Valentine's Solutions

Players requesting to own and operate a business should post their business sheets here.

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Hershey Valentine
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:39 pm
Title: The Fixer-Upper
Location: Your Heart <3
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

Title of Shop/Business - Valentine's Solutions
Business Type - Services
Items Sold -
Consultation - 5 df, 30gp/h
A Consultation is when a client requires to talk out a problem - like getting a second opinion, or therapy
Mediation - 30gp/h
Mediation is when a client brings an employee to a secondary, neutral location with at least one more party and is tasked with working out an issue, verbal or otherwise, between the two individuals. eg.) settling a bet, marriage counseling, etc.
Minor Request - 10gp
A Minor Request is something simple, and easy to complete, which requires discernment and some modicum of professionalism but no major time commitment, ex.) fashion advice, picking berries, fixing a wheel on a wagon, paying a compliment
Request - 30gp
A Request is the bulk of the business Valentine's Solutions accrues. A Request is a task which requires a specialist and takes less than a day, but is something most people either don't want to or cannot do. ex.) cleaning stables, chasing off foxes, reshingling a roof, balancing a checkbook
Major Request - 200gp
A Major Request is something which takes multiple days to perform, may put the employee in physical danger, and requires special skills to complete. A Major Request could be just about anything - hunting a bear, renovating a home, such and whatall. However Major Requests may also take the form of something like performing an exorcism or transporting transcontinental goods.

Base Income - Mercenary, Advanced Missions, +24% rounded up - 11gp/day
Skill Bonus - x2, Apprentice Engineering
Sales Bonus - 20%
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus - Valentine's Solutions is a low barrier-of-entry, low cost, high reward, highly versatile business model which assofar is singular and unique to the competitive business stadium, standing alone in its field. While a small business for now, the potential to grow rapidly is present and pervasive. Should that instance arise, the only prevalent issue would be zoning, as a storefront is not necessary for the business and mobility is a virtue. The only drawback are the cheap prices, which, if you're operating from the street, seem more of a boon than a demerit, as it would attract a varied and consistent clientele. - 5%
Total Income - 11 x 92 = 1,012 + 25% (Sales + Creativity) = 1,265 gp

Assets - Roadside stand - 50gp
Debts - 50gp
Sales Bonus- Business owners receive an additional 20% to their wages simply for being a business owner.
Negative Modifier- Areas saturated with a particular business model or profession may incur a negative penalty. Additionally, specializing in a manner of business that is extremely niche with a very select audience may also incur a penalty.
Creativity Bonus- Businesses that display exceptional levels of creativity or ingenuity may be awarded a bonus of up to a 5% increase to wage earnings.
Last edited by Hershey Valentine on Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:13 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 461
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Posts: 1365
Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:29 pm
Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Hi there Hershey!

My, I reckon I do love this here idea'r! Just a few administrative things really. First and foremost, the dranari farthing (df) system was phased out due to too many clerical errors and an inconsistency in terms of economic gameplay. We transitioned to the Gold Coinage system. The full overview of which can be found here. Apologies for the confusion! Please make the corrections accordingly.

The following will be your wage calculations:

Base Income: 7 gp/day
Skill Bonus: Engineering, Apprentice x1.5
Sales Bonus: +20%. This is automatically applied and a given to all business owners.
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus: +5%

7 x 1.5 = 10.5 (round up to nearest whole number) = 11 gp/day

11 x 92 = 1,012 + 25% (Sales + Creativity) = 1,265 gp
word count: 131
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