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Zaichaer Codex (Original)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:31 pm
by Paragon


For centuries, the High City of Zaichaer has been the epicenter of politics and power in the Northlands of Karnor. The largest in population and geographic area, it is second in wealth across the Free Cities but is the first in power and prestige. For centuries, the city has maintained hegemony over the loose federation of territories that make their home in the region. The High City of the Northlands maintains a tight grip on power through its powerful military and is at the forefront of technological advancement across the region. Denizens of Zaichaer are primarily human with its residents observing the tenants of New Atheism. The seat of the Order of Reconciliation, it comes as no surprise to anyone that the High City of the Northlands lends a sympathetic ear to the Gelerian Imperium in the south.

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About the City
  • History
  • Climate and Geography
  • Government, Justice and Laws
  • Military
  • Trade and Commerce
  • Education and Technology
  • Culture
  • Covens of Zaichaer

Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:41 pm
by Paragon

Originally serving as the capital city of a thriving kingdom prior to the Sundering, Zaichaer was known to have been in a stiff stalemate with the Clockwork Empire. That legacy has carried forward into the current era.

Population: Approx. 3 Million
Territory: Zaichaer proper and surrounding counties as well as hegemony over most of the Western Free Cities.
Prominent Beliefs: New Atheism
Notable Races: Human (60%), Elven (10%), Other (30%)

The Presidium

Rising above the Talacara River, which bisects the City of Zaichaer is what was once the home of the royal family of the ancient kingdom for which the city served as capital. It is now the seat of Zaichaer’s government and is known only as the Presidium. Within this magnificent complex are the headquarters of various important departments that oversee sections of Zaichaer’s government. This is also the residence of the Grand Marshal and is the great complex where the Assembly of the Northlands, the assembly of ambassadors from all the city-states, meets to discuss matters across the region.

  • Palace of the Grand Marshal- The residence of the leader of Zaichaer and the most powerful figure in all of the Northlands of Karnor. The Assembly Hall of the Northlands Assembly is located within the palace.
  • Hall of Reconciliation- Seat of the Order of Reconciliation where gathers the Convocation of Minds as well as the High Sentinel and the Watchers of Purity.
  • Central Sky Station- The docking station for most, if not all airships that pass through Zaichaer.
  • The Arcaeneum- Overseen by the Convocation of Minds, Zaichaer’s tightly regulated state mage school as well as the location of Zaichaer’s central power station.

The West End

Located on the western side of the Talacara River is the West End of the city. Considered the more upscale half of the city-state, this section of the city is noticeably cleaner, sees greater upkeep and also is where the majority of ambassadorial consulates and embassies are located.

  • Greater Institute of Zaichaer- The premier scientific academy of the Northlands. It is the sponsor of many endeavors across the city and has the backing of the State.
  • Embassy Way- A street where the majority of embassies belonging to foreign states are located.
  • Hall of Inventors- Residence of Zaichaer’s Chief Scientific Officer, the city’s main clocktower, as well as a museum dedicated to the historical and scientific achievements of the city.
  • Onneifer Airfield- Located on the far western edge of the city is the main airfield of Zaichaer’s fleet of airships.
  • Fort Cathevelle- Garrison of the bulk of the West End troops.

The East End

Located on the eastern side of the Talacara River is the East End of the city. It is noticeably more industrialized and serves as the residence of the middle and lower classes of the city as well as being home to the bulk of trade and commerce establishments. The further one gets away from the purview of the Presidium on the East End, the more tarnished the city becomes and more likely it is that one should have a viable form of protection or way of defending themselves.

Willowby Street

Serving as the hub of most commerce for the common folk in Zaichaer, Willowby Street is a long, wide street that runs parallel to the Talacara River just a few blocks away from the edge of the Presidium. Generally speaking, Willowby Street maintains reputable businesses.

  • Gildum’s Barbery- Barber shop.
  • The Red Dragon- A pub and tavern that is a favorite among the locals.
  • Kinara’s Grace- A beauty boutique and salon. A hot spot for local rumors.
  • Grey Gardens- A popular restaurant that serves decently affordable food.
  • Lilliman’s- Clothing and tailor’s shop.
  • Cobblepot’s Curiosities- Antique, pawn and curiosity shop.
  • Vendor’s Row- An alleyway along Willowby Street that serves as a gathering place for a larger open market where farmers, hunters, and all manner of folk come to hawk their wares.
  • The Silk Purse- Jewelers shop.
  • The Golden Peacock- An upscale inn, at least as upscale as the East End gets.
  • Edgarts Clinic- A clinic run by a humble disciple of Ioniri. Doubles as a local alchemy shop.
  • Zaichaer Central Bank- The main bank of Zaichaer and residence of the Guild of Coins.
  • Grand Central Station- The main hub of Zaichaer’s railways, the train station and some of the more local and smaller airships that remain within the city’s boundaries.
  • Black Scales Jewelry

The Knob


Map by Franky.

Nestled on the far east side of The East End is a district known as The Knob. It directly borders the Grungeworks, and is the beginning of The East End. Before it became more developed, it was largely a mining area, centered around a long since depleted copper mine. Because of the largely rocky nature of the area, the district is predominately split into two sections. The first section, called The Cliffs, is on a high, plateau like area, formed as a route between the copper mines and the coal mines, and has now become largely a business district with middle class apartment housing. The Cliffs include the roads known as Copper Cut, The Coal Way, and The Bulge. The second section sits below the cliffs of the mines, and is largely lower to low middle class residential areas. This area includes the Boolyvard, Sheckle Alley, Verowa End, Kara's Cull, and Smokestack.

The population of the Knob is predominately non-human. The humans that do live there tend to be low to lower-middle class. Most of the people living in the Knob either work in the Grungeworks, or in a service industry catered to support the Grungeworkers. Housing closest to the Grungeworks is the cheapest, due to the amount of traffic and air pollution. The further one gets away from the Grungeworks, heading east, the nicer the homes and businesses become. Many newcomers to Zaichaer move to the Knob if they can afford it, and many within the district are working to move onward and eastward, believing it how one moves up in society. Nearly all useable areas of the Knob have a building upon it, giving an often cramped feeling to the district.

  • The Coalway - A road split into two sections. South Coalway is a poorer, warehouse district, with North Coalway being a middle class business district.
  • The Bulge - An older section of town that is in need of refurbishing.
    • The Knob's End Nursery - A discrete little greenhouse with a mysterious woman watching over the plants.
    • The Hobbled Gobbler - A tavern owned by a friendly Hobgoblin.
  • Smoke Stack - A former factory district now turned into cheap housing, hosts sizable populations of Dratori, Hytori, and Fae.
  • Kara's Cull - A neighborhood once destroyed for its association with magic, has since been rebuilt up on that legacy. It is largely inhabited by Goblins, Rathari, and Siltori.
  • Verowa End - A neighborhood rebuilt by soldiers looking for a peaceful life, an area of order and discipline. It is inhabited largely by Hobgoblins, Lysanrin, and Orkhan.
  • Sheckle Alley - The nicest residential neighborhood in the Knob, heavily patrolled by the military. It is largely made up of Avialae, Awoken, and Grackles, and has a small population of humans as well.
  • The Old Mines - The abandoned copper mines in the center of the Knob have since been converted into settlements for Moratallen and Druskai, and is a gateway into the Warrens.
  • The Copper Cut - An old, traditional neighborhood, where many celebrations and fairs take place. Many businesses have thrived for over a hundred years here.

The Grungeworks

Located further into the East End is a section of the city known as the Grungeworks where the vast majority of the city’s industrial activities take place. Some of the work takes place on the surface while others extend underground into the sewers and even deeper than that.

  • The Sweatshop- A sprawling industrial complex that serves as the hub of Zaichaer’s steam boilers. Workers maintain the boilers at all hours shoveling coal and other resources into the receptacles in order to keep the city working.
  • Siegeworks- The manufacturing facility for Zaichaer’s military machinery.
  • Cavendish Coal Mine- On the edge of this section is the main coal mine owned and operated by the Cavendish family, one of several throughout the territory.

The Coven Market


Since its completion, the Coven Market has become the central hub of magical activity in Zaichaer. Stores, gathering places, and spaces where the witches of Zaichaer can actively practice their craft without fear of persecution can be found across the entirety of this location. The Railrunners have established the Market within a space that is heavily guarded with various layers of Traversion magic among other things. Entry into the market can only be achieved through the opening of one of its various portals which lead to a Junction space that serves as a lobby to control the flow of traffic into the market. Only Engineer’s or above have the ability to open a portal to the Market Junction. While they do so freely for members of the Railrunner Coven, the price of passage must be negotiated for anyone else.

Any witch with the coin and ability is able to establish a business within the Coven Market. However, every business must pay a tax to the Witch’s Council in order to continue to operate their business within the market space. The tax is negotiated based on the performance and potential profits of the business and it tends to fluctuate based on the earnings of the establishment.

Junction Square

Standing at the center of a large square is a column of white marble stone with four archways carved into it. Swirling within each archway is a portal that is perpetually in motion. Each portal leads to the Market Junction, the first stop that travelers make upon being allowed entry into the Coven Market by one of the various Railrunner Engineers. This vestibule serves as a traffic control point and can be closed by the authorities of the market at any time, ejecting those within the Junction itself back to where they came from and preventing entry into the market. This safeguard was instituted after several raids by the Order of Reconciliation and while it is not foolproof, it has served as a great mechanism by which the market’s security has increased considerably.

Upon exiting one of the portals in this column, visitors will be greeted to the sight of Junction Square, the central hub of activity within the Coven Market. The bustling activity is often a relief for many witches who make it to the market as it is one of the few places where magic in Zaichaer can be practiced openly and freely.

  • The Sapphire Dragon Inn - One of the more reputable places of rest within the Coven Market, the Sapphire Dragon Inn always seems to have a room available for those looking for a place to stay.
  • The Green Fairy - An alchemy parlor and bar that serves aether drinks and is also the main potion procurement shop.
  • The Menagerie- The ultimate pleasure den, run by the Myshalarai Coven. A palatial structure wherein all manner of delights can be indulged. From gambling, to drugs, sex, alcohol, or even other services, the Myshalarai carefully manicure the experience of their guests to be as pleasurable and satisfactory as possible.
  • Madam’s - Run by the eponymous Madam, this jewelry shop provides magical bits of jewelry to all who can afford the prices. The quality of her work is unquestionable. More than once, a jewel from Madam’s has proved the difference between life or death for those fortunate enough to carry one of her wares.
  • The Clinic - Established by the Grymalka Coven, the Clinic is a medical treatment, surgery, and necromancy services shop.
  • Haversham’s Outfitters - Run by the Kindred Coven, Haversham’s deals primarily in cloth and leather apparel. Many of which have received a touch of magical enhancement through the aid of nature and elemental spirits.
  • Bedknobs and Bon Bon’s - A bakery and coffee shop that is a favorite for those simply looking for a quiet place to read, reflect and perhaps even enjoy a bit of music.
  • The Trader’s House - Overseen by the Railrunners, the Trader’s House is a large warehouse inside of which a multitude of stalls, auction stages, food kiosks and other sellers set up temporary stands to sell wares or engage in business.

Coven Way

Just down the street from Junction Square stand various buildings, all of whom display banners professing the colors of a given Coven, whether major or minor. While there are only a handful of Major Covens, there are various Minor Covens that dot the territory of Zaichaer and across the city-states that fall in line with Zaichaer’s way of thinking. Many of them are represented in Coven Way by means of a Coven Hall. To be granted a Coven Hall by the Witch’s Council is to be recognized as the coven with both authority and jurisdiction over a particular area.

  • Council House - A well-tended manor inside of which the Witch’s Council of Zaichaer gathers. The Cardinal Witches of the North, South, West and East as well as the reigning Witch-King or Queen, routinely gather here to decide matters of magical law for the Covens. The current Witch-King is of the Myshalarai Coven.
  • North House - Residence of the Witch of the North. It is currently occupied by the Grymalka Coven.
  • South House - Residence of the Witch of the South. It is currently occupied by the Kindred Coven.
  • East House - Residence of the Witch of the East. It is currently occupied by the Sunsinger Coven.
  • West House - Residence of the Witch of the West. It is currently occupied by the Railrunner Coven.

Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:43 pm
by Paragon
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Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:44 pm
by Paragon
History of Zaichaer

As with several of the Free Cities of Karnor, the City-State of Zaichaer has existed since prior to the Sundering. However, before the great cataclysm that rocked the foundations of the world to its bedrock, the city was once a thriving kingdom that venerated the works of gods and mortals alike. Upon coming into conflict with the Clockwork Empire, the kingdom engaged in a war of attrition. For many generations it had been a largely uncontested power in the region of Karnor. That changed as the Sentinel Legions of the Clockwork Empire began to march across the landscape. While the kingdom managed to hold its own for many years against the legions of the Empire, internal strife began to eat away at the kingdom’s ability to hold the line. Civil war broke out and the forces of the kingdom buckled under the pressure from all sides. It was perhaps fortunate then that the Sundering came to the world.

The Clockwork Empire collapsed. Civilization across the world was ravaged and in the blink of an eye, centuries of progress was erased in moments. The Northlands of Karnor were no different. Cities collapsed, droves of people died either in the immediate chaos or in the years that followed but through it all, Zaichaer remained a steadfast shelter against the onslaught of storms that pelted the north. As creatures the likes of which the world had never seen before swarmed the landscape, the soldiers of the city rallied together and fought against all that they could. For a time, it seemed that Zaichaer might weather the calamity of the Sundering.

And then the Dread Mists came.

The mists warped everything they touched. Most of all, they were drawn to those who seemed to possess a penchant for magic. The mages, who were once trusted with securing the defenses of the city, became mad as they were touched by the eldritch power of the mists. Hideous monstrosities stalked the streets and familiar faces became horrifying nightmares. For a time it seemed that Zaichaer might finally face destruction. For a time it seemed that the once shining city of the north, would became a pit of death and corruption. It was only through the actions of a choice few soldiers that the city was spared such a fate. These individuals would form the foundations of what would come to be known as the Order of Reconciliation.

Devising ways to combat the twisted powers that were rampaging across the Northlands, the soldiers turned the tide of devastation enabling the city to survive. The kingdom that Zaichaer once served as the capital for was now gone. What cities remained had broken away from the central government or had been destroyed entirely. But where other cities struggled, Zaichaer found strength in its newfound isolation. This allowed the city to regroup, recover and consolidate its power and resources. The soldiers responsible for keeping the city and its residents safe, organized themselves into the Order of Reconciliation. In the face of such unchecked otherworldly power, they made a promise to bring the chaos that the world was now faced with to a strict form of order. This was a promise that they delivered on in the coming years.

As the Order continued to consolidate and tighten its hold on the city and its survivors, there came a stunning aversion to anything considered “unnatural”. Within the realm of this thinking things that had to do with otherworldly or eldritch powers were viewed as anathema. It was not long after this that even races beyond human were viewed with a mild amount of disdain. The rise of the Cult of Mending and the spread of the Graveplague only further cemented in the minds of Zaichaerins that magic and otherworldly powers were something to be tightly controlled lest they be allowed to run rampant and threaten everything they stood for. It came as no surprise then when the city refused any assistance from the Dawnmartyrs outright but openly welcomed the presence and assistance of the Gelerian Imperium when the time came.

With the passing of generations, Zaichaer has devoted a considerable amount of resources to developing mechanical engineering and alternatives to a reliance upon arcane infrastructure. In many ways, the city has outstripped many of its neighbors to become a powerhouse of clockwork, steam and mechanical engineering. It has developed several surefire methods of containing and even expunging the presence of magical creatures within its borders and has gone out of its way to tightly regulate and police anyone or anything remotely displaying arcane prowess. The city’s expertise in dealing with these forces allowed them to step to the forefront as the primary guardian of the Cities of the North. While the cities refused to be subject entirely to the whims of Zaichaer’s banner, it was clear that the city had taken its place as the power in the Northlands of Karnor.

Zaichaer remains the center of power in the region of Karnor, though some have begun to dispute that in recent times. Nevertheless, the High City is as bustling and powerful as ever. Time will tell if the resourceful and pragmatic minded people of Zaichaer can weather the challenges of the days ahead.

Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:45 pm
by Paragon
Climate and Geography

Terrain within the territory of the City of Zaichaer is predominantly grasslands. Along the western borders of the city one begins to encounter the vast woodland that is the Wildking’s Forge. The towering trees and sprawling forest serve as the marker for the northwest and southwestern borders that eventually lead to the territories of other city-states. The forest serves as the primary source of the city’s lumber. Additionally, it is common for hunters in the villages and townships just outside the city proper to make a living through wild game and hide trade.

To the north of Zaichaer proper there stands a considerable amount of open grassland and riverlands. The soil is ripe for farming with a large portion of Zaichaer’s exports being in the form of produce and livestock. The many rivers running through the city-states territory flow down from the Astralar Mountains and the great Lake Udori. They are populated with a variety of fish and aquatic organisms that further support the diets of Zaichaerins.

Like the majority of the cities in the Northlands, the summer months in Zaichaer tend to be on the cooler side. The warmth is enough to allow for lighter clothing and the enjoyment of sunlight for many weeks. However, due to Zaichaer’s position in a predominantly grassland area the spring season sees a heavy amount of rainfall for the vast majority of the season. Fall season tends to see an early amount of snow mid-way through the season with winters tending to be on the colder side with a heavy amount of snowfall.

The most curious and dangerous part of Zaichaer’s geography are the Mist Geysers to the east. These steaming grounds belch forth clouds of Dread Mists that sometimes see a Mist Storm cascade across the terrain. While the city-state has grown accustomed to having to deal with the fallout of these storms from time to time, it does not detract from the fact that they are often frightening to experience and in many cases, deadly to those who are unprepared to weather them.

Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:47 pm
by Paragon

Zaichaer espouses itself to be a city that is driven to protect and serve the people that reside both within the borders of its immediate territory and abroad across the Northlands. But make no mistake, Zaichaer is a police-state. There is no semblance of democracy in its day to day governance with the military being at the forefront of practically every aspect of running the city-states affairs. The Grand Marshal of Zaichaer is both the Head of State and Head of Government who also serves as the commander of all of the city-states military forces both in peace time and war time. They are vested with nearly full authority to determine all matters of government in the city-state with very little to place a check on their power. To assist the Grand Marshal is the Tribunal of Zaichaer, a board of officials that serve as the heads of the various departments that oversee the affairs of the city and its territories. Notable among them are the Provost-Marshal of the College of Minders and the High Sentinel of the Watchers of Purity, both of whom are the leaders of the Order of Reconciliation.

Justice and Laws

The Army of Zaichaer oversees nearly every aspect of governance in the city-state and its territories. As such, officers of the military are empowered to serve as both judge and jury in matters of criminal offenses when they are brought to their attention. Generally speaking, petty crimes and misdemeanors are handled at the lowest level with the soldiers of the army granted the authority to enforce the law on the spot. Living in Zaichaer, residents should be aware of a few things:

-Treason and Sedition are both defined as actions taken against the State of Zaichaer for the purposes of coercing or overthrowing the government in a manner contrary to the city’s moral compass. All instances of Treason or Sedition are brought before the Tribunal who then pass judgement, typically in the form of public execution.

-Unauthorized Use of Magic. Magic is very tightly controlled in the State of Zaichaer. Every practitioner of the arcane whether Personal or World magic must either receive a permit from the College of Minders or face execution or imprisonment. Executions are public and are carried out via burning at the stake. The permit must be renewed on an annual basis. Diplomatic envoys must receive a permit directly from the Office of the Grand Marshal. Foreigners must receive a permit from the College of Minders.

-Heresy. Zaichaer is a staunch supporter of the views of New Atheism. Citizens of Zaichaer are expected to conform to this view. Proselytizing within the borders of Zaichaer for anything other than New Atheism is expressly forbidden. Temples of religion are forbidden. Citizens must receive a permit from the Watchers of Purity in order to maintain private shrines in their homes of residence. Receiving these permits is uncommon and they must be renewed annually. Failure to renew the permit within the proper timeframe will invite the Watchers to raid the home and confiscate all unauthorized paraphernalia.

-Murder. Accusations of murder will be investigated. The guilty party shall face execution in all instances.

-Slavery is outlawed in Zaichaer. However, indentured servitude is a common form of punishment when dealing with crimes of theft.

As stated above, most instances of infraction upon the Law is adjudicated by the soldiers dispatched to deal with the matter. Only very unique or extreme circumstances are typically elevated to the attention of the officers higher in the chain of command.

Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:48 pm
by Paragon

Zaichaer boasts one of the largest and most robust military fighting forces across the Northlands of Karnor. This is what has enabled them to be both the premiere city in the North as well as use their offer of protection as leverage over less privileged and capable cities.

The Army of Zaichaer

The core of Zaichaer’s military forces is the army. Comprised primarily of infantry soldiers trained to combat threats internal and external to the city, the army is outfitted to handle the majority of day to day affairs in the city. It the largest organization in the city-state as it has an inflated bureaucracy committed to administering the various departments of the territory. The army, and thus Zaichaer as a whole, is lead by the Grand Marshal and thus has unchecked authority in all matters of the city’s governance. The army is divided into a few different departments:

The Defense Corps

Charged with defending Zaichaer against all enemies both foreign and domestic, the bulk of Zaichaer’s army is made up of soldiers in the Defense Corps. These men and women are who the vast majority of people who deal with Zaichaer’s forces interact with.

The Riverland Corps

Members of the Riverland Corps deal primarily in logistics and resource management. These include the officials responsible for city management, banking, supply and equipment, as well as planning daily operations of the army.

The Engineering Corps

Perhaps one of the most venerated departments of Zaichaer’s army is the Engineering Corps. These individuals are responsible for pushing the boundaries of mortal sciences. The Engineering Corps oversees siege works, construction, landscaping, railways, public works, and every engineering requirement that is needed within Zaichaer and its territories.

The Air Defense Corps

The individuals responsible for the piloting and staffing of Zaichaer’s airships are some of the most skilled aircrew members in the region. A large majority of Zaichaer’s trade is accomplished through the use of airships.

The Order of Reconciliation

The Reconciliators came to prominence early in Zaichaer’s post-Sundering history. They provided insight and resources needed to combat the otherworldly and eldritch forces that were growing in power and prominence across the Northlands. It is through their efforts that the ways of New Atheism have risen to such staggering heights within the territories of the High City. The Reconciliators are those who are charged with the study, regulation and restriction of magic within the borders of Zaichaer and its territories. They are the only individuals in Zaichaer who are allowed to openly and freely practice magic as, by virtue of their membership in the Order, they are assumed to be actively working to contain it.

Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:49 pm
by Paragon
Trade and Commerce

Zaichaer has a robust trade network with its regional counterparts. Despite tensions that exist between them, the city maintains relations that are amicable enough to promote commerce. Any and all trade that is headed to the southern parts of the region of Karnor pass through the city of Zaichaer, making them busy on even comparatively slow seasons. Due to the fact that Zaichaer is situated predominantly on grasslands, the city is an ideal stop for merchants headed further north or east. Zaichaer is the second wealthiest city in the region.

Imports to Zaichaer include stone, precious metals, dragonshards, and various exotic wines and spices.

Exports from Zaichaer include livestock, grain, corn, lumber, engineering works, and a multitude of other things.

Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:52 pm
by Paragon
Education and Technology

Zaichaer is at the forefront of the development of steam-powered engineering, clockwork technology, and a fostering of anti-magic practices across the Northlands of Karnor. Overall, the educated circles of Zaichaer tend to be very well versed in matters of mathematics, engineering, infrastructure, logistics and archaeology. The Greater Institute of Zaichaer is one of the most respected institutions of learning in the North with people traveling from even as far south as Atinaw to attend its reputable halls. However, the State of Zaichaer places a heavy emphasis on devoting its resources to the empowerment and education of its military and systems of governance. This has resulted in a somewhat decentralized system of education where the bulk of learning takes place in an individual’s household. There are a handful of public schools scattered across the territory but they are not as well funded as the Institute or some of the military academies. As a result of this system, there is a portion of Zaichaer’s citizenry that is illiterate or otherwise lacking in the ways of a formal education.

Magic and the Arcane

Magic is looked at with a heavy amount of skepticism and paranoia in Zaichaer and its territories. Practitioners of magic must receive a permit from the College of Minders in order to utilize their abilities without facing punishment and even then, they are heavily restricted in what they are allowed to do. Any feat of magic performed by a wizard within the boundaries of Zaichaer’s territory are subject to the review of the College of Minders which sets steep standards of practice on what is and is not permissible. There is a heavy emphasis on generating Anti-Magic controls within Zaichaer, to the point where there is enough surveillance and counters in place to make performing magic in key public places a difficult task. Resident and travelers to Zaichaer should be aware of the following:

-Practicing magic without a permit in Zaichaer is cause for immediate imprisonment. If in practicing this magic the individual brought harm to another or damage to infrastructure it is grounds for execution.

-The following magics are expressly forbidden: Necromancy, Affliction, Reaving, Transposition. Practicing these magics in any form without specific authorization from the Office of the Grand Marshal is grounds for immediate execution.

-The following magics can only be practiced by either the Order of Reconciliation or members of the military: Runeforging, Summoning, Mesmer, Kinetics, Elementalism, Masquerade.

-The use of dragonshard powered firearms or enchanted weaponry requires a permit issued by the College of Minders. All unlicensed items will be confiscated.

Those bearing the Emblems of a Demigod must observe the following rules while in Zaichaer or face punishment from the authorities:

-The following Emblem bearers will be killed on sight: Castigation, Happenstance, Marionette.

-The following Emblem bearers may use their gifts only after receiving a permit from the College of Minders: Mendicus, Wayfinding, Arbitration, Foresight, Intrepidation, Affluency, Empathy.

Religion and Spirituality

Zaichaer is not a city that invites the idea of freedom of worship. New Atheism, which rejects the notion of gods having sway over the destiny of mortals, is the norm within Zaichaer and its territories. In fact, actively professing one’s worship of a particular deity or faith outside of New Atheism is grounds for censure within Zaichaer. There are no temples in the city and communal places of worship are heavily discouraged. Citizens of Zaichaer are guided toward a reliance upon mortal ingenuity and problem-solving. The authorities of the city are not so bold as to openly prosecute the worshippers of most gods but they do not allow for active proselytizing within the city. Even the most benevolent deities are viewed with a high amount of caution and wariness.

The Order of Reconciliation actively engages in an inquisition of sorts to ferret out the presence of certain cults and followings. They have become highly effective at maintaining these methods of surveillance.

-Members of the Cult of Mending are executed on sight.
-Members of the Dawnmarty Order are turned over to the Imperial Inquisition.

Re: [OOC] Zaichaer Codex

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:53 pm
by Paragon

Zaichaer is a bustling metropolis that is on the cutting edge of mortal technology and innovation. Railways rise above the streets with steam or dragonshard powered rail-cars zipping to all parts of the city. Airships traverse the skies at nearly all hours of the day and night. Contraptions that are an amalgamation of engineering and scientific achievement can be found in all corners of the city. Life in the city of Zaichaer can be difficult for those who are not born into a position of privilege. Education is not centralized within the city-state and thus a great many families follow in the footsteps of the generations that came before them. There is a stark divide between the have’s and have nots in the city and its territories, with the wealthy and privileged enjoying idyllic lifestyles often enjoying a great deal of leisure time as they can afford to devote their time to more cerebral pursuits. The less fortunate are often relegated to manual labor in the coal mines or if they’re lucky, manage to get taken on into one of the factories or facilities in the Grungeworks section.

The Common Man

Most commoners in Zaichaer are just taking it day by day. They wake up in the morning, go to their jobs and return home to enjoy time with their families and friends. A good portion of the common population in Zaichaer do not receive a formal education but rather focus on specialized trade work and receive an education from their peers or families based on that. With the overwhelming majority of residents in the city being human, non-humans receive a noticeable amount of discrimination. A large portion of the populace prescribe to the beliefs of New Atheism and due to the norms of Zaichaer, translate that into believing most non-humans to somehow be inferior. Seeing non-humans in a position of privilege and authority does happen but it is an uncommon occurrence. The common man in Zaichaer is superstitious and views anything magical as largely vile and something to be controlled or exterminated if not approached with a heavy amount of caution.

The Wealthy

Zaichaer does not have nobility. It is not a city built upon such notions but there are a variety of prominent families across the territory either due to lucrative businesses or having a long association with the military. By and large the majority of privileged families are associated with Zaichaer’s military. Individuals in these families have the benefit of being able to afford both the money and time to receive a formal education making the gap between learned and unlearned individuals between the poor and the wealthy noticeable. Often times the common folk in Zaichaer refer to the wealthy and privileged as “Bluebloods” due to being so sky-high above them whereas the wealthy often refer to the lesser classes as “Rustbloods” due to their close association with the Grungeworks.

The Military

There is a stark divide between the Officers of the military and the every day infantry soldier. Officers in the military are often those who have a long history of having family in the high ranks. These individuals have often receive a formal education and focused on military tactics, strategy, logistics and law. Many of the infantry footsoldiers did not receive any formal education until they joined the military. Regardless, upon entry into the forces of Zaichaer, all soldiers receive a basic education if they are not already in possession of one. The military is often one of the only ways people in Zaichaer can elevate themselves above their station if they are not already in a position of privilege.


Non-Humans face a challenge in Zaichaer. While the more refined areas of the city and its territories are not openly discriminatory, the notion is there in almost every interaction. Humans in Zaichaer are born and raised into the belief that anything touched by otherworldly powers, and thus most non-human races, are unclean and in need of a considerable amount of watching. Elves in particular face heavy amounts of discrimination. Rathari are seen as little more than the beasts they shift into. Dwarves and Gnomes receive less of this due to their close association with the sciences and their penchant for ingenuity. Avialae are given wide berths but only because of their association with both the Gelerian Imperium and the State of Kalzasi, with the Imperium being revered by Zaichaerins and Kalzasi being its closest rival. All other races face some measure of obstacle when it comes to interacting with most of the institutions of Zaichaer. That is not to say this mentality is universal but it is prevalent.


The only good mage is either a dead one or one that is heavily controlled by the authorities of Zaichaer. The people of Zaichaer view magic with a deep level of skepticism, outright hostility and paranoia. Only those wearing the uniform of either the military or the Order of Reconciliation are remotely trusted and even then, not by much.