Letters to Fawn

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To Fawn

Write your message here, she'll be sure to read it.


Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 600px; margin: 40px auto; padding: 20px; background: #e1cbaa]
[googlefont=Dancing Script][size=165][color=#884032][center]To Fawn[/size][/googlefont]

[style3=padding: 0px 22px 22px 22px;]
[size=130][googlefont=Nanum Pen Script]Write your message here, she'll be sure to read it. 

[/size][/googlefont][googlefont=Dancing Script][size=165][color=#884032]Signature[/size][/googlefont]
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To: Fawn
From: Telion and Rickter
Sent: 9th of Glade, 121
Arrival: 9th of Glade, 121

Dear Fawn,

Of course, we would write to you! It has been wonderful receiving your letters that have brought a bit of a smile to Ricky's lips, believe it or not, he barely did after you were sent to the palace. He's often asked if and when you wrote after sending a reply, which tells me he cares a lot more than you know, but let's keep that our little secret! I can't imagine the cabin fever you probably felt while staying here at the palace, believe it or not, Ricky and I have also just recently settled in; the day after your release in fact. It's such a huge place that I've gotten lost a couple of times, though, thankfully all the guards here are helpful and patient with me learning to navigate!

You recall I told you about Ricky's trials right? Well, he's now a knight of the Argent Hand, and is serving as a personal bodyguard to the Prince Talon as well! So much has happened in the time we were away, but even within the thickest of it, I'm willing to bet Ricky thought of you and everyone else. What I'm trying to say here, Fawn, is that believe it or not you do have power. A strength that is yours but also not, for it is our hearts that empower us. You may feel like that isn't the case right now, and I couldn't blame you after what happened. But never doubt the strength and power you do possess, because that is the same power that helped Ricky. It's a bit of a long story, one I'll be happy to explain when I come visit you sometime, maybe within the next few days perhaps!

Anyways, despite your natural power we both also understand your desire, recognizing that maybe the idea may not be a bad one at all; after we discussed it for a bit. I won't lie though Fawn, personal magic comes with quite the stipulations, and even Rickter can attest to their lethality. We're willing to consider the request as we'd love to support you, but Rickter himself would like to have a heart-to-heart over the discussion personally. Rest assured he only means well, and looks forward to seeing you again soon. And about that natural power I'd mentioned earlier, I'll tell you how it helped Rickter, and how it'll help you the next time I see you.

With love,
word count: 469
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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㊋ 8th of Glade, 121 AoS ㊋

㊋ I hope this reaches you, as I hope you are well. I apologize for not coming to see you or reaching out to you sooner. I made a vow to protect you, but I failed to do it. This failing alone is the reason why I have been so distant. I have been wrestling with this guild for quite some time now, and I'm still working through it all.

That being said, I have never stopped thinking of your well-being, doing my best to get stronger so that whenever we meet again, nothing will stop me from protecting one of the few people who have shown me kindness.

Hyoga Y. ㊋
word count: 125
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