced to ash. Those on the further edges were merely burned somewhere on their body with the fire only going out once Talon fell unconscious.

There will be one last post from Aegis. This concludes the player portion of this thread. You may write your reactions at your leisure amongst each other.

Re: [Closed] the reception

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 1:52 am
by Aegis

The sound of boots falling in unison on stone stairs could be heard echoing down the stairs. A small flight of armed and uniformed Avialae were at the bottom of those stairs, standing guard as they always do. This was the battalion that was in charge of guarding the portals that connected the other allied cities of Kalzasi. These were some of the best guards Kalzasi had to offer, all Avialae, of course, and all familiar in a plethora of languages and well trained in diplomacy. After all, many important diplomats, Kalzasi spies, emissaries, and wealthy traders came and went through these portals. They were one of the most important tools that Kalzasi had to unite with its friends.

The two echoing pair of boots revealed themselves, a pair of Avialae, tired and exasperated looking. Seeing their state, the commander of the watch stepped forward, recognizing the men's rank as being lower than his own, "What is it?"

One of the two men broke into a grin, "You all are missing one heckuva party up above."

His companion shot him a fierce glare that silenced him. The stern one looked at the commander, "We've been sent to ensure the portals were secured."

The commander cocked his head, confused, "Of course they are secured, why wouldn't they be?"

A hint of a grin on the stern Avialae's face, "No, not yet they aren't."


The surviving Raiders were sprinting down the stairs, the signal, a great red firework that exploded in the sky over Kalzasi. There was panic in the eyes of some, desperation in many, and duty in a select few. The one leading the party of survivors was the captain of the airship, part of his face burned, like many here. Upon reaching the landing, the captain faltered at the site of the entryway that housed. Every surface was slick with blood, feathers all over, and that heavy metal taste in the air. And there, lounging against the wall were the two Avialae that had been sent to secure the facility. The captain knew of them, but knew nothing about them.

"Where.. Where are the bodies?"

One of them chuckled, then belched, "What happened to your ship?"

His companion shot him another stern glance as the captain replied, "Took too much damage, an escape was impossible. Put her on a collision course for the Skyharbor after cracking her shards."

The building shook and dust spiraled out of the brickwork, "That'd be her."

The stern one looked the captain in the eye, "And the packages?"

Two men stepped forward, pulling back the clasps on the bags they carried, revealing the unconscious faces of Prince Talon and his husband Aoren. The stern man nodded, "Go on, we've secured the other side, and your contacts will meet you at checkpoint Ogre."

The captain nodded, and him and his entire band of survivors filed on through the hall and down toward the portal, and eventually disappeared into it. The pair of Avialae sighed, as they reached up, pulling at the skin at their faces. They ripped them off, tossing them into the air, igniting them with a thought. They both shrugged, shedding their wings and igniting them too. The jesting one spoke again, "What sort of name is Silent Wings anyways?"

The stern one refused to respond, like she always did. But there was a hint of a grin there, "See! You think it's dumb too! It was so kind of the prince to finally reveal them to us. Eadra certainly made it worth our while. And with such style. Who would've thought that a woman scorned could bring down a god?"

The stern one looked over at the man, "Gods will always be brought down by us mortals. Their destinies are simply to be the adversary that we grow strong for in order to kill. Arcas reborn is just the first in a long line."

A snort from the man, "Always so serious. Can we go? I'm starving. Some of us didn't actually get to eat."

Another bare hint of a grin, "Yes, let's go."

As the pair disappeared through the Zeraphesh portal, and moments later, several bombs went off, destroying the portals and the facility that housed them, sealing their exit.


In the immediate wake of the attack, the Shohane issued orders on Kalzasi as those in charge tried to figure everything out. Everything was happening so fast, but the word was that King Savien had been assassinated in the attack, and that possibly Prince Talon was dead or captured. They were still trying to piece together all of the reports.

There were many dead and injured around the palace gardens, there was a massive explosion at the Skydocks where the enemy ship went down. Another explosion had taken out the Portals Facility. The Shohane made a swift decision. Kalzasi was under attack, and potentially still under attack, so they initiated a lockdown. With the eclipsing moons overhead, high in the sky, Kalzasi became cut off from everything. The portals were gone, the airships were grounded, and any that approached Kalzasi or attempted to take off from Kalzasi would be shot down and survivors arrested. The trains were shut down and for the first time in ages, the city gates were shut, locked, and the guard along the walls doubled. The orders were simple. None were getting in or out of Kalzasi until the Shohane, or the new leader, whoever that might be, took control of the situation.

And once the lockdown was initiated, one more order was given. Any and all known Zaichaeri citizens, those known for frequently traveling to Zaichaer, and any with known ties to Zaichaer, were being rounded up and arrested. The city guard and even members of the Dead Legion were brought down to work with the administrative and intelligence corps to round up all of those with associations to Zaichaer, and began imprisoning them in warehouses and other makeshift facilities. The interrogations would begin soon, and the Shohane had given their soldiers, their interrogators, and their torturers one extremely clear directive.

Find out everything, by any means necessary.

 ! Message from: Aegis

The lockdown of Kalzasi has begun. At this point, all PCs in Kalzasi during the Wedding Reception (Midnight between 88th and 89th) are stuck in Kalzasi for the foreseeable future unless they conduct a plot in which to escape. Kalzasi soldiers are hunting down and arresting anyone with known associations to Zaichaer and imprisoning them. All PCs outside of Kalzasi at this time will be turned away aggressively, and attacked if pressed. Airships and fliers will be shot down on sight.

All event participants (and even those not in the event, as outside witnesses) may continue to run their plots as solos or collaboratives immediately following Talon's final post. If you wish to have more details on any aspect of this, you may contact myself, Paragon, or any of the Kalzasi mods on the matter and we will assist you with this. At season change, we will be releasing a Fallout Report of this event in regards to Kalzasi and Zaichaer.

I will be conducting a review of this thread in the very near future, so be prepared to be contacted by me in regards to Knowledges from this thread.

Thank you, it was amazing to see all these different plots converging on this monumental event, and I cannot wait to see how they move forward from here. You've all been amazing and every one of you should be proud of yourselves.

Re: [Closed] the reception

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 9:23 pm
by Aegis

Review Overview

First and foremost, what a wonderful thread, a true convergence of so many plots, only to be able to blossom into so many more. This thread has ended with so much potential for continuation on the parts of the participating PCs and I look forward to reading them all.

Secondly, that said, there are very few *rewards* in terms of tangible things simply because while this thread is over, this plot is not. Please feel free to continue your branch of this plot at your own discretion, and various rewards and/or consequences in the traditional sense will come your way.

Third, All PCs participating, regardless of level of participation, are awarded 13 Skill Lores and 15 EXP. The skill lores most be appropriate to what was performed in this thread. The EXP can be magical of nature, but you must include that in your Skill Lores request. Send your requests to myself via DM on Discord or PM on site.

Finally, There will be area appropriate summaries (Kalzasi / Zaichaer) of the initial stages of the fallout provided at season change.



You may choose up to 13 Skill Lores. DM or PM them to me, and I'll update this review with them included.

+1 Memorable Party
-1 Father
-100% Freedom
-100% knowledge of one's own whereabouts.
1 Throwing Comb wound
1 Emotional Injury at having 1 less father


15 EXP


Talon and Aoren's kidnapping was witnessed by many, however none saw where the kidnappers disappeared to. Whereabouts are unknown to Talon and Aoren, as well as to anyone else not directly involved in the kidnapping.



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None, other than some... feelings.

None lasting.


15 EXP

Currently believed to be MIA, possibly killed.



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15 EXP

Witnessed by many coming to the defense of Kalzasi and the royal family. This will not be forgotten.

Brenner Dornkirk


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+1 Glory upon Zaichaer
-1 Fancy comb



15 EXP

Witnessed by many having directly attacked Talon. This will not be forgotten. A bounty has been put out on Brenner, dead or alive. Dead will be awarded 10,000,000 Gold Aven. Alive and able to be interrogated will be awarded 30,000,000 Gold Aven, a large acreage of arable land in Kalzasi control, and a personal meeting with Sahfri.



You may choose up to 13 Skill Lores. DM or PM them to me, and I'll update this review with them included.




15 EXP

Witnessed by many coming to the aid of Kalzasi people. This will not be forgotten.



You may choose up to 13 Skill Lores. DM or PM them to me, and I'll update this review with them included.




15 EXP

Was witnessed by many fleeing instead of defending. This will not be forgotten.



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15 EXP


Witnessed coming to the defense of Kalzasi people. This will not be forgotten.

Kala Leukos (and Kaus)


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15 EXP

Both of the twins were witnessed coming to the defense of Kalzasi people. This will not be forgotten.



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15 EXP


Witnessed coming to the defense of Kalzasi people. This will not be forgotten.



You may choose up to 13 Skill Lores. DM or PM them to me, and I'll update this review with them included.




15 EXP

Witnessed as being in association with the assassin, Brenner Dornkirk. This will not be forgotten. A bounty has been put out on Florian, alive. Alive and able to be interrogated will be awarded 1,000,000 Gold Aven.

Stefan Dornkirk


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15 EXP

Witnessed as being in association, in addition to being a long time associate of, with the assassin, Brenner Dornkirk. This will not be forgotten. A bounty has been put out on Stefan Dornkirk, dead or alive. Dead will be awarded 1,000,000 Gold Aven. Alive and able to be interrogated will be awarded 10,000,000 Gold Aven.



You may choose up to 13 Skill Lores. DM or PM them to me, and I'll update this review with them included.


Small cut in his hand from the broken sword.
Two crossbow bolts imbedded in shoulder.


15 EXP

Witnessed by many as defending the people of Kalzasi and sustaining injuries in doing so. This will not be forgotten.