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Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:07 am
by Suzu
Name: Suzu
Given Name: Meira Len'Arafiel
Race: Rathari
Zoan: Hytori -- Lycan & Beast: Red Fox
Sex: Female
Age: 63
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs

Birthdate: Frost 77, 57
Birthplace: Silfanore, Sol'Valen

Profession: Scribe
Housing: a small apartment in Kalzasi
Partners: n/a

Titles: Initiate
Factions: Circle of Spells

Fluencies: Common & Mythrasi
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None
Suzu is a storm, shifting between moods suddenly and emphatically. Known to sweep companions and strangers alike into her mischievous plans and careful pranks, she is not often concerned with what other people think of her. She is outgoing, exuberant, and rebellious, and has a keen eye for opportunity. Despite all of this, especially when she's in one of her moods, she can be serious and even melancholy. Suzu is known to keep others at a comfortable distance, rarely sharing more than she feels is immediately necessary. She never backs down from a challenge, however, even when she knows she is vastly outmatched. Her pride won't let her. While she lives for herself, first and foremost, she isn't particularly selfish - she helps out others when and where she can.
For all intents and purposes, Suzu looks like a Hytori. Perhaps a bit feral around the edges, with slitted eyes and too-sharp teeth, the most prominent feature of Suzu's Zoan form may be the scar slashed over her nose. She has vibrant golden eyes, a spark of rebellion simmering just beneath the surface. Her hair, too, is a bright red, still gilded as expected from the Hytori. Her frame is small and delicate, despite her height, but she is surprisingly fast. Suzu prefers to wear beautiful dresses that still allow her some freedom of movement. She normally wears her hair down, with bangs chopped just over her pale eyebrows. The way she moves is quiet and graceful, and the fox is often chastised for the way she seems to sneak up on people unintentionally. Suzu has a boisterous, yipping laugh - and she laughs often.

Her scar is featured in both her Lycan and Beast forms as well, a furless cut across her snout. In her Lycan form, her skin is replaced with fur the same red-gold of her Zoan form's hair. Her other markings and colors follow the pattern of a red fox, and when in her Beast form, she would be indistinguishable from one if she weren't twice the size of a normal red fox.
► Show Spoiler

Rathari ancestry is not a very straightforward thing, and in the case of Meira Len'Arafiel, it was a total surprise. She was born to two Hytori parents, circling their hundredth year, and despite her quirks, there was no doubt that she was just as elven as the rest of them. It was only around her seventeenth birthday when she first entered her Lycan form, and it was only then that her ancestry was called into question. Her too-sharp teeth and slitted eyes led to interrogating questions between her parents, and between their parents. The startling revelation that her grandmother had maybe taken a Rathari partner a convenient amount of time before her father was surprising only in the fact that it was a Rathari, of all things, that had caught her eye.

Now, they had a Rathari daughter, who, for all intents and purposes, was just as much Hytori. Her new identity was hidden from the rest of their friends and family, an embarrassing family secret they hoped to ignore. Meira took this in stride, but there was no hiding that she was rough around the edges. Maybe more refined than they'd expect from a Rathari, but more feral than they wanted from their Hytori daughter. The birth of a second daughter caused much strain as they waited, in painful expectation, for her to grow up. Contrary to her parents' feelings, though, Adira Len'Arafiel adored her sister's other forms. To her sister, it was like owning a pet that could talk and think and love you as an equal, all of the fun of having a fluffy companion and a doting sister rolled into one.

The sisters were inseparable. Meira acted as her primary caretaker as her parents worked. In the times they were alone, she spent much time in all of her forms, just in the name of entertaining Adira. The fun ended before Meira had even reached "true" Hytori adulthood. A few too many identity slip-ups had begun to tarnish the edges of their reputation, and Meira seemed to be rebelling against their best efforts to temper her Rathari nature. Even in her best efforts to be a good Hytori daughter, Meira had failed. Her mischievous, care-free nature was antithetical to their aims, and it was rubbing off on Adira. Meira was fifty when she was cast from her family, from her beloved sister, in a fight with her father that left her scarred.

Meira found herself in Kalzasi and adopted a new name to shed the carapace of family ties. Suzu, now, was in a city vastly different than her former home, in a world far more reliant on technology she was used to. To Suzu, this new home was far more accomodating to her life - for one, she didn't have to constantly pretend that she was simply Hytori. The natural spaces were more natural, less like the manicured gardens of Silfanore, and she was beholden to no one. With the careful penmanship she learned from her rigorous Hytori schooling, Suzu quickly found work as a clerk and scribe for the Central Bank of Kalzasi.

Even so, Suzu was drawn to the Circle of Spells. The presence of magic was comforting to the fox Rathari in a world of technology, even for her best efforts to remove herself from the culture of the Hytori. Drawn to the illusions of Masquerade, Suzu found a mentor in a human Red Robe Adept of the Circle by the name of Cael. As custom within the Circle, Suzu's petition to the man was not easily turned away, and she soon found herself facing threshold sickness from the Cardinal Rune of Masquerade engraved over her shoulder blade. She was fifty-two.

Threshold sickness hit Suzu immediately, and the Rathari woman could never forget the changes she experienced. The dozens of golden eyes that dotted her body, shining with a dull glow; the way her skin turned translucent and she could watch her organs twitch and pulse. Four days later, after her body suffered and rebelled against the rune, her skin's opacity was restored and the eyes began to wither and shrink. She had survived the threshold sickness. She was an apprentice in the Circle of Spells.

The years that followed were spent honing her spellcasting with both study and pranks, her mischievous streak only growing with the introduction of magic to the equation. Whatever time she didn't spend working her normal job was spent eating, sleeping, or studying in a single-minded focus to finally achieve something. She practiced her casting in all three of her forms, studied with her mentor, and pored through books for years until she was ready to go through the Trial of Judgement.

<Trial of Judgement & Threshold Sicknesses to be written as Memories.>

Following the successful, if brutal, completion of her Trial, Suzu was given Red Robes and officially welcomed as an Initiate. It wasn't long before she decided that Masquerade wasn't enough for her, and sought the initiation into Semblance from Cael. Scarred into her other shoulder blade, the Cardinal Rune of Semblance bestowed upon her another threshold sickness. Plagued with strange visions, hallucinations, and dreams, Suzu spent her three days with the sickness in a delirium, the edges of reality blurred. On the fourth day, she was rewarded for her survival with the power of Semblance. Just as she learned to create illusions, it was now her time to learn to see through them.

Suzu did not just focus on her magic, however. It was chance that she happened upon a pair sparring in a garden, and chance that she discovered a style of fighting uniquely suited to her. A tiny woman wielding only a pair of fans, fans that the fox had seen for sale, seen carried by countless of the populace, was dueling a young Avialae two feet taller than her, sword in hand. She watched the spar and all three rematches in awe. The woman had managed to successfully disarm and defend herself from the sword-wielding Avialae all four times. Suzu was more than impressed. The flashy feints and dance-like quality to the woman's movements mesmerized the fox, and she approached the woman to teach her how to do the same.

The woman, Lan, first declined the fox. Suzu was single-minded and unrelenting in her pursuit and managed to chance upon the woman's practice and sparring multiple times over the course of weeks. She asked for instruction upon the end of each meeting, and she was declined six times. On the seventh meeting, Lan relented and threw Suzu into a series of drills then and there. Her meetings with Lan grew more frequent and intentional, and she started to see her teacher nearly every day to practice this newfound skill.


Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:25 pm
by Suzu
Starting Package: Masquerade 25; Semblance 20; Blunt Weaponry 20; Calligraphy 15; Deception 10; Stealth 5; Finance 5 bonus: Finance +5, Stealth +5, Mathematics 5
Mastered Skills: n/a
SkillSkill Level
Blunt Weaponry 20/100
Calligraphy 15/100
Deception 10/100
Finance 5/100
Mathematics 5/100
Semblance 20/100
Stealth 5/100
SkillSkill Level
Masquerade 25/100
SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning TotalPoints Left
Starting Package+100100 1000
Character Creation Bonus+15151150
starting package marked with *
History: The Circle of Spells*
Arcana: The Known Cardinal Runes of Magic*
Arcana: The Known Schools of World Magic*
Masquerade: Basic Techniques*
Masquerade: Using Mask to Hide a Scar*
Masquerade: Using Web to Hide in Plain Sight*
Semblance: Basic Techniques*

Calligraphy: Writing Quickly in Common*

Deception: Pretending to be Hytori*

Blunt Weapon: Basic Iron Fan Striking Technique*
Blunt Weapon: Parrying a Punch With an Iron Fan*


Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:17 pm
by Suzu
Apprentice Quirk

Apprentice Quirk



Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:31 pm
by Suzu
Starting Package*
1 Set of Clothing (skirt, blouse, cloak, shoes, undergarments)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel
Circle of Spells Starting Package*
1 Simple Red Cotton Robe
1 Silver Signet Ring (Circle of Spells)
1 Runeforged Wand of Masquerade (4/4)

1 Iron Fan*
1 Embroidered Silk Dress*
1 Pair Silk Gloves*
1 Pair Fine Wool Stockings*
1 Pair Leather High Boots*

A 400 sq.ft. apartment in the Kalzasi Commons, with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, small table, and rug.

+500--Starting Package500.00 GP
---89.90Starting Purchases410.10 GP


Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 9:09 pm
by Suzu
Frost 120 AoS
1 - Frosty Flamboyance
19 - High Interest