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[Faction] Chapter of Reconcilliators

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:29 pm
by Paragon
The Order of Reconcilliators is a paramilitary and political organization with the backing of the High City of Zaichaer, the city-state that claims hegemony over all other city-states in the Northlands of Karnor. Anti-magic sentiments have always existed. From the early days of the first settlements, there have been those who have looked upon the otherworldly forces of the cosmos with fear and trepidation. The sect of Reconcilliators in Kalzasi is no different. Brought into the city-state as a means of formulating peaceful relations between Kalzasi and the High City of Zaichaer, the Order of Reconcilliators in Kalzasi has been a faction that has brought comfort to some while being a thorn in the side of others. The chapter was allowed to establish itself as part of a diplomatic agreement between the Marshal of Zaichaer and the Shokaze of Kalzasi following the failed assassination attempt employed by the deposed Jacien Novalys. It was the first in several concessions that the reigning Shokaze would make in an attempt to stave off open war between the two realms.

The chapter was officially established in the year 90 of the Age of Steel. In that time they have become a regular sight in the streets of the city-state bringing much sympathy to their cause among the populace of Kalzasi. While this influence is not so great as to cause a dramatic shift in the overall mindset of Kalzasi’s citizenry, it has been noticeable. The objectives of the Chapter of Reconcilliators are rather straightforward:

First, to bring under control all rampant magical energies assessed by the Reconcilliators, to be a threat to the survival and prosperity of the Free Cities of Karnor.

Second, to defend the common populace against the abuse of power often employed by magical practitioners and to bring to justice any who inflict malicious harm to the community at large through the abuse of their powers.

Third, to foster an environment of non-reliance upon aberrant forces and encourage the elimination of errant powers that are deemed harmful to the common good.

As part of the treaty between Zaichaer and Kalzasi, the agents of the Reconcilliators are allowed to operate in the territories of Kalzasi with some degree of autonomy. However, they are required in all instances to bring those apprehended by their ranks before the Courts of Kalzasi to answer to Kalzasern law and are not allowed to act unilaterally without the blessing of Kalzasern authorities. As a result, the Reconcilliators often work closely with members of the Sky Guard, the Dead Legion, and the Circle of Spells in policing the magical forces and practitioners throughout the territory of Kalzasi in an uneasy truce.

About the Chapter
Impact of the Reconcilliators
Organization and Structure
Joining the Reconcilliators

Re: [Faction] Chapter of Reconcilliators

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:30 pm
by Paragon
The Order of Reconcilliation, headquartered in the High City of Zaichaer, teaches its members to prescribe primarily to the beliefs found in New Atheism. Reconcilliators are taught not to fear magic, but to see it as something that must be tightly controlled, monitored and regulated based on a core philosophy of service.

Service. Magic is a tool that is meant to serve, not a method by which tyrants can hold on to power. It is the belief of Reconcilliators that anyone and anything displaying magical properties is meant to live a life devoted to serving the common good. This mentality extends not just to mages but to magical spirits, beasts, flora, and even to the gods themselves. It is the belief of Reconcilliators that the divine powers have long abused their might and in so doing, have lead mortals astray.

Independence. Magic is a tool. Not a way of life. It should be viewed as a last resort as a means of achieving a controlled outcome and not something allowed to proliferate all levels of society. Science. Logic. Reason. Technology. Those are the true tools of mortals and are what should be used to overcome life’s trials, not the unwieldy powers of the aberrant forces of the cosmos.

Purity. To expunge the world of an aberrant force is to cleanse it of something foul. Aberrant forces are anything and everything actively touched by the powers of magic, this includes races that display magic-like traits and abilities. It is the duty and responsibility of those touched by magic to be ever vigilant against falling to the sway of corruption caused by the convenience of such powers. Those people and those things that do fall sway to this unfortunate corruption must be put down both for their safety and for the safety and prosperity of the common good. It is a grim task but it is a mission that must be done and in so doing, those purified in this manner are reconciled as martyrs sacrificed for the benefit of all.

Control. It is the responsibility of anyone and anything touched by aberrant powers to ensure that they use those powers to help society and never to hinder it. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Reconcilliators to act as firm wardens and guides to aberrant forces in helping them remain on this noble path.

Ultimately the Reconcilliators see themselves as a vital and necessary presence in the everyday life of the average citizen surrounded by errant powers. The Chapter of Reconcilliators, especially in Kalzasi, sees itself as an advocate for those who have neither access to or the ability to protect themselves against the unregulated presence of magic in the city-state of Kalzasi.

The Chapter of Reconcilliators goes to great lengths to perform as much public outreach as possible across the territories of Kalzasi. They are an organization that proselytizes the teachings of New Atheism as well as the beliefs of the Order of Reconcilliation. It is very common to see its members performing community outreach events most frequently in the Low-City. Additionally, while the Chapter does not have voting power in the chambers of the Elder Council, they are allowed to sit in audience of council meetings unless barred from doing so by the members.

Re: [Faction] Chapter of Reconcilliators

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:31 pm
by Paragon
The Order of Reconcilliation is divided into two primary sects, the College of Minders and the Watchers of Purity.

The College of Minders is chiefly, a scholarly institution within the Reconcilliators. Their primary mission is the glorification and expansion of worldly sciences, mathematics, engineering and the suppression of arcane advancement. It is the responsibility of the College to inquire, investigate and to devise methods of containing, subduing and ultimately eradicating the presence and proliferation of aberrant forces in the world. To that end, they are researchers, inquisitors, teachers, and philosophers all devoted to the spreading of Reconcilliator teachings as well as the beliefs of New Atheism. The College is lead by the Provost-Marshal who is seated at the headquarters of the Reconcilliators in the city-state of Zaichaer and who heads the College’s governing body known as the Convocation of Minds.

Provost- Leader of the independent chapters of a subordinate division of the College.
Professant- High ranking member of the College of Minders.
Orator- Mid-ranking member of the College of Minders.
Study- General ranked member of the College of Minders.
Understudy- Initiate of the College of Minders.

The Watchers of Purity are the militant arm of the Order of Reconcilliation. They are comprised of soldiers, hunters, knights and other militants specially trained in anti-magic techniques, investigation and enforcement in order to expand the Order’s overall will and agenda. The Watchers of Purity are by far the most commonly seen members of the Reconcilliators and in fact, often employ specific forms of magic or magical materials designed to counteract other magic in their field operations. It is extremely common for members of the Watchers of Purity to be practitioners of Negation, specifically educated in techniques to combat and cancel out other forms of magic. Common among their arsenal are abjinurium tools. The Watchers of Purity are lead by the High Sentinel who is seated at the headquarters of the Reconcilliators in the City-State of Zaichaer.

Sentinel- Leader of the independent chapters of subordinate divisions of the Watchers of Purity.
Vigilant- High ranking member of the Watchers of Purity.
Seeker- Mid-ranking member of the Watchers of Purity.
Watcher- General ranked member of the Watcher of Purity.
Aspirant- Initiate of the Watchers of Purity.

Re: [Faction] Chapter of Reconcilliators

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:31 pm
by Paragon
The Reconcilliators will make use of any who profess to believe in their ways but they are selective in who they actually let join their ranks. Individuals must possess a keen mind and a passion for the earthly sciences in order to be inducted into the College of Minders. They are an organization wholly devoted to devising technological and mechanical means of making the forces of the arcane obsolete. They endeavor to provide a scientific explanation for all happenings in the universe thus rendering the awe inspiring and mystifying to something codified and mundane.

The Watchers of Purity are no less selective in their choosing of those who actually don the cloak of a Watchman. They foster a zealous belief in their cause, going out of their way to advocate for the very rigid and strong regulation of anything remotely resembling magical. If it is not under the control of the Reconcilliators then it is dangerous. If it is dangerous then it should be subdued and controlled or if it cannot be subdued and controlled, then it should be destroyed. Watchmen are trained in martial combat, tracking skills, and are versed in a variety of anti-magic tactics to help control and regulate the impact of aberrant forces.

Re: [Faction] Chapter of Reconcilliators

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:20 pm
by Aegis
This has been Approved and can be located in the Kalzasi Codex