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Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 1:42 pm
by Kala Leukos
Emerea's explanation directly into her mind was edifying. It was also startling, though by the time the captain was preparing to quit their presence, Kala thought she had a handle on things. She thought she might be able to reach out at will and avail herself of this library of thoughts and memories, and perhaps to bring her boys into the mix as well. A part of her wondered if the Silver Wings would elect to stay in Atoria; here they would have more than the family they lacked in Kalzasi. In any case, when Emerea was ready to leave them, Kala bowed.

Thank you, Captain Emerea. She didn't know whether to reciprocate her blessings; they were new to her.

The young lady dove into the relative normalcy of the inn to give her mind a distraction from all the momentous things that had happened of late. She secured a room for the boys, and a room for Kaus and her to share. Finances were her bailiwick, and the men carried the bulk of their gear to the rooms. When she called Ceran and Indric into their adjoining room, she quickly taught them how to speak to each other through this decentralized connection, how to access information quickly. For practice, she sent them what should knew of Wraedan's Spire, where she would seek out their draconic ally, and bade them explore as they would, but not to guard their thoughts so tightly that they all couldn't reach out to each other if necessary.

The boys went in search of any information about the parents they hadn't known while Kaus, inevitably, went to test his skills against anyone who would oblige him. As the third child, he seemed content to be the warrior, whether that meant defending his sister or leading troops for his brother in times of need.

Kala found Wraedan's Spire without much difficulty, her mind searching even as her eyes and other senses took everything in.

Perhaps she ought to have eaten first, and bathed, and slept, but she was too keyed up for that, too overstimulated. All the same, she quieted herself when she was led to the recuperating dragon. She just wanted to see for her own eyes that all was well, and perhaps share a little time with the dragon. It might have been imagined, but she thought she felt a bond with the young dragon. Nessena had been there when first she encountered the Ara who had come to shape her life in Kalzasi. There were few with whom she could share such confidences with some degree of expectation that they might understand.

She knelt in a meditative posture near the dragon, who seemed to be resting her eyes.

After a moment, she reached out with her mind, Sena?

Just a little while, she told herself, and then she would eat, and bathe, and sleep. The idea of meeting the progenitor of her species was daunting and she wanted to give a good first impression, both of herself and her House.

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:26 pm
by Paragon
The spire itself was a solid structure that had only a single entry and exit point. How a dragon could fit inside of it was a curiosity in and of itself for the doorway was only big enough to fit perhaps a humanoid individual. Passing through the doorway would reveal the truth. Inside of the spire was a sprawling landscape of towering trees and verdant gardens. Everything was in a shade of midnight blues, velvet blacks with the occasional pop of bright gold or white colors. Faerie lights drifted over the plants and across the grasses. Kala was drawn in a direction that was not far from where she entered. Looking behind her revealed a stone archway, through which was visible the night time city of Atoria. Upon following where she felt the mental tug, Kala was led down a path through the trees and fields.

She was drawn to an enclosure where the flora formed a half-circle around what appeared to be a colossal wall of solid black stone. Nessena was curled up against this black stone structure in a cat-like ball with her head resting upon her front legs and her tail wrapped around her. Her wings were draped over her form as though a blanket. When Kala stepped closer, the sense that she was being watched became ever present. The colossal black cliff suddenly moved and the enclosure was bathed in a stark gold light that glowed as though from volcanic fires.

Staring at Kala was a massive reptilian eye. The gargantuan cliff was not a mountain. It was a black dragon. One that made Nessena look tiny by comparison. The eye held within it no malice nor aggression. The dragon observed Kala approach quietly. In her mind, Nessena’s voice brushed along Kala’s consciousness. Sleepiness colored the black dragon’s mind-voice.

Be not afraid, Kala.

Nessena lifted her head and stretched out her body with catlike grace. She extended her claws, arching her back and flicking her tail as she shook herself. The dragon then moved, curling around Kala so that she could rest her head near the young woman’s hands, clearly inviting Kala to relax. The massive dragon just beside them closed its eye, returning to its supposed slumber. Nessena answered the obvious question.

He is Somavion. Called Scythe-Keeper. My many times grandsire.

Nessena let out a breath, her warm huff helping to push away the cold.

You should be resting.

There was a pause.

What troubles you?

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:11 pm
by Kala Leukos
Sometimes, Kala didn't know if she was brave or foolhardy. The line, it was said, could be thin as a hair from her head. But she had traversed the Warrens and the Aether Sea to come to Atoria; she was in for a penny, in for a pound. The great wyrm's eye was reminiscent of a boulder-sized daemithillium but eventually it closed, and Nessena drew near. Even a small, young dragon might frighten a normal person. Kala, then, was abnormal, but she was used to that.

She was comfortable enough in her meditative posture, but she relaxed somewhat at Nessena's insistance.

She reached out a "hand." She offered Somavion the barest brush of her consciousness, a respectful greeting not meant to spoil his rest. To the younger drake,

Duty, I suppose. But not so cold as that. Concern. I didn't suppose you wouldn't receive due care and comfort; I just had to see it for my own eyes. Even here, there are more wonders... I suppose you were there when all this started for me. I don't know how self-aware you were as a wyrmling... I don't know much about dragons, really, beyond what is commonly known, and I am certain that is full of errors. But I have erred into the fantastical... I have always had faith, but now I know certain things. It will take time to glean any wisdom from that. I will sleep eventually... I won't keep you from your rest for long.

But at least a piece of Saedene was here with them as well, glowing softly against her wrist. She had half expected to walk through the Boundless Gate into some pocket of the Aetherium that belonged to Naori, a handful of Avialae women attending her. Instead, she had found Atoria and soon would find Garel. She supposed the Crystal Lady would have Her will done without speaking directly to her. Perhaps that was for the best. A mortal mind likely couldn't cope with that enormity. Emmerich's had, but he had been special.

If he is Scythe-Keeper, who are you? Quiet humor crept into her mind's voice. She really ought to go back to the Inn and rest, but the enormity of everything made the minutiae all but hilarious to her.

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:52 pm
by Paragon
Atoria has become home to many things. Your people have built many wonders. Many wonders have been entrusted to them as well.

Nessena curled around Kala more snugly, her body rising and falling with a great breath. A soft purring rumble emanated from the black dragon as she listened to Kala’s excitement. Across the young woman’s thoughts a wave of warmth pushed at the edges of her nervous energy, calming them, soothing them, giving them quiet clarity so that her body was not racing quite as fast. While Somavion made no acknowledgement of Kala’s presence beyond that single instance of staring at her, his presence suffused the air around them.

I remember our meeting. You were filled with spirit then as you are now. Grow, Kala. Embrace your uncertainty and there you will find your highest freedoms.

At Kala’s question, the dragon chuckled.

Sleep, Kala. No more questions tonight. You will need your rest. Your challenges have just begun.

With that, the dragon took one more great breath before closing her eyes peacefully. Her mind presence remained there but it grew quieter. The dragon drifting off into quiet slumber.


With the morning came the rise of the twin suns in the skies. The activity within the inn was quieter as many of its occupants had either gone to their own homes or were going about their business already. The weight of the journey came more heavily upon Kala, Kaus, Ceran and Indric once they had finally been ushered into the arms of Thiovan, the God of Dreams. Yet though challenging, comfort had wrapped around them as they slept as the collective consciousness of their people safeguarded their dreaming hours. They awoke refreshed, invigorated, and with clearer heads than perhaps they had possessed in quite some time. There was a strength of purpose and thought that instilled itself in them as never before. Whether that was because of the revelations from the day prior or because of the unique link they now had with their people, time would tell.

Or perhaps Garel would.

Emerea was not waiting for them when they had finished their breakfast. Another figure was. He was dressed in resplendent armor of white and silver. A blazing sun rest upon his breastplate. He was tall and possessed the build of a warrior. The wings of an eagle rest upon his back, the feathers a snowy-white. As he approached them, he removed his helm revealing black hair and winter grey eyes. His ears had a slight point to them and his skin was tanned. When he reached them he smiled.

“The party Leukos, I take it?”

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:07 pm
by Kala Leukos
They seemed to fit so well into Atoria that Kala had to wonder why the Synnekar hadn't been called to join them here, and the Kathar enslavement dealt with. Here there was unity, and it was only the thought of home and friends like Baudric that gave her any urgency to leave. After breaking their fast, Kala considered reaching out into that collection of consciousnesses to seek out Emerea's and ask what to do next, whether they should find the Necromancer's home on their own or wait, but they didn't have to wait.

She was glad they had all cleaned up well after their rest, though none of them came in finery, ready instead for whatever the Warrens would throw at them. At least the boys had that Avialae magic that made them look impressive without much effort.

There was only a single sunburst on the armor of the man awaiting them rather than the two of Atoria's plane of existence. Kala was still unclear exactly where they were in relation to anywhere else. They were on the Isle of Atoria, but that had moved from wherever it had been on ancient maps.

Kala nodded at the man.

"I am Kala Leukos," she affirmed. "This is my brother Kaus, our friends, Ceran and Indric."

The boys puffed up a bit, being named friend rather than mercenary. If nothing else, this adventure had drawn them closer to their patrons.

"Will you escort us to meet Master Garel?" she asked. That was her plan, though she didn't know who else might have plans for her and hers. She had half expected Naori Herself to be on the other side of the Boundless Gate, but nothing had worked out quite as she had imagined. She had also assumed that nothing would turn out as she expected—mysterious ways.

In any event, they were prepared to march. She had some idea of what she would need to do when she returned to Kalzasi, and it was only a matter of time before they bade her leave this utopia.

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:39 pm
by Paragon
The man looked over the four of them. His expression softened as he looked over them with a deep sense of happiness and pride.

“I welcome you warmly here.” He straightened. “It brings me great joy to see sons and a daughter of Kalzasi so proud and strong. I often miss it.”

He tucked his helm more securely beneath his arm then placed his free hand against his chest, directly over his heart. Bowing slightly at the waist, he closed his eyes.

“I am Synnar, First Sword of Atoria. It will be my honor to guide you to Garel’s tower.” He placed his helm back upon his head and bade the four of them follow him.

“Garel is expecting you. He is…annoyed but that is nothing new. The man gets flustered about anything that distracts him from his projects. You are a distraction but a welcome one.” He chuckled fondly as he shook his head. As they walked, others paused to briefly offer acknowledgement to the armored Avialae. He returned their acknowledgement.

“Can…can I ask, how are things in Kalzasi?”

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 4:31 pm
by Kala Leukos
It was only Synnar's movement that kept them all from bowing fully to him once he identified himself. Even still, Ceran stumbled a bit to catch up and keep up. They were all a bit wide-eyed as they followed the First Sword of Atoria, the savior or their people, who was leading them to the progenitor of their people, who was both honored and reviled depending on the historian or storyteller.

"We are honored, Lord Synnar," Kaus said as they walked. The boys murmured agreement.

Kala responded to his question: "Ah, Kalzasi yet stands, my Lord. She is beset by enemies... perhaps both Zaichaer and the Gelerian Imperium, though they have obfuscated things. The Shokaze was assassinated and the Shinsei and his consort were kidnapped from their wedding reception. One of the Shokaze's queens now rules as regent. I had hoped..." But it didn't matter. The Masked Queen was not here to meet her on the other side of the Boundless Gate.

"I hope that perhaps when the time comes for us to leave, we will have better tools with which to rescue them. The Queen-Regent seeks alliance with the elven nation of Solunarium, but they are also treating with the Brass City, and they have everything to gain by choosing the winning side, whichever that might be.

"But the Synnekar Avialae would make you proud, I think. They remain resolute. And Dawnmartyrs continue to trickle into the city, seeking Arcas reborn. They might prove doughty allies in the time to come. His dawnfire was a sight to behold..." She wondered for a moment if she might ever be worthy of his regard, his emblem. He was a child of Eikaen, and she had been chosen by his opposite, his complement. Talon fought while Kala sought the mysteries and secrets, following trails left by the most secretive, ineffable of the Gods. Perhaps he could be recovered, though, and they might work in tandem as the greatest Gods had, a son of Eikaen and a servant of Naori.

But she was getting ahead of herself.

"And Master Garel... do you have any advice on how to proceed?"

She might look unruffled, but she was quite nervous to be surrounded by so many wonders, so many luminaries. It was only duty to the Crystal Lady that kept her grounded—that and her care for the winged warriors walking with her.

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 4:09 am
by Paragon
“Just Synnar.” He looked over to Kaus and smiled. “General if you are feeling formal. Atoria is guided by the Seven but it is governed by its people. There are no kings, queens, lords or princes here. We elect our senators once every solar alignment. Which is the equivalent of ten Ranseran years.”

He listened as Kala explained the state of Kalzasi. A look of sadness crossing his features as she explained the assassination of the Shokaze and the abduction that ensued. He shook his head.

“I always knew that the Imperium would always seek to destroy us.” When she explained further the return of Arcas, Synnar’s step faltered. His head swiveled in her direction, a look of disbelief on his face.

“I had heard the stories from travelers a few years ago. I…I was not sure what to make of them. If what you are saying is true though?” He took in a deep breath. “Perhaps the time is approaching faster than we realized. If Solunarium is taking an interest in Kalzasi, and Arcas claims it as his home, that will likely spoil any relations with them.”

They turned down a street and ascended a few steps to reach a plaza that led up to a tower of jade glass and silvered marble. It must have had at least a dozen or so floors to it judging solely from the outside. He guided them toward it.

“Garel will be Garel. There is no hiding anything from him. He is too old to be impressed by compliments and too shrewd to be bothered by fools. If nobody else knows why you are here or where you must go from here, he does. Be honest and be direct. He appreciates brevity, if nothing else.” There was a hint of a smirk on his lips as they reached the entrance of the tower. There he stopped and looked over the four of them.

“This is where you must part ways for the moment, I am afraid. Only Kala has been granted leave to have an audience with Garel. The rest of you must remain here, with me.” When Kala and her companions had given their encouragement, Synnar gestured for the young woman to continue forward.


Passing into the interior of the tower, it felt as though a wind brushed over Kala’s shoulders. A distinct chill wrapped around her body. The familiar cold of necromancy reigned supreme within the interior of the tower. Despite the twins suns that could be plainly seen through the glass windows, it was dimly lit inside. The smell of spices, herbs, old paper and a touch of decay reached her nostrils. Glancing over the walls, Kala would be able to see that every square inch of the walls surface was covered in pictograph markings of exceedingly complex nature. There were symbols she could recognize as belonging to Necromancy. There were symbols belonging to Alchemy, Artificing, Runeforging, and even elaborate sigils from Scrivening but there were constructs and symbols that were far beyond her. They appeared to belong to other things.

As she drew further inside, the corridor she walked through widened into a circular chamber that was as easily over one hundred feet across. Floating overhead were spheres of various sizes and shapes, some of which had rings around them and smaller spheres orbiting them. It was not hard to realize that it was a planetarium suspended in the air by magic. The planets, moons, and asteroids floated around a pair of twin suns. Beneath the planetarium on the floor were tables and bookshelves and workbenches of varying sorts. In one corner there looked to be an incomplete automaton. In another corner there looked to be a half finished artifact of some sort.


And kneeling in front of a pit of white and black marble sand, with one finger drawing in the sands, was an older looking human. He wore brown robes, his hair falling well past his shoulders. A beard covered his lower face and looked to be decently kept. A smoking pipe was clenched between his teeth as his hands drew symbols in the sand. When Kala entered, he paused in his work, looking up at her with one good eye, the other half-squinted. He drew in a puff on his pipe, bringing a hand up to grasp it. As he exhaled the smoke he spoke, his voice gravelly and sharp.

“You look terrible.” He frowned, looking back to the sand in front of him. “Quit gawking and grab that book over on the stand next to the golem. Bring it here, quickly. Don’t dawdle.”

With the stem of his pipe he pointed to a bookstand next to the unfinished automaton.

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:24 pm
by Kala Leukos
"The Solunarian ambassador seemed reasonable," she ventured, "but I know not what passed between him and the Queen-Regent, nor what he will report to his Solar Sovereign." Kala wanted to ask what he meant by the time, but he gave her instead some advice for dealing with Garel. She nodded, trying to take it in stride and take it to heart.

"Thank you, Synnar," she said despite feeling strange treating such a one with any degree of familiarity.

Kala quirked a smile at her boys. There was little to be said that hadn't already been said. They had faith in each other, having gotten this far together. She walked into the jade spire. Once again, her senses, mundane and magical, were overwhelmed. Surely she learned a thing or two in her quick study of glyphs, necromantic and otherwise, but soon enough she stood before yet another legendary figure, a relatively normal-looking man in entirely fantastic surroundings.

Her bow was brief, and likely her mother would have disapproved, but Kala was keen neither to waste his time nor prove herself a fool.

"Yes, sir," she said, not taking his criticism to heart. The criteria were unknown to her. Her eyes ran over the golem as she carefully picked up the book, her senses barely piercing the surface layer of aether making up its magical matrices. The book was likely priceless, but she wasted no time bringing it back to the Necromancer. She knelt beside him, close enough that she could hold it open for him but not so close as to intrude upon his work, the purpose of which she could not yet fathom.

"I do not wish to waste your time, but I have come at the Crystal Lady's command and do not ken my next steps in Her service. I seek your counsel when your work permits." With that, she fell silent. She had watched master craftsmen and magical artisans at work and knew that it was often quite easy to distract them, so she was content to watch and learn until such time as he could focus on her.

Re: Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:25 am
by Paragon
When Kala arrived with the book, he took it from her. He quickly flipped to one of the pages, his hand pressed to the paper as he used his index finger to guide his perusal. Scrawled upon the page in quick, sharp script were writings that were clearly notes of an arcane nature. Pictographs and diagrams littered the pages along with various notes beside them. He looked back and forth between the book and the circle that had been drawn in the sands. A glance over them would reveal that some of the symbols in the book matched what was in the sands. When Kala began speaking, he waved her off.

“Yes, yes. I know why you are here.” His speech was somewhat garbled as he mumbled around the stem of his pipe. He snapped the book shut, grabbed his pipe and continued in an aggravated manner as he looked to the heavens.

“Her Ladyship HAS BEEN MOST VOCAL ABOUT HER PARTICULARS!” The old necromancer glared into the air above him before muttering to himself with a shake of his head. With a strange tenderness he set the book aside as though he were handling something as fragile as spun glass. He then rose to his feet and hobbled over to a corner to grab a black staff that looked like a gnarled branch with twisted roots winding around a crystal affixed atop it. As he turned back to Kala he made shooing motions with his hands.

“Up, up. Into the circle with you. Let’s get you mended to your proper self.” As Kala got herself situated, he shuffled around the circle, eyes scanning over his work. To Kala’s eyes, it was a masterwork circle of pictography with aspects of sublime necromancy woven into the pattern. There were other symbols present as well, symbols not as clear but equally powerful at a mere glance.

“You are incomplete. And if there is one thing I loathe it is seeing my work unfinished.” He frowned when he examined Kala from head to toe. Stepping forward he gently grabbed Kala by the elbow and adjusted her position. Then he examined her again and her position relative to the circle. With a curt nod he grumbled then went to stand in front of the circle. He tapped the butt of his staff upon the floor twice. Immediately the crystal atop the staff shone brilliantly with power that wound its way down the staff and infused the circle. Tendrils of aether slithered across the ground until they inserted themselves into the symbols of the circle. As soon as the circle filled in with power, it flared to life sending a pillar of power shooting upwards. Kala’s ears were filled with the roar of a rushing waterfall as magic spiraled to life all around her. Along the walls of the tower, the symbols etched into the very stones began coming alive as Garel enacted his ritual. Over the roar of power, the necromancer called.

“Do try to choose a fitting Path, eh?!” The swell of power grew brighter until it obscured all that was around her. It began to creep ever higher until all things in her vision were blotted out by an all-consuming kaleidoscope of colors. Her body became electrified with power as it filled her. There was no pain but the jittering sense of becoming filled to the brim with listless energy coiled its way into her skin, her muscles, her bones, and even down to her soul. She would be able to feel herself shaking with energy until it wound its way into her mind where finally her eyes became opened to a new horizon.
It was bright. It was endless. It was glorious.

Before Kala stretched an endless ocean of infinite possibilities that held within it all things. It was Everything. It was Nothing. It was every possible future and it was every terrible end. Before her stretched the possibility to embark upon the journey to become anything and everything she wanted.

Or nothing at all.

What would she choose?