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High Interest (Hershey Valentine)

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:16 pm
by Suzu
FROST 19, 120
The trip to the bank was not an easy one, and somtimes stretches of tens of minutes went by without anyone coming by. Suzu was easily bored, and she tended to pass this time a variety of ways - stretching, scribbling on pieces of scratch paper, drumming her fingers, practicing illusions when no one was looking. Today she was so exceptionally bored she was actually catching up on small bits of paperwork here and there. Recording deposits, organizing slips of paper, even chatting to the teller next to her. The fox had worked there for almost a decade, in the same position, much of it even in the same spot. She had no desire to move up and become a banker, and little desire to work anywhere else - as much as she craved excitement, working at the Kalzasi Bank was comfortable, and meant that she could fuel other parts of her life with little effort. As a result, she had perfected what she liked to think of as "cutting just enough corners" - it made her life easy enough without actually messing anything up, and just noticeable enough that she was passed up for promotion and for having to do anything really difficult. To Suzu, this was much different than being lazy. In fact, she worked very hard - but her current job at the bank was an anchor she was uncomfortable pulling up. Excitement came from everywhere else. This was her safety net.

She figured it had been at least twenty minutes since someone had come up. There were people filtering in through the stairs, but not enough to take up all of the tellers. Her boredom continued for at least another ten minutes until the rush came. All at once, like a gravity-defying flood, faces popped up from the stairs and began lining up. It was then that her efficiency kicked in, and she was in the swing of things before she knew it. Time passed so quickly when it was busy, and being occupied was her favorite thing to do, whether it was work or play. Kalzasi was such a large city that she had difficulty remembering faces, but every so often she would recognize someone and chat for a bit. She found the total strangers more interesting, though. The people that didn't ring even a hint of a bell, the newcomers, the people wanting to open accounts - new stories and fresh faces to Kalzasi.