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Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:33 am
by Aeros
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Whether it was fate or mere coincidence, he asked for this not; the spirit's circumstances regarding both Arcas and Lykos were not brought upon by his own desires. Their divine interventions were never sought by him, yet nonetheless, he was saved by the benevolence of these foreign deities both times, one way or another. Arcas had found him moments after mist-corrupted beasts had, saving him from straits most dire.

For Lykos, Æros was not actually aware of the true nature of it all– he didn't know that it was Lykos' magic that solved Hilana's conundrum, thus clearing the path back for them both, nor did he know the circumstances of the bargain He'd taken from Myshala. The apparition did, however, harken to Myshala's parting words. Whatever gaps lingered in Æros' sense of self-preservation before were now gone.

Æros had little to say and less to do while the others finished speaking and began gathering supplies; the ghost lingered without a word and followed as the party made its way out to the courtyard and through the portal. Looking around as they moved, he was curious about just how many Sentinels had been dispatched. There was no guess for him to hazard, unfortunately; he had no access to his magics like this, a fact that pained him.

Upon arriving in the citadel, Æros recognized the room, though it was clear some changes had been made as Phocion snapped his fingers and the decor came to life with a magicked vibrance. "Ah-! Quite a bit more lively than last time, indeed," the ghost quipped, his voice and barely visible aetherial form moving past Hilana and towards the window.

Æros might've groaned at Phocion's request that he and the others add their perspectives…but this incorporeal form prevented such outbursts; any audible sound he produced took a lot more effort than before, thus rendering anything involuntary unto obsolescence. The ghost knew full well that those with Semblance could pull the accounts from their Auras, making such a request effectively superfluous. He figured the actual reason was to compare that which was said with the truth, not even necessarily for lies, but for the manner in which one chose to tell the tale. Reasoning regardless, he knew it'd be folly to deny the man this request.

"Given that Lykos remembers precious little and Lia's tale aught to be similar to Hilana's, I suppose I'll speak first." The ghost’s voice lacked a lot of the emotion it held prior to the arrival of the Sentinels, though the reason for which would be presently indecipherable.

"Hilana and I only intended to sail along the edge of the Sceptre’s protection, but upon leaving its radius, our curiosity did, indeed, get the better of us. The frozen crystalline tree atop a lone island we'd never noticed before piqued our interest; we wanted to see if the tree had anything to do with the Eclipse, and then if it did, if there was aught we could do to help resolve it. Upon our arrival, it was as she said– moments after we stepped out of our boat, everything froze over and that way back was destroyed," he began.

"I…want to say it was just the two of us to start, but my memory is hazy; there might have been another already there…but I can't recall," and upon thinking about it, this vexed him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to remember everything clearly and there was a nagging feeling as if he were missing something important.

"Nevertheless, we proceeded forward into an entrance formed in the trunk of the tree. Within it we found ourselves surrounded by kaleidoscopic color– gaseous, liquid, crystallized– all forms. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to get a proper look at it, but if I had to guess, we were surrounded by materialized aether. I can't say the source or potency thereof.

"Anyway, the chamber was otherwise empty aside from a black obelisk in the center. At first, I found myself standing back, looking 'round the room. So when Hilana strode forward and laid her hand upon the obelisk's surface, I…I panicked,"
and though his voice had been monotone this entire time, he paused.

"...I wanted to stay back and look around, to analyze our surroundings, but from the writing on the obelisk, it was clear that it was a portal. So when she touched it, I…didn't want to be stuck there alone with no way off the island. Guided by that, I followed suit…foolish as that was, I now wish I hadn't.

"I had done so with a hope that wherever we would end up, we'd be deposited together– alas, that was not the case, and I ended up alone anyway. Rather, I found myself only functionally alone and, to my great dismay, without my Semblance. My company were all facsimiles who bore familiar faces. On instinct…I knew this. The obelisk did not rob me of my memory. I knew I'd touched something that had all but labeled itself as 'portal to the void.'

"Nevertheless, I fell into the trap of whatever creature deigned to design that faux reality– whatever manner of beast wore such familiar skin. I've no true defense of my actions, only an explanation of what went through my head.

"When the visage of our Goddess was invoked, I felt nothing less than incredible desperation. Desperation to appease Her, to please Her, to give myself unto Them. She promised much, but it was not in those honeyed gifts that I desired– I only…I only wanted deliverance unto Them."
In truth, a part of him was perfectly at peace with meeting a true end, so long as his soul went to Them. "So I did as Her imposter asked, offering myself as sacrifice, though I did so in Their name only.

"...and my prayer was heard. In a way, I ended up getting exactly what I desired, though it came with…caveats. When next I found myself conscious, I had been plucked from the Void, finding myself atop mount Sorokyn. Before me were two divines: our beloved Twins. There were, however, others present. Beside me, there was Shæoth, and brought with Them was another mortal, one meant to be a sacrifice."

An uncomfortable pause would occur before he continued. "I was then presented with an offer. Be damned to Void, or damn the other mortal and be resurrected within his skin. Should this have been nearly anyone else, I wouldn't have balked at such a proposition, but…given my affection for him, I, at first, hesitated.

"I asked if there was any other way, and, to my surprise, it was Shæoth who presented the alternative. Shæoth offered me vengeance, though at first, it was too much. In exchange for what He had said was a substantial amount of power, I was to forsake everything about my life prior, swearing vengeance against not only the creature that tricked me into death, but the Twins themselves for picking a sacrifice that weighed so heavily upon my heart. I…could not do that, but in my heart did burn a desire for vengeance toward the thing that had me duped. I said as much to Shaeoth, and He accepted, this being the form He did deign to grant me. Should I succeed in eliminating the creature that tricked me, I will be reborn.

"I…know not the fate of the would-be sacrifice. Mine was given to me before I saw what became of him, all I can say is that he had no sympathy for my predicament, and as such, pleaded with Shæoth for vengeance of his own.

"Tricked as I had been, I do consider that audience to have been nothing short of a blessing. That the Twins did hear me and answer my prayer, to have made any sort of arrangement with Shæoth to offer me a return– I am ever grateful.

"Once the deal had been brokered with Shæoth, I next found myself at Hilana's side. She…seemed to be faring quite a bit better, despite the apparent destruction in whatever pocket of Void she'd been sent to. Along with myself arrived my rune of Semblance and two other runes– perhaps…belonging to Lykos? I know not who else they could have come from. Nevertheless, Hilana collected them.

"Perilous though it was, we managed to return to the chamber within the tree. It was upon that return where we chanced upon this one dubbed Lykos. He was there, unconscious, and with him was Myshala, of that I am certain. The obelisk had been split in twain, two corpses having been held within it; twin elves. I've not a clue their identities, and Myshala did not offer answers. If you think knowing their faces would be useful, might I suggest having a more learned individual than I gaze into my Aura? Or I suppose I might be able to possess somebody and illustrate the figures with Masquerade simulacrums."
He knew ghosts could possess people, though his current grasp of the concept was tenuous at best.

"Further, Myshala, obscure as She was, made several things clear. She said that Lykos had made an incredible sacrifice and that He'd given up everything He held dear not only for us, apparently, but for countless others. To whit, She then informed Hilana and I that a new bargain had been formed between us and Her, since it was by Lykos' bargain that we lived at all. Myshala stated that should Hilana or I untether from this mortal coil before we fulfill our end of the bargain, that She will collect our souls and gift us with the dubious concept of 'eons of suffering,' but also that fulfilling it was more than simply living– to do so, we must 'grow anew' with the continued existence we've been granted.

"She left us with nebulous words. At first, She said that He, referring to Lykos, I assume, 'will be needed in what comes next,' and then when Hilana referred to her as 'Lady of Mercy,' her response was to say, 'mercy was lost with Him and His forebears,' again, presumably in regard to Lykos. Promptly thereafter, she vanished. Make of this information what you will, for I…don't quite know what she means.

"I will add that through this, Myshala used the last of the crystal tree's aether to shift the world around us, and before we left, it was a crystalline tree no more, but an icy domain home to wolves– perhaps an ode to this 'Lord of Frost,' but we did not linger long.

"At first, I'd honestly thought we'd have to cross the frozen waters– when the island shifted to ice, so too did the ocean between us and the mainland, presumably…very far north. To my great relief, however, Hilana informed us she had a Traversion ring, which brought us swiftly back to her family's home– and now we are here, with that being the tale as per my experience."

He added, "I do request that if possible, Hilana, you'll get my Semblance rune into my family's possession. They can...look after it until I find a way to coalesce with it once more. And Phocion, Lykos is clueless to all of that; loathe as I am to speak Common normally, I avoided it here on the chance you'd rather keep him in the dark." The ghost felt these two things important to clarify.

"Lykos, mine apologies for speaking in a tongue you know not. Common can be...difficult for me." To have delivered all of that in a tongue he rarely used would've been an arduous process.

Despite his pauses, the sound of his voice continued to remain flat. Æros had come to realize that it took quite a bit of effort to speak at all, and that any modulation to his voice be it volume or tone did seem to require more effort. He'd found that his outbursts towards Hilana had felt exhausting– speaking like this, devoid of emotion, was far less taxing on his essence. He imagined that should he be outright provoked, he'd be hard pressed not to react with more weighted words. All he felt now was an oppressive, lingering sadness accompanied by a painful sort of anxiety regarding the future. Without the body's physical reactions to these emotions, though, it was far, far easier to speak smoothly if he put conscious effort into doing so.
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:38 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

She considered the Sentinel’s words and their implications. That she would not be remanded to the Citadel, but Lia and Lykos definitely would be. “Easier said than done,” Hilana was quiet but calm. She was not about to abandon either of them, but the Luxium was not safe for them, Lykos in particular. Even if they passed this ‘quarantine’ period. Either they’d stay out there, or they could be moved to the Umbrium. She knew there was a lot of juggling behind the scenes between the crowns and courts, and someone like Lykos, who had power, would be a tempting tasty morsel for the Luxian crown... which was why the Umbrian couldn’t allow it. It made sense when you looked at it that way.

So perhaps she could keep her apartment as a launching pad and just commute from there to Red Rock. That, at least, meant she didn’t have to move her multitude of pets. But if they were given the all clear to be together, then Hilana was going to have to find something larger than her two-bedroom in the Aurecine. It would either need to be outside of the city... or in the Umbrium. Still, she would play it by ear and roll the bones for now, for now and see what happened when the smoke cleared. Hilana was nothing if not adaptable, and she would find a way to make it work. Resourceful, yet rash. She was going to have to work on the latter, since rashness was always the parent of misfortune, but the Vastiana would find a way to make it work.

As they went outside, Hilana and Lia stayed close enough to Lykos to be reassuring without wanting to overly crowd him. “Those are wyverns up there,” Hilana indicated with a finger to make sure Lykos saw them. “They are related to dragons. Not quite the same, but related to them. They are called draconids.” Still, she was calm and she stepped through the portal with her sister and the demigod, and that calm confidence was bound to be reassuring. But Hilana did at least trust the Sentinel who had spoken; she had little reason to think that Phocion would pull a fast one on her. Quite to the contrary, he’d been relatively forthright with her so far, and her status with the Founders did buy her a little leeway... until she had fulfilled their limit of recklessness.

Away from the Chenzira estate, this was all new territory to Lia. Where Hilana had been in the village before and had seen the Citadel at a distance, she had never been inside of it, and Lia, aside from a few trips to the capital, most of which had been by portal, had not been this far west since childhood. She glanced at Hilana, looking out at the village, starting to mouth a name at her and Hilana shook her head. This was too far north for their mother’s clan to travel on their usual routes. Lia nodded. Since she was pretending to be part of that clan for now... Well, her sister was the navigator. She wasn’t. Either way, they could admire the tapestries that came to life. “That is the Zalkyrion, who was the father of the current Crownwyrm, Zalkyriax,” Hilana pointed out one of the tapestries and explained what it was to Lykos. “The other is His Divine Radiance, Avaerys Imperator, and Her Argent Luminescence, Varvara Imperatrix. They are the Founders of Solunarium, the ones we will have to make a sacrifice to later on.”

The Vastii would settle on either side of Lykos, Lia to his left and Hilana to the right. “The Sentinel asked for wine,” Hilana translated for the tall foreigner’s benefit. “Gratias,” she nodded when drinks were placed before them as well. When food was also forthcoming, she explained what each item was for Lykos’ benefit, and then Æros began to add in more information from what Hilana had summarized. She was thoughtful enough when he said he thought there might have been someone else there too, but when she wracked her brain, she had the same issue. She couldn’t recall it. And that just... lent more credence to Myshala’s words that she owed Lykos a great deal. If he had been there before...well. When he said that Hilana had touched the monolith, Lia gave her a look around their new ward, and Hilana found her wine cup to be very interesting indeed. That tracked, as far as she was concerned. Of course her troublemaking baby sister would have sparked some sort of insane chain reaction... but had she not done so... she would still be in the Void. Hilana had followed through on her promise to bring her with her, and as impossibly stubborn as her wild sister was... she kept her promises.

But as he continued, she nodded from time to time, her bruised arm tucked against her, her wine untouched. With the headache she had, she was not about to imbibe alcohol to make it worse. She would be better off with another star thistle draught, along with some magma bloom. The would-be sacrifice that Æros hesitated for... some part of her wondered if it was Khyan. Or maybe one of his sisters... She nodded assent at Æros’ request. She would do that. She was going to have to take him to his family at some point, and as such, she could give Palaemon his Rune for safekeeping. “I will tell you the details after of what he said,” Hilana murmured to Lykos once Æros had finished. “He gave his experience in the Void and what happened to him that ended his life.” It was a brief summary, but a summary nonetheless.

“The one who pulled them into the Void ripped their Runes out of their being,” Lia offered once Æros was done, but she spoke in Common for their new friend’s benefit. She had slightly more of an accent than Hilana did, but she was fully fluent nonetheless. “I felt my sister’s presence and was able to get to her to assist her. The one who was hunting her had taken away her Elementalism and was using it for herself, but the Elements would not obey her willingly... so she enslaved them with it. it was stronger than my own skill as a Master. She used portals of Traversion as well and set a demon on us that used some sort of whip... Hilana has it in her satchel. She ranted about someone who was looking through Hilana into where we were, and said that she ‘owed him for the last time’... but did not clarify when Hilana questioned her. Very powerful negation wards were anchored into Hilana’s soul, and they disrupted her control. She did say ‘He cannot be stopped, never again’. I believe that she was referring to two different people, the one she owed for last time, and the one she said cannot be stopped.”

She sat back in her chair. “My sister was able to reclaim her Elementalism Rune. After Æros joined us, there was this strange slicing, and some sort of creatures began to eat the Void and everything around us... but Hilana got us back out of there, through the slice and to Ransera, where we encountered Myshala and Lykos.” She had little else to add beyond that, apparently agreeing with Æros’ assessment of the events that had come later.

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:38 am
by Rickter
Lykos was perhaps undoubtedly scared of what may come once they were off to this citadel. They had little incentive for bringing Lana along, but even so, she was keen to go with them regardless of the implications. Whether or not she were in trouble, along with Lia, the wolf had no way of guessing. All he knew was that he was afraid, for himself and for them, but he did his absolute best not to show such fear. Perhaps it was easier to see in his eyes, given how frequently he reacted with them, but even then he wasn't going to let the uncertainty cause any more trouble on their behalf.

He would go. Willingly as necessary. It was clear that those in charge here were overtly cautious, leading him to wonder what exactly made this 'quarantine' so necessary. Had they really been disturbed by his presence here? Clearly, being a Demigod held greater influences than what Lykos prepared himself for. Then again there was the possibility that the rain might've been his doing, as unaware as he was by it earlier, if he could even have such subtle effects on the weather... then perhaps the citizens of this place had every right to be concerned.

Encouraged by the sisters he followed the entourage outside into the drizzle which fell softly outside. Overhead, great beasts which permeated the air with strong pheromones disturbed Lykos, leading him to crinkle his nose in response before Lana explained what they were. Wyverns. He had never seen them before, to his knowledge, so beholding them now was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. With such a reception to their arrival, the wolf couldn't help but wonder the gravity of the situation in its entirety. There was the constant feeling of cluelessness which wracked him, stirring frustration within his apprehension as he walked alongside the pair.

Having the sisters there really did help him though. Lykos would've found it difficult to continue as bravely as he could, even so much as challenged the authority figures present for a chance at running. Even if he didn't get very far, there was no denying the inclinations his gut gave him upon gazing at the portal. Every fiber in his muscles felt ready to clench again, that is, until they finally stepped through to arrive on the other side of the threshold. Now they were in yet another location he hadn't the slightest idea about, save for only the name that Lana elaborated on when it was mentioned before.

Admittedly, Lykos felt even more out of place than before, like he'd just walked into a den of vipers perhaps. The feeling unnerved him greatly, though, he still kept his composure when they reached the room where they'd be received. There were different smells than before, some of them food and some of them scents left behind by people. All of it briefly overwhelming for Lykos as he looked around, and felt the guiding pull of his new packmates toward the table in question. As they had left the portal though, he could sense the rain on the other side lightening up, the drizzle lessening into a light sprinkle before the doorway itself closed behind them.

It seems they had been instructed to sit and get comfortable, and while hesitation briefly showed in the steps he'd taken, Lykos continued to follow the lead of his companions to join them at the table. Seeing the tapestries that were hung on the wall, he eyed Hilana attentively before observing them, noting the names to the best of his mental capacity at the moment. Things were... A lot for him to process at the moment, but he wanted to do his best to keep up. To understand where he had wound up as is. Clearly, in regards to the Founders of Solunarium, he clenched his jaw before quietly swallowing hard in response.

Sacrifice. That word already felt like a weighted burden on his heart, probably because he felt like he'd given something up already. Something immeasurable in worth to him, something he just couldn't remember no matter how much he yearned to. What toll would he have to pay to appease these Founders? What more would he have to give that he hadn't already? After all, those within his pack were indebted to him, or so they had told him shortly after his awakening. Aeros seemed the first to begin relaying everything he knew about the events that transpired, albeit, he did so in the native tongue which Lykos could not understand.

To a degree, it almost drove him a bit mad to try and grasp it, only because there was so much he wanted to understand. But he knew he needed to continue demonstrating patience, if only to ensure that his host wouldn't see him as anything less than a threat. When the wine had been brought for them to share in, the wolf glanced to Hilana as he tried to remember the statement the Sentinel used for asking. Such things were important to try and learn communication for after all, and when he'd been presented with his own cup to drink out of; the wolf attempted his own show of appreciation in turn.

"Gratias." He murmured softly to avoid interrupting the flow of storytelling, unsure if his dialect matched the Vastian dialect he tried to commemorate earlier. Surprisingly, the smell of yeast wasn't potent within the wine, and there was a blend of spices that the wolf couldn't recall smelling before. His cautious nature started to show perhaps now, when he slowly sipped the wine to sample a taste of the flavor. It was certainly no beverage he'd forget about tasting any time soon, but at the same time, it also wasn't a bad flavor profile for something made in the south. Why, this was practically his first taste at Solunarium culture at its finest!

Something he needed to bear in mind while he tried getting comfortable. Sure enough, the smell of food across the table led his stomach to gurgle lowly, indicating that the bottomless pit within had taken note of the provisions available. As soon as he started to fixate on it, however, Lykos heard his name when the Aeros finished relaying everything on his behalf. An apology? "It's... alright. I'm still learning things as is..." Lana confirmed his suspicions by sharing the insight on the conversation, keeping it brief and to the point which he gently nodded to in response.

Then it was Lia's turn to take the reigns and explain their situation, doing so in the Common tongue so that the wolf actually understood what was said. Lykos looked at her baffled by the girl, largely for her consideration toward him but also because of where the story started to lead. They were dealing with something powerful, something that'd taken Lana's powers away from the sound of it. The wolf looked to the younger sister warily, noticing now the bruising on her shoulder that he failed to realize before. She's been hurting and even then, she's still been looking after me? His heart felt weighted again but there was a new sensation, a sense of fluttering within that made him feel both light and heavy at the same time.

Whoever or whatever this entity was that Lia described, from raving what seemed like random nonsense to summoning demons, the wolf couldn't help but feel as though it were all a wild fairy tale being told. Then again, the longer he listened the more a few of the blanks he drew before seemed questionable to fill in. Lana and Lia did find him in that room after all, with Aeros, but they described the encounter with Myshala and something didn't sit well with him. His thoughts raced now to try and understand the portrayal of events, pondering the relevance in which he might've wound up in that room, and whether he had been there at the time of their arrival... or afterward.

When it seemed Lia had finished and the room grew silent, it took a moment before Lykos realized they likely wanted his part of the story as well. Something that remained a bit difficult to piece together, and while he certainly hadn't the faintest idea where to begin, there was the first bit of recollection as to how this all started for him. "I..." Clearly it was obvious that he remembered nothing, well, nothing beyond the meeting with the trio that found him. However, the more he dug at the roots of his memory, the more he felt he was on the edge of something. "I remember... The patter of insects on walls... the..."

Suddenly he felt chills across his skin that led him to shiver, as the recollection stirred sensations that felt akin to a nightmare within him. "The feeling of spiders all over me.... I know nothing before that, only that when I came to, these three had found me lying on the floor. The rest of it adds up... I think..." His shivers did not cease even when he sought to comfort himself, folding his arms over his abdomen as he briskly rubbed the chills out of his arms. "Sorry that I can't be more helpful..." He added with a look to the Sentinel that had joined them at the table, the wolf's own breathing elevated but still paced as he quelled whatever fear stemmed from such vague memory.

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:19 am
by Pharaoh
As the others took seats, Phocion doffed his hood and slowly stalked around the table- circling like a predator, albeit a lazy, mildly interested one. At odd intervals he would sip his wine delicately, then roll the glass idly between his gloved hands.

Æros was verbose. This was more a boon in an interrogation than in a social situation, as it granted a greater array of exploratory avenues to those who assessed the tale. Every thought and sentiment was an inroad to be exploited to flesh out the bigger picture in greater detail. Phocion required no arcane incursion into Æros' state of being to glean that the deceased noble was wracked with regret. His talk of the Founders bespoke a hard-earned desperation. A pretext for his own benefit as much as his audience's. The words were passionate in their way, though the delivery was strangely wispy.

Phocion paused his languid gait, stricken as Æros spoke of his time at Sorokyn. It wasn't exactly a memory, but he knew instinctually that he'd been there... his corpus had, at least. That was why he'd woken standing beside Vrædyn earlier that day. He'd played vessel to his Mistress once again... and stood in the presence of Shæoth, no less. He gestured for Herodyn and Vindrys to approach, conferring briefly in that strange cipher tongue, before nodding and returning his attentions to the spectre.

"Your pointed omission goes not unnoticed." Phocion observed in Vastian, "But recognising this is done for her benefit," He nodded toward Hilana, "...and not ours, I will let the matter lie. Please proceed." There was a lot to mine from the exchange on Sorokyn alone. He hadn't had time to be assessed himself, but surely the High Sentinel would wish to plumb whatever depths the Mistress allowed her to glean.

At the request for Hilana to deliver his Rune to his family, Phocion interjected now in Common: "Whatever items and artefacts you accrued on your excursion will need to be confiscated and examined, naturally, before being taken into the city." Phocion pursed his lips and stepped away to confer with his cohorts after Lia spoke her piece. Naturally this 'Lykos' was the least prolix of the bunch. That was understandable, if inconvenient.

"Very well. Hilana, you'll be pleased to know your most recent exploit is not like to vex my most royal brother so much as the last time, though his amatus may not be thrilled about what Æros did to save his skin... Well... not his skin, really. He doesn't have skin at the moment, but to save his consciousness I suppose. At any rate, you are not without consequences yourself this time. Æros is bound to you. I can't imagine that will be pleasant. Anyway, enjoy the refreshments and I will see about sleeping arrangements and creature comforts for our long-term guests. Sentinels will be by to collect your personal effects for arcane appraisal." And with that, Phocion stalked out followed by his two minions, as servants approached to freshen the spread and Sentinels approached to gather items for inspection.

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:05 am
by Aeros
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When Phocion pointed out the fact that he'd refused to speak Khyan's name, Æros noted that the other was incorrect regarding either option he presented– the omission was for his own benefit. He didn't omit the boy's name to hide it from anyone present, rather, he found himself unable to speak it.

"Do rest assured, Vigil, I've no intention to hide anything from you," he acknowledged, "...a fool's gambit, that would be."

The ghost did not comment or tangibly react again until after Phocion departed, though he did cringe internally at the mention of Arry and Finn.

The very thought of Finn having an opinion on what had happened exhausted him all over again. He held little and less desire to explain himself to anyone now that he'd already done so to the Vigilia; they were the only ones who needed to know. Ultimately, though, it wasn't Finn's opinion he cared about– he just hoped that if Finn did get upset, such emotions wouldn't bleed into Arry as a result. Little and less was his interest in dealing with the ire of those he had called ‘friends’ on top of what problems he already had.

It pained him to see Hilana’s things taken, sentimental as one such item in her possession was to him, but alas, this was customary. Normally, Æros wouldn’t worry much about this sort of thing, but due to the strange nature of that which she carried, he couldn’t say for certain how his Semblance would be treated.

Once the four of them were left with little else to do than talk amongst themselves, Æros spoke. “Lykos, I am curious if you were this apologetic in the past…” he trailed off for a moment. “...but you needn’t be. Myshala indicated you’d be instrumental in what’s to come– there is no rush to be 'useful.'

“And lest you wonder, little of what I said was…truly necessary to hear. ‘Twas largely an account of mine own suffering...I am willing to answer questions, though, if you have any of me.”

- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 1:01 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana and Lia were calm supportive pillars on either side of the Peregrinus amongst them, though Hilana, despite the headache and the pain, was more relaxed than her sister. Lia wondered about it; these were hardly surroundings in which she would have ever thought her baby sister could be comfortable in. There was much to be said for familiarity with those in high places… But there was much to talk about when they had time. In any event, she knew that this was about as safe a place in the world as there was to be had right then, short of the Thalamum Draconum.

At Phocion’s mention of his ‘most royal brother’ and ‘this time’, Lia frankly stared at her baby sister around Lykos. Hilana just ignored her look and kept on watching Phocion. The fact that Æros was bound to her did and did not surprise her, what with the way he had appeared in her own void pocket after they had been separated… but she would have to grab her old necromancy notes from years ago to see what information she could find about that. If anything, there were countless texts available in the different bookstores, but since she had to make a trip to Tertium anyway to retrieve everything and then get back here… She was not pleased about having the runic orbs confiscated for examination, but she understood the necessity. She was more curious than not about the large whip that had come off of the demon in the void that she had done so much damage to herself with, but in any event… those she wanted back. All four items were removed from the featherlight satchel that was tucked within her bag, and given to the Sentinels, and she watched as they were carried off. Those she needed back, and she would be polite about it, but when the girl dug her heels in…

She shifted her featherlight satchel from her bag now that it had been emptied of her prizes from the void, and settled back in her chair, watching and listening. She had intended to translate and summarize Æros’ story for the Lord of Frost, but since he said he was open to questions… she could let him answer those, and work on his Common, while listening to see what the spectre told the big wolf. She did help herself to some of the cheese and dates on the table, savouring the caramelized flavour of the fruits while Lia looked her over. She wasn’t used to seeing her as anything but Wild, but things had changed, clearly, over the years. She wasn’t that bouncing little girl anymore, but she had grown into it. Would that things had been different… for all of them.

“What of you?” Lia asked her sister. “Will you stay?”

“I will ask for a bedroom here, or I will bring a bedroll and sleep on the floor, or outside. I can commute between work and here,” Hilana told her. She could leave her animals at home, though her pythons could come back and forth, and just go to and from each day. That sort of life didn’t bother her either. “I wasn’t expected back for a few more days, so I’ll use the rest of that time to get what I need from Tertium and get things squared away with Æros with his family, and being here, and making sure Lykos settles in,” she smiled at him. “It will all work out. Whatever comes next, we have time, and it is best to understand and learn, to rest and recuperate for now.”

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:02 pm
by Rickter
The unmasked Sentinel which gathered their stories hardly seem inspired by everything he heard, either that, or he just held a really good poker face and Lykos couldn't read too much into him. Regardless, the wolf had recounted his portion of the tale to the best of his ability, and even with so little to go on, it seemed enough for the Elven man to buy the fact he harbored no actual memory. After he talked to those present with their native tongue, the Sentinel appeared to be in need of leaving their company for whatever reason.

The wolf watched with a slight tilt of his head as the man left, and once it was only them within the room, Lykos managed to visibly relax a bit more after overcoming his innate fears. He didn't quite understand it but, just the mere recollection of those few things instilled deep paranoia within him. Whether it had something to do with this Myshala or not, he didn't know, he only knew deep down that the fear itself resided in his very core. With the call of his name once more, the wolf looked from the table to Aeros, wherever the ghost might've drifted in turn.

"Oh... Couldn't say." He briefly remarked with a deep thought cast back down to the food before him. Was he so apologetic in his life prior? Lykos wanted to know. He wanted to know so much about himself now, when even his own identity remained an enigma to understand. Needless to say he somewhat appreciated the remark of confidence, if only failing to understand the significance in Myshala's own words. What was to come? Was he really in such a rush to be useful?

He didn't feel like it. He just felt lost since he awoke, his mind nagging for any semblance of understanding. Nevertheless, his gaze returned back up to the ghost in turn, when Aeros offered to answer any questions that he might've had. "I... I understand you're Common is not great. But maybe, could you relay me your side of the story sometime?" Lykos glanced back down into his empty palms then, still trying to fathom the extent of what all he could understand from earlier. "Lia's part of the story... I can't help but wonder where I was, how I fell into the picture while you both..."

He trailed off. Lykos did not wish to put them through the pain of remembrance for him, not when they clearly were exhausted and in need of rest. Maybe when they were all recovered then perhaps, but until then, he wanted to focus on the here and now more than anything. He looked over to Lia and then Lana next, after hearing the inquiry between sisters on whether the younger would be staying or not. Noticing that Lana had also started o munch on the food present, the wolf observed and then proceeded to do the same, having not forgotten the fact his gut still ached for more sustenance earlier.

"I'm... glad you're staying around." Personally Lykos wanted to keep all three of them close by, as they all had their quirks about them he'd come to appreciate. Aeros was a little wily if not flagrant when he spoke, but he seemed to mean well when he regarded the wolf in general. Hilana and Athalia were obviously the two he warmed up to quicker than he anticipated, but that was because of how much compassion they gave him upon bringing him home. All three though were destined members of his new pack, and the wolf felt more than determined to keep that pack together however possible.

"Agreed," he came to admit when Lana expressed the intent to rest and recuperate, "I know we just met but... I really am glad to have you three around." He expressed this mostly as a source of comfort, now that the dates provided an extra source of that during this quarantine phase. How long it would last he wasn't sure, but Lykos definitely didn't want to be isolated from his new members so soon. "If you hadn't found me beneath that frigid tree... I probably would've remained lost out there, probably wandering the wilderness with no idea where to go."

He didn't want to think about it really, how immensely scary the world seemed to be in that moment. Just carrying the comfort of companionship in his heart felt enough for now, to lighten the weight within it as he tried to grip at everything going on around him. "Thank you." He proceeded to add before quietly nibbling more on dates, his expression somewhat a bit awkward when he kept his focus forward. Lykos admittedly felt a little weird about sharing such inclinations, but at the very least, the people around him understood how grateful he truly felt for being there for him.

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:55 am
by Aeros
- - -
- - -
Æros' focus had been so absorbed in the moment that he hadn't given much thought to his family, to the logistics of his new unlife, nor had he a chance to really consider the minutiae of day to day life like this. Realizing that he would have to did pain him, for a lot of that involved things he didn't want to face. The only path forward, however, was through.

It was expected that Lykos would want to hear the spirit's tale. Æros had little desire to relay it again and in a tongue he held no comfort in, at that– but he did empathize with the other. Were it he in such a confused position, he would want for any information he could get, too.

"I suppose…" he responded. "I am curious about your true role in all of this, too. Myshala said that you lost everything…" the ghost trailed off.

"...but one must wonder what that truly means. It can't be so simple as to just refer to your memories, can it? There is…far more to a person than memory. And she didn't take your life, so what more is there to steal than…than maybe your…ah, impact?" He floated the idea, though vague– he wasn't sure how to phrase what he meant.

"Do you think it possible you were there through our trials?" Æros inquired, an odd sense of almost wonder in his voice. "I know you don't remember, and I cannot recall your presence…but perhaps that's part of the 'everything' about you that's been lost."

The idea was a heavy one– but it wasn't that large a leap. Myshala had touted the price he paid to be a large toll to brook, therefore it had to be more than just his memories alone….so what else was stolen?
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:36 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Lia and Hilana considered Lykos’ questions. Where did he fit into all of this? If he was there and unconscious... and had given everything... he had saved their lives. But through it, she could not remember if there had been someone else there. The younger sister pulled a face, sitting back in her chair and chewing on her bottom lip, while Athalia knew she couldn’t be of any help. She had been in the Void, only called by her sister’s aura and pain. But she knew that Hilana had a memory like a steel trap... something that certainly came from their father, inasmuch as she would never admit it. And it hadn’t failed her before. The girl could recite details from years and years ago, down to who had been there, what had been discussed, what an argument had been about... She likely remembered down to the word how she had shouted at her over the veil, how Lia’s hand had hit her arm...

So for her not to remember one way or another told Lia that something was afoot. But she also knew telling her sister to stop fussing about it and to take her own advice of rest and recuperation would have the same effect as a fireball trying to stop the Vasta. It wasn’t happening. Headache or not, threshold sickness or not, she was too stubborn to stop as she tried to remember. But when Lykos told her that he was glad she would stick around, she smiled at him, and reached to find whatever hand was not busy with food and interlaced her fingers with his. They were not as soft and delicate as a flower’s petals, they were the hands of someone who worked hard and wasn’t afraid of it. She took care of them, sure, with salves at night... but she was not a wilting orchid. But once she got her fingers intertwined with his, she squeezed his hand, their palms together. “I would never have left you there. I don’t leave my friends behind,” Hilana smiled at him. “Friends are all we have to get us through this life... and they are the only things in this world that we can hope to see in the next.” She gave his fingers another squeeze.

“What she is saying is that our people have a belief that friendships forged in these sands will transcend lifetimes. That souls that find themselves with such bonds, even as strange and outlandish as the pairings might be, will find their way back to each other in the next life,” Athalia offered by way of explanation, taking a sip of the wine that they had been offered. That was delightful - she couldn’t remember the last time she had savoured such a vintage, and she was rather pleased about this ‘quarantine’ period with such quality. She had no idea what Hilana’s life was like here, though she did have to wonder. Time would tell.

Hilana let Lykos have his hand back as she listened to Æros’ words. He couldn’t recall, either. But those wards had to come from somewhere. Someone. And when she closed her eyes and thought about it, trying to tune everything else out, there was a stranger there in a forest. Big. But faceless. That she couldn’t recall that either, or where... “I think you were there when we got there,” Hilana said finally, opening her eyes. “I can’t remember exactly who, but I feel like someone was there. Faceless... but there.”

“That lends credence to Æros’ theory,” Lia offered. “She doesn’t forget things, especially something that happened in the space of a day, ever. There is magic afoot here. I suspect that the Stitchweaver took not just your memories... but perhaps your impact on the world as well. Your connections to everyone that knew you. Their memories of you." Her fingers touched the smooth stem of the wine glass as she stroked it thoughtfully. "But the incredibly powerful wards that helped us had to come from somewhere, and that was likely the assistance you gave us that saved our lives. I would imagine that you have a Cardinal Rune of Negation somewhere, but we will have to do some testing and see about that. But we will have time for that another day.”

Re: Multifaceted II [Closed]

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:19 pm
by Rickter
Lykos could easily understand the lack of desire to relay events again, after all, he probably wouldn't have wanted to experience whatever happened to him... if he'd known what exactly happened in the first place. It was interesting to hear the ghost regard his role, however, and the fact this Myshala entity seemed centered at the foot of it all. It did beg the question as to what exactly everything meant in the beginning, for the wolf had nothing to go off of given his own particular circumstance.

He felt the gentle squeeze of Hilana's hand in his own though, while he continued to munch with his other free hand. It led the wolf to look at her warmly, perhaps with a bit of fondness even, as he started to feel ghostly shakes over the small of his back. Were he an actual wolf right now then he'd likely be sweeping his tail across the chair, but for now, he settled on softly grinning as a response to the affection she gave. It definitely put him in better spirits to hear her express such sentiments, and to understand the values behind them once Lia elaborated their intent.

Truthfully, he felt touched to be referred to as such, even after just meeting the three of them. Lykos wasn't sure if he had friends in his prior life, but he hoped that somehow, they might feel the same in turn just as these three did. The wolf followed Lia's lead and took a swig of the wine once more, appreciating the flavor as it washed down the bread he ate, and bubbled within his gut to generate warmth throughout his core. If this is what his quarantine period would consist of, just eating and being amongst friends, then perhaps he would be quite alright in the long run.

The parallels that were being drawn though were interesting, for according to the bigger sister, Lana's memory was never one to easily question. And yet somehow, she remembered someone else there, who was likely other than Lykos himself... or so he reasoned. Though, could it have been possible it was Lykos himself? It was hard to posit the transition, though, if he were to place himself in that situation and remain this 'faceless figure' mentioned...

Then it seemed a little easier to determine that whoever, whatever, Myshala was had to strongly connect everything together. The more he thought about the name the more he felt those chills from earlier, though, they remained tampered down by the sense of camaraderie found with his companions. "So in other words," he ruminated with a look down at the hand Lana released, "I... did something, and this Stitchmother played some part in it."

He pondered the likelihood of his powers and how Negation could've tied into it. From the sound of what Lana and Lia described, it had to have been powerful magic if it saved them from the Void. He could only ponder further from there, but instead, he rested his hand back down on the table with a soft grin; hiding the somber thoughts in his head as he appreciated the moments spent with the sisters and ghost. "Whatever the case," he added, "we'll figure it out. Together."

Of that he felt certain, for he was in good company, as far as the wolf could tell.