what lies within

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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what lies within
28 Frost, 120 Steel
Talon exhaled in a slow steady breath. He controlled the movement of his diaphragm as he pushed his hands in a downward motion with palms turned toward the earth. He imagined that he was slowly pressing down on a cushion that was helping to expel the air from his lungs in a slow and steady manner. When the breath had been completely exhaled, he extended an arm and twisted his torso in a sweeping gesture while laying his other hand flat against his stomach. He kept his movements fluid but controlled. The past few days had been spent standing in on ceremonies, he had been attending meetings with some of the Daizoku and visiting some of the vassals of his own House. The whole experience had left him feeling rather tired. Seeing him this morning, Aoren had persuaded his younger brother to step in and take on some of those tasks for the day. At that moment, they were standing in the Circle of Wandering, far away from the city and surrounded by the quiet of the valley.

Beside him, his companion was going through several slow motions with his swords. He moved fluidly, each transition into the next motion was done with the poise and certainty that only came with years of disciplined practice. Beneath the cloth of the shirt he wore, Talon could see the muscles of Aoren’s arms bunch and coil as he moved. There had been a change in the dynamic of their relationship in recent weeks. Ever since the attack on his life the prior season and following the outburst in his shop, Talon noticed that Aoren was gentler with him. Where normally the man had always maintained the role of a strict confidant, more than once, his companion had openly declared and made advances toward something more romantic. Talon was both excited and hesitant at the prospect. His feelings on the matter were complicated.

Aoren’s blades suddenly ignited in his signature flames as he went into a series of swings and flourishes moving smoothly from one position to the next. That was another recent development that Talon had seen in his companion. His relationship with the elements had grown, most noticeably with the element of fire. Aoren wielded it with an ease that was both impressive and more than a little intimidating at times. The touch of his elemental power was present even in his gaze now, as those eyes of his now burned with the intensity of his emotions. Talon watched the raven winged Kathar for several quiet moments as he contemplated the nature of their relationship.

He had first met Aoren during his Warren March. The man had volunteered himself to the Dead Legion, a life that would have most certainly lead to his death sooner rather than later. The two had found one another in some ways, Talon had pulled him from a bit of rubble and stayed with him until he was conscious again. After Talon had completed his Warren March, it was a little while longer before they met up again. In that time, the two of them had Bonded. Like all bonds, it had begun small. It had been something they both decided on. Aoren had started out as a teacher. That had grown to him becoming a friend. Following their visit to the Kingdom of Atinaw however, things had changed. Aoren had been kidnapped by Imperial Inquisitors who had recognized him for the Kathar he was. Though it had been years since his departure from the Imperium, his companion still had the accent and voice of a man from those lands. It was also in the way he carried himself. He did not carry himself like a Synnekar. Every moment of every day, Aoren’s disposition was that of a coiled predator ready to strike. It was the nature of his upbringing, something that he had never fully shared with Talon.

As the man spun effortlessly into a whirlwind of fire and blades, several more swords appeared around him and he began to duel them in a controlled manner. In many ways, this was the real Aoren. He was a fighter. He was not an unkind man but there was a raw truth to seeing him in the middle of a battle. He was unrestrained in many ways, as each movement came to him naturally as though warfighting were as easy to him as breathing. Deep down, Talon knew that was the reason he had been so ashamed and so hurt by the events that happened the season prior. It was not a vain pride or inflated ego that had left Aoren so wounded, it was the man being horrified with himself for almost failing to protect him. The realization of that made Talon feel both vulnerable and treasured at the same time.

It dawned on Talon then why he held himself back so much. It was not the pain of what he had suffered through with Riven. Their bond had been deep and Talon would never pretend it had been anything different but it was not like what he shared with Aoren. This man looked at him with respect. He pushed Talon to grow. He did not shy away from the truth. He made mistakes but he sought to learn from them. He saw Talon when he was strong and was there to lean on when he was weak. It was why what Talon had to ask him would be so difficult and why he knew that his companion would flatly reject the notion.

You are staring, Shinsei.” Talon stirred from his thoughts, realizing that he had stopped practicing his movements. He smiled. He could hear the grin in his companion’s voice even with his back turned.

You are beautiful.” Talon’s words made Aoren jerk and the flat of one of his dancing blades smacked him in a wing. The Kathar flinched but immediately after, the summoned blades vanished in a cloud of misty aether that flowed back into him. He turned and blinked at Talon. The young Novalys did not shy away. There was a look of surprise on his companion’s face but there was also hesitation. Across their bond, he could feel Aoren hesitantly reaching out. Talon reached back and did the mental equivalent of entwining their fingers together. Aoren looked a little stunned but he could feel a welling of joy emanating from his partner.

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what lies within
28 Frost, 120 Steel
"Talon?” There was a sliver of disbelief in his companion’s voice. Those fiery eyes searched his face and Talon could feel Aoren exploring their bond like a man who could not quite believe what he was hearing. Talon would remember that.

Back in Atinaw, I nearly lost you.” He saw his companion’s face go blank. There was an anger and a fear that rest beneath the surface. Talon reached out and threaded his own presence into that anger and fear, he pushed at it and wrapped the Kathar Avialae in as tight an embrace across their bond as he could. It had the desired effect of seeing Aoren’s face soften and his posture relax somewhat. They both remembered the incident though Talon recalled it more clearly than his companion who had been drugged and subdued against his will. The young Novalys had been furious and his cold rage had taken him to a dark place. Looking back, it was clear to him now why he had acted with such ruthlessness. He would not have been able to take losing another bondmate he was so deeply connected to. It would have destroyed him. Then and there he should have realized the depths of his feelings.

You didn’t.” Aoren had lowered his swords and was staring at Talon with such hope that it almost hurt to see. Talon walked up to his companion. He reached out, resting his hands upon the warrior’s forearms making small circles into the muscles with his thumbs.

Just as you did not lose me.” Aoren lowered his head. Talon placed the tips of his fingers beneath his companion’s chin and lifted his head so that they could stare each other in the eyes. “I am right here, Aoren. I am not going anywhere. I will not leave you. I promise.”

His companion looked at him with slightly confusion even as he leaned into Talon’s hand.

Why are you telling me this? Why does it feel like I am about to lose you?” Aoren searched his face and even reached out across their bond. Talon held him as close and as tightly as possible through that link that existed so naturally between them. He filled it with his confidence. He filled it with his resolve. He filled it with the tenderness and affection that he had come to feel toward this man.

Because I am going to ask something of you. Something I know will frighten you. I need you to have faith in me. To have faith in us.” Talon felt Aoren grow anxious.

What would you ask?” His voice was a whisper, barely audible over the winter winds that ghosted through the valley.

I want you to initiate me into Reaving.” Aoren went completely still. His eyes went wide and across their bond the level of shock and fear that wormed its way into Talon and almost made him nauseous.

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what lies within
28 Frost, 120 Steel
"No.” The reply was spoken flatly and with it, Aoren stepped back and out of Talon’s reach.

Please, Aoren.” Talon just continued to meet his companion’s gaze. He did not try to influence the man through their bond. He simply kept it open. He let his companion feel his resolve, feel his certainty. Aoren shook his head and backed even further away.

No. Ask of me anything, Talon. Ask me to fly into the mouth of the abyss. Ask me to burn down the Imperial Capital itself. Ask me to fight a dragon. Do not ask this of me.” Aoren’s breathing was elevated. His nostrils flared and he looked like a man trying desperately to tamp down abject terror.

I must. I will. I do ask this of you, Aoren.” Talon kept his voice steady and calm. He did not try to press his point. He did not speak on the growing tension in the region. He did not speak on the increase in strange activity creeping up out of the Warrens. The dire wolves. The wendigo. The swelling or horde incursions into the countryside and in the city. He did not speak on the tension in the council chambers. He did not need to. These things Aoren already knew.

No.” The Kathar shook his head once more. His wings tucked in close as though Aoren were trying to hold in all that he was feeling.

Please, Aoren.” The warrior stepped back even more and looked as though he were about ready to take flight. He shook his head again.

I cannot…” It made Talon’s heart ache in his chest to hear the way his companion’s voice hitched. His shoulders had begun to shake.

If not you, then I will be forced to find another.” Aoren’s eyes went wide and he made a swift cutting motion with one of his hands.

No! Do not do this, Talon! I...I cannot…” But Talon shook his head.

How many stories have been told? I am a warrior, Aoren. I must protect my people. I must protect you. This is my burden. It is my duty. It is my place and I will see it through. Centuries of mythos linked to the skill and purpose that drives each Reaver. There are painful times ahead of us, Aoren. I must do this. I cannot explain it. But I just know, this is something I must do.” Aoren’s chest was rising and falling with greater emphasis then. He had gone slightly pale and across their bond he could feel his companion’s fear.

I cannot…” Talon shook his head.

Please.” Talon asserted his request. He felt more certain about this than he had most things in the whole of his life. This was not a matter of power. Power was not what drove Talon. He felt it in his bone that this was something he needed to do. So even as Aoren continued to shake and looked as though the very idea filled him with grief, Talon still asked.

Please, Aoren.” Again, his companion shook his head, digging in his heels.

No. I cannot…” He breath caught and he grit his teeth. “Do not ask this, please do not ask this...I can’t…

Talon looked at Aoren and with eyes filled with sadness and regret for the hurt he was causing, he asked again. He asked again until finally his companion shouted.

I CANNOT LOSE YOU!” The outburst silenced Talon and he merely stared at his companion. Aoren looked on the edge of losing all control. He was pale. He was breathing heavy. He was shaking and his wings were flared. The silence lingered for a moment before Aoren’s shoulders slumped and he dropped his gaze to the ground. His voice, when he spoke, was barely above a whisper but Talon heard it nonetheless.

Do you know what you are asking of me?” Talon did know. He could feel it. He could see how much it terrified Aoren. Slowly, and with great care, Talon walked to his companion. Slowly, Aoren sank to the ground and Talon met him there, enfolding the man into his arms. The warrior shook with how much he was trying to hold in. Talon just held him. Aoren fisted his shirt into his grasp tightly.

I can’t, Talon. I cannot lose you. I can’t.” Talon was silent for a few moments before he squeezed Aoren closer.

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what lies within
28 Frost, 120 Steel
"You will not.” The two of them remained that way for several moments before Aoren pulled back. He looked into Talon’s eyes. He took a few deep breaths before pulling both of them to their feet. Wordlessly he unwound himself from Talon’s embrace then silently walked over to pick up the young Novalys’s sword. He drew the blade then turned to return to Talon. Grasping Talon’s hand, he placed the sword in his grasp and closed his fingers around it.

This does not leave your hand. Not even for a moment. Not even for a breath. Do you understand?” Across their bond, Talon could feel his companion reaching out, impressing the gravity of this command upon him. Talon opened himself up to that and drew it in. He squeezed the hilt of his sword and gripped it tightly. He nodded. Aoren stared at him and he could see a welling of wetness in the man’s eyes.

You will feel pain.” He searched Talon’s face. Aoren’s voice was soft but it was edged with a brutal clarity to the truth of his words. “You will not be ready for it.

Talon swallowed and controlled his breathing.

You will feel as though your bones are cracking.” Aoren summoned his blades once more. They shone with aethereal power and for the first time, Talon saw them for the instruments of death and power that they were. Sleek, beautiful, powerful, deadly. All things that described the man who wielded them. “You will feel every splinter.

Talon did not try to repress the shudder that ran through him.

You will feel it tear at your soul.” A single tear fell from Aoren’s eyes, the droplet rolled down his cheek and he did not wipe it away. He stood tall and across their bond, in his eyes, Talon could see that this would be as painful for Aoren as it was going to be for him. His own vision began to grow blurry. He would remember this. He would remember the pain he had caused. “You must fight for it.

Talon nodded and Aoren brought up the tip of his blade. Along the surface, the winds began to gather until slowly, a gold and amber flame began to encircle the sword. The two of them locked eyes.

Hold nothing back, Talon. Fight. Fight to win. Fight to survive.” Talon felt his companion’s heartbeat grow even and measured in pace. He took a few breaths and began to steady himself as well. “Because I will show no restraint...and I will show no mercy.

Talon shivered though it was not from the cold. He turned so that his right shoulder was presented to the tip of the blade. He felt the bite of the sword in his flesh as Aoren made the first cut.

Find your fury, Talon.” His companion’s voice was gentle and filled with a resolve that only cemented in his mind the weight of what lay ahead. “You will need it.

The sting of the sword cutting into his flesh made Talon grip the sword in his hand more firmly. He kept his gaze forward and waited. There was always a moment during initiations with Rune magic. A moment when the world slowed and one’s eyes were opened to the new avenues of power that had been emblazoned upon one’s soul. He felt Aoren finish cutting the symbol into his shoulder and with it, Talon turned to face him. Slowly, he entered into his stance. Aoren entered his as the two of them squared off against one another.

The world went silent. It was as though the valley itself was now holding its breath, waiting to see the outcome of the battle that was about to unfold. The weathered faces of the stone statues that surrounded the Circle of Wandering almost seemed to be watching.

And then it happened.

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what lies within
28 Frost, 120 Steel
Talon gasped. He felt a surge of heat and electricity crawl down his right arm and latch onto the sword in his grasp. The hilt grew hotter and the blade began to radiate a mirage of heat as aethereal power started pooling into it. It was then that Aoren moved. The air around both of them seemed to freeze. The world paused in anticipation of their movements and then motion returned to the world as all of it came crashing back into the present moment. Talon brought up his sword to block the forward attack coming his way.

Aoren was right. He was not ready for what followed. The impact of his companion’s sword against his own sent a ripple of agony threading its way into Talon’s body. It speared into his brain and set his nerves aflame with the sheer pain of it. Talon bit back a scream and was forced to roll out of the way of the next attack. He had no moment to recover as Aoren immediately followed him and summoned his second sword launching himself into a series of barrages that Talon barely managed to deflect. Each blow clawed its way into Talon’s skin nearly blinding him with the pain of it. He was pushed onto the defensive as he felt the ripping at his soul pulling him toward the shining surface of his sword. With a sweep of his legs, Aoren tripped him, sending Talon sprawling onto the ground reeling in pain.

Fight, dammit! Do not lose yourself!” Talon shook off the screaming in his body and got back to his feet. He steeled himself and with a roar he launched himself into the offensive. He could not hold back. He wanted to. But he could not. He saw now that this was, without a shadow of a doubt, a fight for his very soul. Aoren was the better swordsman, he would have to be precise and creative with his attacks. He sprinted forward, pulling on his aether and brought up a barrier to deflect blows from one side of his body while he brought his sword down to meet his companion’s blades. Only Aoren did not do what he would have expected.

The Kathar spun out of the way of Talon’s assault. Mid-spin he brought his sword up to slash at Talon’s torso. Talon simply reacted. He spun to meet that swing with the barrier he had conjured allowing the warrior’s swing to impact the shield. Both of Aoren’s swords skated across the surface of the shield. Talon lifted the barrier forcing his companion to lift his arms upward. The young Novalys thrust his sword outward but Aoren quickly deflected the blow sending another ripple of pain cascading over Talon’s body. Before he could recover, Talon was hit with a forceful burst of wind that sent him sliding backwards across the stone surface of the Circle of Wandering. He grit his teeth and leapt into the force of the wind, spreading his wings. As he did he sent a current of kinetic force outward in front of him, not to hit Aoren but to deflect the wind he was sending his way.

Talon shot forth, bringing his blade forward sweeping at his companion who jumped back, spreading his black wings and diving out of reach. Talon felt a stab of pain in his skull and the world went white. He dropped to a knee as he struggled through it. In the distance, Talon swore he heard voices. He heard them shouting but it was not in a language that he understood. He heard the ring of swords, the rattle of heavy armored plates and the growl of beasts. He blinked and shook his head, rising back to his feet just as Aoren was bringing his swords down in a forceful swing. Acting on instinct, Talon brought up his sword and blocked the blows. He felt the impact in his bones. It shook through him but he held back the cry of pain and kept his sword raised. He could feel Aoren pressing down with the weight of his body. Talon’s arm shook from the effort. He growled out a cry and with it he swept his shielded arm out at Aoren’s legs. His companion jumped into the air somersaulting overhead. Talon felt the sting of cuts along his back and he stumbled forward.

Heaving for breath, he turned on his heel and charged back into the fray of battle. Aoren met him. With his shielded arm, Talon knocked aside one sword while meeting the other. The both of them held that stance for a moment before going into a series of blows. Aoren struck out at his right. Talon parried the blow and moved into an opening only to be brushed aside as Aoren deflected him with his other sword. The two of them remained locked in that position exchanging blows, advancing and retreating as both sought to gain the advantage. And with every blow, Talon felt as though his body and his soul was being splintered bit by bit. It was as Aoren brought down his sword in an overhead swing that Talon was staggered back and onto his knee once more. The world went white again and all he could see were the blazing fires in his companion’s eyes...only they held no warmth. There was a seething rage inside of them that shocked him to his core.

You will fail…

The white at the edges of his vision grew darker and Talon felt as though he were about to lose consciousness. A dark echoing voice rang in his head. It sounded and did not sound like Aoren.

You have always failed.

No…” Talon whispered. His body shook with the effort it was taking to keep himself conscious.

You failed then. You will fail now.

No!” Talon tightened his grip on the sword. He ground his teeth as he started to push back against the weight bearing down on him.

Give up…

Never…” He began to rise. Slowly. Shaking with effort.

Give. Up.
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what lies within
28 Frost, 120 Steel
Talon thrust forward and his vision returned to normal as he shoved against Aoren’s weight. His companion was sent backwards and Talon sprung into action. He held on to his sword with both hands, sprinting forward as he brought it upwards in a low swing aimed at Aoren’s torso. Aoren leaped back but Talon reached out with his Kinetics and yanked the man forward drawing a look of utter surprise from him. Just as he was nearing, Talon was hit with a current of strong winds that sent him backwards. Talon reached out and wove his aether into the weave of the flux beside Aoren, tunneling through the wind current and sending him straight toward his companion. He launched himself into a flurry of blows that sent Aoren on the defensive.

As his companion spun reacting expertly to Talon’s advanced, the young Novalys sent a pulse of kinetics into the nearby cliff face. The crack of stone broke parts of the rock away from its surface. He grabbed those stones and sent them hurtling toward his companion. Caught off guard, Aoren was forced to retreat. He managed to deflect some of the stones but was hit square in the chest by another large rock. Talon jumped up, bringing his sword overhead. He let out a ferocious cry of anger to push past the jarring pain in his bones. Aoren looked up and immediately the swords in his hands were released. The blades hung in the air and Aoren summoned a bo staff. He brought it up, deflecting Talon’s downward assault and rolling him off of the edge of the staff. Talon was forced to expand his wings and glide away as he was thrown off. He had little time to recover as his companion sent both of his swords flying through the air toward him.

Talon sent a wave of his kinetics outward, sending one of the blades veering off course. He met the other forcefully as Aoren commanded the blade to exchange blows with him. As he parried a swing, Aoren jumped in with his bo staff, a weapon he was not skilled in but in this moment he did not need to be. He spun the staff moving to smack Talon on his legs and trip him. Talon jumped and was forced to go airborne. He ascended into the sky only to have an arrow fly past him. He went wide-eyed in surprise. Whirling he narrowly dodged out of the way of another arrow. Aoren had summoned his bow. The staff remained beside him. Talon sent a blast of kinetics toward him.

Instantly, the bo staff sprung into action going into a whirlwind in front of Aoren, deflecting the wave of force away from its master. Distracted by the maneuver, Talon felt the biting sting of a sword slice along his side and then another on his thigh. He gasped and spun, turning to meet the twin swords that were now advancing on him. He deflected another swing and sent a pulse out to deflect the other only for the blade to move out of the way and shoot toward him. Talon was put on the defensive. He tucked his wings in close and dove down, spearing toward Aoren who released another arrow toward him. Talon rolled out of the way to dodge it. He rolled to dodge another arrow only for it to lightly graze just past his cheek.

Talon sent a blast not at Aoren but at the ground in front of him. The stones cracked and sent rubble and snow into the air. Talon clutched his sword in both hands as he sent another blast out, clearing the debris and he met Aoren directly. His companion, not blind to the tactic, had his swords instantly back in his hands crossing them to meet Talon’s attack. Talon crashed into his companion, sparks flew from their blades and he grit his teeth as the pain of the impact nearly made him pass out. He was sweating. He was heaving for breath. But this fight was not yet over. He lifted weary eyes to his companion but all he saw in front of him was a shadow with fire burning in its eye sockets.

I will never give up...” The shadow side-swiped Talon’s sword, nearly sending it out of his grasp. Talon grabbed it before it could fall and cried out in pain as both of those blades cut into his abdomen. The shadow then kicked him in the chest sending him sprawling back onto the ground at the very center of the Circle of Wandering. Talon gripped the sword tightly but his vision was swimming. He moved then, picking himself up on shaking limbs. Talon lifted his eyes to the shadow. It was advancing slowly. Around it, a wall of swords had begun to form, their aethereal forms taking shaping one after the other. Dozens of them that were all aimed at him.

Give up…

He could hear that voice that was and wasn’t Aoren’s again. Only this time it sounded even less like his companion’s.

Never…” He coughed and Talon thought he tasted blood in the back of his throat. His chest began to ache. It felt like pain was beginning to blossom in his heart. A blistering agony of fire and suffering.

Give up…

The distant echo of some far off battle rang in his ears. As his vision swam, Talon thought for the briefest of moments that he could see something. The shadow advancing on him raised its hand. The wall of blades drew back.

Give up…

He could feel the pull of the sword in his hand trying to draw his soul into the blade. It was clawing at him. It was tearing at him. He was shivering with the effort it was taking just to draw in enough breath. The pull of the yawning dark was calling to him. But he had to fight it…

Give up…

N-never…” He could not fail. His father, his mother, his brothers and sisters, his people needed him. There was something on the horizon. Something he could not yet see but he could feel it. It was clouding the light. The shadow dropped his arm and the wall of swords began flying toward him. The world slowed. Talon could see the trail of fire and smoke being left in the wake of the swords. They all cut through the air toward him.

Give up…

Talon felt a rage boil up inside of him. A burning fury at the injustice of all that he had seen unfolding in recent times. The way so many lives continued to suffer. The pointless posturing of some far off city so enraptured with its own arrogance and paranoia that it threatened the lives of all Talon loved and cared for. He would not stand for it. He could not.

NEVER!” Talon released a bellow of absolute rage as he sent a blast of kinetic force barrelling out from his body in a dome of destructive power. The wall of swords was obliterated as the duplicates were shattered while the true pact swords were sent flying back. The shadow with fire in its eyes looked shocked and was hit with the wave of force, knocked off of its feet and sent hurtling away from the Circle of Wandering.

The world went dark.

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The smell of burning flesh and sweat, the taste of salt on the lips as breaths came ragged and sharp. Hot, burning armor that made the muscles scream in protest, even as the body kept moving almost on autopilot. The sky above was a stark red as the evening light stretched from the horizon, jagged clouds streaking across like tears in the world above, though upon closer inspection some of those clouds may have actually been burning pillars of smoke.

Talon breathed heavily, clutching at the sword in his hand that for some reason felt heavier than the responsibilities he bore in his heart. Around him, a war raged. Not a battle, not a contest, but a war in the truest sense. This was the war from which all other wars originated, it is what defined what it was to kill, to put to death with absolute ruthless ferocity. His body moved without thought, cutting the arm of a grey-skinned elf as she rushed past, snarling with feral rage. In the distance the form of a giant rose above the rest, great fists slamming down with such force that the ground shook from the impact, and those nearest him scattered in waves.

Pain, guilt for more lives that were lost, who he could not protect. Justice had to be served, but that did not always mean that it was done without loss. The landscape was marred, nearly unrecognizable as the inner part of a city at the edge of Sol'Valen. The walls were crumbled ruins now, and the great spirling works of architecture had been shattered, glass still falling like rain from the sky as another ballista sailed and missed the soaring form of a dragon far overhead.

Another sword whistled by his head, and suddenly he remembered. The battle, the fight. Deflecting the next blow Talon turned to face a man in dark armor, his face covered by a plate, though despite it he could almost see the sneer on the man's lips. The next lunging attack was dogged, another blocked as Talon spun with more grace and strength than he had ever experienced before. It felt like it wasn't quite him moving, but more like he was... riding along. A snarl came from deep in his chest as he struck back with a flurry of blows that sent shockwaves out around them, blowing back the line of arrows that had been sent at his back. His appointment blocked these, almost contemptuously as he slammed a foot into Talon's shin and a gauntletted fist into his chest. Instead of doubling over Talon grabbed the arm, twisting his body and throwing his opponent bodily to the ground.

Black smoke covered the ground of the battle filed, knee-high in some places as it curled up and tugged at the armor and limbs of those that passed through it. His opponent disappeared in the smoke, but when Talon rammed his sword into the place he should have been he felt no resistance. With a curse Talon looked around, ignoring the whispers that tried to peel away at the defenses of his mind.

More by instinct than conscious thought Talon leaped forward, rolling under a swing that would have taken his head off, coming to his feet in a ready stance in time to block the next downward swing.

"You know you cannot defeat me." The man said, bearing down on the blade as Talon pushed upward. The voice was deep and smooth, charming even though it had a somewhat condescending cast. With a grunt Talon threw the man off balance, ramming his shoulder into the man's plated gut and slamming the butt of his sword into his side.

Grunting his opponent stumbled back, swiping aside Talon's next strike and returning with one of his own.

"It... doesn't matter if I can or cannot defeat you." Talon breathed, clutching his chest as he used his sword to stand slowly to his feet. In his heart, he felt... determination, a righteous fury, but no anger or animosity toward this man. Justice was simply what it was. This man, for whatever he thought or believed, needed to be stopped.

"I will make sure that today you will be stopped. It doesn't matter if you are stronger than me, or wiser. I will simply do what I must do."

The man grunted again, seeming to chuckle as he prepared his sword as Talon raised his own in turn.

"That is the sentiment I would expect from a mortal."

At that Talon smiled. He heard a name called from the side, a name he didn't recognize but he looked anyway. A man was rushing toward him, a friend, an Orkhan. He shouted the name again, but a figure in white stepped between him and Talon, blocking him from view. In that split instant, Talon turned, but the man in the dark plate was already on top of him.

The next few blows they exchanged were fast, sending thunderous booms as each sword met and flashes of light that sparkled and danced around them as they ducked, weaved, and connected. Talon suddenly felt his foot slip, a whisper in his ear, and then, suddenly, it was over.

With a gasp Talon reached down, grasping the hilt of the sword that jutted out of his stomach. His own sword clattered to the ground, and he made as if to wrap his other hand around the hilt. The man in black plate still held the blade, however, and with a heave he twisted the blade, forcing a scream from Talon's lips.

"Pathetic." The man's voice was almost disappointed, and when he lifted his faceplate he revealed two burning ember eyes. The man stared into Talon's face, drinking in the looks of pain, and then he smiled a cruel smile.

"You claim to embody justice?" He shook his head, twisting his blade once more and delighting in the pain in Talon's eyes, "There is no justice. This world is tainted, suffering. Justice would be to put an end to the undeserving in this world. Mercy would be to end their suffering. But you? Look at what you did."

He looked over the battlefield, turning Talon so he could see as well. Men and women fought and died. Fires raged and blood was spilled. The smell of death and bowels, sweat, and fear. Gritting his teeth Talon grabbed the man's shoulder with a blood-soaked gauntlet, earning another sneer from the man who thought he needed the support to stand.

A part of Talon couldn't deny what this man said. He had caused this. If he had stepped aside, let things go where they wished then so many would not have had to die. Their deaths weighed heavily on Talon at that moment, like a mountain was settling on his shoulders, and he felt regret. Deep, profound regret for what he had done.

"The right... the right thing," A cough made Talon double over, and he gripped the sword in his gut tighter. His opponent ensured Talon did not fall, and as the coughing fit ended Talon continued, "The right thing is never easy. Justice does not always mean mercy. And sometimes... sometimes victory comes when you are defeated."

With a titanic force of will, Talon ripped the sword from his gut, batting aside the hand on his shoulder as he rapped the blade to the hilt in his opponent's chest. The man gasped, grabbing Tallon by the throat in a powerful grip and squeezing.

"Cheap trick, upstart." The man groaned, rage boiling in his eyes as he tried to squeeze the life from Talon, "That's not enough to end me. Shadows do not bleed, and fear never dies."

It was Talon's turn to twist the blade, and as he did he reached deep into himself, grasping onto a power that stretched up and beyond him. Through it, he felt someone, someone greater than him, but who looked at him in favor. Then Talon smiled and managed to choke out three words.

"Fuck you, asshole."

The power swelled within him, blazing gold and white and spreading through the sword. The man's eyes widened and the burning ember points blazed with white light as she screamed a blood-curdling scream of agony. Across the battlefield similar screams rocked the world, great pillars of white bursting forth and scattering the smoke and clouds from the sky. The black smoke on the grounds shuddered and burned away in golden embers, and then finally Talon blacked out.

In the darkness, he floated for a time. In that moment of peace, he couldn't help but reflect... but for some reason the memories were fuzzy. A voice drifted through, calling his name.

"Raxen..." Talon said aloud, feeling himself slipping, "I'm sorry."

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what lies within
28 Frost, 120 Steel
Talon drifted in the darkness. The whirlwind of what he had seen was a haze in his mind. His limbs felt heavy. It felt as though he could not quite draw enough breath. His chest ached and for a moment he remembered the feeling of a sword plunging into his body. Was it still there? That was ridiculous. Talon had hallucinated during an initiation into magic before. His path into Semblance had inflicted such things upon him but this had felt...different. Everything that he had seen had felt so real.

He could smell the iron in the air from war engines that launched sulphurous balls of fire at that gleaming city. He could feel the trickle of sweat upon his body and the exhaustion seeping into his muscles. He could hear the distant echoes of soldiers and feel the shake of the earth beneath his feet. What had all of that been? Had that been a dream? Had it been a vision of things to come? What did it all mean?

Who was that man? Talon had never seen him before in his life. Yet somehow, deep inside of himself, he felt as though he should have known him. He felt as though the two of them had been close to one another and for a moment those burning eyes made him think of Aoren. But that was not right. The man had not looked like his companion and he could not imagine a world where his bondmate was so filled with malice and hate. What had driven that man to be filled with such a seething rage and a hatred so strong? The ache in his chest returned and Talon thought that it meant something. He had no idea what it could have meant. He had no idea what any of it meant but he felt as though he should have.

In the distance, Talon thought he heard someone calling his name. Which reminded him of another name.

Raxen. There was power in that name. Talon felt it. He felt as though he had heard it before but it was just beyond reach. Where had he heard it before? He knew it but from where he could not rightly recall.

Raxen…” He whispered the name. In the darkness, he heard someone calling. Talon willed himself to move.

He lifted a hand and opened his eyes. What would be waiting for him? The world he knew? Or the dream that felt so real?

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"Shinsei... Talon..." The voice was soft, but growing closer. Talon's head rested on something hard, and there was a weight on his chest as something pressed against him.

"Talon, wake up!" The cry was followed by a swift smack on the cheek, startling enough to force Talon's eye open and a gasp to escape him.

The world would swim for a moment, darkness slowly resolving itself. Over him was a figure, broad-shouldered and amber eyes staring down at him with concern. Dark skin almost ebony, haired tied back in a warrior's knot. Ivory tusks, long and thin curled from the corners of his mouth, and when he met Talon's eyes the man's expression would visibly relax in relief. Then when Talon blinked the figure would be gone, replaced by Aoren who cradled Talon's head in his palm and checked his pulse with one hand.

After confirming that Talon was indeed breathing Aoren would sigh, but he didn't smile. His expression was pained, though through the bond Talon would feel a thread of genuine pride lacing the relief.

"You passed out." He said finally, looking back at Talon. Then, as if realizing what he was doing he repositioned himself, letting Talon sit up on his own. Rubbing the back of his neck the man looked a bit abashed, "I told you I wouldn't hold back... But I did not expect to hit you so hard that you'd pray to Raxen."

In the distance deep in the Mountains, there was a rumble that shook the valley. Rockslides caused wide devastation on the west side of the mountain range, blocking an old trade road used often by House Veyl. When everything settled the woods became deathly quiet, as if the wildlife itself was holding its breath.

Something opened one large eye and stared out in the direction of Kalzasi, shifting in its place of slumber. When it breathed out a pulse of energy was expelled, causing hanging shards in its cavern to fluctuate and waver in color and intensity.

"He looks this way..." the thing said, curling up tighter in its resting place. Slowly its eye closed, and it huffed in annoyance, "Gods should know their place."

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word count: 526
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