Fate & Fortune

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F A T E & F O R T U N E
Title of Shop/Business - Fate & Fortune
Business Type - Services
Services Provided -
As Nikaia's skill and lores increase, so too will her offerings.

Normal Readings (~30 minutes),
  • Palm Reading - 3 GP
  • Card Reading - 3 GP per card in the spread
  • Daily Horoscope - 1GP
  • Weekly Horoscope - 3GP
  • Tea Leaf Reading - 1GP

Love Readings (~30 minutes), Nikaia's specialty
  • Palm Reading - 5 GP
  • Card Reading - 5 GP per card in the spread
  • Daily Horoscope, Love Oriented - 3GP
  • Weekly Horoscope, Love Oriented - 5GP

Long Readings (~60-90 minutes), typically done before a major decision is to be made, complimentary tea leaf reading!
  • Palm Reading - 10 GP
  • Card Reading - 10 GP per card in the spread
  • Daily Horoscope, Business Oriented - 6GP
  • Weekly Horoscope, Business Oriented - 10GP

Aura Drawings (~30-60 minutes), Semblance used to draw what she sees in the customer's aura
  • 30 Minutes - 25 GP
  • 60 Minutes - 50 GP

Base Income - Fortune-teller: 7 GP/day
Skill Bonus - 7 gp * 1.5 (Apprentice Fortune-telling) = 11 GP/day
Sales Bonus - +20% = 1201.2 GP/season
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus - +5% = 1,251 gp, 25 sp/season

Assets -
Common Area (Elaborate) - 1,500gp
Courtyard (Elaborate) - 1,500gp
Library (Simple) - 500gp
Bedroom (Simple) - 350gp
Bath (Simple) - 200gp
Miscellaneous Furniture & Supplies - +20%

Debts - 4,860gp owed to the Central Bank of Kalzasi
5% SIR (243gp)


Located in the Plaza of Jeweled Arches, Fate & Fortune is a two-story building that lies near an alleyway and down an off-street. Above the front gate is a sign, painted with the shop's name and decorated with stars, and it leads into an enclosed, grassy courtyard decorated with wildflowers, small statues, and a well. Smooth, cobbled stones lead the way to the front door, with curtains and shutters open to the sun - or closed to the weather - on either side. On entry, one is greeted with a cozy room, a plush couch, and a multitude of rugs and tapestries. A curtain separates the entryway and couch from the main room, where a single, well-made table sits in the center surrounded by comfortable armchairs. A fireplace lies on the far side of the room with a hearth and water for tea boiling in a kettle hanging above the fire. A cupboard stands next to the fireplace, and it holds much of Nikaia's supplies. The half-Orkhan, and owner of the shop, is usually found with an armchair pulled near the fireplace, sipping tea. To the right of the main room is the library, little more than a few bookcases next to the staircase that leads up to the second story.

The second story of the building is Nikaia's living quarters, with a simple bedroom and a simple bathroom.
Last edited by Nikaia on Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 632
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 ! Message from: Mirage
This Business is approved with full creativity bonus. +5%
Base Income: 7 gp/day
Skill Bonus: Fortune-telling, Apprentice x1.5
Sales Bonus: +20%. This is automatically applied and a given to all business owners.
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus: +5%

7 x 1.5 = 10.5 (round up to nearest whole number) = 11 gp/day

11gp/day x 91 days = 1001gp
1001gp + 25% (Sales and Ingenuity bonus) = 1,251 gp, 25 sp
word count: 73
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