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[Nobility] House Lekivian, The House of Colors

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:23 pm
by Mino
House Lekivian
the house of colors

Name: House Lekivian
Title: Lesser Noble House- Koiteki
Symbol: The house symbol is a hare, representative of their perseverance in strife, as the Ladies of the house have faced many a tragedy in the history. This is also representative of their enduring “kindness”. Historically, house colors have always been blue and white. Blue would be in respect to their first lady. White is a color that has lost its original meaning, but serves as a reminder to remain clean, and discreet, in all they do to prevent exposure of their house.
Affiliation: Greater House of Veyl

Notoriety: On the surface, the house is a collection of widows, brought into the fold during their time of grieving. They share their accumulated wealth with the community through the adoption of orphaned or less fortunate children. However, in criminal spheres, they're known for their organized contribution to the criminal economy for thievery, fencing of wares, as well as disposal of...unwanted parties.

Background: At the start, House Lekivian was a quaint merchant family known for the sale of fine pieces of art in various mediums. The original head of the house, Folsom Lekivian, was a notorious gambler who would have surely brought them to ruin if not for the shrewd presence of his wife, Blue. The lady kept their finances in check and their home from going under, but she could only do so much. Take so much. A fateful carriage ride gave her peace, and she became a “grieving” widow. In the weeks that followed, a cache of wealthy was bestowed upon her from her father, who had no other children, and from debts collected from her husband’s fellow merchants. This wealth left her as a target for thieves and cons, seeking to take advantage of her moments of grief. However, none would do so.

Instead, they were offered positions under her employ to reclaim funds taken from her family through the gambling of her late husband. They would join the ranks of the first Blue thieves, often finding work through other widows of similar circumstances. This was how she came into contact with who would be the first Lady Black, publicly charged with making funerary arrangements and privately being the cause for need of such services. As fate would have it, the woman would also be a widow, and response for the death of Lady Blue’s own husband. They made fast friends, and perfect business partners. The ranks of house Lekivian would swell until they came to the present state of thriving, now a noble house in the good graces of the public eye for their entrepreneurial and philanthropic endeavors.

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The Ladies of House Lekivian are divided by colors, and often among rising stars in their ordained endeavors. Those associated with the Blues are revered for their ability to procure unique and rare items, as well as in handling financial investments. Black remains at the forefront of burial and bringing peace to the deceased, with rumors that the current Lady may have a deeper connection with spirits. Yellow acts as an intermediary in finding able and skilled household help. Red boasts performers and wines that make for comfortable nights in, as well as making advances in agriculture. Newer additions to the family, Purple has proven itself steadfast in the production of beautiful art pieces and Green has been lauded for putting forth the importance of scholarship and knowledge within the community.

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Estate: House Lekivian is constantly being revisited in terms of architecture to accommodate the growing number of children and women brought under their care. The land for which it sits on is respectable, with plots for crops and space for young men and women to learn to spar. It carries the historical house color of blue, as well as several other colors to represent the ladies of the house. Newer additions have been made for both style and space purposes in recent times.



Lady Blue

Name: Lady Blue
Race: Human
Birthdate: 2 Frost 87
Location: Kalsazi
Biography: The current Lady Blue, going only by her title, takes after her mother. A soft, sweet woman with a smile gentle to the unwitting, but edged with the cold press of steel and ice for those that know too well. Unlike her mother, Lady Lapis, she has chosen to only go by her official title. However, once more like her mother, she shows a coldness that lingers in her gaze and mimics a sort of contempt reserved for those under her. Not even those who serve her well are exempt from the disdain in her gaze.

She's a greedy woman, with a want for more. An ambition that could prove either successful or ruinous for those around her, she has no qualms with pushing limits where need be. Her recklessness is calculated, and often spoken of with both admiration and worry by the other Ladies of the house. However, as the sole blood relative of any member of House Lekivian, she holds both influence and education over others within the house that would speak against her. Which - isn't a wise thing to do. Changes are, she will find use for you in ways you would only hope lead to death.


Name: Berry
Race: Hytori/Human
Birthdate: Unknown (16)
Location: Low City
Biography: Berry is one of the younger, new additions to those directly under Lady Blue. She is an upbeat child with little inclination to be serious. Most of the thoughts within her head deal with the typical things a girl her age would be worried about. Boys, clothes, jewelry; houses to steal from and people that would serve best as clients. There are few times that she's ever without a smile. She's become something of the face of the business, after all.

Berry follows Lady Blue around closely. Probably because she wants to learn the trade better, but mostly because she has to. After all, she's considered next in line for business operations. A sort of successor, if you would. It's not clear what her origins are, but they aren't any different from


Name: Ocean
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (21)
Location: Low City
Biography: Ocean is the ennui-stricken shade under Lady Blue's employ. She seems, most times, like a tragically pretty and displeased young woman. This is probably why she has so many admirers who wish to try their hand at making her happy. However, the saying that diamond's a girl's best friend works extremely well. Her face just isn't very good at showing it.

Ocean's responsibilities often put her behind the scenes, having more direct contact with the fieldwork of their particular branch. She still has all the skills that make for a great pickpocket, but she never had the emotional range to be a true con artist. She'd fit better in Black if she tried it. So she resigns herself to taking candy from babies and making parents think a passing bird did it.


Name: Admiral
Race: Rathari - Bull
Birthdate: Unknown (26)
Location: The Midden
Biography: The Bull Rathari, known by her shade as Admiral, has been in the service of the current Lady Blue for all of a year, but shows an unwavering devotion. She comes across as a sometimes stoic, mostly stern figure within Lady Blue's service. She makes it her business to be concerned for the safety of the other shades, as well as those lower down in the ranks. Hailing from the Midden, there's a number of rumors swirling around that her only purpose is meant to be protection of the Lady.

Beneath the surface of her work exterior, however, she is like any other girl that has been taken from the wreckage of her family and made to work ceaselessly. Which is to say she has very little true socialization skills and tends to keep to herself. Daydrinking is apparently a hobby she does allow others to join her in, though.


Name: Sky
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (19)
Location: Low City
Biography: Sky is one of the more field-active shades. She tends to scope out targets with those in Green, but ultimately does the preparations that come before the actual job. She's carefree and reckless - but not more than Mino has been known to be. The two of them are as thick as thieves can be, though she does aspire to be a greater thief than the house has ever known. She just has to work more on her stealth.

Taking from others has always been second nature to her, but it's been more recent that she's developed a habit of being generous. She's become what might think of as a Robin Hood. Relieving the wealthy of their coin purses and dropping them into the laps of the homeless. She believes that doing so will get her rewarded, eventually. That maybe one of those homeless persons would come find her when they're wealthy and great and repay her in kind with a fat purse of money. A girl can dream.


Name: Mino
Race: Rathari - Caracal
Birthdate: Earth's Rest 1 97 (23)
Location: Low City
Biography: Mino is just shy of recieveing a color, though ultimately it is not his decision if he does. The caracal Rathari was taken in by the Lady Blue since his joining the Lekivian family, making his debut in polite society with as an official "adopted" child of the Lady Blue. In public, she's his mother. In private, she's his handler and employer. Any mistakes made may change that.

CS: Link

Lady Black

Name: Lady Black; Lady Onyx
Race: Human
Birthdate: 31 Searing 85
Location: Low City
Biography: Lady Black was once a promising young woman that served under Lady Red. Her stoic nature made her charming in a mysterious way that people often talked of. But beneath that mask of perpetual calm was a disquiet of mind and body. When she was married, her husband was said to have become disillusioned with the workings of the house. While they both would have benefitted, he couldn't accept the way things worked. When he threatened to potential bring ruin to the house, she did the most logical thing: she put him down like a dog. His head was delivered to Lady Lapis and she was returned to the house, placed right in the careful hands of Lady Leather.

Outsiders view her as a reserved woman in mourning clothes. It's said that you can hear her resolve crack just before a funeral procession, where she starts up her wailing and lamenting. Some would complain that this is an exaggeration, but it is a paid service of mourning she provides that draws attention away from the family's grief. She exhibits an extreme sense of emotional empathy, almost mystical on bad days, and her facade of calm has come with years of practice under the tutelage of Lady Leather, the previous Lady Black.


Pitch & Soot

Name: Pitch & Soot
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (27)
Location: Low City
Biography: Where there is one, the other is not far behind. In fact, they're practically joined at the hip. There isn't much known about them apart, but there's a whole lot to know when they're together. They've been together for a long time, and some would make the mistake of thinking them fraternal twins. People always say that lovers start to look like one another. Of course, they would also say that their love is deep and lasting longer than all the ages. They'd spout nonsense about how fate brought them together over and over again.

But fate has nothing to do with the way they do their work. They're quite ruthless, even if they do treat it as a game. Their tendencies to ensnare others like mice caught in traps are notorious for being somewhat too flashy, often resulting in investigations that go nowhere. They like to switch things up, of course. Add some spice to their life. And their dinner plates. It's believed that some of the unfortunate souls they're paid to target end up on the menu for date night. But they're much to engrossed in one another to really tell.


Name: Raven
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (19)
Location: Midden
Biography: It's hard not to notice the congregation of her namesake birds following her. In fact, some think of Raven as pulling off some kind of feat of magic, bending Aether to tether the birds to her. Her disdain for people in general gives her vibes of a crotchy old crone, and she likes it that way. It's a known fact that her ravens are likely to pluck your eyes out and give it to her as a souvenir. The real problem, though, lies in her unending devotion to her work. Disposal is her game - and birds are a good enough way to do it.

The thought is that Raven was plucked off the streets much the same as others. Rumors have flown that she might be a True Daughter, a blood child of the Lady Onyx. However, there are reports that the child had her parents eaten by ravens when she was younger, so who knows what's true. The only thing that remains fact is that if you see a flock of ravens, you pray to every deity that listens that your time is not up yet.


Name: Ink
Race: Awoken (Animated - Caste 2)
Birthdate: Unknown
Location: Kalsazi
Biography: Ink isn't much different from those within her unit, and yet - she is. For one, she's slowly rotting away. Very slowly. While she isn't much like Pitch & Soot, she does share their penchant for feasting. Everyone wants their pound of flesh, and all that. Her typically morbid air is all due to the fact that she remembers her death. And it wasn't pretty. She tries to make sure it's not too much the same for those unfortunate enough to be listed as targets for the Lady Onyx. Consuming live flesh can be pretty unpleasant for the person you're carving it out of.

Ink isn't one for words. In fact, she never used them. The best you'll get out of her is a blink of understanding before she lights a cigarette and goes about her merry way. Not so merry way? It's hard to tell when it seems like her face is stuck in a permanent mask of indifference. Her apathy is well-learned, Lady Onyx will admit.

Lady Yellow

Name: Lady Yellow; Lady Honey
Race: Fae’ethlan
Birthdate: 29 Rime 53
Location: Unknown
Biography: Lady Yellow is by far the kindest of the Ladies of Lekivian. She comes across as somewhat airheaded, and a touch mechanical at times, but as someone you wouldn't mind spending time with. She shows consideration for those around them, attending to their needs as best she can. All of this, though, is a ploy. A calculating woman, she has never meant something to be truly for what it is. You have to read between the lines when interacting with her, and be mindful of your drinks in her presence.

Once a child taken from her home by the Lekivians, she grew to understand that the house would be her new place. And if it would be so, she wanted to be sure that she kept it. The alternative was being sold off. Lady Yellow's story is not unlike many others of the house, but it remains unique in how quickly she found herself at the top of the Yellows. Assistants to the previous Lady found themselves shoved into crates and barrels, or somehow acquiescing their place. It was, in essence, a coupe. It ended when Lady Yellow became the current Lady, but remains spoken of in some circles within the house.


Name: Bumblebee
Race: Hytori
Birthdate: Unknown (42)
Location: Kalsazi
Biography: Bumblebee is a skilled Mesmer recruited by Lady Yellow. She developed her skills long before she had come to know the Lady, but it's believed that Lady Yellow had at one point been a benefactor of hers. It's unclear when she decided that Bumblebee would fully brought into the fold, but she's cemented her place beside the Lady ever since. She finds comfort in beekeeping and seems to shy away from company outside of those in Yellow. Seeing her at family dinners is usually a result of careful prodding and threats from the other colors to burn down her beehives.

As her color denotes, she has an affinity for bumblebees. She's known to have a keen eye for their care and tends to remain with her bees as often as she can. She's someone that requires a strict routine and disruption of it can lead for less than pleasant results. With her at the helms of training their child-workers, their turnover rate has decreased considerably. Children that are often seen as hard to adjust to their branch assignment are sent to her for retraining, as opposed to being sold off to places outside of Kalsazi. A much better alternative, in her opinion.


Name: Butterscotch
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (21)
Location: Low City
Biography: Butterscotch is one of the few of Yellow that outwardly shows her apathy. In most cases, she doesn't really care for the children that are brought to her. All she has to do is train them, make sure they're at least somewhat prepared for their jobs. If she decides they aren't worth the time, they're sent off without a second thought. Usually to the highest bidder. Slavery might be illegal, but it's profitable in other places. And that's really all that matters to her: a profit.

Her flippant attitude is balanced only by her love of butterscotches. Those that train under her say she smells much the same, and the scent of them haunts their dreams. Not to mention she's prone to give them to the most well-trained of the bunch as a reward before they're sent off to another branch. She's only done that because it was advised of her, of course. Otherwise, if someone didn't stop her, she'd eat as many as she wanted for every meal of the day.


Name: Canary
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (23)
Location: Low City
Biography: Canary holds herself with more dignity someone involved in the trafficking of children should. She handles the movement of bodies, as well as priceless objects. She has the slightest air of superiority about her and while she's able to hide her contemptuous view of those around her, it can be detected quite easily for people who know the signs. Most often, though, she seems like an agreeable enough person.

Despite her name, she can't stand birds. Hence the presence of three corgis with her at all times. She uses the creatures to scare off other animals, or to keep them occupied. They make for good distractions for children that are set to be captured, as well. As she isn't one to be pleased with anything that doesn't pass her standards, she doesn't give them names unless they manage to survive three weeks with her.


Name: Daffodil
Race: Mortallen
Birthdate: Unknown (26)
Location: Midden
Biography: Daffodil is not at all like her name. A sturdy Mortallen woman, she's known to do much of the heavy lifting, literally. While she isn't the one that snatches children, she does handle the heavier objects that need to be moved around. She's mostly a calming presence to be around, but has a tendency to get overly excited - and then it's like you've let a bull loose in a china shop. She's the most likely to accidentally break your ribcage with a too-tight hug.

While it's generally understood that she was born in the Midden, most are unaware of how she came to be part of Yellow. One theory is that she was recruited by the current Lady Yellow as a means of getting her into the city proper. Another, that she's Bumblebee's lover that was brought into the fold on a whim. That theory seems most likely with how close they are.

Lady Red

Name: Lady Red; Lady Merlot
Race: Human
Birthdate: 28 Cinderfall 70
Location: Kalsazi
Biography: Cruel. Fickle. Those are two good words to describe the Lady Red. Merlot is particular about the kinds of children that find themselves under her tutelage. To her, people under her service are nothing more than horses to be used and sold; unless you are her specially handpicked pets. Being entertained has always been the chief motivator of the Lady Red, and perhaps that was what drove her to have her husband pulled apart by dogs while she watched. Unlike Lady Black's own spouse, he'd never posed a threat. He'd just gotten boring.

Lady Red's branch has the lowest retention rate and that has everything to do with her fickle and particular tastes. That, or the children make desperate pleas to be released and are taken to other branches. Merlot is one to stir trouble if she finds it pleasing, and often with children trying to escape her, she has a perfect means of doing so.


Name: Blush
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (20)
Location: Low City
Biography: Blush is the voice you listen to in low lighting with a good drink. A voice you hear at the edges of your consciousness, forcing you to sleep. She's a girl with deep eyes and pretty lips and a sultry cadence that'll make you crave more. Blush feeds off praise an admiration, never without the thing she'd been named for. She's an otherwise kind girl, if not trying to get into the continued good graces of the Lady Red. She emulates the Lady as if it were the last thing she could do. Only, her efforts make her seem like a child wearing her mother's clothes.

She stumbles a lot, and she tries - she really does - but it doesn't always meet the expectations put upon her. Most of her emotions and frustrations are put into her singing, and it shows. Most would be entranced by her voice and seek her often for dinner party entertainment. This allows her to remain within Red, though her days may be numbered.


Name: Candy
Race: Fae’ethlan
Birthdate: Unknown (25)
Location: Unknown
Biography: Candy's origins have always been a bit of a mystery. As Fae, they present with qualities that mimic a horned lizard and red spider lilies. And that tends to get people talking. The flowers themselves are attractive, giving them a red coloring that comes off as soothing. People seek them out for the comfort of their presence, often laying on their lap to regale them with their worries. Other times, they might be seen within the walls of the Cabaret for one reason or another.

It's unclear what Candy really desires. Sometimes, it seems like they want out as fast as possible. Other times, they're content with where they are. The unceasing indecision that seems to plague them always resolves around her place in the house. It might have a lot to do with how the Lady Red behaves.


Name: Crimson
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (19)
Location: Low City
Biography: Crimson comes off as homely young lady with a particular green thumb. Her love of plants leads to her often finding herself in the greenhouse. She dotes on her plants, but not as much as she does her adoptive sister Rose. As the older of the two, she takes charge in deciding what plants are grown and which are merely for decoration. She's an often calm young woman with little emotional range outside of being particularly spiteful and some violent tendencies tapered out by a few medicinal herbs for her nerves.

Beneath her calm surface is a girl worried for her future. That's how most girls seem to see their time with Lady Red: unpredictable. She's a girl of careful planning, used to doing so with her plants. Being far out of the loop with lady Red - and even if she is in the know - worries her.


Name: Rose
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (17)
Location: Low City
Biography: Rose is the second in command when it comes to the herbal portion of Red. Her work deals mostly in the combining of substances to make the optimum mix for pleasure. She comes off as harsh and somewhat abrasive, unlike the kindness of her elder adoptive sister. She's precise in much of what she does, most specifically her work. She throws herself into it as much as her sister does, of course.

She's every bit as thorned as a rose can be, living up to her name. She's a tough one to get close to and won't be bothered to interact with anyone but her sister outside of work-related conversations. This has made it hard for the Lady Red to present her as a debutante in high society, but she thinks that serves her just as well. It's not the Lady could replace her at any time, could she?

Lady Purple

Name: Lady Purple; Lady Lavender
Race: Human
Birthdate: 27 Sundered Rise 95
Location: Low City
Biography: Lady Purple was plucked from the streets of Low City thirteen years ago, and stuck promptly under Lady Blue. She showed great promise, with a particular fascination for art and the written word, even if she couldn't read it at the time. As only recently pulled from Lady Blue's ranks, she's still familiar with the basics of thievery. Countless hours of staring at the form of letters and shapes of figures from artists have prepared her to spearhead the start of the branch meant for forgery.

Lady Lavender is held in high regard by those around her, as witty and charming. Someone capable of being humourous, even if you end up being the butt of the joke. However, she and her associates also have this sort of arrogance that comes with new money. New importance. Suddenly, from the nameless ranks, she is given purpose. Her newfound responsibilities only do so much to keep her ego from swelling.


Name: Mauve
Race: Awoken (Homunculi - Caste 2)
Birthdate: Unknown
Location: Kalsazi
Biography: As an Awoken, some would view Mauve as not anything other than a tool. Her previous owners had thought of her as such, but Lady Lavender saw something else. A tool, yes, but a person budding underneath. As such, she holds the Lady in high regards. However - it doesn't change that she was also once a danger. Those that had thought her an amusing puppet before abandoned her when she became violent.

You would think that the soul of an artist had been trapped within her body. As her responsibilities lie deeply with it, she's come to develop a level of skill that is matched by few. Her ability to recreate paintings and murals has been lauded by the Lady Lavender, though envied by her peers. Her dull demeanor leads her to not get along well with others, and her penchant for speaking in riddles and poems doesn't help her any. It's more likely that you end up confused into a deep philosophical wondering than getting any answers if you attempt conversation with her.


Name: Iris
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (24)
Location: Kalsazi
Biography: If ever there were a sort of mean girl clique, Iris would be in it. As it stands, she might as well be in one with Violet and Heather. She's very bit obnoxious and snooty as one would think of a girl with her look. Approaching her might seem easy when she wears a smile, but once she opens her mouth - all bets are off. She has a good eye for artwork and an even better one for finding something worthy of her craftsmanship when it comes to forging them. Paintings are her forte, and it helps that she has the look of a student studying art.

It's often easy to find someone with the House that can empathize with the situation each child is faced, seeing as they go through it together. But there were none quite so lucky as Iris. Her beauty from a young age had originally landed her in Red, giving her the chance to shine as a sort of child prodigy that people would come to see and buy artwork from. Charity auctions featured her pieces and houses of all sorts would look for her. But she would only ever find comradery with those in Purple, valuing her artistry above all else.


Name: Violet
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (24)
Location: Low City
Biography: Violet was born into a family struggling with debt; they gave her up willingly. She's one of the few children that actually know who their parents are. As such, she's developed a sort of superiority complex above most of her peers, save Iris and Heather. To her, she thinks they pass the nonsense test, even without knowing where they began. She has a flair for the dramatic that can make her either entertaining or a nuisance, depending on the company. Within Red, her aim was to be a starlet that would leave the dreary House behind and be married off to some other rich house where she could lord over whoever she pleases (though she does as much now).

Her eye for fashion and materials has lead to her placement in Purple, particularly her habit of replicating some of the most sought-after pieces of the season. She also has the added bonus of being a bit of a trendsetter, feeding into her ego and superiority complex. Probably not for the best.


Name: Heather
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (24)
Location: Kalsazi
Biography: The third in a trio of absolutely horrid girls, Heather might be the worst. When she's set her sights on someone as a target, there's no telling what she actually intends until she's done it. A trait taken from the Lady Red. Her hands are often gloved to keep from showing off the burns of the kiln from pieces too hot being removed, but her prowess in sculpting puts her at the forefront of her field. She's quickly made herself a household name among the more wealthy houses willing to buy her pieces.

She's a tactile young girl, with a need to touch pretty much anything. Her hands never stray from playing with her hair, even as she delivers a slew of backhanded compliments. While she isn't the haughtiest of the group - she'll leave that to Violet - she is by far one of the more cruel. Her tactics of bullying can range from verbal to physical if you're not careful.

Lady Green

Name: Lady Green, Lady Sage
Race: Ork/Fae’ethlan
Birthdate: 17 Wither 92
Location: Midden
Biography: Lady Green is likely the most genuine of the Ladies. She's extremely blunt, with little regard for how someone might take her words. She's mastered the art of evading the truth while being truthful, so masterful it only seemed right that she be chosen to lead the branch of spies. She holds candor to be of the utmost importance; lying is to her the greatest sin. Those that interact with her may not be happy with her frankness, but she makes up for it with her otherwise pleasant affect.

Lady Sage takes stock in all around her, but she is not one to note as being calculated. She's merely observant, and careful. Because of her candor, she makes for a supposedly easy target to acts of deception, and she uses this to her advantage. In a sense, she is somewhat like Lady Yellow, where you must be wary of the meaning of her words and your own, but not so much malicious. Indifferent, is a better word for it. Her motivations with heading this new branch are unclear, but it is certain that she will take them places.


Name: Mint
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (15)
Location: Low City
Biography: Mint is one of the few male members of the House to ever receive a color. He's also among the children that know where he came from, making him even rarer. Better still, he's one of the children that the House doesn't need to worry about when it comes to the potential of his family trying to take him back. He made sure that they'd never be able to, after all. Mint might seem a harmless eccentric, but he is by far one of the more dangerous of the house itself. Gathering information can take a range of skills, and among his arsenal is torture.

Simply put: he delights in the pain of others. Even if one were to give up information relatively quickly, he wouldn't mind going the extra lengths. His sadistic nature is not far from the surface of his demeanor, often hinted at through simple sentences and actions. He would be one of the children stomping on ants or burning them with a magnifying glass. Which, he still does.


Name: Basil
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknown (18)
Location: Midden
Biography: Basil is a rare case, much like Mint: she chose this. She walked into this life with full knowledge of what it meant. What drew her to it was the Lady Green's unwavering candor. She thought it righteous, in a way, when she first witnessed it on the street. A persistent child from a poor family, she felt that this would be the way she made it in the world. It didn't work out quite so well for her, until it did. The Lady took notice and decided that if she really wanted it, she could be with them. And so she joined the House.

As odd as she seems, she's not a bad child. Just - impressionable. Her loyalty is unwavering and her determination mostly unmatched. Basil has never been one to back down from a fight, and has come to cement her place as Lady Green's guard, despite her not really needing one. She often takes on the role of bodyguard for clients that need it, delivering interested parties to where they need to be. This usually puts her in a position of trust, and her inherited urge to be truthful at all times has lead to further said trust. It isn't like she doesn't tell them she'll probably report back to her Lady.


Name: Juniper
Race: Human
Birthdate: Unknow (27)
Location: Low City
Biography: Juniper is one of those people who don't ever turly know. You think you might have a grasp on hwo they are as a person, until you don't. For her, it is the endless pull of work that is the most obvious thing about her. Most often, she is focused on creating specific codes and her alchemical inventions. When she was in Red, it was her finely made drugs that would keep client and children complacent. The recipe has since been passed off, but she can't help the urge to perfect it.

That's what she is: a perfectionist. She demands the best product whenever possible, and it shows. If you can't give her a straight answer, she might just have to up the dosage on something. She relies heavily on drugs - sometimes "truth serums" - to make people give into the inclination of telling her what she wants to hear. Other times...just make sure you give it to her straight.


Name: Crocodile
Race: Rathari - Crocodile
Birthdate: Unknown (25)
Location: Low City
Biography: Crocodile has always been the rough and tumble sort. She's not one to stray from confrontation, but she doesn't always actively seek it out. Unlike others of Green, her tendencies to sort things out with her fists or teeth lend themselves well to her responsibilities. With her at the helm of a few "polite questions," you're sure to get some form of answer out of people. It also helps that she's street smart.

Croc is the type that seems to get along with everyone. Doesn't take a whole lot seriously at first glance. And then you notice the grip on her blade or the tightness of her jaw and you know she's only talking to you because she means business. Or, at the very least, that she isn't as carefree as she seems.

Re: House Lekivian, the house of colors

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:54 pm
by Paragon

This House holds influence and connections more befitting the workings of a Hatakomon level household. As such, I am elevating it to that status. They would be one step down from a Greater House.

But I much longer is that going to last? ;)


Re: [Nobility] House Lekivian, The House of Colors

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:21 pm
by Aegis
This has been Approved and can be located in the Kalzasi Codex