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[Clan] House Rayunia

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:49 pm
by Pahoran

House Rayunia
(The Clan of Luminary Secrets)

Description: The Rayunia clan has actually lived in the area around Kalsazi for a long time but it was about ten years ago one branch gathered together their members and founded the caravan company “The Vardo.” Which transports supplies in and out of the city. This is the public face of the family they had a secret they work to keep hidden from the world at large.

Family Structure The family patriarch is Taselia Rayunia (Synnekar Avialae) and the matriarch is his wife Sarino (Human). The couple have two sons who are both married with children of their own as well as grandchildren. In total their are four generations of Rayunia. Not everyone though is in this direct linage. The parents and a couple siblings of the oldest son, Bapona (Synnekar Avialae), wife, Ruthora (Hytori), have joined the extended clan. They have also been joined by some of Taselia cousins and nephews and their families have even joined with the clan as part of the company.

Family Assets: The family owns a transportation business. They don't own any real buildings put do own a number of house wagons, a number of transportation wagons, as well as horses to move the wagons, and cattle to haul heavier wagons. It addition to these they clan also owns a number of portable corrals. In addition they have lease of arcs to allow there cattle and wagons to reside on when in town or held up for the holiday season.

The Vardo
The Dawnmartyr
NPCs- Parents and Grandparents
NPCs- Siblngs

“Most have been forgotten. Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best. The best and the worst. And a few who were a bit of both.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows

Re: House Rayunia

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:08 pm
by Pahoran

The Vardo


The Vardo is a wagon transport company owned and operated by the Rayunia clan. The deal primarily with transporting foodstuffs from the farmlands into the city proper and delivering supplies to the farther out estates. They are willing to go to the more outlying farms where it isn’t as safe.

The Vardo was establish ten years ago when the Rayunia clan arrived in Kalzasi. They arrived with several wagon houses as well as a few cargo wagons. The patriarch of the clan, Taselia, approached some of his cousins who still lived in the area, and they were able to get him intact with some of the lesser noble’s whose estates were at the farther edge of the city’s influence. Thanks to the fighter training and the fact they already had their own wagons, they found a niche in the market they could fill. So as the years went by the they gained more clints, and not all of them so far out, and expanded their wagon count, and those cousins found themselves drawn into the family business.

Business Basics

The Vardo while officially with Taselia and his wife Sarino at the head. Much of the running of the business has been taken over by their sons and their wives. The woman in the family handle the logistic side of business. They are the ones who meet with the estates to arrange for the transport, they distribute the resources, as well as in many causes driving the wagons. The men will also drive the wagons but there main focus is to pre prepared for anything that attacks. They plan the routes and assess the risk of each trip.

The Vardo functions during every season except frost. They are willing to make a run during that season, but they do charge more since there is a much higher chance of damaging wagons or livestock during the unforgiving season.


The Vardo company only owns the cargo wagons. The house wagons are own by the specifically family members. The horses and cattle used to pull the wagons are owned by the company itself. The company is slowly breeding sturdy stock of horses that would be perfect to hall these wagons, but that is a goal for the future. They don’t own any buildings or land directly but do lease spots where they are able to park their wagons.

The Vardo works directly with the lesser houses, but most of their clints are connected to the Senue family. The business works hard to keep from being brought to the attention of any of the great houses, including actively underplaying any attacks. They do there job, and do it well, but appreciate the independence they can find doing what they do.

Re: House Rayunia

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:03 pm
by Pahoran

The Dawnmartyr's Cell


The House of Rayunia is a family of Dawnmartyr knights in exile and hiding. They uphold the teachings of the order but work to do it from within the anonymity of the general population. Which includes avoiding drawing attention to the family and its people outside of aspects as regular citizens they would get attention. They also seek potential new members of the order, but under strict adherence to the original code.


The House of Rayunia isn’t one of the ancient house of knights. Taselia Rayunia was originally from the outskirts of Kalzasi, but joined the knights when he was young. He married Sarino, who is descended from a long line of knights. The two had two sons, both of who became knights, married fellow knights and had a number of children. The family was one of those assigned to escape during the end of the siege to save the children but also to continue the order.

Escaping in separate directions eventually the brothers and their parents were reunited, and they quickly settled into life as waggoneers. Over time they were joined by a few of the brother’s wives families. By the time they arrived in Kalzasi they were a proper clan and settle down to work, becoming lost in the regular life so as to become a boring fixture.

Over that times they have continued to fight monster and even evil as they have found it. They continue to bring young people into the order in an effort keep the order alive and to pass on the codes and the order itself.


The resources of the Verda are intermingled with the resources of this hidden cable of the Knights. So please reference there for economical resources. The family in regards to Dawnmartyr resources, they were able to escape with various manuals, and records, and items of the order. All of these have been carefully hidden by the elders as they have settled down.

The main resources they carry though is the knights training. Between the various senior members of the family they are proficient in various weapons, and have someone who practices each discipline of magic. The members themselves really are the greatest resources as they represent all three types of the order as well, and have knowledge of each group.


The foremost policy is to live the Dawnmartyrs code, but to do it secretly. Public applaud is to be avoided, and when it can't the policy is to give it to someone not connected to the family.

They are also a family first and foremost who share a similar idea, and that is what they push forward. They will bring others and the new generation into the order, but they don't automatically just tell children, and wait to see if they will want and able to live the secret, or at the very least will keep it.

Re: House Rayunia

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:56 pm
by Pahoran

Grandparent and Parent NPC OF House Rayunia

These NPC Are Older Generations that are members of the Order, and where there at the Fall of the Citadel

Bapona Rayunia


Name: Bapona Rayunia
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Human base)
DoB: Ash 14 year 70 Age of Steal
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight-Commander - NOT public knowledge
Skills: Blades 80
Reaving 60
Leadership 70
Elementalism 60
Tactics 50
Body Building 50
Flight 50
Unarmed Combat 40

Appearance: Bapona stands at a height of 7'1", and is well muscled that shows and active life. He has blond hair and blue eyes. Generally he tends to wear good clothing but in peasant styles so his physical attributes are not necessary easily recognizable. When with his family he can get an easy smile, but to strangers his blank face is the best they can get until they prove themselves to him

History: Bapona was born to Taselia and his wife Sarino at the Citadel of Light. He was raised to be a Knight of Dawnmartyr, and he exceled really well. It was while training that me meet his wife Ruthora. Despite their fathers objections and with their mothers approval the two were married young and started to raise there family. Both were knights though and worked hard and rose through the ranks. Bapona wasn't known by his birth name but Arivade, which he earned from his commander. He and his family under orders escaped from the Citadel before the destruction with instruction to keep the Order alive in hiding. So Bapona took on his birth name and together his family has made a new life for themselves as wagoners.


Ruthora Valisinia


Name: Ruthora Calistra Valisinia
Race: Hytori
DoB: Frost 18 year 71 Age of Steal
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight-Captain - NOT public knowledge
Skills: Masquerade 80
Reaving 60
Kinetics 70
Mesmer 60
Tactics 50
Polearms 50
Meditation 50
Leadership 40
Disguise 40

Appearance: Ruthora stands at a height of 5’11”, and is shapely fit. She has blond hair that originally she kept shorter but since leaving the citadel has allowed it to grow longer since she and her family moved. Her eyes appear as if they are golden ice in color. When she choose to dress so we can be very impressive with her long legs. Though she tends to wear baggy dresses to give her the appearance of more plumpness then she actually has.

History: Ruthora was born to Falrisona and Calistra Valisinia at the Citadel of Light. Her father descended from a line of knights who had fought for a few generations. Her mother was the daughter of a knight who himself joined the order. Ruthora was the eldest daughter with another sister and two brothers. She grew up with every plan of joining the knights and she knew that she would want be a mage as well.

Like other children who planned to join the order she was trained from a young age, and using polearms was eventually able to become a Reaver. Eventually she would learn Masquerade, Kinetics, and Mesmering. Eventually she meet her husband and was married. She continued to work on her arcane abilities while also having children.

She has been a great anchor to the family as they have taken to their new life, and understanding illusions she also understand using them with out illusions and has been one of the keys to helping the family adjust their image to the local styles to naturally blend in.


Taselia Rayunia


Name: Taselia Rayunia
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Human base)
DoB: year 35 Age of Steal
PoB: Kalzasi
Title: Knight-Marshal, - NOT public knowledge
Skills: Leadership 80
Tactics 70
Blades 70
Reaving 60
Survival 60
Transportation 50
Body Building 50
Semblance 30
Flight 30

Appearance: Taselia stands at 7'1" and weights 190 lb. Like his son and grandsons he also has white wings. He also wears a beard that he keeps neatly trimmed. Originally it was a long full beard, but after the fall of the citadel he gave in his wife and not keeps it short with a fussiness that he didn't practice while it was long. He is a large man who easily can intimidate.

History: Taselia was born in Kalzasi as a twin. Besides his twin he had one other older brother. There father died when the three boys were still very young. The family instantly fell on hard times as their fathers debts were called in. The family found themselves at the bottom of the social latter as their mother struggled to support her boys. When he was a youth, their mother died, and the boys separated to each build a new life for themselves. Taselia followed his dream and eventually found himself on Ailos, and became a knight.

He fought valiantly and quickly rose through ranks as his experience helped him understand the world in a way that those born and raised in the order didn't exactly understand. Eventually he meet his future wife and impressed by her they soon married and had two sons. During the fall of the citadel Taselia stayed behind after sending his sons and there families away. He fought to make sure that as many of the families who he saw as the hope for the order in the future escaped. He also felt that those who weren't members but just lived there deserved as much protection. Not being sucidal once he felt his goals were achieved he escaped as well. Eventually joining up with the family.


Sarino Vila


Name: Sarino Vila
Race: Human
DoB: year 40 Age of Steal
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight-Captain, Retired - NOT public knowledge
Skills: Ranged 80
Business 70
Survival 70
Reaving 30
Blades 60
Animal Handling 50
Cooking 60

Appearance: Sarino stands at a height of 5'8", and despite her age is still in a physical form. She has the blond hair and blue eyes that have based down through her boys. She tends to wear maternal clothing that makes anyone feel like she could be there grandmother as she smiles kindly at them.

History: Sarino can trace her ancestry to the founding of the Dawnmartyrs. She was born and raised in the Citadel. She became one of the Orders scouts and eventually became a Knight-Captain. She meet her future husband as the fought side by side on a mission. Both were older when they married, but they have had a wonderful life raising there sons and grandchildren. Sarino was eventually retire when going on long scouting mission didn't become feasible or even desirable to the doating grandmother. Shortly after that the citadel became besieged. She stepped forward to help make sure the children specifically were safe during the siege, and was instrumental in making sure families could escape. She planned to die when the fortress fell standing with her husband, but was forcibly evacuated by her family. She was reunited with her husband who did survive, and together they have lead their clan to its new home, happily settling into hiding.


Falrisona Valisinia


Name: Falrisona Valisinia
Race: Hytori
DoB: year 373 Age of Sundering
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight-Commander, NOT public knowledge
Skills: Blade 80
Reaving 70
Negation 70
Survival 30
Body Building 60
Animal Handling 50
Intimidation 50
Emblem Eminence Acolyte

Appearance: Falrisona stands at 6’5” and weights 176 lbs. Falrisona has bright blondish hair that as time has progressed has darkened a bit. Serving as a knight his whole life he is in fighting trim, and even after the fall of the citadel has settled and works just as hard. While appearing youngish and could easily fit in with his grandsons, he still has that something that speak of age in his face.

History: Falrisona grandfather was the first in his family to join the knights. He was raised in the order and came of age just before the war of Souls. He fought with the other knights including his father and grandfather who both died in the War. Falrisona did survive the war and continued on with the knights, eventually Calistra. They married and had four children who they raised as knights.

Note: Falrisona having survived the War of Souls with the awakening of Demigod of Justice his Eminence Emblem has reawaken at Acolyte level


Calistra Oliprosa


Name: Calistra Oliprosa
Race: Hytori
DoB: year 12 Age of Sundering
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight-Captain, NOT public knowledge
Skills: Summoning 80
Negotiation 60
Reaving 60
Animus 50
Semblance 60
Polearms 70
Meditation 50
Scrivening 40

Appearance: Calistra stands 5'11" and is tall for a woman, though she weights 143 lbs. Calistra has blonde hair with liquid gold eyes. Besides being tall she is also skinny. Her forms shows that while she can survive the struggle and hard life of a knight her form belies that as she appears more built for the comfortable salons of the rich.

History: Calistra was born in Ailos, but her father was a first generation knight. The young woman was an only child when her mother and sibling died in childbirth. Her father never remarried but raised his daughter to be a knight. She didn't care for the physical part but the compromised on her focusing on the magical part of the knights. She eventually meet her husband Falrisona who intrigued her like few others of the knights had ever done.

She of all of the family has struggled the most with the change in situation since the fall of the Citadel. She believes in the Order and its moto, and is smart enough to know that they need to stay in hiding, but if she could she would have them settle down and enjoy the comforts of life.


The Aidolon Artsilac


Name: Artsilac
Race: Celestial
DoB: Bond 42 AS
PoB: Bond Citadel of Light, Ailos
Powers: Aidolon Abilities

Dawnmartyr Bond

Healer's Song:

Beloved Guardian:





Re: House Rayunia

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:22 pm
by Pahoran

Siblings and Spouses NPC OF House Rayunia

These NPC Are Pahoran's siblings that are members of the Order.

Bakato Rayunia


Name: Bakato Bapona Rayunia
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Human/Hytori base)
DoB: Glade 38 year 90 Age of Steal
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight- NOT public knowledge
Skills: Blades 60
Reaving 40
Leadership 40
Survival 30
Body Building 30
Flight 30
Unarmed Combat 20
Emblem Eminence Acolyte

Appearance: Bakato actually looks more like his mother in facial features, though he has his fathers build. Standing 7'3" he is an intimating sight. He like all of the guys in his family has white Eagle wings. He also has dark blue eyes that seem to shimmer, and his golden blond hair always has a bit of a wave to it. He has a muscular built but in the way that the young are muscular. He also has a scares across his arms he was injured during his Reaving initiation.

History: Bakato was born in the Citadel of Light and earnestly jumped into becoming a knight. He still remembers a time when the citadel wasn't under siege. He was just about ready to become a knight when the citadel fell. He through all the trials has been a stalwart support for the family. Helping his parents as they needed it and being a support and role model to the younger children. To Pahoran and Palden he became a second farther figure. After almost killing Velaline while trying to save Pahoran, he actually became enchanted by her tough nature and dark looks. No one was surprised when he asked her to marry him after a few years.




Name: Velaline
Race: Human
DoB: year 93 Age of Steal
PoB: Unknown
Title: Knight- NOT public knowledge
Skills: Survival 60
Ranged 40
Animal Handling 40
Reaving 20
Semblance 30
Cooking 30
Tailoring 30

Appearance:Velaline is tall for a woman at 5'8" and is very tough under her recent development of curves. With dark hair and eyes she is an enchanting sight to those around her.

History: Velaline is an orphan who was raised by her brother in the wilds. He disappeared when she was about fourteen. It was after this that she meet the Rayunia clan. She actually tried to shoot Pahoran out of the sky thinking he was a bird. The two became close as did Bakato who joined the incident later and tried to kill Velaline to save his brother. Ironically that impressed her a great deal. She joined the family with the original plans being just for a season. She eventually learned the truth of who they were and joined them and the Knights. Eventually she agreed to marry Bakato and the two now have a son.


Delan Rayunia


Name: Delan Ruthora Rayunia
Race: Human/Hytori
DoB: year 92 Age of Steal
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight- NOT public knowledge
Skills: Masquerade 60
Reaving 30
Polearm 30
Elementalism 40
Cooking 30
Semblance 40
Astonomy 20

Appearance: Delan is often described as the perfect blend of both of parents best features. Ironically she is the shortest member of the family standing on 5'4". Though she has the athletics build of all the woman in her family. Her eyes are the same brilliant gold color as her mother's and she moves with the same Hytori grace as her mother and grandmother. Of all the sibling she has been known to be mistaken as a full blood Hytori.

History: Delan was raised like her sibling to one day become one of the Dawnmatryers. She was always more studious then her other siblings and really grew to love magic. When the family fled though she turned her attention to Masquerade magic to help protect the family from the dangers that they faces. Unlike her Grandmother though, she has adjusted well to the commer's life. It was actually she who connected the family with her grandfathers siblings when they returned. She actually meet her future husband Erollai and from there they made the connections. By the time they figured out they were second cousin the two were in love and with the blessing were married, and have since had a set of twins.


Erollai Vegras


Name: Erollai Bapota Vegras
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Human)
DoB: year 90 Age of Steal
PoB: Kalzasi
Title: Knight- NOT public knowledge
Skills: Blade - 60
Reaving - 20
Blacksmithing - 50
Runeforging - 40
Mesmer - 40
Flying - 20
Business - 20

Appearance: Erollai is different from his blond/ blue eyed cousins and in laws. He has brown hair with equally brown eyes. His features are all purely human and while handsome does lack the etherialness found among his wife’s family. Actually he take after his grandfather side in looks. He also stands 6’7” and is much shorter then his cousin. Though he does still posses the white wings of the Rayunia clan.

History: Erollai is actually descended from Taselia‘a oldest brother. He came theough his daughter’s line which is why he had a different last name. He was always close with that side of the family. He actually lived an uneventful life until one day a beautiful woman came in. One thing let to another and they started going out. Eventually he discovered that she was a Rayunia. He helped with the reuniting of the off spring of the three brothers including the reunion of the brothers. The two have married and now have twins.


Daisuke Rayunia


Name: Daisuke Helisk Rayunia
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Human/Hytori base)
DoB: year 95 Age of Steal
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight- NOT public knowledge
Skills: Blade 40
Reaving 20
Survival 40
Spycraft 30
Cryptography 30
Research 30
Intimidation 30
Trapmaking 30

Appearance:Daisuke while also a blond like the other’s in his family has a darkest blond hair in the family. Like all the men in his family he is tall though a bit shorter at 6”11’. The years of training as a knight and working as a wagoner has helped his build his physic into that of a warrior. He also has the same white eagle wings as his father and brothers. He is heavily scarred along his left leg from an incident while learning to ride.



Inume Rayunia


Name:Inume Jayla Rayunia
Race: Human/Hytori
DoB: year 98 Age of Steal
PoB: Wilds
Title: Knight- NOT public knowledge
Skills: Smithing 50
Runeforging 40
Semblance 30
Blade 30
Reaving 20
Surival 20
Transposition 30
Alchemy 30




Palden Rayunia


Name: Palden Climenta Rayunia
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Human/Hytori base)
DoB: year 110Age of Steal
Title: Squire
Skills: Blade 30
Flying 30
Body Building 20
Endurance 20
Survial 20
Animal Handeling 20
Dance 20
Reaving 5
Ranged Weapons 20
Storytelling 30
Engineering 20
Negotiation 15

Emblem Eminence Acolyte




Re: House Rayunia

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:00 pm
by Pahoran

Cousins NPC OF House Rayunia

These NPC Are Pahoran's Cousins that are members of the Order.

Ikena Rayunia


Name: Ikena Rayunia
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Human base)
DoB: Frosr 38 year 101 Age of Steal
PoB: Kalzasi
Title: Knight- NOT public knowledge
Skills: Blade 30
Reaving 25
Flying 25
Transposition 20
Survival 20
Bobybuilding 20
Endurance 20
Mesmer 20
Carpentry 30
Fishing 20
Singing 20

Emblem Eminence Acolyte




Grikua Rayunia


Name: Grikua Rayunia
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Human base)
DoB: year 98 Age of Steal
PoB: Citadel of Light, Ailos
Title: Knight- NOT public knowledge
Skills: Medicine 40
Blunt Weapon 25
Reaver 20
Logisitcs 20
Apothecary 30
Singing 30
Instrumental 20
Animal Husbandry 30
Flying 20
Body Building 15

Emblem Mendicus Acolyte




Re: House Rayunia

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:35 pm
by Pahoran

Family Tree


Rayunia Line
