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[Faction] The Sky Guard

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 11:14 am
by Paragon
The Sky Guard

The Sky Guard were built upon the precepts of Honor, Courage, and Loyalty. In the three hundred years since their founding, they have been the protectors of the city-state of Kalzasi. The Sky Guard strives to uphold the old traditions of their ancestral homelands mixed in with the new traditions found in the lands of Kalzasi. The guard itself is comprised of roughly 150,000 armed men and women who devote their lives to the protection of their city and home. The Sky Guard concerns itself solely with the protection of Kalzasi, its people, and its holdings.


When the Synnekar Avialae first migrated to the region of Karnor and found no city at the time willing to take them in, they were forced to find their own home. As nearly all of them were expertly trained combatants it was not especially difficult for them to protect themselves from the dangers that were posed by Karnor’s wilderness. But a society comprised entirely of warriors was one that would quickly fail, a fact that was not lost on the leaders of the migrant group at the time. In time, when the Synnekar Avialae found the remnants of the old mining settlement originally built by the Orkhan so long ago, they were ill-equipped to rebuild on their own. Upon encountering the cloistered order of Orkhan monks, many Avialae at the time chose to put aside the ways of merely a warrior in favor of a more enlightened life. Those who had served as priests found new avenues of knowledge that they quickly clung to. Those who had served as soldiers found that their inner turmoil could be pacified through the meditative nature of the monks and what they had to teach.

Over time, the Orkhan helped the Synnekar Avialae find a new identity away from their despotic homeland of Lorien. This was eventually repaid when the Avialae aided the Orkhan in defending what was left of their city. As civilization was rebuilt and the need for all of their people to take up arms diminished, the Sky Guard was formed as a means of honoring the teachings first instilled in the Avialae by the monks. Initiated by one of their strongest students, Joris Novalys, lead the formation of the Sky Guard and to this day, House Novalys remains at the forefront of Kalzasi’s warriors.

The Sky Guard is based out of Mistreach Keep located at the geographical center of Kalzasi in the Commons District. It overlooks the yawning chasm that serves as the primary entrance into the Warrens. Though they patrol the chasm without pause at every hour of every day, the Sky Guard is not always successful in preventing all of the monstrosities that creep up from the depths from getting loose into the city. Additionally, the Sky Guard maintains the watchtowers throughout each district of the city as well as man garrisons in some of the larger townships in Kalzasi’s prefectures.

Re: [Faction] The Sky Guard

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 11:25 am
by Paragon


The uniform of the Sky Guard is recognizable across all of Kalzasi’s holdings. Every uniform of the Guard follows a color scheme of blue and silver accented with the symbol of a Korihane, the giant icewing eagles that the Sky Guard favor as mounts, etched into varying places on the uniform depending on which division one falls into within the Sky Guard. For the footmen and infantry of the Guard, the uniform features heavier armor with plate shoulders, rerebraces, gauntlets, chauses, and greaves over heavy leather boots. Coupled with a chainmail shirt and padded coat, the infantry of the Sky Guard is well equipped to face down most melee challenges. For the rangers of the Sky Guard, the armor features a padded shirt with breastplate covering and plate skirt to protect the upper thighs. Heavy leather boots with unique treads and straps to buckle to the legs and allow for ease of maneuverability are provided as footwear. Battlemages wear cloth robes intermingled with leather rerebraces and vambraces along with a padded chest piece that allows for light protection without interfering with spellcasting. Skyriders wear whichever armor set most suits their particular fighting style and skill set. The only addition being a set of eye-goggles to protect vision during flight where necessary.


The Sky Guard is divided into four regiments, each of which is overseen by a General called a Shohane or “First Wing”. From there the regiments are divided into battalions overseen by high officers called Soraken or “Sky Sword” with battalions being divided into company’s lead by the Hakumo or “Cloud Blades”. From there members of the Sky Guard are simply referred to as Sorakabe or “Guard”. On paper, the Sky Guard owe allegiance to the Shokaze but given that the vast majority of the Guard’s occupants hail from the holdings of House Novalys there is potential for conflicting loyalties at times. However, as the Shokaze has traditionally always been a Novalys this has never been an issue that has been put to the test.


Shokaze- Normally the Shokaze has little to do with the daily matters of the Sky Guard. Though the Generals make a point to include the Shokaze in briefings concerning the status of the city, it is only in times of war that the Shokaze plays an active role in the Guard. During war time, the Shokaze assumes full command of all forces in Kalzasi and acts as supreme commander of the military. This has happened only a handful of times in Kalzasi’s history.

Shohane- The highest position attainable by any member of the Sky Guard. There are four in total, each of whom come together to make decisions collectively for the Guard. In times of peace, they act independently but often meet with the Shokaze to discuss the state of the city who then advises the Generals on various courses of action. Shohane have command over all ranks below them.

Soraken- This rank essentially equates to a Captain. They are given command of the various battalions across Kalzasi’s holdings. There are 4 battalions in every regiment. Infantry, Rangers, Battlemages and Skyriders. Shohane are given discretion to create more battalions if such action is warranted. Outside of war time, such action requires the approval of the Elder Council and must be signed by the Shokaze. Soraken have command over all ranks below them.

Hakumo- This rank essentially equates to a Lieutenant. Hakumo serves as the low ranking officers of the Sky Guard, above the general soldier but below a Soraken. They are typically given command either over an entire company or are put in charge of a squadron if they are particularly junior. More senior Hakumo typically are put in charge of a small group of them and assist their Soraken. Otherwise, they have command over all ranks below them.

Sorakabe- Translating roughly to “Sky Soldier” or simply “Sky Guard”, it is the rank just above recruit. This is the common soldier in the guard. Their role depends largely on which path they take within the Sky Guard itself.

Recruit- A trainee within the Sky Guard. Their skills and training depends on their chosen path within the Guard as either Infantry, Ranger, Battlemage or Skyrider.

Re: [Faction] The Sky Guard

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 11:28 am
by Paragon
The Four Regiments

The Sky Guard is divided into four distinct regiments that each play a role in the defense of both the city and Kalzasi’s interests.

Standing Force: 180,000
Reserves: 25,000

The infantry comprises the bulk of the Sky Guard and is one of the swiftest ways to secure a decent living in the city-state of Kalzasi. These are by far the most commonly seen members of the Sky Guard. These men and women patrol the city streets, make patrols in the surrounding lands and respond to emergencies across Kalzasi’s holdings. They are held to strict codes of conduct, with members going through basic training that is centered around building comradery, understanding of how to deescalate civil disturbances, and adhering to precepts of honor expected of those soldiers who represent both Kalzasi and by extension, House Novalys.

Standing Force: 110,000
Reserves: 15,000

Rangers are specially trained members of the Sky Guard focusing primarily on scouting, reconnaissance, hunting, and ranged combat. They are woven intermittently throughout the patrols that take place across all of Kalzasi’s holdings. The bulk of the rangers are either posted on the walls of Mistreach Keep or accompanying infantry into the surrounding lands to deal with threats from the Wildking’s Forge or monsters that have crept up from the Warrens.

Icewing Riders: 500
Gryphon Riders: 12,500
Cavalry: 1,500
Reserves: 5,000

The Skyriders are trained to participate in both airborne and ground-mounted combat. Not every member of the Skyriders is given the privilege of becoming a member of the prestigious Icewing Riders. The vast majority of Skyriders take part in gryphon-mounted training. The great eagles that serve as the Sky Guards legendary flying mounts are in a league all on their own. It is considered an immense honor to be chosen by an icewing eagle and the training that goes into preparing both the eagle and the rider is done so with great care. As Kalzasi is located in a primarily mountainous terrain, the vast majority of the riders spend time learning aerial mounted combat. They patrol the skies of Kalzasi's territory with the bulk of them handling threats that tend to crop up in the Astralar Mountain range. It is common for members of the Skyriders to be dispatched to Antiris to assist the Dragon Knights in their efforts against the Vrykul Hordes.

Standing Force: 1,000
Reserves: 300

Battlemages of the Sky Guard owe their loyalty first and foremost to the city-state of Kalzasi. While they bar no wizard entry into the Sky Guard, the mage is required to pledge themselves to the city-state above any other sovereign interest. Additionally, the vast majority of the mages serving as battlemages in the Sky Guard are also members of the Kalzasi specific guild, the Circle of Spells. Membership with the guild is not a requirement but aspirant mages are encouraged to join the Circle. It should be noted that just because one practices a form of magic does not mean they are required to be a battlemage in the Sky Guard.

Re: [Faction] The Sky Guard

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 11:30 am
by Paragon
Playing as a Sky Guard

Any race is welcome to become a Sky Guard though some might find the lifestyle more challenging than others. First and foremost, playing a Sky Guard means pledging oneself to the protection of Kalzasi, its citizens, and the interests of the city-state. Generally speaking, members are held to very strict precepts of honor, courage and loyalty. Deviation from these ideals is met with rather swift punishment as the guard does not take kindly to public displays of vulgarity. The guard has little tolerance for conduct it considers unbecoming and this includes acting like hired thugs. The Sky Guard is both a police force and a military order, as such its members are rigorously trained and educated to behave accordingly.

Players are welcome to begin play as an unranked member of the Sky Guard so long as they meet the following requirements or actively work toward meeting them.

Infantry Skill Requirements
Offensive Weapon (Sword/Mace/Hammer etc.)- 25 XP
Defensive Weapon (Shield/Buckler/Tower Shield etc.) 25 XP
Riding (Horse)- 25 XP
Survival- 25 XP

Ranger Skill Requirements
Offensive Ranged Weapon (Shortbow/Crossbow/Longbow etc.)- 25 XP
Offensive Weapon (Dagger/Shortsword/Throwing Knives etc.) 25 XP
Riding (Horse)- 25 XP
Survival- 25 XP
Tracking- 25 XP
Navigation- 25 XP

Skyrider Skill Requirements
Offensive Weapon (Sword/Spear/Mace etc.)- 25 XP
Offensive Ranged Weapon (Shortbow/Javelin/Lance etc.)- 25 XP
Riding (Horse)- 25 XP
Flying (Flying Mount)- 25 XP
Survival- 25 XP
-Skyriders must train specifically for mounted combat and should gather Lore catered to this.

Battlemage Skill Requirements
Fighting Skill (Unarmed Combat/Daggers/Quarterstaff etc.)- 25 XP
Offensive Magic (Elementalism/Kinetics/Reaving etc.)- 25 XP
Supportive Magic (Semblance/Negation/Masquerade etc.)- 25 XP
Riding (Horse)- 25 XP
Survival- 25 XP

Squire or Mage-Aspirant

It is recognized that players will not be able to meet all of the skill requirements necessary to play a full Sky Guard at Character Creation. To this end, those players wishing to begin play as a Sky Guard are entered into a training status so that they can focus on building up to the requirements. During this time the characters are educated, trained and initiated into the lifestyle expected of a Sky Guard. Additionally, even adults who express an interest in joining the Sky Guard must spend time as either a Squire or a Mage-Aspirant in order to be properly inducted into the tenants of the guard.

Squires learn the proper care and use of their chosen weapons, armor and how to ride and care for their mounts. They are made to study the various languages common around Kalzasi, how to conduct themselves as a unit and behave according to the traditions of the guard. If one does not possess the ability to read or write, they are taught reading and writing in the Common tongue. Squires and Aspirants are also taught wilderness survival skills in order to effectively patrol the lands surrounding Kalzasi as well as the deeps of the Warrens. Throughout the whole of their training they are prepared for what it means to live as a Sky Guard. When they are deemed ready and worthy by their superiors they are tested. If they pass the test, they are inducted as a full Sky Guard.

Re: [Faction] The Sky Guard

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 11:32 am
by Paragon
Wages, Lifestyle and Equipment

Unranked members of the Sky Guard are paid 4 (GP)/day and are housed in the barracks at Mistreach Keep. The guard provides the basic weapons and equipment to the guardsmen so long as the individual continues to take care of the items placed in their charge. These are only the basics necessary to perform one’s duties as a guard. Individuals will not be given a plethora of options, only the minimum that is needed to cater to the guard’s specialty. The items are in good condition and are made of the basic materials most commonly available. Guardsmen aren’t given fancy equipment but they are given good quality supplies. All weapons and armor are still considered the property of the guard unless the player buys them with their own money. Mounts are provided to guardsmen but must be returned to the guard on request unless the player purchases a mount with their own money. Players must distinguish those items that belong to the guard and those items that are their personal belongings in their ledgers.

While living in the barracks at Mistreach Keep, guards are provided three meals a day. The food is simple but it is well balanced and enough to keep members of the guard fit and healthy.

Lifestyle Expenses

Squires and Mage-Aspirants do not pay lifestyle expenses. However, they are also not paid any wages as all of their lifestyle expenses are covered by the guard. Any extra activities outside the meals, housing, and training provided by the guard must come out of the individual’s pocket. Thus, most squires and aspirants tend to take up odd jobs from time to time for extra pocket money.

All other members of the Sky Guard follow the normal Lifestyle Expense rules.

Re: [Faction] The Sky Guard

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:49 pm
by Aegis
This has been Approved and can be located in the Kalzasi Codex