[Location] The Lost Cathedral

A kingdom of equal chance and ferocity, a land full of strong-willed warriors.

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Title: Forge your Legend

The Lost Cathedral


Within the Astralar Mountains there is a winding path that will lead any brave wandering soul through a pass, to a place where an ancient ruin sits just beneath the eastern peaks of the mountains. Though long picked clean of any relics or valuables, this forelorn settlement still stands as a remnant of the times before The Sundering. Yet it's actually the massive temple that's visible among some of the peaks bordering Turoth that physically embodies this, for not even the violence that shook the world has decimated this forgotten structure. A few scholars that have managed to visit this spectacular sight have named it The Lost Cathedral, due to how remote and desolate it's location is within the mountain range.

One merely needs to follow a slope that leads from the ancient town to scale their way to the cathedral, where the architecture appears to be a culmination of Orkhan and Human masonry, with brilliant archways that once stood proud, now crumbling as one draws closer to the structure itself. Oddly enough any who are brave or bold enough to venture here, find that nearly all wildlife have avoided exploring this desolate location. Those that are curious enough to explore also find a sense of melancholy when they reach the cathedral, leading the few who have documented this place to speculate something terrifying has left an everlasting impact here.

Village Ruins & The Summit of Lost Hope
Within the ruins of the village lies nothing but debris, though scholars have found only a few articles that have remained. Though the history and name of this village are both long gone, what decipherable context they could discern from their findings have mentioned the cathedral, and more specifically the mountain that was once named "The Summit of Hope" in it's time. Since next to nothing seems to live or even exist here, however, those who've made the discover have deemed to rename it with "Lost Hope" instead. Traveling up the slope of the summit itself is difficult since there is only one direct way up, and climbing the jagged rocks would prove difficult for any seasoned wanderer or adventurer.

It is along this slope that ancient archways constructed of marble still stand, though many of them in shambles, and even crumbling away due to weather and time wearing them away. There are seven of these archways in total and, when walked through in passing, it is said that a wander can feel a sense of peace welcoming them the closer they reach the cathedral.

The Cathedral Ruins

At the base of the Lost Cathedral resides what once was a grand courtyard, now overrun with floral life as some fallen stonework litters the area entirely. While the serenity within the environment is palpable, it's clear that this place wasn't just an ancient place of worship, but also where an epic battle was once waged long ago. Within the courtyard lies a circle, similar to the one found within the mysterious Circle of Wandering, though much of the stonework has eroded and broken away with patches of grass littering it.

A weathered stone staircase welcomes anyone willing to explore, guiding them toward the entrance of the Lost Cathedral itself when they reach the top. A set of grand double doors, constructed of wood and marble, waits to greet the curious that come seeking to enter... However, to no avail. For upon these doors is an insignia, one of a sword as twin flames spiral around it, with a wingspan found spreading from the crossguard of the sword itself. Historians have debated the meaning of this insignia and what it represents, yet, not a single soul has been able to open the doors to reveal what lies within.


While it's uncertain what lies locked away within this ancient structure, the rumor of it's sealed doors have led many to speculate one thing. Treasure. Although, there are many that claim the grounds of the cathedral sacred, holy even, and that any who dare attempt to steal the treasure here will be met with a terrible curse.

 ! Message from: Chronicle
This location is free to write-in, however, please bear in mind that the doors to the cathedral are sealed. Therefore, any attempt to enter the cathedral through them is impossible at this time, without a proper 'key' that is, and if anyone does want to investigate this place, they should reach out to a mod to discuss something!
word count: 826
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