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All This... For A Flower.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:50 pm
by Rickter
All This... For A Flower.
Frost 20th, 120th Year, A.o.S.

Snow still crunched beneath the weight of his boots when he stepped forward, the only thing leading him to pause and look back the yowling that he could only surmise was the wolf. By now he'd already reached a lower part of the summit, so the view of camp was rather a distant beacon of warmth amidst a sea of ice and trees. Before him, however... An entire range of the Astralar Mountains, and somewhere within them a little flower.

"Just have to find one, huh? Pfft." He remarked lowly to himself as he continued to trudge his way forward, clearing a path through the snow as he walked closer to a slope of the range. He'd only need to scale the safest one to reach the lower peaks of the mountains, after all, although he still wasn't too sure about his chances with the local wildlife here.

As if he didn't tempt fate already though, the wolf caught the sound of a low growl nearby as his ears perceived their location. Looking to his right he could see from the moonlight, a pair of glowing eyes as something crept closer from the shadows of the mountainside. Great... Just my luck. He figured quietly as he reached out to materialize his bastard sword, the hilt of Sleeping Dirge nested comfortably in the grip of the wolf as he raised the blade to rest over his right shoulder.

Bending at the knees a bit he focused on his weapon then, varnishing it with winds so that the edges of Sleeping Dirge were coated with the element. The wolf could feel air swirling about behind his head when this happened, leading him to recollect the instance he had with the dire wolf earlier.

I needn't kill... it's just in my way. He minded as the wildcat from the shadows surged at him, running forward with the intent to leap at him with a snarl. The wolf threw out his sword arm then, lashing up from his right into a broad strike, with the wind still swirling about as his attack generated a light gust of air. It halted the wildcat in his tracks when Rickter did, pelted by a blast of frigid air as the wolf brought his sword into two hands, before dashing forward to swing the weapon downward into a heavy-handed slash.

Another gust came bursting from his weapon when he did, this time whirling up snow at the creature before him, as it snarled and retreated back away from the storm of flurries. Realizing how overpowered it must have been, the creature's snarls lowered to that of innate growls, before it turned tail and charged off into the night again. "Serves you right." The wolf remarked lowly as he stood straighter once again, dematerializing the weapon with but a thought as he watched it's aether swirl back into his wrist.

It's getting noticeably easier to combine these magics. He observed with a look down at his palm, before returning his gaze to the slopes before him. Time to see how well they work together. Rickter started for the first ridge that would take him up into the snow-ridden rifts of the mountain, his sights set on the barren slopes that would be his gateway to the lower peaks where these flowers supposedly grew.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: All This... For A Flower.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:40 pm
by Rickter
All This... For A Flower.
Frost 20th, 120th Year, A.o.S.

Coming upon the first gap that served as his obstacle within the ridge, Rickter stopped near its edges with wary look down below. Though he probably wasn't any higher than maybe ten feet, he still felt uncomfortable seeing the ground at such a distance. Another obstacle he'd have to deal with later, for now, he had the current ones to overcome. Looking from the other edge to the one he stood on, he knew quite well that he wouldn't be able to make that kind of jump.

Alright. Let's see then... He quietly gauged the distance of the gap itself beforehand, judging it to be somewhere between seven to eight feet wide to the best of his ability. The problem with my Negation is that I utilize it in close combat. I need to know the limitations with distance, while constructing a structure that'll support the cross-over.

Looking down at his own two feet the wolf then contemplated his magic, his aether already swirling around him as it lightly silhouetted his outline. It would be pretty easy to form a bridge with just a simple construct, but what on earth would help him effectively spread the aether of his shield out much farther? Thinking about his elementalism then he realized, with a sufficient range of control, he could very likely use that to help influence the development of his shieldcrafting.

"Hmm..." He lightly groaned as he lifted his left foot several inches, focusing on channeling his aether beneath it so that he constructed an anchor beneath the sole of his boot. Now... Channeling the element of water into the anchor itself, Rickter felt the properties of the anchor change beneath him, as the anchor itself started to hum beneath his boot in response to the addition.

Anchors can take on properties from elements then. He noted as he looked toward the other side of the gap, placing a hand out over the edge as he lowered his boot to essentially 'crush' the anchor beneath it. The very aether within stirred and began to emit small repulsions, pulsating back layers of snow when he finally pressed his foot completely down. In doing so the aether within coursed outward from the tip of his boot then, his attention fixed on weaving the aether into a singular surface that rippled its way across the gap.

Normally when he'd generate a shield the aetheric particles would appear glossy, whereas this time, it looked as though actual water rippled from beneath his foot instead. Swaying and gently coursing its way across Rickter focused on reaching the other side first, a noticeable grin developing on his face as he could reach the other side in doing this. Now. Looking back down at the watery shield itself he focused on the task necessary for it, solidifying the rippling surface into a firm-like state as a residual glow remained.

Within the allotted time spent making sure that his structure was as sound as he planned, the wolf then tested the theory of his task by placing a foot on the surface. Firm so far. Lifting his other foot from where the anchor was, he could see it remained in place there, as though he simply embedded it within the snow and rock of the terrain. Carrying on with this motion he held his leg out over the edge, only gently lowering it so that he could test the surface tension of the shield entirely.

Ripples spread out from where the tip of his boot touched the shield, but when he pressed it still felt as though he stood on firm, solid ground. Amazing! He looked with wonderment in his eyes, peering through the watery surface of the flat magical bridge he'd just created. Shieldcrafting doesn't have to apply to just defensive maneuvers then.

He noted with another look across the way, curious as to whether the rest of his shield would hold out for long. Tasking it with the parameters of water memory enables it to act like a structure too it seems. It felt as though he were walking on water, when in reality it was just pure magic that supported him in midair. This meant that shields could behave in other peculiar manners as well, if he were to apply them more creatively before throwing one out that is.

Taking another step a couple of centimeters of his boot slipped through, however, marking that the shield itself wasn't a completely stable structure. Damn. I'll need to gauge the time a bit more efficiently. He noted before carrying on to the other side, quick to cross over before his shield might've decidedly lost the charge. When his feet hit solid ground once more his heart finally quieted down a little, the excitement now over that he managed to avoid from falling below.

Some more testing will refine the trick later. He concluded as he started up the slope once more, picking up the pace as he followed a path that zigzagged its way up the pass. Before too long he'd reached a point where scaling the slopes on foot became challenged, and the rooks of the mountainside looked far too snow-ridden to dare climb. Still, he was only what... Oh damn. He wasn't sure how high he'd gone, but the trees below looked like a canopy of snow and twigs, meaning he'd at least cleared some credible height on his way up here.

I need to get higher... But how does one like him, a heavy ass, jump very high without any gear or power to help them? If he possessed Kinetics like Talon did then chances were, he could easily just float up there or even run up the slopey terrain somehow. As he was now though? He looked to the ground thoughtfully then, then back up to the ledges that were way out of his reach. In this case it's not about range, but momentum if I were to reach it. So how do I apply that to my shields?

Wind being the element he was often using as a deter for enemies, he'd grown to favor it almost as much as water, though from his initiation he'd already gathered that water favored him more in return. Therefore, repeating the process of creating an anchor beneath the sole of his boot, the wolf generated a small amount of aether that started to draw in the air. Rather than generating a hum this time, the anchor started to whir beneath his foot, while the snow surrounding it started to whirl up and around his left leg as he concentrated. Interesting.

Perhaps I don't need such a construct for this necessarily, just an area to generate the effect I'm hoping to achieve... He wondered as he started to lightly press down with his foot just like before, only this time something in his gut told him to pull back immediately, when it seemed like aether lashed out chaotically around the anchor. It's not as controlled as before. Meaning the stability of the anchor is compromised as a result of the wind.

So then maybe a construct would be necessary, though he hadn't the slightest idea as to what would help. If I could just- His eyes widened as an idea helped him realize what he could do, only if he could pull it off in the manner he thought feasible at least. Lifting his foot off the anchor entirely the wolf knelt to hold it instead, channeling aether into it from his left hand as he still manipulated a current of wind into the anchor.

I needn't use this for structure, this can solely be used as a mobility trick. Pointing his hand down low he then focused on channeling the aether within the anchor, doing so continuously until he felt as though it began to overload with wind energy. The result ended up with him creating a brief gale that blasted downward, battering rock and snow off from the ledge of the mountainside where he stood.

Shit! His eyes widened as he nearly doubled over to the right, keeping himself from slipping off the edge as he regained balance in just the nick of time. Okay. Now I know how that works... He considered with a look to his left hand, the ruptured anchor fizzling away as the aetheric particles scattered to the wind. Maybe this time...

He held both hands out now with the palms pointed downward, his aether drawn to them so that he created an anchor beneath each hand. Rather than incorporate wind into the mix as he did in the beginning, he simply continued to channel aether to create highly charged anchors beneath his hands. With the ambient aether whirring inside his anchors, Rickter then manifested the element of wind within them, causing the anchors to collapse as the element bursted from within their core.

The result ended up with a thunderous bang as both anchors popped together, the air element within them unleashed so that the blast of their gales propelled the warrior upward at an incredible pace. Shi-

There wasn't even a chance to register his thoughts, for he rose quickly to the ledge he'd sought to reach, only to soar higher and briefly flail in the air... before crashing into the snow beneath him. Turning his way over onto his stomach after the 'cushioned' land, the wolf shook the snow out from his hair and face as he looked at the ledge, surprised that he'd not only passed it but effectively cleared it with that stunt.

... Well... Don't think I'll try that again on a mountain. He noted as he slowly rose to his feet, brushing snow off from the rest of his armor, before noticing that he'd reached the lower peaks as planned. Getting closer now, that flower's gotta be somewhere near here." He figured as he started once more along the spiny slopes of the range now, determined to draw closer to the higher peaks where certain danger thrived.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: All This... For A Flower.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:43 pm
by Rickter
All This... For A Flower.
Frost 20th, 120th Year, A.o.S.

As he marched forward he heard noises call out into the skies overhead, his blue eyes diligently observing the night for any movement they could detect off hand. By now he had climbed his way along the jagged peaks of the lower range, his breathing now at a deeper and steadier pace than before to recuperate from the venture up.

Between experimenting with his magic and the hike in general, he was noticeably tired and hungry in comparison, leading the wolf to think of the stew waiting for him when he returned back. I swear by the time I get back, Telion better have two bowls worth saved for me... He frowned hard at the thought of it all being gone, all because she fed it to the other two predators left back in camp. Nnerka was... well, Nnerka in Rickter's own terms but he didn't see her as actual trouble.

She would've likely fretted but Telion was good at diffusing situations, it was more or less the dire wolf that was left there he was concerned about. The damn thing was wild after all, driven by desperation when it wandered toward their encampment for food. Chances were though Telion already found a way to contain the creature, as well as treat it in the time she had also.

Hiking up another slope toward a larger plateau of the range, the sound of wings frantically flapping overhead alerted him suddenly, causing the wolf to dip low with his eyes to the sky once more. Vulcans. As if those fuckers weren't problematic enough... The red glint in their eyes wasn't missed as they clearly noticed his presence beneath them, the flock of creatures screeching loud caws as they flew ahead to round back toward him in turn.

Well this just went to shit quickly... He noted with his sword arm extended out, until he paused to consider the amount of aether he'd used prior to this fight. If I materialize Dirge then I might compromise myself. Vulcans were aviary critters after all, with a nasty temperament and a mentality akin to packs. So it stood to reason that he needed the range this time around, making his Reaving rather useless without a weapon to help with that.

The flock came barreling at him through the air then, two of them hacking at his limbs as their claws raked his chainmail, causing sparks to briefly fly off Rickter as he rebounded from their force of impact. The wolf didn't have a chance to even count or observe their pattern, only knowing that two was the minimum amount in their flock. Fuck, this isn't good. He quickly bounded for his feet once more, listening to the skies for the repetitive flapping of the creatures overhead.

The Vulcans emitted cackles that were low-tone screeches, as they continued to circle around him within the air above. Barrier, now! He quickly reached his arms out with his palms clutching the air, rationing his aether into them considerably as he started to manifest water inside the anchors as well. With a flex of his fingers he then cast out the layer of his shield, the aether within them swirling as it coursed to encircle him from anchor to anchor, just before another flurry of strikes came soaring at him. Not enough- The Vulcans surged right at him, flying past as they clawed at him once more, knocking the wolf onto his back as his chainmail started to tear along the right shoulder and lower left hip.

I'm not gonna last long like this. He realized as he turned over onto his stomach quickly, his eyes quickly rising to the sky once more as he followed the flock by sound like before. They're too fast, shieldcrafting takes too long, and I'm almost too low on aether by now... So then what did he have? He could hack at them with Sleeping Dirge!? But the moment he did they'd avoid his attacks, making his efforts to repel them in vain entirely.

Maybe wind-based magic then? He had just enough to do something but it had to count. Hearing the patter of wings flocking their way to him again, the wolf glared before curling up so that only his back was exposed to the air. Hiding his head between his biceps he placed his hands close together, his thoughts divided by a last ditch effort to cast one more shield... or to blast the creatures with wind. And then... It dawned on him.

The wind blast! With Negation he couldn't exactly suffer from any sort of overstepping, at least not without forcing himself to push beyond the limitations he possessed. If he could generate enough of a wind blast with his remaining aether, then all he needed was to time it just right, and those bastards wouldn't even know what hit them. Focusing on his hands mentally the wolf channeled his aether, what remained of it anyway, into a single anchor held within both of his hands.

The wolf channeled for as long as he could, as much as he could, right as the exhaustion that taxed him came washing over his weary mind. Stay... focused... He growled as he focused on this thought entirely, the anchor charged with what had been left of his reserves. It was at that moment he felt about seven or eight more talons claw at him, their slashes carrying over his upper back and shoulders as he was knocked onto his side then. "Get... Up..."

He could barely even budge right about now, the exhaustion weighing him down as he shifted, his hands still clutched around the one thing that might save him. Inching up to at least his elbows, he started to feel the cold of the snow settle in as he shifted his legs, rising on at least one knee before he held the anchor before him. He listened intently, focusing on not the screeches, but the battering of wings as they rounded overhead once more.

There's four or five at most... And if... He wearily lifted up his hands and then, pointed them in a general direction as he still listened for their approach. If I time it just right... He closed his eyes then to focus on his hearing more, noticing the stench of piss and ozone from his left when he did, and shifting so that he held both hands toward his left with the anchor held outward. ...then it should work!

The barrage of wingbeats came zooming in then, signaling that his window of opportunity was drawing to a close. Thus the wolf focused on his anchor first, reabsorbing the aether used to generate it when he did, while the aether within it to give it the charge was transmuted into wind once again. The result wound up being a concussive gust of air that pelted the very air before him, blasting the entire group of Vulcans that sailed too close into the vicinity.

Their obnoxious screeches were heard as they were propelled chaotically into the sky once more, as the blast itself also sent Rickter reeling across gravel and snow, and the very mountains themselves echoed with a thunderous boom that shook the lower range. Almost sluggishly he stirred, pushing himself onto his knees first, with his eyes exhaustively peering down the ledges he'd landed close to.

Hold the fuck up... There it was! A white-looking flower with a bit of a blueish glow to it's petals, nested right between the crags of the mountainside. There were more further down, but this one was in arm's length for the wolf. All of this, He sluggishly reached for the stem of the flower, for just one... The index finger and thumb of his gauntlet pinched at the base of the stem, carefully lifting the entire flower out as much as he could, before the roots had started to tear apart in turn. Fucking flower...

Now pressed between the two fingers he brought the damned thing up close, admiring it for a moment with a hint of relief now on his face. Tucking the flower down to his belt he opened one of the pouches on it, gently pocketing the flower within there before he sealed the pouch to a close. Now to just... His thoughts were cut off by another sound just then, a low rumble that he could hear around the mountains above him.

He admittedly prayed that it wasn't any more Vulcans, or any other damnable creatures determined to hunt up here. The poor man hardly had anything left in him to fight, let alone crawl back to camp as he were. Yet when his eyes wandered from where he sat, up to where much of the noise had started to gradually rise, his heart couldn't help but sink at the sight of what came next.

Oh for fuck's sake... The rumbling became a roaring crescendo as a wall of snow came surging his way, barreling into him as he became swept within the tide of ice that overwhelmed him. All the wolf knew was that the last he saw was the oncoming avalanche, and then he felt cast away as he'd been caught up within it.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: All This... For A Flower.

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:46 am
by Mae Eloeth


Detection: Noticing Another Predator In Your Vicinity
Endurance: Fighting While Out In The Cold Snow
Climbing: Traversing Dangerous Terrain On Foot
Climbing: Using Magic To Scale Slopes
Negation: Combining Elementalism To Form Unique Constructs
Negation: Using Anchors With Wind To Generate Mobility

Points: 5, May be used for Reaving, Elementalism, and/or Negation

Injuries/Ailments: Bruising from the vulcans, also adding minor muscle strain from the avalanche. Will heal within 3 days

Loot: The damn flower, don't forget that ;)

Notes: As always, love reading about Rickter and the way he impliments less conventional methods of his magic.