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Re: What Dreams May Come [Aurin]

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 11:57 pm
by Rune
The minor divinity nodded to the words, accepting them, though seeming, perhaps, confused by some parts of them.

"As you wish. We will go together."

A frown creased their brow more than their mouth as Eshar watched the bead of chaos disappear into Aurin's pocket.

"That you may keep. I want nothing of it."

Anger rumbled in their aura but it was directed at the object, not the one who had pocketed it.

"If you hold it while you ply your Masquerade it will aid you. Be careful with it. If one who is not as skilled as you with the rune attempts to use it the results will become... unstable."

The implication in the last word was that the bead would not be harmed but the one who was trying to use it most certainly would be.

"When we leave this place we will not be connected as we are now but the little thing I did to be able to sense you will remain, and you can pray to me when we are apart, if you want."

There was flirtation in the suggestion that Aurin might pray to them, a sort of teasing that included him rather than leaving him outside it. He was not expected to worship them, it said, but it was a useful tool to communicate should they need it, and a part of Eshar quite obviously liked the idea of him praying to them. Stepping closer, till they were so close anyone seeing would think they were about to kiss, Eshar added, sounding worried,

"I do not know all that the Mists did to you. Keep a close watch on yourself, and if you sense anything that is not healing, or is growing worse inside you, pray to me and I will do what I can."

Then they did kiss, and, unlike all the chaste, comforting kisses of connection they had shared through their no-time, there was heat in this one. When it broke Eshar laced their hands together, grinned, and winked them out of one existence, back into another.


Re: What Dreams May Come [Aurin]

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 1:52 pm
by Rune


Points: Due to the epic length of this thread and the danger involved, as well as clever uses of magic I am awarding Aurin 50 xp. These may be used for any of his magics as they were all used.

Injuries/Ailments: Aurin's soul was touched by the Dread Mists, and while he spent some time in another realm healing from the attack there will be lingering effects to deal with. He also overstepped his Negation, causing a traumatic response. From now on he will have difficulty standing his ground in the face of Dread Mists of any level, his instincts will scream at him to get as far away as possible and it will require a supreme effort of will not to do so.

The Favor of the Moritasi Eshar
The Eternal Gratitude of the Myshalarai Coven
Mists of Masquerade

This large marble sized sphere appears to be made out of clear glass, within which is contained endlessly swirling grey Mists. If one stares into the orb they can become fascinated, losing minutes or even hours watching the ever changing shapes and patterns that always give the impression they are about to form something recognizable but never quite do. This effect is not a compulsion, one has to choose to look and with an effort of mild concentration one can pull out of it.

This item was created when the demigod Eshar broke free of their imprisonment by rouge Mists (following the Shattering Event of Searing 34th 122) with the aid of the mage Aurin Kavafis. When They were released from the controlling hold of the Mists They concentrated and contained said Mists, and a portion of their own power, within the sphere.

The Mists of Masquerade can enhance the use of the rune of Masquerade for Master level users and above. If one with enough skill with the rune channels their aether through the artifact it raises the level at which they can cast their illusions to that of a Master, Second Order.

If a user of lower than Master (100xp) level attempts to use the artifact the results will be erratic and dangerous. The lower level the user is the more danger they, and those around them, will be in. If a player chooses to have their character use this artifact below the required level, understand that a moderator will step in to play out the consequences.

Please add this artifact to Aurin's CS.

Notes: This was excellent fun, I look forward to developing the relationships and continuing the story!

Mod XP: Rune: 42